removed broken frequency squelch, added frequency scaling options

- removed broken FFTResult "squelch" feature. It was completely broken, and caused flashes in GEQ.
- added Frequency scaling options: linear and logarithmic
- fixed a few numerical accidents in FX.cpp (bouncing_balls,  ripplepeak, freqmap, gravfreq, waterfall)
This commit is contained in:
Frank 2022-08-18 19:07:37 +02:00
parent d92a93f1d5
commit 3e494cc551
2 changed files with 117 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ static uint8_t audioSyncEnabled = 0; // bit field: bit 0 - send, bit 1
static bool limiterOn = true; // bool: enable / disable dynamics limiter
static uint16_t attackTime = 80; // int: attack time in milliseconds. Default 0.08sec
static uint16_t decayTime = 1400; // int: decay time in milliseconds. Default 1.40sec
// user settable options for FFTResult scaling
static uint8_t FFTScalingMode = 2; // 0 none; 1 optimized logarithmic; 2 optimized linear
// AGC presets
@ -88,8 +90,14 @@ static AudioSource *audioSource = nullptr;
static volatile bool disableSoundProcessing = false; // if true, sound processing (FFT, filters, AGC) will be suspended. "volatile" as its shared between tasks.
static float micDataReal = 0.0f; // MicIn data with full 24bit resolution - lowest 8bit after decimal point
static float sampleReal = 0.0f; // "sampleRaw" as float, to provide bits that are lost otherwise (before amplification by sampleGain or inputLevel). Needed for AGC.
static float multAgc = 1.0f; // sample * multAgc = sampleAgc. Our AGC multiplier
static int16_t sampleRaw = 0; // Current sample. Must only be updated ONCE!!! (amplified mic value by sampleGain and inputLevel)
static int16_t rawSampleAgc = 0; // not smoothed AGC sample
static float sampleAvg = 0.0f; // Smoothed Average sampleRaw
static float sampleAgc = 0.0f; // Smoothed AGC sample
// Begin FFT Code //
@ -113,6 +121,9 @@ static float vReal[samplesFFT] = {0.0f};
static float vImag[samplesFFT] = {0.0f};
static float fftBin[samplesFFT_2] = {0.0f};
#define FFT_DOWNSCALE 0.65f // downscaling factor for FFT results - "Flat-Top" window
#define LOG_256 5.54517744
static float windowWeighingFactors[samplesFFT] = {0.0f};
@ -131,9 +142,6 @@ static unsigned long fftTime = 0;
static unsigned long sampleTime = 0;
// Table of linearNoise results to be multiplied by soundSquelch in order to reduce squelch across fftResult bins.
static uint8_t linearNoise[16] = { 34, 28, 26, 25, 20, 12, 9, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
// Table of multiplication factors so that we can even out the frequency response.
static float fftResultPink[16] = { 1.70f, 1.71f, 1.73f, 1.78f, 1.68f, 1.56f, 1.55f, 1.63f, 1.79f, 1.62f, 1.80f, 2.06f, 2.47f, 3.35f, 6.83f, 9.55f };
@ -146,6 +154,11 @@ static arduinoFFT FFT = arduinoFFT(vReal, vImag, samplesFFT, SAMPLE_RATE);
static TaskHandle_t FFT_Task = nullptr;
// float version of map()
static float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max){
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
static float fftAddAvg(int from, int to) {
float result = 0.0f;
for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
@ -213,7 +226,8 @@ void FFTcode(void * parameter)
