Merge 'master' of Aircoookie/WLED into overlayum

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Schmidt 2021-10-08 00:00:09 -08:00
commit 47d4e7381f
43 changed files with 4272 additions and 1533 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
### Builds after release 0.12.0
#### Build 2110060
- Added virtual network DDP busses (PR #2245)
- Allow playlist as end preset in playlist
- Improved bus start field UX
- Pin reservations improvements (PR #2214)
#### Build 2109220
- Version bump to 0.13.0-b3 "Toki"

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
; Options
; -------
; USERMOD_BH1750 - define this to have this user mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp
; USERMOD_BH1750_MAX_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL - the max number of milliseconds between measurements, defaults to 10000ms
; USERMOD_BH1750_MIN_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL - the min number of milliseconds between measurements, defaults to 500ms
; USERMOD_BH1750_FIRST_MEASUREMENT_AT - the number of milliseconds after boot to take first measurement, defaults to 10 seconds
; USERMOD_BH1750_OFFSET_VALUE - the offset value to report on, defaults to 1
extends = env:d1_mini
build_flags =
lib_deps =
claws/BH1750 @ ^1.2.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# BH1750 usermod
This usermod will read from an ambient light sensor like the BH1750 sensor.
The luminance is displayed both in the Info section of the web UI as well as published to the `/luminance` MQTT topic if enabled.
## Installation
Copy the example `platformio_override.ini` to the root directory. This file should be placed in the same directory as `platformio.ini`.
### Define Your Options
* `USERMOD_BH1750` - define this to have this user mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp
* `USERMOD_BH1750_MAX_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL` - the max number of milliseconds between measurements, defaults to 10000ms
* `USERMOD_BH1750_MIN_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL` - the min number of milliseconds between measurements, defaults to 500ms
* `USERMOD_BH1750_FIRST_MEASUREMENT_AT` - the number of milliseconds after boot to take first measurement, defaults to 10 seconds
* `USERMOD_BH1750_OFFSET_VALUE` - the offset value to report on, defaults to 1
All parameters can be configured at runtime using Usermods settings page.
### PlatformIO requirements
If you are using `platformio_override.ini`, you should be able to refresh the task list and see your custom task, for example `env:usermod_BH1750_d1_mini`.
## Change Log

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <BH1750.h>
// the max frequency to check photoresistor, 10 seconds
// the min frequency to check photoresistor, 500 ms
// how many seconds after boot to take first measurement, 10 seconds
// only report if differance grater than offset value
class Usermod_BH1750 : public Usermod
int8_t offset = USERMOD_BH1750_OFFSET_VALUE;
unsigned long maxReadingInterval = USERMOD_BH1750_MAX_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL;
unsigned long minReadingInterval = USERMOD_BH1750_MIN_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL;
// flag to indicate we have finished the first readLightLevel call
// allows this library to report to the user how long until the first
// measurement
bool getLuminanceComplete = false;
// flag set at startup
bool disabled = false;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _maxReadInterval[];
static const char _minReadInterval[];
static const char _offset[];
BH1750 lightMeter;
float lastLux = -1000;
bool checkBoundSensor(float newValue, float prevValue, float maxDiff)
return isnan(prevValue) || newValue <= prevValue - maxDiff || newValue >= prevValue + maxDiff || (newValue == 0.0 && prevValue > 0.0);
void setup()
void loop()
if (disabled || strip.isUpdating())
unsigned long now = millis();
// check to see if we are due for taking a measurement
// lastMeasurement will not be updated until the conversion
// is complete the the reading is finished
if (now - lastMeasurement < minReadingInterval)
bool shouldUpdate = now - lastSend > maxReadingInterval;
float lux = lightMeter.readLightLevel();
lastMeasurement = millis();
getLuminanceComplete = true;
if (shouldUpdate || checkBoundSensor(lux, lastLux, offset))
lastLux = lux;
lastSend = millis();
char subuf[45];
strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic);
strcat_P(subuf, PSTR("/luminance"));
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, true, String(lux).c_str());
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Missing MQTT connection. Not publishing data");
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject user = root[F("u")];
if (user.isNull())
user = root.createNestedObject(F("u"));
JsonArray lux_json = user.createNestedArray(F("Luminance"));
if (!getLuminanceComplete)
// if we haven't read the sensor yet, let the user know
// that we are still waiting for the first measurement
lux_json.add((USERMOD_BH1750_FIRST_MEASUREMENT_AT - millis()) / 1000);
lux_json.add(F(" sec until read"));
lux_json.add(F(" lx"));
uint16_t getId()
return USERMOD_ID_BH1750;
* addToConfig() (called from set.cpp) stores persistent properties to cfg.json
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
// we add JSON object.
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name)); // usermodname
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = !disabled;
top[FPSTR(_maxReadInterval)] = maxReadingInterval;
top[FPSTR(_minReadInterval)] = minReadingInterval;
top[FPSTR(_offset)] = offset;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Photoresistor config saved."));
* readFromConfig() is called before setup() to populate properties from values stored in cfg.json
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
// we look for JSON object.
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull())
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
disabled = !(top[FPSTR(_enabled)] | !disabled);
maxReadingInterval = (top[FPSTR(_maxReadInterval)] | maxReadingInterval); // ms
minReadingInterval = (top[FPSTR(_minReadInterval)] | minReadingInterval); // ms
offset = top[FPSTR(_offset)] | offset;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return true;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char Usermod_BH1750::_name[] PROGMEM = "BH1750";
const char Usermod_BH1750::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
const char Usermod_BH1750::_maxReadInterval[] PROGMEM = "max-read-interval-ms";
const char Usermod_BH1750::_minReadInterval[] PROGMEM = "min-read-interval-ms";
const char Usermod_BH1750::_offset[] PROGMEM = "offset-lx";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "wled.h"
* Register your v2 usermods here!
#ifdef USERMOD_BH1750
#include "../usermods/BH1750_v2/usermod_BH1750.h"
void registerUsermods()
#ifdef USERMOD_BH1750
usermods.add(new Usermod_BH1750());

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@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
# JSON IR remote
## Purpose
The JSON IR remote allows users to customize IR remote behavior without writing custom code and compiling.
It also enables using any remote that is compatible with your IR receiver. Using the JSON IR remote, you can
map buttons from any remote to any HTTP request API or JSON API command.
## Usage
* Upload the IR config file, named _ir.json_ to your board using the [ip address]/edit url. Pick from one of the included files or create your own.
* On the config > LED settings page, set the correct IR pin.
* On the config > Sync Interfaces page, select "JSON Remote" as the Infrared remote.
## Modification
* See if there is a json file with the same number of buttons as your remote. Many remotes will have the same internals and emit the same codes but have different labels.
* In the ir.json file, each key will be the hex encoded IR code.
* The "cmd" property will be the HTTP Request API or JSON API to execute when that button is pressed.
* A limited number of c functions are supported (!incBrightness, !decBrightness, !presetFallback)
* When using !presetFallback, include properties PL (preset to load), FX (effect to fall back to) and FP (palette to fall back to)
* If the command is _repeatable_ and does not contain the "~" character, add a "rpt": true property.
* Other properties are ignored, but having a label property may help when editing.
"0xFF629D": {"cmd": "T=2", "rpt": true, "label": "Toggle on/off"}, // HTTP command
"0xFF9867": {"cmd": "A=~16", "label": "Inc brightness"}, // HTTP command with incrementing
"0xFF38C7": {"cmd": {"bri": 10}, "label": "Dim to 10"}, // JSON command
"0xFF22DD": {"cmd": "!presetFallback", "PL": 1, "FX": 16, "FP": 6,
"label": "Preset 1 or fallback to Saw - Party"}, // c function
# JSON IR remote
## Purpose
The JSON IR remote allows users to customize IR remote behavior without writing custom code and compiling.
It also enables using any remote that is compatible with your IR receiver. Using the JSON IR remote, you can
map buttons from any remote to any HTTP request API or JSON API command.
## Usage
* Upload the IR config file, named _ir.json_ to your board using the [ip address]/edit url. Pick from one of the included files or create your own.
* On the config > LED settings page, set the correct IR pin.
* On the config > Sync Interfaces page, select "JSON Remote" as the Infrared remote.
## Modification
* See if there is a json file with the same number of buttons as your remote. Many remotes will have the same internals and emit the same codes but have different labels.
* In the ir.json file, each key will be the hex encoded IR code.
* The "cmd" property will be the HTTP Request API or JSON API to execute when that button is pressed.
* A limited number of c functions are supported (!incBrightness, !decBrightness, !presetFallback)
* When using !presetFallback, include properties PL (preset to load), FX (effect to fall back to) and FP (palette to fall back to)
* If the command is _repeatable_ and does not contain the "~" character, add a "rpt": true property.
* Other properties are ignored, but having a label property may help when editing.
"0xFF629D": {"cmd": "T=2", "rpt": true, "label": "Toggle on/off"}, // HTTP command
"0xFF9867": {"cmd": "A=~16", "label": "Inc brightness"}, // HTTP command with incrementing
"0xFF38C7": {"cmd": {"bri": 10}, "label": "Dim to 10"}, // JSON command
"0xFF22DD": {"cmd": "!presetFallback", "PL": 1, "FX": 16, "FP": 6,
"label": "Preset 1 or fallback to Saw - Party"}, // c function

