
545 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
class UsermodSSDR : public Usermod {
//#define REFRESHTIME 497
//Runtime variables.
unsigned long umSSDRLastRefresh = 0;
unsigned long umSSDRResfreshTime = 3000;
bool umSSDRDisplayTime = false;
bool umSSDRInverted = false;
bool umSSDRColonblink = true;
bool umSSDREnableLDR = false;
String umSSDRHours = "";
String umSSDRMinutes = "";
String umSSDRSeconds = "";
String umSSDRColons = "";
String umSSDRDays = "";
String umSSDRMonths = "";
String umSSDRYears = "";
uint16_t umSSDRLength = 0;
uint16_t umSSDRBrightnessMin = 0;
uint16_t umSSDRBrightnessMax = 255;
bool* umSSDRMask = 0;
/*// H - 00-23 hours
// h - 01-12 hours
// k - 01-24 hours
// m - 00-59 minutes
// s - 00-59 seconds
// d - 01-31 day of month
// M - 01-12 month
// y - 21 last two positions of year
// Y - 2021 year
// : for a colon
String umSSDRDisplayMask = "H:m"; //This should reflect physical equipment.
/* Segment order, seen from the front:
< A >
/\ /\
\/ \/
< G >
/\ /\
\/ \/
< D >
uint8_t umSSDRNumbers[11][7] = {
// A B C D E F G
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, // 0
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // 1
{ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 }, // 2
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // 3
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }, // 4
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 }, // 5
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 6
{ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // 7
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 8
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 } // 9
//String to reduce flash memory usage
static const char _str_name[];
static const char _str_ldrEnabled[];
static const char _str_timeEnabled[];
static const char _str_inverted[];
static const char _str_colonblink[];
static const char _str_displayMask[];
static const char _str_hours[];
static const char _str_minutes[];
static const char _str_seconds[];
static const char _str_colons[];
static const char _str_days[];
static const char _str_months[];
static const char _str_years[];
static const char _str_minBrightness[];
static const char _str_maxBrightness[];
Usermod_SN_Photoresistor *ptr;
void* ptr = nullptr;
void _overlaySevenSegmentDraw() {
int displayMaskLen = static_cast<int>(umSSDRDisplayMask.length());
bool colonsDone = false;
for (int index = 0; index < displayMaskLen; index++) {
int timeVar = 0;
switch (umSSDRDisplayMask[index]) {
case 'h':
timeVar = hourFormat12(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRHours, timeVar, 0);
case 'H':
timeVar = hour(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRHours, timeVar, 0);
case 'k':
timeVar = hour(localTime) + 1;
_showElements(&umSSDRHours, timeVar, 0);
case 'm':
timeVar = minute(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRMinutes, timeVar, 0);
case 's':
timeVar = second(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRSeconds, timeVar, 0);
case 'd':
timeVar = day(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRDays, timeVar, 0);
case 'M':
timeVar = month(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRMonths, timeVar, 0);
case 'y':
timeVar = second(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRYears, timeVar, 0);
case 'Y':
timeVar = year(localTime);
_showElements(&umSSDRYears, timeVar, 0);
case ':':
if (!colonsDone) { // only call _setColons once as all colons are printed when the first colon is found
colonsDone = true;
void _setColons() {
if ( umSSDRColonblink ) {
if ( second(localTime) % 2 == 0 ) {
_showElements(&umSSDRColons, 0, 1);
} else {
_showElements(&umSSDRColons, 0, 1);
void _showElements(String *map, int timevar, bool isColon) {
if (!(*map).equals("") && !(*map) == NULL) {
int length = String(timevar).length();
bool addZero = false;
if (length == 1) {
length = 2;
addZero = true;
int timeArr[length];
if(addZero) {
timeArr[1] = 0;
timeArr[0] = timevar;
} else {
int count = 0;
while (timevar) {
timeArr[count] = timevar%10;
timevar /= 10;
int colonsLen = static_cast<int>((*map).length());
int count = 0;
int countSegments = 0;
int countDigit = 0;
bool range = false;
int lastSeenLedNr = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < colonsLen; index++) {
switch ((*map)[index]) {
case '-':
lastSeenLedNr = _checkForNumber(count, index, map);
count = 0;
range = true;
case ':':
_setLeds(_checkForNumber(count, index, map), lastSeenLedNr, range, countSegments, timeArr[countDigit], isColon);
count = 0;
range = false;
countSegments = 0;
case ';':
_setLeds(_checkForNumber(count, index, map), lastSeenLedNr, range, countSegments, timeArr[countDigit], isColon);
count = 0;
range = false;
case ',':
_setLeds(_checkForNumber(count, index, map), lastSeenLedNr, range, countSegments, timeArr[countDigit], isColon);
count = 0;
range = false;
_setLeds(_checkForNumber(count, colonsLen, map), lastSeenLedNr, range, countSegments, timeArr[countDigit], isColon);
void _setLeds(int lednr, int lastSeenLedNr, bool range, int countSegments, int number, bool colon) {
if ((colon && umSSDRColonblink) || umSSDRNumbers[number][countSegments]) {
if (range) {
for(int i = lastSeenLedNr; i <= lednr; i++) {
umSSDRMask[i] = true;
} else {
umSSDRMask[lednr] = true;
void _setMaskToLeds() {