FFT.dcRemoval(); // remove DC offset
FFT.windowing( FFTWindow::Flat_top, FFTDirection::Forward); // Weigh data
FFT.windowing( FFTWindow::Flat_top, FFTDirection::Forward); // Weigh data using "Flat Top" function - better amplitude accuracy
//FFT.windowing(FFTWindow::Blackman_Harris, FFTDirection::Forward); // Weigh data using "Blackman- Harris" window - sharp peaks due to excellent sideband rejection
FFT.compute( FFTDirection::Forward ); // Compute FFT
FFT.complexToMagnitude(); // Compute magnitudes
@ -253,44 +267,84 @@ void FFTcode(void * parameter)
* Multiplier = (End frequency/ Start frequency) ^ 1/16
* Multiplier = 1.320367784
if (sampleAvg > 1) { // noise gate open
// Range
fftCalc[ 0] = fftAddAvg(3,4); // 60 - 100
fftCalc[ 1] = fftAddAvg(4,5); // 80 - 120
fftCalc[ 2] = fftAddAvg(5,7); // 100 - 160
fftCalc[ 3] = fftAddAvg(7,9); // 140 - 200
fftCalc[ 4] = fftAddAvg(9,12); // 180 - 260
fftCalc[ 5] = fftAddAvg(12,16); // 240 - 340
fftCalc[ 6] = fftAddAvg(16,21); // 320 - 440
fftCalc[ 7] = fftAddAvg(21,29); // 420 - 600
fftCalc[ 8] = fftAddAvg(29,37); // 580 - 760
fftCalc[ 9] = fftAddAvg(37,48); // 740 - 980
fftCalc[10] = fftAddAvg(48,64); // 960 - 1300
fftCalc[11] = fftAddAvg(64,84); // 1280 - 1700
fftCalc[12] = fftAddAvg(84,111); // 1680 - 2240
fftCalc[13] = fftAddAvg(111,147); // 2220 - 2960
fftCalc[14] = fftAddAvg(147,194); // 2940 - 3900
fftCalc[15] = fftAddAvg(194,255); // 3880 - 5120
fftCalc[ 0] = fftAddAvg(2,4); // 60 - 100
fftCalc[ 1] = fftAddAvg(4,5); // 80 - 120
fftCalc[ 2] = fftAddAvg(5,7); // 100 - 160
fftCalc[ 3] = fftAddAvg(7,9); // 140 - 200
fftCalc[ 4] = fftAddAvg(9,12); // 180 - 260
fftCalc[ 5] = fftAddAvg(12,16); // 240 - 340
fftCalc[ 6] = fftAddAvg(16,21); // 320 - 440
fftCalc[ 7] = fftAddAvg(21,29); // 420 - 600
fftCalc[ 8] = fftAddAvg(29,37); // 580 - 760
fftCalc[ 9] = fftAddAvg(37,48); // 740 - 980
fftCalc[10] = fftAddAvg(48,64); // 960 - 1300
fftCalc[11] = fftAddAvg(64,84); // 1280 - 1700
fftCalc[12] = fftAddAvg(84,111); // 1680 - 2240
fftCalc[13] = fftAddAvg(111,147); // 2220 - 2960
fftCalc[14] = fftAddAvg(147,194); // 2940 - 3900
fftCalc[15] = fftAddAvg(194,250); // 3880 - 5000 // avoid the last 5 bins, which are usually inaccurate
} else { // noise gate closed
for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) {
fftCalc[i] *= 0.82f; // decay to zero
if (fftCalc[i] < 4.0f) fftCalc[i] = 0.0f;
for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) {
// Noise supression of fftCalc bins using soundSquelch adjustment for different input types.
fftCalc[i] = (fftCalc[i] < ((float)soundSquelch * (float)linearNoise[i] / 4.0f)) ? 0 : fftCalc[i];
// Adjustment for frequency curves.
fftCalc[i] *= fftResultPink[i];
// Manual linear adjustment of gain using sampleGain adjustment for different input types.
fftCalc[i] *= soundAgc ? multAgc : ((float)sampleGain/40.0f * (float)inputLevel/128.0f + 1.0f/16.0f); //with inputLevel adjustment
if (sampleAvg > 1) { // noise gate open
// Adjustment for frequency curves.
fftCalc[i] *= fftResultPink[i];
if (FFTScalingMode > 0) fftCalc[i] *= FFT_DOWNSCALE; // adjustment related to FFT windowing function
// Manual linear adjustment of gain using sampleGain adjustment for different input types.