View File

@ -1,409 +1,409 @@
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
// compatible with QuinLED-Dig-Uno
#define PIR_SENSOR_PIN 23 // Q4
#else //ESP8266 boards
#define PIR_SENSOR_PIN 13 // Q4 (D7 on D1 mini)
* This usermod handles PIR sensor states.
* The strip will be switched on and the off timer will be resetted when the sensor goes HIGH.
* When the sensor state goes LOW, the off timer is started and when it expires, the strip is switched off.
* Usermods allow you to add own functionality to WLED more easily
* See:
* v2 usermods are class inheritance based and can (but don't have to) implement more functions, each of them is shown in this example.
* Multiple v2 usermods can be added to one compilation easily.
* Creating a usermod:
* This file serves as an example. If you want to create a usermod, it is recommended to use usermod_v2_empty.h from the usermods folder as a template.
* Please remember to rename the class and file to a descriptive name.
* You may also use multiple .h and .cpp files.
* Using a usermod:
* 1. Copy the usermod into the sketch folder (same folder as wled00.ino)
* 2. Register the usermod by adding #include "usermod_filename.h" in the top and registerUsermod(new MyUsermodClass()) in the bottom of usermods_list.cpp
class PIRsensorSwitch : public Usermod
* constructor
PIRsensorSwitch() {}
* desctructor
~PIRsensorSwitch() {}
* Enable/Disable the PIR sensor
void EnablePIRsensor(bool en) { enabled = en; }
* Get PIR sensor enabled/disabled state
bool PIRsensorEnabled() { return enabled; }
// PIR sensor pin
int8_t PIRsensorPin = PIR_SENSOR_PIN;
// notification mode for colorUpdated()
// delay before switch off after the sensor state goes LOW
uint32_t m_switchOffDelay = 600000; // 10min
// off timer start time
uint32_t m_offTimerStart = 0;
// current PIR sensor pin state
byte sensorPinState = LOW;
// PIR sensor enabled
bool enabled = true;
// status of initialisation
bool initDone = false;
// on and off presets
uint8_t m_onPreset = 0;
uint8_t m_offPreset = 0;
// flag to indicate that PIR sensor should activate WLED during nighttime only
bool m_nightTimeOnly = false;
// flag to send MQTT message only (assuming it is enabled)
bool m_mqttOnly = false;
// flag to enable triggering only if WLED is initially off (LEDs are not on, preventing running effect being overwritten by PIR)
bool m_offOnly = false;
bool PIRtriggered = false;
unsigned long lastLoop = 0;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _switchOffDelay[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _onPreset[];
static const char _offPreset[];
static const char _nightTime[];
static const char _mqttOnly[];
static const char _offOnly[];
* check if it is daytime
* if sunrise/sunset is not defined (no NTP or lat/lon) default to nighttime
bool isDayTime() {
bool isDayTime = false;
uint8_t hr = hour(localTime);
uint8_t mi = minute(localTime);
if (sunrise && sunset) {
if (hour(sunrise)<hr && hour(sunset)>hr) {
isDayTime = true;
} else {
if (hour(sunrise)==hr && minute(sunrise)<mi) {
isDayTime = true;
if (hour(sunset)==hr && minute(sunset)>mi) {
isDayTime = true;
return isDayTime;
* switch strip on/off
void switchStrip(bool switchOn)
if (m_offOnly && bri && (switchOn || (!PIRtriggered && !switchOn))) return;
PIRtriggered = switchOn;
if (switchOn && m_onPreset) {
} else if (!switchOn && m_offPreset) {
} else if (switchOn && bri == 0) {
bri = briLast;
} else if (!switchOn && bri != 0) {
briLast = bri;
bri = 0;
void publishMqtt(const char* state)
//Check if MQTT Connected, otherwise it will crash the 8266
char subuf[64];
strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic);
strcat_P(subuf, PSTR("/motion"));
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, state);
* Read and update PIR sensor state.
* Initilize/reset switch off timer
bool updatePIRsensorState()
bool pinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
if (pinState != sensorPinState) {
sensorPinState = pinState; // change previous state
if (sensorPinState == HIGH) {
m_offTimerStart = 0;
if (!m_mqttOnly && (!m_nightTimeOnly || (m_nightTimeOnly && !isDayTime()))) switchStrip(true);
} else /*if (bri != 0)*/ {
// start switch off timer
m_offTimerStart = millis();
return true;
return false;
* switch off the strip if the delay has elapsed
bool handleOffTimer()
if (m_offTimerStart > 0 && millis() - m_offTimerStart > m_switchOffDelay)
if (enabled == true)
if (!m_mqttOnly && (!m_nightTimeOnly || (m_nightTimeOnly && !isDayTime()))) switchStrip(false);
m_offTimerStart = 0;
return true;
return false;
//Functions called by WLED
* setup() is called once at boot. WiFi is not yet connected at this point.
* You can use it to initialize variables, sensors or similar.
void setup()
if (enabled) {
// pin retrieved from cfg.json (readFromConfig()) prior to running setup()
if (PIRsensorPin >= 0 && pinManager.allocatePin(PIRsensorPin, false, PinOwner::UM_PIR)) {
// PIR Sensor mode INPUT_PULLUP
pinMode(PIRsensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
sensorPinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
} else {
if (PIRsensorPin >= 0) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIRSensorSwitch pin allocation failed."));
PIRsensorPin = -1; // allocation failed
enabled = false;
initDone = true;
* connected() is called every time the WiFi is (re)connected
* Use it to initialize network interfaces
void connected()
* loop() is called continuously. Here you can check for events, read sensors, etc.
void loop()
// only check sensors 4x/s
if (!enabled || millis() - lastLoop < 250 || strip.isUpdating()) return;
lastLoop = millis();
if (!updatePIRsensorState()) {
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Add PIR sensor state and switch off timer duration to jsoninfo
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
if (enabled)
// off timer
String uiDomString = F("PIR <i class=\"icons\">&#xe325;</i>");
JsonArray infoArr = user.createNestedArray(uiDomString); // timer value
if (m_offTimerStart > 0)
uiDomString = "";
unsigned int offSeconds = (m_switchOffDelay - (millis() - m_offTimerStart)) / 1000;
if (offSeconds >= 3600)
uiDomString += (offSeconds / 3600);
uiDomString += F("h ");
offSeconds %= 3600;
if (offSeconds >= 60)
uiDomString += (offSeconds / 60);
offSeconds %= 60;
else if (uiDomString.length() > 0)
uiDomString += 0;
if (uiDomString.length() > 0)
uiDomString += F("min ");
uiDomString += (offSeconds);
infoArr.add(uiDomString + F("s"));
} else {
infoArr.add(sensorPinState ? F("sensor on") : F("inactive"));
} else {
String uiDomString = F("PIR sensor");
JsonArray infoArr = user.createNestedArray(uiDomString);
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void addToJsonState(JsonObject &root)
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject &root)
* provide the changeable values
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)] = m_switchOffDelay / 1000;
top["pin"] = PIRsensorPin;
top[FPSTR(_onPreset)] = m_onPreset;
top[FPSTR(_offPreset)] = m_offPreset;
top[FPSTR(_nightTime)] = m_nightTimeOnly;
top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)] = m_mqttOnly;
top[FPSTR(_offOnly)] = m_offOnly;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIR config saved."));
* restore the changeable values
* readFromConfig() is called before setup() to populate properties from values stored in cfg.json
* The function should return true if configuration was successfully loaded or false if there was no configuration.
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
bool oldEnabled = enabled;
int8_t oldPin = PIRsensorPin;
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
PIRsensorPin = top["pin"] | PIRsensorPin;
enabled = top[FPSTR(_enabled)] | enabled;
m_switchOffDelay = (top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)] | m_switchOffDelay/1000) * 1000;
m_onPreset = top[FPSTR(_onPreset)] | m_onPreset;
m_onPreset = max(0,min(250,(int)m_onPreset));
m_offPreset = top[FPSTR(_offPreset)] | m_offPreset;
m_offPreset = max(0,min(250,(int)m_offPreset));
m_nightTimeOnly = top[FPSTR(_nightTime)] | m_nightTimeOnly;
m_mqttOnly = top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)] | m_mqttOnly;
m_offOnly = top[FPSTR(_offOnly)] | m_offOnly;
if (!initDone) {
// reading config prior to setup()
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config loaded."));
} else {
if (oldPin != PIRsensorPin || oldEnabled != enabled) {
// check if pin is OK
if (oldPin != PIRsensorPin && oldPin >= 0) {
// if we are changing pin in settings page
// deallocate old pin
pinManager.deallocatePin(oldPin, PinOwner::UM_PIR);
if (pinManager.allocatePin(PIRsensorPin, false, PinOwner::UM_PIR)) {
pinMode(PIRsensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
} else {
// allocation failed
PIRsensorPin = -1;
enabled = false;
if (enabled) {
sensorPinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return !top[FPSTR(_offOnly)].isNull();
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId()
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_name[] PROGMEM = "PIRsensorSwitch";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "PIRenabled";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_switchOffDelay[] PROGMEM = "PIRoffSec";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_onPreset[] PROGMEM = "on-preset";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_offPreset[] PROGMEM = "off-preset";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_nightTime[] PROGMEM = "nighttime-only";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_mqttOnly[] PROGMEM = "mqtt-only";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_offOnly[] PROGMEM = "off-only";
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
// compatible with QuinLED-Dig-Uno
#define PIR_SENSOR_PIN 23 // Q4
#else //ESP8266 boards
#define PIR_SENSOR_PIN 13 // Q4 (D7 on D1 mini)
* This usermod handles PIR sensor states.
* The strip will be switched on and the off timer will be resetted when the sensor goes HIGH.
* When the sensor state goes LOW, the off timer is started and when it expires, the strip is switched off.
* Usermods allow you to add own functionality to WLED more easily
* See:
* v2 usermods are class inheritance based and can (but don't have to) implement more functions, each of them is shown in this example.
* Multiple v2 usermods can be added to one compilation easily.
* Creating a usermod:
* This file serves as an example. If you want to create a usermod, it is recommended to use usermod_v2_empty.h from the usermods folder as a template.
* Please remember to rename the class and file to a descriptive name.
* You may also use multiple .h and .cpp files.
* Using a usermod:
* 1. Copy the usermod into the sketch folder (same folder as wled00.ino)
* 2. Register the usermod by adding #include "usermod_filename.h" in the top and registerUsermod(new MyUsermodClass()) in the bottom of usermods_list.cpp
class PIRsensorSwitch : public Usermod
* constructor
PIRsensorSwitch() {}
* desctructor
~PIRsensorSwitch() {}
* Enable/Disable the PIR sensor
void EnablePIRsensor(bool en) { enabled = en; }
* Get PIR sensor enabled/disabled state
bool PIRsensorEnabled() { return enabled; }
// PIR sensor pin
int8_t PIRsensorPin = PIR_SENSOR_PIN;
// notification mode for colorUpdated()
// delay before switch off after the sensor state goes LOW
uint32_t m_switchOffDelay = 600000; // 10min
// off timer start time
uint32_t m_offTimerStart = 0;
// current PIR sensor pin state
byte sensorPinState = LOW;
// PIR sensor enabled
bool enabled = true;
// status of initialisation
bool initDone = false;
// on and off presets
uint8_t m_onPreset = 0;
uint8_t m_offPreset = 0;
// flag to indicate that PIR sensor should activate WLED during nighttime only
bool m_nightTimeOnly = false;
// flag to send MQTT message only (assuming it is enabled)
bool m_mqttOnly = false;
// flag to enable triggering only if WLED is initially off (LEDs are not on, preventing running effect being overwritten by PIR)
bool m_offOnly = false;
bool PIRtriggered = false;
unsigned long lastLoop = 0;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _switchOffDelay[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _onPreset[];
static const char _offPreset[];
static const char _nightTime[];
static const char _mqttOnly[];
static const char _offOnly[];
* check if it is daytime
* if sunrise/sunset is not defined (no NTP or lat/lon) default to nighttime
bool isDayTime() {
bool isDayTime = false;
uint8_t hr = hour(localTime);
uint8_t mi = minute(localTime);
if (sunrise && sunset) {
if (hour(sunrise)<hr && hour(sunset)>hr) {
isDayTime = true;
} else {
if (hour(sunrise)==hr && minute(sunrise)<mi) {
isDayTime = true;
if (hour(sunset)==hr && minute(sunset)>mi) {
isDayTime = true;
return isDayTime;
* switch strip on/off
void switchStrip(bool switchOn)
if (m_offOnly && bri && (switchOn || (!PIRtriggered && !switchOn))) return;
PIRtriggered = switchOn;
if (switchOn && m_onPreset) {
} else if (!switchOn && m_offPreset) {
} else if (switchOn && bri == 0) {
bri = briLast;
} else if (!switchOn && bri != 0) {
briLast = bri;
bri = 0;
void publishMqtt(const char* state)
//Check if MQTT Connected, otherwise it will crash the 8266
char subuf[64];
strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic);
strcat_P(subuf, PSTR("/motion"));
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, state);
* Read and update PIR sensor state.
* Initilize/reset switch off timer
bool updatePIRsensorState()
bool pinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
if (pinState != sensorPinState) {
sensorPinState = pinState; // change previous state
if (sensorPinState == HIGH) {
m_offTimerStart = 0;
if (!m_mqttOnly && (!m_nightTimeOnly || (m_nightTimeOnly && !isDayTime()))) switchStrip(true);
} else /*if (bri != 0)*/ {
// start switch off timer
m_offTimerStart = millis();
return true;
return false;
* switch off the strip if the delay has elapsed
bool handleOffTimer()
if (m_offTimerStart > 0 && millis() - m_offTimerStart > m_switchOffDelay)
if (enabled == true)
if (!m_mqttOnly && (!m_nightTimeOnly || (m_nightTimeOnly && !isDayTime()))) switchStrip(false);
m_offTimerStart = 0;
return true;
return false;
//Functions called by WLED
* setup() is called once at boot. WiFi is not yet connected at this point.
* You can use it to initialize variables, sensors or similar.
void setup()
if (enabled) {
// pin retrieved from cfg.json (readFromConfig()) prior to running setup()
if (PIRsensorPin >= 0 && pinManager.allocatePin(PIRsensorPin, false, PinOwner::UM_PIR)) {
// PIR Sensor mode INPUT_PULLUP
pinMode(PIRsensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
sensorPinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
} else {
if (PIRsensorPin >= 0) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIRSensorSwitch pin allocation failed."));
PIRsensorPin = -1; // allocation failed
enabled = false;
initDone = true;
* connected() is called every time the WiFi is (re)connected
* Use it to initialize network interfaces
void connected()
* loop() is called continuously. Here you can check for events, read sensors, etc.
void loop()
// only check sensors 4x/s
if (!enabled || millis() - lastLoop < 250 || strip.isUpdating()) return;
lastLoop = millis();
if (!updatePIRsensorState()) {
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Add PIR sensor state and switch off timer duration to jsoninfo
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
if (enabled)
// off timer
String uiDomString = F("PIR <i class=\"icons\">&#xe325;</i>");
JsonArray infoArr = user.createNestedArray(uiDomString); // timer value
if (m_offTimerStart > 0)
uiDomString = "";
unsigned int offSeconds = (m_switchOffDelay - (millis() - m_offTimerStart)) / 1000;
if (offSeconds >= 3600)
uiDomString += (offSeconds / 3600);
uiDomString += F("h ");
offSeconds %= 3600;
if (offSeconds >= 60)
uiDomString += (offSeconds / 60);
offSeconds %= 60;
else if (uiDomString.length() > 0)
uiDomString += 0;
if (uiDomString.length() > 0)
uiDomString += F("min ");
uiDomString += (offSeconds);
infoArr.add(uiDomString + F("s"));
} else {
infoArr.add(sensorPinState ? F("sensor on") : F("inactive"));
} else {
String uiDomString = F("PIR sensor");
JsonArray infoArr = user.createNestedArray(uiDomString);
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void addToJsonState(JsonObject &root)
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject &root)
* provide the changeable values
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)] = m_switchOffDelay / 1000;
top["pin"] = PIRsensorPin;
top[FPSTR(_onPreset)] = m_onPreset;
top[FPSTR(_offPreset)] = m_offPreset;
top[FPSTR(_nightTime)] = m_nightTimeOnly;
top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)] = m_mqttOnly;
top[FPSTR(_offOnly)] = m_offOnly;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("PIR config saved."));
* restore the changeable values
* readFromConfig() is called before setup() to populate properties from values stored in cfg.json
* The function should return true if configuration was successfully loaded or false if there was no configuration.
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root)
bool oldEnabled = enabled;
int8_t oldPin = PIRsensorPin;
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
PIRsensorPin = top["pin"] | PIRsensorPin;
enabled = top[FPSTR(_enabled)] | enabled;
m_switchOffDelay = (top[FPSTR(_switchOffDelay)] | m_switchOffDelay/1000) * 1000;
m_onPreset = top[FPSTR(_onPreset)] | m_onPreset;
m_onPreset = max(0,min(250,(int)m_onPreset));
m_offPreset = top[FPSTR(_offPreset)] | m_offPreset;
m_offPreset = max(0,min(250,(int)m_offPreset));
m_nightTimeOnly = top[FPSTR(_nightTime)] | m_nightTimeOnly;
m_mqttOnly = top[FPSTR(_mqttOnly)] | m_mqttOnly;
m_offOnly = top[FPSTR(_offOnly)] | m_offOnly;
if (!initDone) {
// reading config prior to setup()
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config loaded."));
} else {
if (oldPin != PIRsensorPin || oldEnabled != enabled) {
// check if pin is OK
if (oldPin != PIRsensorPin && oldPin >= 0) {
// if we are changing pin in settings page
// deallocate old pin
pinManager.deallocatePin(oldPin, PinOwner::UM_PIR);
if (pinManager.allocatePin(PIRsensorPin, false, PinOwner::UM_PIR)) {
pinMode(PIRsensorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
} else {
// allocation failed
PIRsensorPin = -1;
enabled = false;
if (enabled) {
sensorPinState = digitalRead(PIRsensorPin);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return !top[FPSTR(_offOnly)].isNull();
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId()
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_name[] PROGMEM = "PIRsensorSwitch";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "PIRenabled";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_switchOffDelay[] PROGMEM = "PIRoffSec";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_onPreset[] PROGMEM = "on-preset";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_offPreset[] PROGMEM = "off-preset";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_nightTime[] PROGMEM = "nighttime-only";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_mqttOnly[] PROGMEM = "mqtt-only";
const char PIRsensorSwitch::_offOnly[] PROGMEM = "off-only";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# PWM fan
v2 Usermod to to control PWM fan with RPM feedback and temperature control
This usermod requires Dallas Temperature usermod to obtain temperature information. If this is not available the fan will always run at 100% speed.
If the fan does not have _tacho_ (RPM) output you can set the _tacho-pin_ to -1 to not use that feature.
You can also set the thershold temperature at which fan runs at lowest speed. If the actual temperature measured will be 3°C greater than threshold temperature the fan will run at 100%.
If the _tacho_ is supported the current speed (in RPM) will be repored in WLED Info page.
## Installation
Add the compile-time option `-D USERMOD_PWM_FAN` to your `platformio.ini` (or `platformio_override.ini`) or use `#define USERMOD_PWM_FAN` in `myconfig.h`.
### Define Your Options
All of the parameters are configured during run-time using Usermods settings page.
This includes:
* PWM output pin
* tacho input pin
* sampling frequency in seconds
* threshold temperature in degees C
_NOTE:_ You may also need to tweak Dallas Temperature usermod sampling frequency to match PWM fan sampling frequency.
### PlatformIO requirements
No special requirements.
## Change Log
* First public release

