2019-11-27 22:28:13 +01:00
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=500">
<title>Sync Settings</title>
function H()
function B()
function GetV()
//values injected by server while sending HTML
:root {
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text-align: center;
background: var(--cCol);
color: var(--dCol);
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margin: 0;
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hr {
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filter: drop-shadow( -5px -5px 5px var(--sCol) );
button {
background: var(--bCol);
color: var(--dCol);
border: 0.3ch solid var(--bCol);
display: inline-block;
filter: drop-shadow( -5px -5px 5px var(--sCol) );
font-size: 20px;
margin: 8px;
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.helpB {
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position: absolute;
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background: var(--bCol);
color: var(--dCol);
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filter: drop-shadow( -5px -5px 5px var(--sCol) );
input[type=number] {
width: 3em;
<body onload="GetV()">
<form id="form_s" name="Sf" method="post">
<div class="helpB"><button type="button" onclick="H()">?</button></div>
<button type="button" onclick="B()">Back</button><button type="submit">Save</button><hr>
<h2>Sync setup</h2>
<h3>Button setup</h3>
On/Off button enabled: <input type="checkbox" name="BT"><br>
Infrared receiver enabled: <input type="checkbox" name="IR"><br>
<a href="https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Infrared-Control" target="_blank">IR info</a>
<h3>WLED Sync UDP Broadcast</h3>
UDP Port: <input name="UP" type="number" min="1" max="65535" required><br>
Receive <input type="checkbox" name="RB">Brightness, <input type="checkbox" name="RC">Color, and <input type="checkbox" name="RX">Effects<br>
Send notifications on direct change: <input type="checkbox" name="SD"><br>
Send notifications on button press: <input type="checkbox" name="SB"><br>
Send Alexa notifications: <input type="checkbox" name="SA"><br>
Send Philips Hue change notifications: <input type="checkbox" name="SH"><br>
Send Macro notifications: <input type="checkbox" name="SM"><br>
Send notifications twice: <input type="checkbox" name="S2">
Receive UDP realtime: <input type="checkbox" name="RD"><br><br>
E1.31 (sACN)<br>
Multicast mode: <input type="checkbox" name="EM"><br>
E1.31 start universe: <input name="EU" type="number" min="1" max="63999" required><br>
<i>Reboot required.</i> Check out <a href="https://github.com/ahodges9/LedFx" target="_blank">LedFx</a>!<br><br>
Timeout: <input name="ET" type="number" min="100" max="65000" required> ms<br>
Force max brightness: <input type="checkbox" name="FB"><br>
Disable realtime gamma correction: <input type="checkbox" name="RG"><br>
Realtime LED offset: <input name="WO" type="number" min="-255" max="255" required>
<h3>Alexa Voice Assistant</h3>
Emulate Alexa device: <input type="checkbox" name="AL"><br>
Alexa invocation name: <input name="AI" maxlength="32">
<b>Blynk, MQTT and Hue sync all connect to external hosts!<br>
This may impact the responsiveness of the ESP8266.</b><br>
For best results, only use one of these services at a time.<br>
(alternatively, connect a second ESP to them and use the UDP sync)<br><br>
Device Auth token: <input name="BK" maxlength="33"><br>
<i>Clear the token field to disable. </i><a href="https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Blynk" target="_blank">Setup info</a>
Broker: <input name="MS" maxlength="32"><br>
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