fftCalc[i] *= soundAgc ? multAgc : ((float)sampleGain/40.0f * (float)inputLevel/128.0f + 1.0f/16.0f); //with inputLevel adjustment
if(fftCalc[i] < 0) fftCalc[i] = 0;
// smooth results - rise fast, fall slower
if(fftCalc[i] > fftAvg[i]) // rise fast
fftAvg[i] = fftCalc[i] *0.75f + 0.25f*fftAvg[i]; // will need approx 2 cycles (50ms) for converging against fftCalc[i]
else // fall slow
fftAvg[i] = fftCalc[i]*0.1f + 0.9f*fftAvg[i]; // will need approx 5 cycles (150ms) for converging against fftCalc[i]
//fftAvg[i] = fftCalc[i]*0.05f + 0.95f*fftAvg[i]; // will need approx 10 cycles (250ms) for converging against fftCalc[i]
fftAvg[i] = fftCalc[i]*0.17f + 0.83f*fftAvg[i]; // will need approx 5 cycles (150ms) for converging against fftCalc[i]
// constrain internal vars - just to be sure
fftCalc[i] = constrain(fftCalc[i], 0.0f, 1023.0f);
fftAvg[i] = constrain(fftAvg[i], 0.0f, 1023.0f);
float currentResult;
if(limiterOn == true)
currentResult = fftAvg[i];
currentResult = fftCalc[i];
if (FFTScalingMode > 0) {
if (FFTScalingMode == 1) {
// Logarithmic scaling
currentResult *= 0.42; // 42 is the answer ;-)
currentResult -= 8.0; // this skips the lowest row, giving some room for peaks
if (currentResult > 1.0)
currentResult = logf(currentResult); // log to base "e", which is the fastest log() function
else currentResult = 0.0; // special handling, because log(1) = 0; log(0) = undefined
currentResult *= 0.85f + (float(i)/18.0f); // extra up-scaling for high frequencies
currentResult = mapf(currentResult, 0, LOG_256, 0, 255); // map [log(1) ... log(255)] to [0 ... 255]
} else {
// Linear scaling
currentResult *= 0.30f; // needs a bit more damping, get stay below 255
currentResult -= 4.0; // giving a bit more room for peaks
if (currentResult < 1.0f) currentResult = 0.0f;
currentResult *= 0.85f + (float(i)/1.8f); // extra up-scaling for high frequencies
} else {
currentResult -= 4; // just a bit more room for peaks
// Now, let's dump it all into fftResult. Need to do this, otherwise other routines might grab fftResult values prematurely.
if(limiterOn == true)
fftResult[i] = constrain((int)fftAvg[i], 0, 254);
fftResult[i] = constrain((int)fftCalc[i], 0, 254);
fftResult[i] = constrain((int)currentResult, 0, 255);
@ -396,12 +450,7 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
bool udpSamplePeak = 0; // Boolean flag for peak. Set at the same tiem as samplePeak, but reset by transmitAudioData
int16_t micIn = 0; // Current sample starts with negative values and large values, which is why it's 16 bit signed
int16_t sampleRaw = 0; // Current sample. Must only be updated ONCE!!! (amplified mic value by sampleGain and inputLevel; smoothed over 16 samples)
double sampleMax = 0.0; // Max sample over a few seconds. Needed for AGC controler.
float sampleReal = 0.0f; // "sampleRaw" as float, to provide bits that are lost otherwise (before amplification by sampleGain or inputLevel). Needed for AGC.
float sampleAvg = 0.0f; // Smoothed Average sampleRaw
float sampleAgc = 0.0f; // Our AGC sample
int16_t rawSampleAgc = 0; // Our AGC sample - raw
uint32_t timeOfPeak = 0;
unsigned long lastTime = 0; // last time of running UDP Microphone Sync
float micLev = 0.0f; // Used to convert returned value to have '0' as minimum. A leveller
@ -941,7 +990,7 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
// We cannot wait indefinitely before processing audio data
if (strip.isUpdating() && (millis() - lastUMRun < 2)) return; // be nice, but not too nice
if (strip.isUpdating() && (millis() - lastUMRun < 1)) return; // be nice, but not too nice
// suspend local sound processing when "real time mode" is active (E131, UDP, ADALIGHT, ARTNET)
if ( (realtimeOverride == REALTIME_OVERRIDE_NONE) // please odd other orrides here if needed
@ -1115,6 +1164,11 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
sampleRaw = 0; rawSampleAgc = 0;
my_magnitude = 0; FFT_Magnitude = 0; FFT_MajorPeak = 0;
multAgc = 1;
// reset FFT data
memset(fftCalc, 0, sizeof(fftCalc));
memset(fftAvg, 0, sizeof(fftAvg));
memset(fftResult, 0, sizeof(fftResult));
for(int i=(init?0:1); i<16; i+=2) fftResult[i] = 16; // make a tiny pattern
if (init && FFT_Task) {
vTaskSuspend(FFT_Task); // update is about to begin, disable task to prevent crash
@ -1372,6 +1426,9 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
dynLim[F("Rise")] = attackTime;
dynLim[F("Fall")] = decayTime;