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
#pragma once
#error The "PWM fan" usermod requires "Dallas Temeprature" usermod to function properly.
#include "wled.h"
// PWM & tacho code curtesy of @KlausMu
// adapted for WLED usermod by @blazoncek
// tacho counter
static volatile unsigned long counter_rpm = 0;
// Interrupt counting every rotation of the fan
static void IRAM_ATTR rpm_fan() {
class PWMFanUsermod : public Usermod {
bool initDone = false;
bool enabled = true;
unsigned long msLastTachoMeasurement = 0;
uint16_t last_rpm = 0;
uint8_t pwmChannel = 255;
UsermodTemperature* tempUM;
// configurable parameters
int8_t tachoPin = -1;
int8_t pwmPin = -1;
uint8_t tachoUpdateSec = 30;
float targetTemperature = 25.0;
uint8_t minPWMValuePct = 50;
uint8_t numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation = 2; // Number of interrupts ESP32 sees on tacho signal on a single fan rotation. All the fans I've seen trigger two interrups.
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _tachoPin[];
static const char _pwmPin[];
static const char _temperature[];
static const char _tachoUpdateSec[];
static const char _minPWMValuePct[];
static const char _IRQperRotation[];
void initTacho(void) {
if (tachoPin < 0 || !pinManager.allocatePin(tachoPin, false, PinOwner::UM_Unspecified)){
tachoPin = -1;
pinMode(tachoPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(tachoPin, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(tachoPin), rpm_fan, FALLING);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Tacho sucessfully initialized."));
void deinitTacho(void) {
if (tachoPin < 0) return;
pinManager.deallocatePin(tachoPin, PinOwner::UM_Unspecified);
tachoPin = -1;
void updateTacho(void) {
if (tachoPin < 0) return;
// start of tacho measurement
// detach interrupt while calculating rpm
// calculate rpm
last_rpm = (counter_rpm * 60) / numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation;
last_rpm /= tachoUpdateSec;
// reset counter
counter_rpm = 0;
// store milliseconds when tacho was measured the last time
msLastTachoMeasurement = millis();
// attach interrupt again
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(tachoPin), rpm_fan, FALLING);
void initPWMfan(void) {
if (pwmPin < 0 || !pinManager.allocatePin(pwmPin, true, PinOwner::UM_Unspecified)) {
pwmPin = -1;
#ifdef ESP8266
pwmChannel = pinManager.allocateLedc(1);
if (pwmChannel == 255) { //no more free LEDC channels
deinitPWMfan(); return;
// configure LED PWM functionalitites
ledcSetup(pwmChannel, 25000, 8);
// attach the channel to the GPIO to be controlled
ledcAttachPin(pwmPin, pwmChannel);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Fan PWM sucessfully initialized."));
void deinitPWMfan(void) {
if (pwmPin < 0) return;
pinManager.deallocatePin(pwmPin, PinOwner::UM_Unspecified);
pinManager.deallocateLedc(pwmChannel, 1);
pwmPin = -1;
void updateFanSpeed(uint8_t pwmValue){
if (pwmPin < 0) return;
#ifdef ESP8266
analogWrite(pwmPin, pwmValue);
ledcWrite(pwmChannel, pwmValue);
float getActualTemperature(void) {
if (tempUM != nullptr)
return tempUM->getTemperatureC();
return -127.0f;
void setFanPWMbasedOnTemperature(void) {
float temp = getActualTemperature();
float difftemp = temp - targetTemperature;
// Default to run fan at full speed.
int newPWMvalue = 255;
int pwmStep = ((100 - minPWMValuePct) * newPWMvalue) / (7*100);
int pwmMinimumValue = (minPWMValuePct * newPWMvalue) / 100;
if ((temp == NAN) || (temp <= 0.0)) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WARNING: no temperature value available. Cannot do temperature control. Will set PWM fan to 255."));
} else if (difftemp <= 0.0) {
// Temperature is below target temperature. Run fan at minimum speed.
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue;
} else if (difftemp <= 0.5) {
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue + pwmStep;
} else if (difftemp <= 1.0) {
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue + 2*pwmStep;
} else if (difftemp <= 1.5) {
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue + 3*pwmStep;
} else if (difftemp <= 2.0) {
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue + 4*pwmStep;
} else if (difftemp <= 2.5) {
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue + 5*pwmStep;
} else if (difftemp <= 3.0) {
newPWMvalue = pwmMinimumValue + 6*pwmStep;
// gets called once at boot. Do all initialization that doesn't depend on
// network here
void setup() {
// This Usermod requires Temperature usermod
tempUM = (UsermodTemperature*) usermods.lookup(USERMOD_ID_TEMPERATURE);
updateFanSpeed((minPWMValuePct * 255) / 100); // inital fan speed
initDone = true;
// gets called every time WiFi is (re-)connected. Initialize own network
// interfaces here
void connected() {}
* Da loop.
void loop() {
if (!enabled || strip.isUpdating()) return;
unsigned long now = millis();
if ((now - msLastTachoMeasurement) < (tachoUpdateSec * 1000)) return;
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Creating an "u" object allows you to add custom key/value pairs to the Info section of the WLED web UI.
* Below it is shown how this could be used for e.g. a light sensor
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root) {
if (tachoPin < 0) return;
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
JsonArray data = user.createNestedArray(FPSTR(_name));
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
//void addToJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
//void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
// if (!initDone) return; // prevent crash on boot applyPreset()
* addToConfig() can be used to add custom persistent settings to the cfg.json file in the "um" (usermod) object.
* It will be called by WLED when settings are actually saved (for example, LED settings are saved)
* If you want to force saving the current state, use serializeConfig() in your loop().
* CAUTION: serializeConfig() will initiate a filesystem write operation.
* It might cause the LEDs to stutter and will cause flash wear if called too often.
* Use it sparingly and always in the loop, never in network callbacks!
* addToConfig() will also not yet add your setting to one of the settings pages automatically.
* To make that work you still have to add the setting to the HTML, xml.cpp and set.cpp manually.
* I highly recommend checking out the basics of ArduinoJson serialization and deserialization in order to use custom settings!
void addToConfig(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name)); // usermodname
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_pwmPin)] = pwmPin;
top[FPSTR(_tachoPin)] = tachoPin;
top[FPSTR(_tachoUpdateSec)] = tachoUpdateSec;
top[FPSTR(_temperature)] = targetTemperature;
top[FPSTR(_minPWMValuePct)] = minPWMValuePct;
top[FPSTR(_IRQperRotation)] = numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Autosave config saved."));
* readFromConfig() can be used to read back the custom settings you added with addToConfig().
* This is called by WLED when settings are loaded (currently this only happens once immediately after boot)
* readFromConfig() is called BEFORE setup(). This means you can use your persistent values in setup() (e.g. pin assignments, buffer sizes),
* but also that if you want to write persistent values to a dynamic buffer, you'd need to allocate it here instead of in setup.
* If you don't know what that is, don't fret. It most likely doesn't affect your use case :)
* The function should return true if configuration was successfully loaded or false if there was no configuration.
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject& root) {
int8_t newTachoPin = tachoPin;
int8_t newPwmPin = pwmPin;
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
enabled = top[FPSTR(_enabled)] | enabled;
newTachoPin = top[FPSTR(_tachoPin)] | newTachoPin;
newPwmPin = top[FPSTR(_pwmPin)] | newPwmPin;
tachoUpdateSec = top[FPSTR(_tachoUpdateSec)] | tachoUpdateSec;
tachoUpdateSec = (uint8_t) max(1,(int)tachoUpdateSec); // bounds checking
targetTemperature = top[FPSTR(_temperature)] | targetTemperature;
minPWMValuePct = top[FPSTR(_minPWMValuePct)] | minPWMValuePct;
minPWMValuePct = (uint8_t) min(100,max(0,(int)minPWMValuePct)); // bounds checking
numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation = top[FPSTR(_IRQperRotation)] | numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation;
numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation = (uint8_t) max(1,(int)numberOfInterrupsInOneSingleRotation); // bounds checking
if (!initDone) {
// first run: reading from cfg.json
tachoPin = newTachoPin;
pwmPin = newPwmPin;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config loaded."));
} else {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// changing paramters from settings page
if (tachoPin != newTachoPin || pwmPin != newPwmPin) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Re-init pins."));
// deallocate pin and release interrupts
tachoPin = newTachoPin;
pwmPin = newPwmPin;
// initialise
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return !top[FPSTR(_IRQperRotation)].isNull();
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId() {
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char PWMFanUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "PWM-fan";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_tachoPin[] PROGMEM = "tacho-pin";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_pwmPin[] PROGMEM = "PWM-pin";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_temperature[] PROGMEM = "target-temp-C";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_tachoUpdateSec[] PROGMEM = "tacho-update-s";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_minPWMValuePct[] PROGMEM = "min-PWM-percent";
const char PWMFanUsermod::_IRQperRotation[] PROGMEM = "IRQs-per-rotation";

View File

@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ class UsermodTemperature : public Usermod {
temperature = readDallas();
lastMeasurement = millis();
waitingForConversion = false;
DEBUG_PRINTF("Read temperature %2.1f.\n", temperature);
//DEBUG_PRINTF("Read temperature %2.1f.\n", temperature); // does not work properly on 8266
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Read temperature "));
bool findSensor() {

Binary file not shown.