for(int i = 0; i <= umSSDRLength; i++) {
if ((!umSSDRInverted && !umSSDRMask[i]) || (umSSDRInverted && umSSDRMask[i])) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, 0x000000);
void _setAllFalse() {
for(int i = 0; i <= umSSDRLength; i++) {
umSSDRMask[i] = false;
int _checkForNumber(int count, int index, String *map) {
String number = (*map).substring(index - count, index);
return number.toInt();
void _publishMQTTint_P(const char *subTopic, int value)
if(mqtt == NULL) return;
char buffer[64];
char valBuffer[12];
sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("%s/%S/%S"), mqttDeviceTopic, _str_name, subTopic);
sprintf_P(valBuffer, PSTR("%d"), value);
mqtt->publish(buffer, 2, true, valBuffer);
void _publishMQTTstr_P(const char *subTopic, String Value)
if(mqtt == NULL) return;
char buffer[64];
sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("%s/%S/%S"), mqttDeviceTopic, _str_name, subTopic);
mqtt->publish(buffer, 2, true, Value.c_str(), Value.length());
bool _cmpIntSetting_P(char *topic, char *payload, const char *setting, void *value)
if (strcmp_P(topic, setting) == 0)
*((int *)value) = strtol(payload, NULL, 10);
_publishMQTTint_P(setting, *((int *)value));
return true;
return false;
bool _handleSetting(char *topic, char *payload) {
if (_cmpIntSetting_P(topic, payload, _str_timeEnabled, &umSSDRDisplayTime)) {
return true;
if (_cmpIntSetting_P(topic, payload, _str_ldrEnabled, &umSSDREnableLDR)) {
return true;
if (_cmpIntSetting_P(topic, payload, _str_inverted, &umSSDRInverted)) {
return true;
if (_cmpIntSetting_P(topic, payload, _str_colonblink, &umSSDRColonblink)) {
return true;
if (strcmp_P(topic, _str_displayMask) == 0) {
umSSDRDisplayMask = String(payload);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_displayMask, umSSDRDisplayMask);
return true;
return false;
void _updateMQTT()
_publishMQTTint_P(_str_timeEnabled, umSSDRDisplayTime);
_publishMQTTint_P(_str_ldrEnabled, umSSDREnableLDR);
_publishMQTTint_P(_str_inverted, umSSDRInverted);
_publishMQTTint_P(_str_colonblink, umSSDRColonblink);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_hours, umSSDRHours);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_minutes, umSSDRMinutes);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_seconds, umSSDRSeconds);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_colons, umSSDRColons);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_days, umSSDRDays);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_months, umSSDRMonths);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_years, umSSDRYears);
_publishMQTTstr_P(_str_displayMask, umSSDRDisplayMask);
_publishMQTTint_P(_str_minBrightness, umSSDRBrightnessMin);
_publishMQTTint_P(_str_maxBrightness, umSSDRBrightnessMax);
void _addJSONObject(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject ssdrObj = root[FPSTR(_str_name)];
if (ssdrObj.isNull()) {
ssdrObj = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_str_name));
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_timeEnabled)] = umSSDRDisplayTime;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_ldrEnabled)] = umSSDREnableLDR;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_inverted)] = umSSDRInverted;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_colonblink)] = umSSDRColonblink;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_displayMask)] = umSSDRDisplayMask;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_hours)] = umSSDRHours;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_minutes)] = umSSDRMinutes;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_seconds)] = umSSDRSeconds;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_colons)] = umSSDRColons;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_days)] = umSSDRDays;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_months)] = umSSDRMonths;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_years)] = umSSDRYears;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_minBrightness)] = umSSDRBrightnessMin;
ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_maxBrightness)] = umSSDRBrightnessMax;
//Functions called by WLED
* setup() is called once at boot. WiFi is not yet connected at this point.
* You can use it to initialize variables, sensors or similar.
void setup() {
umSSDRLength = strip.getLengthTotal();
if (umSSDRMask != 0) {
umSSDRMask = (bool*) realloc(umSSDRMask, umSSDRLength * sizeof(bool));
} else {
umSSDRMask = (bool*) malloc(umSSDRLength * sizeof(bool));
ptr = (Usermod_SN_Photoresistor*) usermods.lookup(USERMOD_ID_SN_PHOTORESISTOR);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Setup done"));
* loop() is called continuously. Here you can check for events, read sensors, etc.
void loop() {
if (!umSSDRDisplayTime || strip.isUpdating()) {
if(bri != 0 && umSSDREnableLDR && (millis() - umSSDRLastRefresh > umSSDRResfreshTime)) {
if (ptr != nullptr) {
uint16_t lux = ptr->getLastLDRValue();
uint16_t brightness = map(lux, 0, 1000, umSSDRBrightnessMin, umSSDRBrightnessMax);
if (bri != brightness) {
bri = brightness;
umSSDRLastRefresh = millis();
void handleOverlayDraw() {
if (umSSDRDisplayTime) {
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Creating an "u" object allows you to add custom key/value pairs to the Info section of the WLED web UI.