JsonObject freqScale = top.createNestedObject("Frequency");
freqScale[F("Scale")] = FFTScalingMode;
JsonObject sync = top.createNestedObject("sync");
sync[F("port")] = audioSyncPort;
sync[F("mode")] = audioSyncEnabled;
@ -1418,6 +1475,8 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["dynamics"][F("Rise")], attackTime);
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["dynamics"][F("Fall")], decayTime);
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["Frequency"][F("Scale")], FFTScalingMode);
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["sync"][F("port")], audioSyncPort);
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["sync"][F("mode")], audioSyncEnabled);
@ -1443,11 +1502,14 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Limiter',0,' Limiter On ');")); // 0 is field type, 1 is actual field
//oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Rise',0,'min. ');"));
oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Rise',1,' ms <br /><i>(volume reactive FX only)</i>');"));
//oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Fall',0,'min. ');"));
oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Fall',1,' ms <br /><i>(volume reactive FX only)</i>');"));
oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Limiter',0,' On ');")); // 0 is field type, 1 is actual field
oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Rise',1,'ms <i>(&#x266A; effects only)</i>');"));
oappend(SET_F("addInfo('AudioReactive:dynamics:Fall',1,'ms <i>(&#x266A; effects only)</i>');"));
oappend(SET_F("addOption(dd,'Linear (Amplitude)',2);"));
oappend(SET_F("addOption(dd,'Logarithmic (Loudness)',1);"));

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@ -2842,12 +2842,13 @@ uint16_t mode_bouncing_balls(void) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) {
float timeSinceLastBounce = (time - balls[i].lastBounceTime)/((255-SEGMENT.speed)*8/256 +1);
balls[i].height = 0.5 * gravity * pow(timeSinceLastBounce/1000 , 2.0) + balls[i].impactVelocity * timeSinceLastBounce/1000;
float timeSec = timeSinceLastBounce/1000.0f;
balls[i].height = 0.5 * gravity * (timeSec * timeSec) + balls[i].impactVelocity * timeSec; // avoid use pow(x, 2) - its extremely slow !
if (balls[i].height < 0) { //start bounce
balls[i].height = 0;
//damping for better effect using multiple balls
float dampening = 0.90 - float(i)/pow(numBalls,2);
float dampening = 0.90 - float(i)/(float(numBalls) * float(numBalls)); // avoid use pow(x, 2) - its extremely slow !
balls[i].impactVelocity = dampening * balls[i].impactVelocity;
balls[i].lastBounceTime = time;
@ -2863,7 +2864,7 @@ uint16_t mode_bouncing_balls(void) {
uint16_t pos = round(balls[i].height * (SEGLEN - 1));
uint16_t pos = roundf(balls[i].height * (SEGLEN - 1));
SEGMENT.setPixelColor(pos, color);
@ -6006,7 +6007,9 @@ uint16_t mode_ripplepeak(void) { // * Ripple peak. By Andrew Tuli
case 255: // Initialize ripple variables.
ripples[i].pos = random16(SEGLEN);
#ifdef ESP32
if (FFT_MajorPeak > 1) // log10(0) is "forbidden" (throws exception)
ripples[i].color = (int)(log10f(FFT_MajorPeak)*128);
else ripples[i].color = 0;
ripples[i].color = random8();
@ -6716,6 +6719,7 @@ uint16_t mode_freqmap(void) { // Map FFT_MajorPeak to SEGLEN.
float FFT_MajorPeak = *(float*) um_data->u_data[4];
float my_magnitude = *(float*) um_data->u_data[5] / 4.0f;
if (FFT_MajorPeak < 1) FFT_MajorPeak = 1; // log10(0) is "forbidden" (throws exception)
@ -6806,6 +6810,7 @@ uint16_t mode_freqpixels(void) { // Freqpixel. By Andrew Tuline.
float FFT_MajorPeak = *(float*) um_data->u_data[4];
float my_magnitude = *(float*) um_data->u_data[5] / 16.0f;
if (FFT_MajorPeak < 1) FFT_MajorPeak = 1; // log10(0) is "forbidden" (throws exception)
uint16_t fadeRate = 2*SEGMENT.speed - SEGMENT.speed*SEGMENT.speed/255; // Get to 255 as quick as you can.
@ -6908,6 +6913,7 @@ uint16_t mode_gravfreq(void) { // Gravfreq. By Andrew Tuline.
float FFT_MajorPeak = *(float*) um_data->u_data[4];
float volumeSmth = *(float*) um_data->u_data[0];
if (FFT_MajorPeak < 1) FFT_MajorPeak = 1; // log10(0) is "forbidden" (throws exception)
@ -7022,6 +7028,8 @@ uint16_t mode_waterfall(void) { // Waterfall. By: Andrew Tulin
uint8_t *binNum = (uint8_t*)um_data->u_data[7];
float my_magnitude = *(float*) um_data->u_data[5] / 8.0f;
if (FFT_MajorPeak < 1) FFT_MajorPeak = 1; // log10(0) is "forbidden" (throws exception)
if ( == 0) {