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@ -2,16 +2,25 @@
This Usermod allows you to monitor the battery level of your battery powered project.
You can see the battery level in the `info modal` right under the `estimated current`.
You can see the battery level and voltage in the `info modal`.
For this to work the positive side of the (18650) battery must be connected to pin `A0` of the d1mini/esp8266 with a 100k ohm resistor (see [Useful Links](#useful-links)).
If you have a esp32 board it is best to connect the positive side of the battery to ADC1 (GPIO32 - GPIO39)
<p align="center">
<img width="300" src="assets/battery_info_screen.png">
## Installation
define `USERMOD_BATTERY_STATUS_BASIC` in `my_config.h`
### Basic wiring diagram
<p align="center">
<img width="300" src="assets/battery_connection_schematic_01.png">
### Define Your Options
* `USERMOD_BATTERY_STATUS_BASIC` - define this (in `my_config.h`) to have this user mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp
@ -45,6 +54,11 @@ Specification from: [Molicel INR18650-M35A, 3500mAh 10A Lithium-ion battery, 3.
## Change Log
* added "Battery voltage" to info
* added circuit diagram to readme
* added MQTT support, sending battery voltage
* minor fixes
* changed `USERMOD_BATTERY_MIN_VOLTAGE` to 2.6 volt as default for 18650 batteries

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
// the frequency to check the battery, 1 minute
// the frequency to check the battery, 30 sec
@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ class UsermodBatteryBasic : public Usermod
// how often to read the battery voltage
unsigned long readingInterval = USERMOD_BATTERY_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL;
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
unsigned long nextReadTime = 0;
unsigned long lastReadTime = 0;
// battery min. voltage
float minBatteryVoltage = USERMOD_BATTERY_MIN_VOLTAGE;
// battery max. voltage
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ class UsermodBatteryBasic : public Usermod
// mapped battery level based on voltage
long batteryLevel = 0;
bool initDone = false;
bool initializing = true;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
@ -82,6 +84,19 @@ class UsermodBatteryBasic : public Usermod
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
float truncate(float val, byte dec)
float x = val * pow(10, dec);
float y = round(x);
float z = x - y;
if ((int)z == 5)
x = y / pow(10, dec);
return x;
@ -107,6 +122,9 @@ class UsermodBatteryBasic : public Usermod
pinMode(batteryPin, INPUT);
nextReadTime = millis() + readingInterval;
lastReadTime = millis();
initDone = true;
@ -129,26 +147,38 @@ class UsermodBatteryBasic : public Usermod
if(strip.isUpdating()) return;
unsigned long now = millis();
// check the battery level every USERMOD_BATTERY_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL (ms)
if (now - lastTime >= readingInterval) {
if (millis() < nextReadTime) return;
// read battery raw input
rawValue = analogRead(batteryPin);
// calculate the voltage
voltage = (rawValue / adcPrecision) * maxBatteryVoltage ;
nextReadTime = millis() + readingInterval;
lastReadTime = millis();
initializing = false;
// translate battery voltage into percentage
the standard "map" function doesn't work notes and warnings at the bottom
batteryLevel = mapf(voltage, minBatteryVoltage, maxBatteryVoltage, 0, 100);
// read battery raw input
rawValue = analogRead(batteryPin);
lastTime = now;
// calculate the voltage
voltage = (rawValue / adcPrecision) * maxBatteryVoltage ;
// check if voltage is within specified voltage range
voltage = voltage<minBatteryVoltage||voltage>maxBatteryVoltage?-1.0f:voltage;
// translate battery voltage into percentage
the standard "map" function doesn't work notes and warnings at the bottom
batteryLevel = mapf(voltage, minBatteryVoltage, maxBatteryVoltage, 0, 100);
// SmartHome stuff
char subuf[64];
strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic);
strcat_P(subuf, PSTR("/voltage"));
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, String(voltage).c_str());
@ -163,9 +193,31 @@ class UsermodBatteryBasic : public Usermod
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
JsonArray battery = user.createNestedArray("Battery level");
battery.add(F(" %"));
// info modal display names
JsonArray batteryPercentage = user.createNestedArray("Battery level");
JsonArray batteryVoltage = user.createNestedArray("Battery voltage");
if (initializing) {
batteryPercentage.add((nextReadTime - millis()) / 1000);
batteryPercentage.add(" sec");
batteryVoltage.add((nextReadTime - millis()) / 1000);
batteryVoltage.add(" sec");
if(batteryLevel < 0) {
} else {
batteryPercentage.add(F(" %"));
if(voltage < 0) {
} else {
batteryVoltage.add(truncate(voltage, 2));
batteryVoltage.add(F(" V"));

View File

@ -317,15 +317,15 @@ class MultiRelay : public Usermod {
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void addToJsonState(JsonObject &root) {
//void addToJsonState(JsonObject &root) {
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject &root) {
//void readFromJsonState(JsonObject &root) {
* provide the changeable values
@ -335,11 +335,12 @@ class MultiRelay : public Usermod {
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<MULTI_RELAY_MAX_RELAYS; i++) {
String parName = FPSTR(_relay_str); parName += "-"; parName += i; parName += "-";
top[parName+"pin"] = _relay[i].pin;
top[parName+FPSTR(_activeHigh)] = _relay[i].mode;
top[parName+FPSTR(_delay_str)] = _relay[i].delay;
top[parName+FPSTR(_external)] = _relay[i].external;
String parName = FPSTR(_relay_str); parName += '-'; parName += i;
JsonObject relay = top.createNestedObject(parName);
relay["pin"] = _relay[i].pin;
relay[FPSTR(_activeHigh)] = _relay[i].mode;
relay[FPSTR(_delay_str)] = _relay[i].delay;
relay[FPSTR(_external)] = _relay[i].external;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("MultiRelay config saved."));
@ -363,12 +364,19 @@ class MultiRelay : public Usermod {
enabled = top[FPSTR(_enabled)] | enabled;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<MULTI_RELAY_MAX_RELAYS; i++) {
String parName = FPSTR(_relay_str); parName += "-"; parName += i; parName += "-";
String parName = FPSTR(_relay_str); parName += '-'; parName += i;
oldPin[i] = _relay[i].pin;
_relay[i].pin = top[parName]["pin"] | _relay[i].pin;
_relay[i].mode = top[parName][FPSTR(_activeHigh)] | _relay[i].mode;
_relay[i].external = top[parName][FPSTR(_external)] | _relay[i].external;
_relay[i].delay = top[parName][FPSTR(_delay_str)] | _relay[i].delay;
// begin backwards compatibility (beta) remove when 0.13 is released
parName += '-';
_relay[i].pin = top[parName+"pin"] | _relay[i].pin;
_relay[i].mode = top[parName+FPSTR(_activeHigh)] | _relay[i].mode;
_relay[i].external = top[parName+FPSTR(_external)] | _relay[i].external;
_relay[i].delay = top[parName+FPSTR(_delay_str)] | _relay[i].delay;
// end compatibility
_relay[i].delay = min(600,max(0,abs((int)_relay[i].delay))); // bounds checking max 10min
@ -396,7 +404,7 @@ class MultiRelay : public Usermod {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return true;
return !top[F("relay-0")]["pin"].isNull();

View File

@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
U8X8 *u8x8 = nullptr; // pointer to U8X8 display object
int8_t ioPin[5] = {FLD_PIN_SCL, FLD_PIN_SDA, -1, -1, -1}; // I2C pins: SCL, SDA
uint32_t ioFrequency = 400000; // in Hz (minimum is 100000, baseline is 400000 and maximum should be 3400000)
DisplayType type = SSD1306; // display type
@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
static const char _flip[];
static const char _sleepMode[];
static const char _clockMode[];
static const char _busClkFrequency[];
// If display does not work or looks corrupted check the
// constructor reference:
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
initDone = true;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Starting display."));
if (!(type == SSD1306_SPI || type == SSD1306_SPI64)) u8x8->setBusClock(ioFrequency); // can be used for SPI too
setContrast(contrast); //Contrast setup will help to preserve OLED lifetime. In case OLED need to be brighter increase number up to 255
@ -683,6 +686,7 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
top[FPSTR(_screenTimeOut)] = screenTimeout/1000;
top[FPSTR(_sleepMode)] = (bool) sleepMode;
top[FPSTR(_clockMode)] = (bool) clockMode;
top[FPSTR(_busClkFrequency)] = ioFrequency/1000;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("4 Line Display config saved."));
@ -714,6 +718,7 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
screenTimeout = (top[FPSTR(_screenTimeOut)] | screenTimeout/1000) * 1000;
sleepMode = top[FPSTR(_sleepMode)] | sleepMode;
clockMode = top[FPSTR(_clockMode)] | clockMode;
ioFrequency = min(3400, max(100, (int)(top[FPSTR(_busClkFrequency)] | ioFrequency/1000))) * 1000; // limit frequency
if (!initDone) {
@ -739,12 +744,13 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
needsRedraw |= true;
if (!(type == SSD1306_SPI || type == SSD1306_SPI64)) u8x8->setBusClock(ioFrequency); // can be used for SPI too
if (needsRedraw && !wakeDisplay()) redraw(true);
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return !(top["pin"][2]).isNull();
return !(top[_busClkFrequency]).isNull();
@ -757,10 +763,11 @@ class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "4LineDisplay";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_contrast[] PROGMEM = "contrast";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_refreshRate[] PROGMEM = "refreshRateSec";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_screenTimeOut[] PROGMEM = "screenTimeOutSec";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_flip[] PROGMEM = "flip";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_sleepMode[] PROGMEM = "sleepMode";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_clockMode[] PROGMEM = "clockMode";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "4LineDisplay";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_contrast[] PROGMEM = "contrast";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_refreshRate[] PROGMEM = "refreshRateSec";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_screenTimeOut[] PROGMEM = "screenTimeOutSec";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_flip[] PROGMEM = "flip";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_sleepMode[] PROGMEM = "sleepMode";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_clockMode[] PROGMEM = "clockMode";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_busClkFrequency[] PROGMEM = "i2c-freq-kHz";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# I2C 4 Line Display Usermod ALT
Thank you to the authors of the original version of these usermods. It would not have been possible without them!
The core of these usermods are a copy of the originals. The main changes are done to the FourLineDisplay usermod.
The display usermod UI has been completely changed.
The changes made to the RotaryEncoder usermod were made to support the new UI in the display usermod.
Without the display it functions identical to the original.
The original "usermod_v2_auto_save" will not work with the display just yet.
Press the encoder to cycle through the options:
*Main Color (only if display is used)
*Saturation (only if display is used)
Press and hold the encoder to display Network Info
if AP is active then it will display AP ssid and Password
Also shows if the timer is enabled
[See the pair of usermods in action](
## Installation
Please refer to the original `usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui` readme for the main instructions
Then to activate this alternative usermod add `#define USE_ALT_DISPlAY` to the `usermods_list.cpp` file,
or add `-D USE_ALT_DISPlAY` to the original `platformio_override.ini.sample` file
### PlatformIO requirements
Note: the Four Line Display usermod requires the libraries `U8g2` and `Wire`.
## Change Log
* First public release

