*`USERMOD_DHT_STATS` - For debug, report delay stats
## Project link
* [QuinLED-Dig-Uno](https://quinled.info/2018/09/15/quinled-dig-uno/) - Project link
### PlatformIO requirements
If you are using `platformio_override.ini`, you should be able to refresh the task list and see your custom task, for example `env:d1_mini_usermod_dht_C`. If not, you can add the libraries and dependencies into `platformio.ini` as you see fit.
* Instead of trying to keep updates at constant cadence, space readings out by measurement interval; hope this helps to avoid occasional bursts of readings with errors
* Add some more (optional) stats
* Due to poor readouts on ESP32 with previous DHT library, rewrote to use https://github.com/alwynallan/DHT_nonblocking