* Below it is shown how this could be used for e.g. a light sensor
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject user = root[F("u")];
if (user.isNull()) {
user = root.createNestedObject(F("u"));
JsonArray enabled = user.createNestedArray("Time enabled");
JsonArray invert = user.createNestedArray("Time inverted");
JsonArray blink = user.createNestedArray("Blinking colon");
JsonArray ldrEnable = user.createNestedArray("Auto Brightness enabled");
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void addToJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject user = root[F("u")];
if (user.isNull()) {
user = root.createNestedObject(F("u"));
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject user = root[F("u")];
if (!user.isNull()) {
JsonObject ssdrObj = user[FPSTR(_str_name)];
umSSDRDisplayTime = ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_timeEnabled)] | umSSDRDisplayTime;
umSSDREnableLDR = ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_ldrEnabled)] | umSSDREnableLDR;
umSSDRInverted = ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_inverted)] | umSSDRInverted;
umSSDRColonblink = ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_colonblink)] | umSSDRColonblink;
umSSDRDisplayMask = ssdrObj[FPSTR(_str_displayMask)] | umSSDRDisplayMask;
void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent) {
char subBuffer[48];
if (mqttDeviceTopic[0] != 0)
//subscribe for sevenseg messages on the device topic
sprintf_P(subBuffer, PSTR("%s/%S/+/set"), mqttDeviceTopic, _str_name);
mqtt->subscribe(subBuffer, 2);
if (mqttGroupTopic[0] != 0)
//subcribe for sevenseg messages on the group topic
sprintf_P(subBuffer, PSTR("%s/%S/+/set"), mqttGroupTopic, _str_name);
mqtt->subscribe(subBuffer, 2);
bool onMqttMessage(char *topic, char *payload) {
//If topic beings iwth sevenSeg cut it off, otherwise not our message.
size_t topicPrefixLen = strlen_P(PSTR("/wledSS/"));
if (strncmp_P(topic, PSTR("/wledSS/"), topicPrefixLen) == 0) {
topic += topicPrefixLen;
} else {
return false;
//We only care if the topic ends with /set
size_t topicLen = strlen(topic);
if (topicLen > 4 &&
topic[topicLen - 4] == '/' &&
topic[topicLen - 3] == 's' &&
topic[topicLen - 2] == 'e' &&
topic[topicLen - 1] == 't')
//Trim /set and handle it
topic[topicLen - 4] = '\0';
_handleSetting(topic, payload);
return true;
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root) {
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root) {
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_str_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
umSSDRDisplayTime = (top[FPSTR(_str_timeEnabled)] | umSSDRDisplayTime);
umSSDREnableLDR = (top[FPSTR(_str_ldrEnabled)] | umSSDREnableLDR);
umSSDRInverted = (top[FPSTR(_str_inverted)] | umSSDRInverted);
umSSDRColonblink = (top[FPSTR(_str_colonblink)] | umSSDRColonblink);
umSSDRDisplayMask = top[FPSTR(_str_displayMask)] | umSSDRDisplayMask;
umSSDRHours = top[FPSTR(_str_hours)] | umSSDRHours;
umSSDRMinutes = top[FPSTR(_str_minutes)] | umSSDRMinutes;
umSSDRSeconds = top[FPSTR(_str_seconds)] | umSSDRSeconds;
umSSDRColons = top[FPSTR(_str_colons)] | umSSDRColons;
umSSDRDays = top[FPSTR(_str_days)] | umSSDRDays;
umSSDRMonths = top[FPSTR(_str_months)] | umSSDRMonths;
umSSDRYears = top[FPSTR(_str_years)] | umSSDRYears;
umSSDRBrightnessMin = top[FPSTR(_str_minBrightness)] | umSSDRBrightnessMin;
umSSDRBrightnessMax = top[FPSTR(_str_maxBrightness)] | umSSDRBrightnessMax;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
return true;
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId() {
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_name[] PROGMEM = "UsermodSSDR";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_timeEnabled[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_inverted[] PROGMEM = "inverted";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_colonblink[] PROGMEM = "Colon-blinking";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_displayMask[] PROGMEM = "Display-Mask";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_hours[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Hours";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_minutes[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Minutes";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_seconds[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Seconds";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_colons[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Colons";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_days[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Day";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_months[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Month";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_years[] PROGMEM = "LED-Numbers-Year";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_ldrEnabled[] PROGMEM = "enable-auto-brightness";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_minBrightness[] PROGMEM = "auto-brightness-min";
const char UsermodSSDR::_str_maxBrightness[] PROGMEM = "auto-brightness-max";