View File

@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
#include <U8x8lib.h> // from
// Insired by the usermod_v2_four_line_display
// v2 usermod for using 128x32 or 128x64 i2c
// OLED displays to provide a four line display
// for WLED.
// Dependencies
// * This usermod REQURES the ModeSortUsermod
// * This Usermod works best, by far, when coupled
// with RotaryEncoderUIUsermod.
// Make sure to enable NTP and set your time zone in WLED Config | Time.
// REQUIREMENT: You must add the following requirements to
// REQUIREMENT: "lib_deps" within platformio.ini / platformio_override.ini
// REQUIREMENT: * U8g2 (the version already in platformio.ini is fine)
//The SCL and SDA pins are defined here.
#ifndef FLD_PIN_SCL
#define FLD_PIN_SCL 22
#ifndef FLD_PIN_SDA
#define FLD_PIN_SDA 21
#define FLD_PIN_DATASPI 23
#ifndef FLD_PIN_DC
#define FLD_PIN_DC 19
#ifndef FLD_PIN_CS
#define FLD_PIN_CS 5
#define FLD_PIN_RESET 26
#ifndef FLD_PIN_SCL
#define FLD_PIN_SCL 5
#ifndef FLD_PIN_SDA
#define FLD_PIN_SDA 4
#define FLD_PIN_DATASPI 13
#ifndef FLD_PIN_DC
#define FLD_PIN_DC 12
#ifndef FLD_PIN_CS
#define FLD_PIN_CS 15
#define FLD_PIN_RESET 16
// When to time out to the clock or blank the screen
#define SCREEN_TIMEOUT_MS 60*1000 // 1 min
#define TIME_INDENT 0
#define DATE_INDENT 2
// Minimum time between redrawing screen in ms
// Extra char (+1) for null
#define LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 16+1
#define MAX_JSON_CHARS 19+1
#define MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE 13+1
typedef enum {
NONE = 0,
SSD1306, // U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_HW_I2C
SH1106, // U8X8_SH1106_128X64_WINSTAR_HW_I2C
SSD1306_64, // U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C
SSD1305, // U8X8_SSD1305_128X32_ADAFRUIT_HW_I2C
SSD1305_64, // U8X8_SSD1305_128X64_ADAFRUIT_HW_I2C
SSD1306_SPI, // U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_NONAME_HW_SPI
SSD1306_SPI64 // U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_SPI
} DisplayType;
Fontname: benji_custom_icons_1x
Glyphs: 1/1
BBX Build Mode: 3
* 4 = custom palette
const uint8_t u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_1x1[13] U8X8_FONT_SECTION("u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_1x1") =
Fontname: benji_custom_icons_2x
Glyphs: 8/8
BBX Build Mode: 3
// all the icons uses are consolidated into a single library to simplify code
// these are just the required icons stripped from the U8x8 libraries in addition to a few new custom icons
* 1 = sun
* 2 = skip forward
* 3 = fire
* 4 = custom palette
* 5 = puzzle piece
* 6 = moon
* 7 = brush
* 8 = custom saturation
const uint8_t u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2[261] U8X8_FONT_SECTION("u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2") =
Fontname: benji_custom_icons_6x
Glyphs: 8/8
BBX Build Mode: 3
// 6x6 icons libraries take up a lot of memory thus all the icons uses are consolidated into a single library
// these are just the required icons stripped from the U8x8 libraries in addition to a few new custom icons
* 1 = sun
* 2 = skip forward
* 3 = fire
* 4 = custom palette
* 5 = puzzle piece
* 6 = moon
* 7 = brush
* 8 = custom saturation
const uint8_t u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_6x6[2308] U8X8_FONT_SECTION("u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_6x6") =
class FourLineDisplayUsermod : public Usermod {
bool initDone = false;
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// HW interface & configuration
U8X8 *u8x8 = nullptr; // pointer to U8X8 display object
int8_t ioPin[5] = {FLD_PIN_SCL, FLD_PIN_SDA, -1, -1, -1}; // I2C pins: SCL, SDA
uint32_t ioFrequency = 400000; // in Hz (minimum is 100000, baseline is 400000 and maximum should be 3400000)
DisplayType type = SSD1306_64; // display type
DisplayType type = SSD1306_SPI; // display type
bool flip = false; // flip display 180°
uint8_t contrast = 10; // screen contrast
uint8_t lineHeight = 1; // 1 row or 2 rows
uint32_t refreshRate = USER_LOOP_REFRESH_RATE_MS; // in ms
uint32_t screenTimeout = SCREEN_TIMEOUT_MS; // in ms
bool sleepMode = true; // allow screen sleep?
bool clockMode = false; // display clock
// needRedraw marks if redraw is required to prevent often redrawing.
bool needRedraw = true;
// Next variables hold the previous known values to determine if redraw is
// required.
String knownSsid = "";
IPAddress knownIp;
uint8_t knownBrightness = 0;
uint8_t knownEffectSpeed = 0;
uint8_t knownEffectIntensity = 0;
uint8_t knownMode = 0;
uint8_t knownPalette = 0;
uint8_t knownMinute = 99;
byte brightness100;
byte fxspeed100;
byte fxintensity100;
bool knownnightlight = nightlightActive;
bool wificonnected = interfacesInited;
bool powerON = true;
bool displayTurnedOff = false;
unsigned long lastUpdate = 0;
unsigned long lastRedraw = 0;
unsigned long overlayUntil = 0;
// Set to 2 or 3 to mark lines 2 or 3. Other values ignored.
byte markLineNum = 0;
byte markColNum = 0;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _contrast[];
static const char _refreshRate[];
static const char _screenTimeOut[];
static const char _flip[];
static const char _sleepMode[];
static const char _clockMode[];
static const char _busClkFrequency[];
// If display does not work or looks corrupted check the
// constructor reference:
// or check the gallery:
// gets called once at boot. Do all initialization that doesn't depend on
// network here
void setup() {
if (type == NONE) return;
if (type == SSD1306_SPI || type == SSD1306_SPI64) {
PinManagerPinType pins[5] = { { ioPin[0], true }, { ioPin[1], true}, { ioPin[2], true }, { ioPin[3], true}, { ioPin[4], true }};
if (!pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 5, PinOwner::UM_FourLineDisplay)) { type=NONE; return; }
} else {
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { ioPin[0], true }, { ioPin[1], true} };
if (!pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::UM_FourLineDisplay)) { type=NONE; return; }
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Allocating display."));
switch (type) {
case SSD1306:
#ifdef ESP8266
if (!(ioPin[0]==5 && ioPin[1]==4))
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_SW_I2C(ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // SCL, SDA, reset
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_HW_I2C(U8X8_PIN_NONE, ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // Pins are Reset, SCL, SDA
lineHeight = 1;
case SH1106:
#ifdef ESP8266
if (!(ioPin[0]==5 && ioPin[1]==4))
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SH1106_128X64_WINSTAR_SW_I2C(ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // SCL, SDA, reset
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SH1106_128X64_WINSTAR_HW_I2C(U8X8_PIN_NONE, ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // Pins are Reset, SCL, SDA
lineHeight = 2;
case SSD1306_64:
#ifdef ESP8266
if (!(ioPin[0]==5 && ioPin[1]==4))
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_SW_I2C(ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // SCL, SDA, reset
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_HW_I2C(U8X8_PIN_NONE, ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // Pins are Reset, SCL, SDA
lineHeight = 2;
case SSD1305:
#ifdef ESP8266
if (!(ioPin[0]==5 && ioPin[1]==4))
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1305_128X32_NONAME_SW_I2C(ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // SCL, SDA, reset
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1305_128X32_ADAFRUIT_HW_I2C(U8X8_PIN_NONE, ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // Pins are Reset, SCL, SDA
lineHeight = 1;
case SSD1305_64:
#ifdef ESP8266
if (!(ioPin[0]==5 && ioPin[1]==4))
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1305_128X64_ADAFRUIT_SW_I2C(ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // SCL, SDA, reset
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1305_128X64_ADAFRUIT_HW_I2C(U8X8_PIN_NONE, ioPin[0], ioPin[1]); // Pins are Reset, SCL, SDA
lineHeight = 2;
case SSD1306_SPI:
if (!(ioPin[0]==FLD_PIN_CLOCKSPI && ioPin[1]==FLD_PIN_DATASPI)) // if not overridden these sould be HW accellerated
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_4W_SW_SPI(ioPin[0], ioPin[1], ioPin[2], ioPin[3], ioPin[4]);
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_4W_HW_SPI(ioPin[2], ioPin[3], ioPin[4]); // Pins are cs, dc, reset
lineHeight = 1;
case SSD1306_SPI64:
if (!(ioPin[0]==FLD_PIN_CLOCKSPI && ioPin[1]==FLD_PIN_DATASPI)) // if not overridden these sould be HW accellerated
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_4W_SW_SPI(ioPin[0], ioPin[1], ioPin[2], ioPin[3], ioPin[4]);
u8x8 = (U8X8 *) new U8X8_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_4W_HW_SPI(ioPin[2], ioPin[3], ioPin[4]); // Pins are cs, dc, reset
lineHeight = 2;
u8x8 = nullptr;
if (nullptr == u8x8) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Display init failed."));
for (byte i=0; i<5 && ioPin[i]>=0; i++) pinManager.deallocatePin(ioPin[i], PinOwner::UM_FourLineDisplay);
type = NONE;
initDone = true;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Starting display."));
if (!(type == SSD1306_SPI || type == SSD1306_SPI64)) u8x8->setBusClock(ioFrequency); // can be used for SPI too
setContrast(contrast); //Contrast setup will help to preserve OLED lifetime. In case OLED need to be brighter increase number up to 255
drawString(0, 0, "Loading...");
// gets called every time WiFi is (re-)connected. Initialize own network
// interfaces here
void connected() {}
* Da loop.
void loop() {
if (displayTurnedOff && millis() - lastUpdate < 1000) {
}else if (millis() - lastUpdate < refreshRate){
lastUpdate = millis();
* Wrappers for screen drawing
void setFlipMode(uint8_t mode) {
if (type==NONE) return;
void setContrast(uint8_t contrast) {
if (type==NONE) return;
void drawString(uint8_t col, uint8_t row, const char *string, bool ignoreLH=false) {
if (type==NONE) return;
if (!ignoreLH && lineHeight==2) u8x8->draw1x2String(col, row, string);
else u8x8->drawString(col, row, string);
void draw2x2String(uint8_t col, uint8_t row, const char *string) {
if (type==NONE) return;
u8x8->draw2x2String(col, row, string);
void drawGlyph(uint8_t col, uint8_t row, char glyph, const uint8_t *font, bool ignoreLH=false) {
if (type==NONE) return;
if (!ignoreLH && lineHeight==2) u8x8->draw1x2Glyph(col, row, glyph);
else u8x8->drawGlyph(col, row, glyph);
uint8_t getCols() {
if (type==NONE) return 0;
return u8x8->getCols();
void clear() {
if (type==NONE) return;
void setPowerSave(uint8_t save) {
if (type==NONE) return;
void center(String &line, uint8_t width) {
int len = line.length();
if (len<width) for (byte i=(width-len)/2; i>0; i--) line = ' ' + line;
for (byte i=line.length(); i<width; i++) line += ' ';
//function to update lastredraw
void updateRedrawTime(){
lastRedraw = millis();
* Redraw the screen (but only if things have changed
* or if forceRedraw).
void redraw(bool forceRedraw) {
if (type==NONE) return;
if (overlayUntil > 0) {
if (millis() >= overlayUntil) {
// Time to display the overlay has elapsed.
overlayUntil = 0;
forceRedraw = true;
} else {
// We are still displaying the overlay
// Don't redraw.
// Check if values which are shown on display changed from the last time.
if (forceRedraw) {
needRedraw = true;
} else if ((bri == 0 && powerON) || (bri > 0 && !powerON)) { //trigger power icon
powerON = !powerON;
lastRedraw = millis();
} else if (knownnightlight != nightlightActive) { //trigger moon icon
knownnightlight = nightlightActive;
if (knownnightlight) overlay(" Timer On", 1000, 6);
lastRedraw = millis();
}else if (wificonnected != interfacesInited){ //trigger wifi icon
wificonnected = interfacesInited;
lastRedraw = millis();
} else if (knownMode != effectCurrent) {
knownMode = effectCurrent;
if(displayTurnedOff)needRedraw = true;
else showCurrentEffectOrPalette(knownMode, JSON_mode_names, 3);
} else if (knownPalette != effectPalette) {
knownPalette = effectPalette;
if(displayTurnedOff)needRedraw = true;
else showCurrentEffectOrPalette(knownPalette, JSON_palette_names, 2);
} else if (knownBrightness != bri) {
if(displayTurnedOff && nightlightActive){needRedraw = false; knownBrightness = bri;}
else if(displayTurnedOff)needRedraw = true;
else updateBrightness();
} else if (knownEffectSpeed != effectSpeed) {
if(displayTurnedOff)needRedraw = true;
else updateSpeed();
} else if (knownEffectIntensity != effectIntensity) {
if(displayTurnedOff)needRedraw = true;
else updateIntensity();
if (!needRedraw) {
// Nothing to change.
// Turn off display after 1 minutes with no change.
if(sleepMode && !displayTurnedOff && (millis() - lastRedraw > screenTimeout)) {
// We will still check if there is a change in redraw()
// and turn it back on if it changed.
} else if (displayTurnedOff && clockMode) {
} else {
needRedraw = false;
lastRedraw = millis();
if (displayTurnedOff) {
// Turn the display back on
// Update last known values.
knownSsid = apActive ? apSSID : WiFi.SSID(); //apActive ? WiFi.softAPSSID() :
knownIp = apActive ? IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1) : WiFi.localIP();
knownBrightness = bri;
knownMode = effectCurrent;
knownPalette = effectPalette;
knownEffectSpeed = effectSpeed;
knownEffectIntensity = effectIntensity;
knownnightlight = nightlightActive;
wificonnected = interfacesInited;
// Do the actual drawing
// First row: Icons
// Second row
// Third row
showCurrentEffectOrPalette(knownPalette, JSON_palette_names, 2); //Palette info
// Fourth row
showCurrentEffectOrPalette(knownMode, JSON_mode_names, 3); //Effect Mode info
void updateBrightness(){
knownBrightness = bri;
if(overlayUntil == 0){
brightness100 = (((float)(bri)/255)*100);
char lineBuffer[4];
sprintf_P(lineBuffer, PSTR("%-3d"), brightness100);
drawString(1, lineHeight, lineBuffer);
lastRedraw = millis();}
void updateSpeed(){
knownEffectSpeed = effectSpeed;
if(overlayUntil == 0){
fxspeed100 = (((float)(effectSpeed)/255)*100);
char lineBuffer[4];
sprintf_P(lineBuffer, PSTR("%-3d"), fxspeed100);
drawString(5, lineHeight, lineBuffer);
lastRedraw = millis();}
void updateIntensity(){
knownEffectIntensity = effectIntensity;
if(overlayUntil == 0){
fxintensity100 = (((float)(effectIntensity)/255)*100);
char lineBuffer[4];
sprintf_P(lineBuffer, PSTR("%-3d"), fxintensity100);
drawString(9, lineHeight, lineBuffer);
lastRedraw = millis();}
