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# Audioreactive usermod
2022-06-08 21:14:01 +02:00
This usermod allows controlling LEDs using audio input. Audio input can be either microphone or analog-in (AUX) using appropriate adapter.
Supported microphones range from cheap analog (MAX4466, MAX9814, ...) to high quality digital (INMP441, ICS-43434, ...) and dgital Line-In.
The usermod does audio processing and provides data structure that specially written effect can use.
The usermod **does not** provide effects or draws anything to LED strip/matrix.
2022-06-08 21:14:01 +02:00
## Additional Documentation
This usermod is an evolution of [SR-WLED](https://github.com/atuline/WLED), and a lot of documentation and information can be found in the [SR-WLED wiki](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki):
* [getting started with audio](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki/First-Time-Setup#sound)
* [Sound settings](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki/Sound-Settings) - similar to options on the usemod settings page in WLED.
* [Digital Audio](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki/Digital-Microphone-Hookup)
* [Analog Audio](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki/Analog-Audio-Input-Options)
* [UDP Sound sync](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki/UDP-Sound-Sync)
## Supported MCUs
This audioreactive usermod works best on "classic ESP32" (dual core), and on ESP32-S3 which also has dual core and hardware floating point support.
It will compile succesfully for ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3, however might not work well, as other WLED functions will become slow. Audio processing requires a lot of computing power, which can be problematic on smaller MCUs like -S2 and -C3.
Analog audio is only possible on "classic" ESP32, but not on other MCUs like ESP32-S3.
Currently ESP8266 is not supported, due to low speed and small RAM of this chip.
There are however plans to create a lightweight audioreactive for the 8266, with reduced features.
2022-06-08 21:14:01 +02:00
## Installation
### using customised _arduinoFFT_ library for use with this usermod
Add `-D USERMOD_AUDIOREACTIVE` to your PlatformIO environment `build_flags`, as well as `https://github.com/blazoncek/arduinoFFT.git` to your `lib_deps`.
If you are not using PlatformIO (which you should) try adding `#define USERMOD_AUDIOREACTIVE` to *my_config.h* and make sure you have _arduinoFFT_ library downloaded and installed.
Customised _arduinoFFT_ library for use with this usermod can be found at https://github.com/blazoncek/arduinoFFT.git
### using latest (develop) _arduinoFFT_ library
Alternatively, you can use the latest arduinoFFT development version.
ArduinoFFT `develop` library is slightly more accurate, and slighly faster than our customised library, however also needs additional 2kB RAM.
* `lib_deps`= `https://github.com/kosme/arduinoFFT#develop @ 1.9.2`
## Configuration
All parameters are runtime configurable though some may require hard boot after change (I2S microphone or selected GPIOs).
If you want to define default GPIOs during compile time use the following addtional build_flags (default values in parentheses):
- `-D SR_DMTYPE=x` : defines digital microphone type: 0=analog, 1=generic I2S (default), 2=ES7243 I2S, 3=SPH0645 I2S, 4=generic I2S with master clock, 5=PDM I2S
- `-D AUDIOPIN=x` : GPIO for analog microphone/AUX-in (36)
- `-D I2S_SDPIN=x` : GPIO for SD pin on digital microphone (32)
- `-D I2S_WSPIN=x` : GPIO for WS pin on digital microphone (15)
- `-D I2S_CKPIN=x` : GPIO for SCK pin on digital microphone (14)
- `-D MCLK_PIN=x` : GPIO for master clock pin on digital Line-In boards (-1)
- `-D ES7243_SDAPIN` : GPIO for I2C SDA pin on ES7243 microphone (-1)
- `-D ES7243_SCLPIN` : GPIO for I2C SCL pin on ES7243 microphone (-1)
**NOTE** Due to the fact that usermod uses I2S peripherial for analog audio sampling, use of analog *buttons* (i.e. potentiometers) is disabled while running this usermod with analog microphone.
### Advanced Compile-Time Options
You can use the following additional flags in your `build_flags`
* `-D SR_SQUELCH=x` : Default "squelch" setting (10)
* `-D SR_GAIN=x` : Default "gain" setting (60)
* `-D I2S_USE_RIGHT_CHANNEL`: Use RIGHT instead of LEFT channel (not recommended unless you strictly need this).
* `-D I2S_USE_16BIT_SAMPLES`: Use 16bit instead of 32bit for internal sample buffers. Reduces sampling quality, but frees some RAM ressources (not recommended unless you absolutely need this).
* `-D I2S_GRAB_ADC1_COMPLETELY`: Experimental: continously sample analog ADC microphone. Only effective on ESP32. WARNING this _will_ cause conflicts(lock-up) with any analogRead() call.
* `-D MIC_LOGGER` : (debugging) Logs samples from the microphone to serial USB. Use with serial plotter (Arduino IDE)
* `-D SR_DEBUG` : (debugging) Additional error diagnostics and debug info on serial USB.
## Release notes
2022-06-08 21:14:01 +02:00
* 2022-06 Ported from [soundreactive WLED](https://github.com/atuline/WLED) - by @blazoncek (AKA Blaz Kristan) and the [SR-WLED team](https://github.com/atuline/WLED/wiki#sound-reactive-wled-fork-team).
* 2022-11 Updated to align with "[MoonModules/WLED](https://amg.wled.me)" audioreactive usermod - by @softhack007 (AKA Frank Möhle).