This usermod-v2 adds support for the awesome RGB Rotary Encoder Board by Adam Zeloof / "Isotope Engineering" to control the overall brightness of your WLED instance: A great DIY rotary encoder with 20 tiny SK6805 / "NeoPixel Nano" LEDs.
The actual / original code that controls the LED modes is from Adam Zeloof. I take no credit for it. I ported it to WLED, which involved replacing the LED library he used, (because WLED already has one, so no need to add another one) plus the rotary encoder library because it was not compatible with ESP, only Arduino.
It was quite a bit more work than I hoped, but I got there eventually :)
* "ESP Rotary" by Lennart Hennigs, v1.5.0 or higher:
## Usermod installation
Simply copy the below block (build task) to your `platformio_override.ini` and compile WLED using this new build task. Or use an existing one and add the buildflag `-D RGB_ROTARY_ENCODER`.
Navigate to the "Config" and then to the "Usermods" section. If you compiled WLED with `-D RGB_ROTARY_ENCODER`, you will see the config for it there. The settings there are the aforementioned GPIOs, (*Note: The switch pin is not there, as this can just be configured the "normal" button on the "LED Preferences" page*) plus a few more:
* What it does: The usermod provides three different modes of how the LEDs can appear. Here's an example:
* What it does: With each "click", a rotary encoder actually increments its "steps". Most rotary encoders produce four "steps" per "click". Leave this at the default value unless your rotary encoder behaves strangely. e.g. with one click, it makes two LEDs light up, or you need two clicks for one LED. If that's the case, adjust this value or write a small sketch using the same "ESP Rotary" library and read out the steps it produce.