void draw2x2GlyphIcons(){
if(lineHeight == 2){
drawGlyph(1, 0, 1, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2, true);//brightness icon
drawGlyph(5, 0, 2, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2, true);//speed icon
drawGlyph(9, 0, 3, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2, true);//intensity icon
drawGlyph(14, 2*lineHeight, 4, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2, true);//palette icon
drawGlyph(14, 3*lineHeight, 5, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2, true);//effect icon
drawGlyph(2, 0, 69, u8x8_font_open_iconic_weather_1x1);//brightness icon
drawGlyph(6, 0, 72, u8x8_font_open_iconic_play_1x1);//speed icon
drawGlyph(10, 0, 78, u8x8_font_open_iconic_thing_1x1);//intensity icon
drawGlyph(15, 2*lineHeight, 4, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_1x1);//palette icon
drawGlyph(15, 3*lineHeight, 70, u8x8_font_open_iconic_thing_1x1);//effect icon
void drawStatusIcons(){
drawGlyph(14, 0, 80 + (wificonnected?0:1), u8x8_font_open_iconic_embedded_1x1, true); // wifi icon
drawGlyph(15, 0, 78 + (bri > 0 ? 0 : 3), u8x8_font_open_iconic_embedded_1x1, true); // power icon
drawGlyph(13, 0, 66 + (nightlightActive?0:4), u8x8_font_open_iconic_weather_1x1, true); // moon icon for nighlight mode
* marks the position of the arrow showing
* the current setting being changed
* pass line and colum info
void setMarkLine(byte newMarkLineNum, byte newMarkColNum) {
markLineNum = newMarkLineNum;
markColNum = newMarkColNum;
//Draw the arrow for the current setting beiong changed
void drawArrow(){
if(markColNum != 255 && markLineNum !=255)drawGlyph(markColNum, markLineNum*lineHeight, 69, u8x8_font_open_iconic_play_1x1);
//Display the current effect or palette (desiredEntry)
// on the appropriate line (row).
void showCurrentEffectOrPalette(int inputEffPal, const char *qstring, uint8_t row) {
knownMode = effectCurrent;
knownPalette = effectPalette;
if(overlayUntil == 0){
char lineBuffer[MAX_JSON_CHARS];
char smallBuffer1[MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE];
char smallBuffer2[MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE];
char smallBuffer3[MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE+1];
uint8_t qComma = 0;
bool insideQuotes = false;
bool spaceHit = false;
uint8_t printedChars = 0;
uint8_t smallChars1 = 0;
uint8_t smallChars2 = 0;
uint8_t smallChars3 = 0;
uint8_t totalCount = 0;
char singleJsonSymbol;
// Find the mode name in JSON
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen_P(qstring); i++) { //find and get the full text for printing
singleJsonSymbol = pgm_read_byte_near(qstring + i);
if (singleJsonSymbol == '\0') break;
switch (singleJsonSymbol) {
case '"':
insideQuotes = !insideQuotes;
case '[':
case ']':
case ',':
if (!insideQuotes || (qComma != inputEffPal)) break;
lineBuffer[printedChars++] = singleJsonSymbol;
if ((qComma > inputEffPal)) break;
if(lineHeight ==2){ // use this code for 8 line display
if(printedChars < (MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE)){ // use big font if the text fits
for (;printedChars < (MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE-1); printedChars++) {lineBuffer[printedChars]=' '; }
lineBuffer[printedChars] = 0;
drawString(1, row*lineHeight, lineBuffer);
lastRedraw = millis();
}else{ // for long names divide the text into 2 lines and print them small
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < printedChars; i++){
switch (lineBuffer[i]){
case ' ':
if(i > 4 && !spaceHit) {
spaceHit = true;
if(!spaceHit) smallBuffer1[smallChars1++] = lineBuffer[i];
if (spaceHit) smallBuffer2[smallChars2++] = lineBuffer[i];
if(!spaceHit) smallBuffer1[smallChars1++] = lineBuffer[i];
if (spaceHit) smallBuffer2[smallChars2++] = lineBuffer[i];
for (; smallChars1 < (MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE-1); smallChars1++) smallBuffer1[smallChars1]=' ';
smallBuffer1[smallChars1] = 0;
drawString(1, row*lineHeight, smallBuffer1, true);
for (; smallChars2 < (MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE-1); smallChars2++) smallBuffer2[smallChars2]=' ';
smallBuffer2[smallChars2] = 0;
drawString(1, row*lineHeight+1, smallBuffer2, true);
lastRedraw = millis();
else{ // use this code for 4 ling displays
if (printedChars > MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE) printedChars = MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < printedChars; i++){
smallBuffer3[smallChars3++] = lineBuffer[i];
for (; smallChars3 < (MAX_MODE_LINE_SPACE); smallChars3++) smallBuffer3[smallChars3]=' ';
smallBuffer3[smallChars3] = 0;
drawString(1, row*lineHeight, smallBuffer3, true);
lastRedraw = millis();
* If there screen is off or in clock is displayed,
* this will return true. This allows us to throw away
* the first input from the rotary encoder but
* to wake up the screen.
bool wakeDisplay() {
//knownHour = 99;
if (displayTurnedOff) {
// Turn the display back on
return true;
return false;
* Allows you to show one line and a glyph as overlay for a
* period of time.
* Clears the screen and prints.
void overlay(const char* line1, long showHowLong, byte glyphType) {
if (displayTurnedOff) {
// Turn the display back on
// Print the overlay
if (glyphType > 0){
if ( lineHeight == 2) drawGlyph(5, 0, glyphType, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_6x6, true);
else drawGlyph(7, lineHeight, glyphType, u8x8_font_benji_custom_icons_2x2, true);
if (line1) drawString(0, 3*lineHeight, line1);
overlayUntil = millis() + showHowLong;
void networkOverlay(const char* line1, long showHowLong) {
if (displayTurnedOff) {
// Turn the display back on
// Print the overlay
// First row string
if (line1) drawString(0, 0, line1);
// Second row with Wifi name
String ssidString = knownSsid.substring(0, getCols() > 1 ? getCols() - 2 : 0); //
drawString(0, lineHeight, ssidString.c_str());
// Print `~` char to indicate that SSID is longer, than our display
if (knownSsid.length() > getCols()) {
drawString(getCols() - 1, 0, "~");
// Third row with IP and Psssword in AP Mode
drawString(0, lineHeight*2, (knownIp.toString()).c_str());
if (apActive) {
String appassword = apPass;
drawString(0, lineHeight*3, appassword.c_str());
overlayUntil = millis() + showHowLong;
* Enable sleep (turn the display off) or clock mode.
void sleepOrClock(bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
if (clockMode) {
knownMinute = 99;
}else setPowerSave(1);
displayTurnedOff = true;
else {
displayTurnedOff = false;
* Display the current date and time in large characters
* on the middle rows. Based 24 or 12 hour depending on
* the useAMPM configuration.
void showTime() {
if(knownMinute != minute(localTime)){ //only redraw clock if it has changed
char lineBuffer[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE];
byte AmPmHour = hour(localTime);
boolean isitAM = true;
if (useAMPM) {
if (AmPmHour > 11) AmPmHour -= 12;
if (AmPmHour == 0) AmPmHour = 12;
if (hour(localTime) > 11) isitAM = false;
drawStatusIcons(); //icons power, wifi, timer, etc
sprintf_P(lineBuffer, PSTR("%s %2d "), monthShortStr(month(localTime)), day(localTime));
draw2x2String(DATE_INDENT, lineHeight==1 ? 0 : lineHeight, lineBuffer); // adjust for 8 line displays, draw month and day
sprintf_P(lineBuffer,PSTR("%2d:%02d"), (useAMPM ? AmPmHour : hour(localTime)), minute(localTime));
draw2x2String(TIME_INDENT+2, lineHeight*2, lineBuffer); //draw hour, min. blink ":" depending on odd/even seconds
if (useAMPM) drawString(12, lineHeight*2, (isitAM ? "AM" : "PM"), true); //draw am/pm if using 12 time
knownMinute = minute(localTime);
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Creating an "u" object allows you to add custom key/value pairs to the Info section of the WLED web UI.
* Below it is shown how this could be used for e.g. a light sensor
//void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root) {
//JsonObject user = root["u"];
//if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
//JsonArray data = user.createNestedArray(F("4LineDisplay"));
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
//void addToJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
//void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
// if (!initDone) return; // prevent crash on boot applyPreset()
* addToConfig() can be used to add custom persistent settings to the cfg.json file in the "um" (usermod) object.
* It will be called by WLED when settings are actually saved (for example, LED settings are saved)
* If you want to force saving the current state, use serializeConfig() in your loop().
* CAUTION: serializeConfig() will initiate a filesystem write operation.
* It might cause the LEDs to stutter and will cause flash wear if called too often.
* Use it sparingly and always in the loop, never in network callbacks!
* addToConfig() will also not yet add your setting to one of the settings pages automatically.
* To make that work you still have to add the setting to the HTML, xml.cpp and set.cpp manually.
* I highly recommend checking out the basics of ArduinoJson serialization and deserialization in order to use custom settings!
void addToConfig(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
JsonArray io_pin = top.createNestedArray("pin");
for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) io_pin.add(ioPin[i]);
top["help4PinTypes"] = F("Clk,Data,CS,DC,RST"); // help for Settings page
top["type"] = type;
top[FPSTR(_flip)] = (bool) flip;
top[FPSTR(_contrast)] = contrast;
top[FPSTR(_refreshRate)] = refreshRate/10;
top[FPSTR(_screenTimeOut)] = screenTimeout/1000;
top[FPSTR(_sleepMode)] = (bool) sleepMode;
top[FPSTR(_clockMode)] = (bool) clockMode;
top[FPSTR(_busClkFrequency)] = ioFrequency/1000;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("4 Line Display config saved."));
* readFromConfig() can be used to read back the custom settings you added with addToConfig().
* This is called by WLED when settings are loaded (currently this only happens once immediately after boot)
* readFromConfig() is called BEFORE setup(). This means you can use your persistent values in setup() (e.g. pin assignments, buffer sizes),
* but also that if you want to write persistent values to a dynamic buffer, you'd need to allocate it here instead of in setup.
* If you don't know what that is, don't fret. It most likely doesn't affect your use case :)
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject& root) {
bool needsRedraw = false;
DisplayType newType = type;
int8_t newPin[5]; for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) newPin[i] = ioPin[i];
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
newType = top["type"] | newType;
for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) newPin[i] = top["pin"][i] | ioPin[i];
flip = top[FPSTR(_flip)] | flip;
contrast = top[FPSTR(_contrast)] | contrast;
refreshRate = (top[FPSTR(_refreshRate)] | refreshRate/10) * 10;
screenTimeout = (top[FPSTR(_screenTimeOut)] | screenTimeout/1000) * 1000;
sleepMode = top[FPSTR(_sleepMode)] | sleepMode;
clockMode = top[FPSTR(_clockMode)] | clockMode;
ioFrequency = min(3400, max(100, (int)(top[FPSTR(_busClkFrequency)] | ioFrequency/1000))) * 1000; // limit frequency
if (!initDone) {
// first run: reading from cfg.json
for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) ioPin[i] = newPin[i];
type = newType;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config loaded."));
} else {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// changing parameters from settings page
bool pinsChanged = false;
for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) if (ioPin[i] != newPin[i]) { pinsChanged = true; break; }
if (pinsChanged || type!=newType) {
if (type != NONE) delete u8x8;
for (byte i=0; i<5; i++) {
if (ioPin[i]>=0) pinManager.deallocatePin(ioPin[i], PinOwner::UM_FourLineDisplay);
ioPin[i] = newPin[i];
if (ioPin[0]<0 || ioPin[1]<0) { // data & clock must be > -1
type = NONE;
return true;
} else type = newType;
needsRedraw |= true;
if (!(type == SSD1306_SPI || type == SSD1306_SPI64)) u8x8->setBusClock(ioFrequency); // can be used for SPI too
if (needsRedraw && !wakeDisplay()) redraw(true);
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return !(top[_busClkFrequency]).isNull();
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId() {
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "4LineDisplay";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_contrast[] PROGMEM = "contrast";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_refreshRate[] PROGMEM = "refreshRate0.01Sec";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_screenTimeOut[] PROGMEM = "screenTimeOutSec";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_flip[] PROGMEM = "flip";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_sleepMode[] PROGMEM = "sleepMode";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_clockMode[] PROGMEM = "clockMode";
const char FourLineDisplayUsermod::_busClkFrequency[] PROGMEM = "i2c-freq-kHz";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Rotary Encoder UI Usermod ALT
Thank you to the authors of the original version of these usermods. It would not have been possible without them!
The core of these usermods are a copy of the originals. The main changes are done to the FourLineDisplay usermod.
The display usermod UI has been completely changed.
The changes made to the RotaryEncoder usermod were made to support the new UI in the display usermod.
Without the display it functions identical to the original.
The original "usermod_v2_auto_save" will not work with the display just yet.
Press the encoder to cycle through the options:
*Main Color (only if display is used)
*Saturation (only if display is used)
Press and hold the encoder to display Network Info
if AP is active then it will display AP ssid and Password
Also shows if the timer is enabled
[See the pair of usermods in action](
## Installation
Please refer to the original `usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui` readme for the main instructions
Then to activate this alternative usermod add `#define USE_ALT_DISPlAY` to the `usermods_list.cpp` file,
or add `-D USE_ALT_DISPlAY` to the original `platformio_override.ini.sample` file
### PlatformIO requirements
Note: the Four Line Display usermod requires the libraries `U8g2` and `Wire`.
## Change Log
* First public release

