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# Usermod BME280
This Usermod is designed to read a `BME280` or `BMP280` sensor and output the following:
- Temperature
- Humidity (`BME280` only)
- Pressure
- Heat Index (`BME280` only)
- Dew Point (`BME280` only)
Configuration is all completed via the Usermod menu. There are no settings to set in code! The following settings can be configured in the Usermod Menu (remember to reboot for any changes made here to take effect):
- Temperature Decimals (number of decimal places to output)
- Humidity Decimals
- Pressure Decimals
- Temperature Interval (how many seconds between reads of temperature and humidity)
- Pressure Interval
- Publish Always (turn off to only publish changes, on to publish whether or not value changed)
- Use Celsius (turn off to use Farenheit)
- Home Assistant Discovery (turn on to sent MQTT Discovery entries for Home Assistant)
- Libraries
- `BME280@~3.0.0` (by [finitespace](https://github.com/finitespace/BME280))
- `Wire`
- These must be added under `lib_deps` in your `platform.ini` (or `platform_override.ini`).
- Data is published over MQTT - make sure you've enabled the MQTT sync interface.
- This usermod also writes to serial (GPIO1 on ESP8266). Please make sure nothing else listening on the serial TX pin of your board will get confused by log messages!
In addition to outputting via MQTT, you can read the values from the Info Screen on the dashboard page of the device's web interface.
Methods also exist to read the read/calculated values from other WLED modules through code.
- `getTemperatureC()`
- `getTemperatureF()`
- `getHumidity()`
- `getPressure()`
- `getDewPointC()`
- `getDewPointF()`
- `getHeatIndexC()`
- `getHeatIndexF()`
# Complilation
To enable, compile with `USERMOD_BME280` defined (e.g. in `platformio_override.ini`)
extends = env:d1_mini
build_flags =
lib_deps =
2022-07-19 15:37:05 +02:00
MQTT topics are as follows (`<deviceTopic>` is set in MQTT section of Sync Setup menu):
Measurement type | MQTT topic
--- | ---
Temperature | `<deviceTopic>/temperature`
Humidity | `<deviceTopic>/humidity`
Pressure | `<deviceTopic>/pressure`
Heat index | `<deviceTopic>/heat_index`
Dew point | `<deviceTopic>/dew_point`
If you are using Home Assistant, and `Home Assistant Discovery` is turned on, Home Assistant should automatically detect a new device, provided you have the MQTT integration installed. The device is seperate from the main WLED device and will contain sensors for Pressure, Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point and Heat Index.