View File

@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
// Inspired by the original v2 usermods
// * usermod_v2_rotaty_encoder_ui
// v2 usermod that provides a rotary encoder-based UI.
// This usermod allows you to control:
// * Brightness
// * Selected Effect
// * Effect Speed
// * Effect Intensity
// * Palette
// Change between modes by pressing a button.
// Dependencies
// * This usermod REQURES the ModeSortUsermod
// * This Usermod works best coupled with
// FourLineDisplayUsermod.
// If FourLineDisplayUsermod is used the folowing options are also inabled
// * main color
// * saturation of main color
// * display network (long press buttion)
#define ENCODER_DT_PIN 18
#define ENCODER_SW_PIN 19
// The last UI state, remove color and saturation option if diplay not active(too many options)
#define LAST_UI_STATE 6
#define LAST_UI_STATE 4
class RotaryEncoderUIUsermod : public Usermod {
int fadeAmount = 5; // Amount to change every step (brightness)
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long loopTime;
unsigned long buttonHoldTIme;
int8_t pinA = ENCODER_DT_PIN; // DT from encoder
int8_t pinB = ENCODER_CLK_PIN; // CLK from encoder
int8_t pinC = ENCODER_SW_PIN; // SW from encoder
unsigned char select_state = 0; // 0: brightness, 1: effect, 2: effect speed
unsigned char button_state = HIGH;
unsigned char prev_button_state = HIGH;
bool networkShown = false;
uint16_t currentHue1 = 6425; // default reboot color
byte currentSat1 = 255;
FourLineDisplayUsermod *display;
void* display = nullptr;
byte *modes_alpha_indexes = nullptr;
byte *palettes_alpha_indexes = nullptr;
unsigned char Enc_A;
unsigned char Enc_B;
unsigned char Enc_A_prev = 0;
bool currentEffectAndPaletteInitialized = false;
uint8_t effectCurrentIndex = 0;
uint8_t effectPaletteIndex = 0;
uint8_t knownMode = 0;
uint8_t knownPalette = 0;
bool initDone = false;
bool enabled = true;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _DT_pin[];
static const char _CLK_pin[];
static const char _SW_pin[];
* setup() is called once at boot. WiFi is not yet connected at this point.
* You can use it to initialize variables, sensors or similar.
void setup()
PinManagerPinType pins[3] = { { pinA, false }, { pinB, false }, { pinC, false } };
if (!pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 3, PinOwner::UM_RotaryEncoderUI)) {
// BUG: configuring this usermod with conflicting pins
// will cause it to de-allocate pins it does not own
// (at second config)
// This is the exact type of bug solved by pinManager
// tracking the owner tags....
pinA = pinB = pinC = -1;
enabled = false;
pinMode(pinA, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinB, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinC, INPUT_PULLUP);
currentTime = millis();
loopTime = currentTime;
ModeSortUsermod *modeSortUsermod = (ModeSortUsermod*) usermods.lookup(USERMOD_ID_MODE_SORT);
modes_alpha_indexes = modeSortUsermod->getModesAlphaIndexes();
palettes_alpha_indexes = modeSortUsermod->getPalettesAlphaIndexes();
// This Usermod uses FourLineDisplayUsermod for the best experience.
// But it's optional. But you want it.
display = (FourLineDisplayUsermod*) usermods.lookup(USERMOD_ID_FOUR_LINE_DISP);
if (display != nullptr) {
display->setMarkLine(1, 0);
initDone = true;
Enc_A = digitalRead(pinA); // Read encoder pins
Enc_B = digitalRead(pinB);
Enc_A_prev = Enc_A;
* connected() is called every time the WiFi is (re)connected
* Use it to initialize network interfaces
void connected()
//Serial.println("Connected to WiFi!");
* loop() is called continuously. Here you can check for events, read sensors, etc.
* Tips:
* 1. You can use "if (WLED_CONNECTED)" to check for a successful network connection.
* Additionally, "if (WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED)" is available to check for a connection to an MQTT broker.
* 2. Try to avoid using the delay() function. NEVER use delays longer than 10 milliseconds.
* Instead, use a timer check as shown here.
void loop()
currentTime = millis(); // get the current elapsed time
// Initialize effectCurrentIndex and effectPaletteIndex to
// current state. We do it here as (at least) effectCurrent
// is not yet initialized when setup is called.
if (!currentEffectAndPaletteInitialized) {
if(modes_alpha_indexes[effectCurrentIndex] != effectCurrent
|| palettes_alpha_indexes[effectPaletteIndex] != effectPalette){
currentEffectAndPaletteInitialized = false;
if (currentTime >= (loopTime + 2)) // 2ms since last check of encoder = 500Hz
button_state = digitalRead(pinC);
if (prev_button_state != button_state)
if (button_state == HIGH && (millis()-buttonHoldTIme < 3000))
prev_button_state = button_state;
char newState = select_state + 1;
if (newState > LAST_UI_STATE) newState = 0;
bool changedState = true;
if (display != nullptr) {
switch(newState) {
case 0:
changedState = changeState(" Brightness", 1, 0, 1);
case 1:
changedState = changeState(" Speed", 1, 4, 2);
case 2:
changedState = changeState(" Intensity", 1 ,8, 3);
case 3:
changedState = changeState(" Color Palette", 2, 0, 4);
case 4:
changedState = changeState(" Effect", 3, 0, 5);
case 5:
changedState = changeState(" Main Color", 255, 255, 7);
case 6:
changedState = changeState(" Saturation", 255, 255, 8);
if (changedState) {
select_state = newState;
prev_button_state = button_state;
networkShown = false;
if(!prev_button_state)buttonHoldTIme = millis();
if (!prev_button_state && (millis()-buttonHoldTIme > 3000) && !networkShown) displayNetworkInfo(); //long press for network info
Enc_A = digitalRead(pinA); // Read encoder pins
Enc_B = digitalRead(pinB);
if ((Enc_A) && (!Enc_A_prev))
{ // A has gone from high to low
if (Enc_B == LOW) //changes to LOW so that then encoder registers a change at the very end of a pulse
{ // B is high so clockwise
switch(select_state) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
else if (Enc_B == HIGH)
{ // B is low so counter-clockwise
switch(select_state) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
Enc_A_prev = Enc_A; // Store value of A for next time
loopTime = currentTime; // Updates loopTime
void displayNetworkInfo(){
display->networkOverlay(" NETWORK INFO", 15000);
networkShown = true;
void findCurrentEffectAndPalette() {
currentEffectAndPaletteInitialized = true;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getModeCount(); i++) {
if (modes_alpha_indexes[i] == effectCurrent) {
effectCurrentIndex = i;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getPaletteCount(); i++) {
if (palettes_alpha_indexes[i] == effectPalette) {
effectPaletteIndex = i;
boolean changeState(const char *stateName, byte markedLine, byte markedCol, byte glyph) {
if (display != nullptr) {
if (display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
return false;
display->overlay(stateName, 750, glyph);
display->setMarkLine(markedLine, markedCol);
return true;
void lampUdated() {
//bool fxChanged = strip.setEffectConfig(effectCurrent, effectSpeed, effectIntensity, effectPalette);
//call for notifier -> 0: init 1: direct change 2: button 3: notification 4: nightlight 5: other (No notification)
// 6: fx changed 7: hue 8: preset cycle 9: blynk 10: alexa
void changeBrightness(bool increase) {
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if (increase) bri = (bri + fadeAmount <= 255) ? (bri + fadeAmount) : 255;
else bri = (bri - fadeAmount >= 0) ? (bri - fadeAmount) : 0;
void changeEffect(bool increase) {
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if (increase) effectCurrentIndex = (effectCurrentIndex + 1 >= strip.getModeCount()) ? 0 : (effectCurrentIndex + 1);
else effectCurrentIndex = (effectCurrentIndex - 1 < 0) ? (strip.getModeCount() - 1) : (effectCurrentIndex - 1);
effectCurrent = modes_alpha_indexes[effectCurrentIndex];
display->showCurrentEffectOrPalette(effectCurrent, JSON_mode_names, 3);
void changeEffectSpeed(bool increase) {
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if (increase) effectSpeed = (effectSpeed + fadeAmount <= 255) ? (effectSpeed + fadeAmount) : 255;
else effectSpeed = (effectSpeed - fadeAmount >= 0) ? (effectSpeed - fadeAmount) : 0;
void changeEffectIntensity(bool increase) {
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if (increase) effectIntensity = (effectIntensity + fadeAmount <= 255) ? (effectIntensity + fadeAmount) : 255;
else effectIntensity = (effectIntensity - fadeAmount >= 0) ? (effectIntensity - fadeAmount) : 0;
void changePalette(bool increase) {
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if (increase) effectPaletteIndex = (effectPaletteIndex + 1 >= strip.getPaletteCount()) ? 0 : (effectPaletteIndex + 1);
else effectPaletteIndex = (effectPaletteIndex - 1 < 0) ? (strip.getPaletteCount() - 1) : (effectPaletteIndex - 1);
effectPalette = palettes_alpha_indexes[effectPaletteIndex];
display->showCurrentEffectOrPalette(effectPalette, JSON_palette_names, 2);
void changeHue(bool increase){
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if(increase) currentHue1 += 321;
else currentHue1 -= 321;
colorHStoRGB(currentHue1, currentSat1, col);
void changeSat(bool increase){
if (display && display->wakeDisplay()) {
// Throw away wake up input
if(increase) currentSat1 = (currentSat1 + 5 <= 255 ? (currentSat1 + 5) : 255);
else currentSat1 = (currentSat1 - 5 >= 0 ? (currentSat1 - 5) : 0);
colorHStoRGB(currentHue1, currentSat1, col);
* addToJsonInfo() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/info part of the JSON API.
* Creating an "u" object allows you to add custom key/value pairs to the Info section of the WLED web UI.
* Below it is shown how this could be used for e.g. a light sensor
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root)
int reading = 20;
//this code adds "u":{"Light":[20," lux"]} to the info object
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u");
JsonArray lightArr = user.createNestedArray("Light"); //name
lightArr.add(reading); //value
lightArr.add(" lux"); //unit
* addToJsonState() can be used to add custom entries to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void addToJsonState(JsonObject &root)
//root["user0"] = userVar0;
* readFromJsonState() can be used to receive data clients send to the /json/state part of the JSON API (state object).
* Values in the state object may be modified by connected clients
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject &root)
//userVar0 = root["user0"] | userVar0; //if "user0" key exists in JSON, update, else keep old value
//if (root["bri"] == 255) Serial.println(F("Don't burn down your garage!"));
* addToConfig() (called from set.cpp) stores persistent properties to cfg.json
void addToConfig(JsonObject &root) {
// we add JSON object: {"Rotary-Encoder":{"DT-pin":12,"CLK-pin":14,"SW-pin":13}}
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name)); // usermodname
top[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
top[FPSTR(_DT_pin)] = pinA;
top[FPSTR(_CLK_pin)] = pinB;
top[FPSTR(_SW_pin)] = pinC;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Rotary Encoder config saved."));
* readFromConfig() is called before setup() to populate properties from values stored in cfg.json
* The function should return true if configuration was successfully loaded or false if there was no configuration.
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root) {
// we look for JSON object: {"Rotary-Encoder":{"DT-pin":12,"CLK-pin":14,"SW-pin":13}}
JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (top.isNull()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(": No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
return false;
int8_t newDTpin = pinA;
int8_t newCLKpin = pinB;
int8_t newSWpin = pinC;
enabled = top[FPSTR(_enabled)] | enabled;
newDTpin = top[FPSTR(_DT_pin)] | newDTpin;
newCLKpin = top[FPSTR(_CLK_pin)] | newCLKpin;
newSWpin = top[FPSTR(_SW_pin)] | newSWpin;
if (!initDone) {
// first run: reading from cfg.json
pinA = newDTpin;
pinB = newCLKpin;
pinC = newSWpin;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config loaded."));
} else {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" config (re)loaded."));
// changing parameters from settings page
if (pinA!=newDTpin || pinB!=newCLKpin || pinC!=newSWpin) {
pinManager.deallocatePin(pinA, PinOwner::UM_RotaryEncoderUI);
pinManager.deallocatePin(pinB, PinOwner::UM_RotaryEncoderUI);
pinManager.deallocatePin(pinC, PinOwner::UM_RotaryEncoderUI);
pinA = newDTpin;
pinB = newCLKpin;
pinC = newSWpin;
if (pinA<0 || pinB<0 || pinC<0) {
enabled = false;
return true;
// use "return !top["newestParameter"].isNull();" when updating Usermod with new features
return !top[FPSTR(_enabled)].isNull();
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId()
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char RotaryEncoderUIUsermod::_name[] PROGMEM = "Rotary-Encoder";
const char RotaryEncoderUIUsermod::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
const char RotaryEncoderUIUsermod::_DT_pin[] PROGMEM = "DT-pin";
const char RotaryEncoderUIUsermod::_CLK_pin[] PROGMEM = "CLK-pin";
const char RotaryEncoderUIUsermod::_SW_pin[] PROGMEM = "SW-pin";

View File

@ -10,6 +10,20 @@
#include "bus_wrapper.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
// enable additional debug output
#ifndef ESP8266
#include <rom/rtc.h>
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) Serial.print(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x) Serial.println(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(x...) Serial.printf(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(x...)
//temporary struct for passing bus configuration to bus
struct BusConfig {
uint8_t type = TYPE_WS2812_RGB;
@ -23,7 +37,8 @@ struct BusConfig {
type = busType; count = len; start = pstart;
colorOrder = pcolorOrder; reversed = rev; skipAmount = skip;
uint8_t nPins = 1;
if (type > 47) nPins = 2;
if (type >= TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB && type < 96) nPins = 4; //virtual network bus. 4 "pins" store IP address
else if (type > 47) nPins = 2;
else if (type > 40 && type < 46) nPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nPins; i++) pins[i] = ppins[i];
@ -135,7 +150,7 @@ class BusDigital : public Bus {
_busPtr = PolyBus::create(_iType, _pins, _len, nr);
_valid = (_busPtr != nullptr);
_colorOrder = bc.colorOrder;
//Serial.printf("Successfully inited strip %u (len %u) with type %u and pins %u,%u (itype %u)\n",nr, len, type, pins[0],pins[1],_iType);
DEBUG_PRINTF("Successfully inited strip %u (len %u) with type %u and pins %u,%u (itype %u)\n",nr, _len, bc.type, _pins[0],_pins[1],_iType);
inline void show() {
@ -201,7 +216,7 @@ class BusDigital : public Bus {
void cleanup() {
//Serial.println("Digital Cleanup");
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Digital Cleanup");
PolyBus::cleanup(_busPtr, _iType);
_iType = I_NONE;
_valid = false;
@ -227,6 +242,7 @@ class BusDigital : public Bus {
class BusPwm : public Bus {
BusPwm(BusConfig &bc) : Bus(bc.type, bc.start) {
_valid = false;
if (!IS_PWM(bc.type)) return;
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(bc.type);
@ -280,10 +296,12 @@ class BusPwm : public Bus {
//does no index check
uint32_t getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
if (!_valid) return 0;
return ((_data[3] << 24) | (_data[0] << 16) | (_data[1] << 8) | (_data[2]));
void show() {
if (!_valid) return;
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(_type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
uint8_t scaled = (_data[i] * _bri) / 255;
@ -301,6 +319,7 @@ class BusPwm : public Bus {
uint8_t getPins(uint8_t* pinArray) {
if (!_valid) return 0;
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(_type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) pinArray[i] = _pins[i];
return numPins;
@ -328,13 +347,13 @@ class BusPwm : public Bus {
void deallocatePins() {
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(_type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
pinManager.deallocatePin(_pins[i], PinOwner::BusPwm);
if (!pinManager.isPinOk(_pins[i])) continue;
#ifdef ESP8266
digitalWrite(_pins[i], LOW); //turn off PWM interrupt
if (_ledcStart < 16) ledcDetachPin(_pins[i]);
pinManager.deallocatePin(_pins[i], PinOwner::BusPwm);
pinManager.deallocateLedc(_ledcStart, numPins);
@ -342,6 +361,116 @@ class BusPwm : public Bus {
class BusNetwork : public Bus {
BusNetwork(BusConfig &bc) : Bus(bc.type, bc.start) {
_valid = false;
// switch (bc.type) {
// _rgbw = false;
// _UDPtype = 2;
// break;
// case TYPE_NET_E131_RGB:
// _rgbw = false;
// _UDPtype = 1;
// break;
// _rgbw = false;
// _UDPtype = 0;
// break;
// default:
_rgbw = false;
_UDPtype = bc.type - TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB;
// break;
// }
_UDPchannels = _rgbw ? 4 : 3;
//_rgbw |= bc.rgbwOverride; // RGBW override in bit 7 or can have a special type
_data = (byte *)malloc(bc.count * _UDPchannels);
if (_data == nullptr) return;
memset(_data, 0, bc.count * _UDPchannels);
_len = bc.count;
//_colorOrder = bc.colorOrder;
_client = IPAddress(bc.pins[0],bc.pins[1],bc.pins[2],bc.pins[3]);
_broadcastLock = false;
_valid = true;
void setPixelColor(uint16_t pix, uint32_t c) {
if (!_valid || pix >= _len) return;
uint16_t offset = pix * _UDPchannels;
_data[offset] = 0xFF & (c >> 16);
_data[offset+1] = 0xFF & (c >> 8);
_data[offset+2] = 0xFF & (c );
if (_rgbw) _data[offset+3] = 0xFF & (c >> 24);
uint32_t getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
if (!_valid || pix >= _len) return 0;
uint16_t offset = pix * _UDPchannels;
return (
(_rgbw ? (_data[offset+3] << 24) : 0)
| (_data[offset] << 16)
| (_data[offset+1] << 8)
| (_data[offset+2] )
void show() {
if (!_valid || !canShow()) return;
_broadcastLock = true;
realtimeBroadcast(_UDPtype, _client, _len, _data, _bri, _rgbw);
_broadcastLock = false;
inline bool canShow() {
// this should be a return value from UDP routine if it is still sending data out
return !_broadcastLock;
inline void setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
_bri = b;
uint8_t getPins(uint8_t* pinArray) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinArray[i] = _client[i];
return 4;
inline bool isRgbw() {
return _rgbw;
inline uint16_t getLength() {
return _len;
void cleanup() {
_type = I_NONE;
_valid = false;
if (_data != nullptr) free(_data);
_data = nullptr;
~BusNetwork() {
IPAddress _client;
uint16_t _len = 0;
//uint8_t _colorOrder;
uint8_t _bri = 255;
uint8_t _UDPtype;
uint8_t _UDPchannels;
bool _rgbw;
bool _broadcastLock;
byte *_data;
class BusManager {
BusManager() {
@ -365,15 +494,16 @@ class BusManager {
return len*6;
if (type > 31 && type < 48) return 5;
if (type > 31 && type < 48) return 5;
if (type == 44 || type == 45) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
int add(BusConfig &bc) {
if (numBusses >= WLED_MAX_BUSSES) return -1;
if (IS_DIGITAL(bc.type)) {
if (bc.type >= TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB && bc.type < 96) {
busses[numBusses] = new BusNetwork(bc);
} else if (IS_DIGITAL(bc.type)) {
busses[numBusses] = new BusDigital(bc, numBusses);
} else {
busses[numBusses] = new BusPwm(bc);
@ -402,7 +532,6 @@ class BusManager {
uint16_t bstart = b->getStart();
if (pix < bstart || pix >= bstart + b->getLength()) continue;
busses[i]->setPixelColor(pix - bstart, c);
@ -444,6 +573,7 @@ class BusManager {
return len;
// a workaround
static inline bool isRgbw(uint8_t type) {
return Bus::isRgbw(type);

View File

@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ bool deserializeConfig(JsonObject doc, bool fromFS) {
JsonObject if_live = interfaces["live"];
CJSON(receiveDirect, if_live["en"]);
CJSON(e131Port, if_live["port"]); // 5568
if (e131Port == DDP_DEFAULT_PORT) e131Port = E131_DEFAULT_PORT; // prevent double DDP port allocation
CJSON(e131Multicast, if_live[F("mc")]);
JsonObject if_live_dmx = if_live[F("dmx")];

View File

@ -59,7 +59,9 @@
#define USERMOD_ID_ELEKSTUBE_IPS 16 //Usermod "usermod_elekstube_ips.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_SN_PHOTORESISTOR 17 //Usermod "usermod_sn_photoresistor.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_BATTERY_STATUS_BASIC 18 //Usermod "usermod_v2_battery_status_basic.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_SEVEN_SEGMENT_DISPLAY 19 //Usermod "usermod_v2_seven_segment_display.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_PWM_FAN 19 //Usermod "usermod_PWM_fan.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_BH1750 20 //Usermod "usermod_bh1750.h"
#define USERMOD_ID_SEVEN_SEGMENT_DISPLAY 21 //Usermod "usermod_v2_seven_segment_display.h"
//Access point behavior
#define AP_BEHAVIOR_BOOT_NO_CONN 0 //Open AP when no connection after boot
@ -113,13 +115,17 @@
#define DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB 5 //every LED is addressed with its own RGB and share a master dimmer (ledCount * 3 + 1 channels)
#define DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGBW 6 //every LED is addressed with its own RGBW (ledCount * 4 channels)
//Light capability byte (unused) 0bRRCCTTTT
//Light capability byte (unused) 0bRCCCTTTT
//bits 0/1/2/3: specifies a type of LED driver. A single "driver" may have different chip models but must have the same protocol/behavior
//bits 4/5: specifies the class of LED driver - 0b00 (dec. 0-15) unconfigured/reserved
// - 0b01 (dec. 16-31) digital (data pin only)
// - 0b10 (dec. 32-47) analog (PWM)
// - 0b11 (dec. 48-63) digital (data + clock / SPI)
//bits 6/7 are reserved and set to 0b00
//bits 4/5/6: specifies the class of LED driver - 0b000 (dec. 0-15) unconfigured/reserved
// - 0b001 (dec. 16-31) digital (data pin only)
// - 0b010 (dec. 32-47) analog (PWM)
// - 0b011 (dec. 48-63) digital (data + clock / SPI)
// - 0b100 (dec. 64-79) unused/reserved
// - 0b101 (dec. 80-95) digital (data + clock / SPI)
// - 0b110 (dec. 96-111) unused/reserved
// - 0b111 (dec. 112-127) unused/reserved
//bit 7 is reserved and set to 0
#define TYPE_NONE 0 //light is not configured
#define TYPE_RESERVED 1 //unused. Might indicate a "virtual" light
@ -143,6 +149,10 @@
#define TYPE_APA102 51
#define TYPE_LPD8806 52
#define TYPE_P9813 53
//Network types (master broadcast) (80-95)
#define TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB 80 //network DDP RGB bus (master broadcast bus)
#define TYPE_NET_E131_RGB 81 //network E131 RGB bus (master broadcast bus)
#define TYPE_NET_ARTNET_RGB 82 //network ArtNet RGB bus (master broadcast bus)
#define IS_DIGITAL(t) ((t) & 0x10) //digital are 16-31 and 48-63
#define IS_PWM(t) ((t) > 40 && (t) < 46)
@ -242,7 +252,7 @@
#ifdef ESP8266
#define MAX_LED_MEMORY 5000
#define MAX_LED_MEMORY 4000
#define MAX_LED_MEMORY 64000
@ -283,7 +293,7 @@
// Maximum size of node map (list of other WLED instances)
#ifdef ESP8266
#define WLED_MAX_NODES 15
#define WLED_MAX_NODES 24
#define WLED_MAX_NODES 150

View File

@ -506,12 +506,12 @@ function populatePresets(fromls)
pJson["0"] = {};
localStorage.setItem("wledP", JSON.stringify(pJson));
pmtLS = pmt;
for (var a = 0; a < is.length; a++) {
let i = is[a];
if (expanded[i+100]) expand(i+100, true);
pmtLS = pmt;
for (var a = 0; a < is.length; a++) {
let i = is[a];
if (expanded[i+100]) expand(i+100, true);
} else { presetError(true); }
@ -1296,14 +1296,16 @@ var plJson = {"0":{
"end": 0
var plSelContent = "";
function makePlSel(arr) {
plSelContent = "";
//var plSelContent = "";
function makePlSel(incPl=false) {
var plSelContent = "";
var arr = Object.entries(pJson);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var n = arr[i][1].n ? arr[i][1].n : "Preset " + arr[i][0];
if (arr[i][1].playlist && arr[i][1] continue; //remove playlists, sub-playlists not yet supported
if (!incPl && arr[i][1].playlist && arr[i][1] continue; //remove playlists, sub-playlists not yet supported
plSelContent += `<option value=${arr[i][0]}>${n}</option>`
return plSelContent;
function refreshPlE(p) {
@ -1391,7 +1393,7 @@ function makeP(i,pl) {
End preset:<br>
<select class="btn sel sel-ple" id="pl${i}selEnd" onchange="plR(${i})" data-val=${plJson[i].end?plJson[i].end:0}>
<option value=0>None</option>
<button class="btn btn-i btn-p" onclick="testPl(${i}, this)"><i class='icons btn-icon'>&#xe139;</i>Test</button>`;
@ -1449,7 +1451,7 @@ function makePlEntry(p,i) {
return `
<div class="plentry">
<select class="btn sel sel-pl" onchange="plePs(${p},${i},this)" data-val=${plJson[p].ps[i]} data-index=${i}>
<button class="btn btn-i btn-xs btn-pl-del" onclick="delPl(${p},${i})"><i class="icons btn-icon">&#xe037;</i></button>
<div class="h plnl">Duration</div><div class="h plnl">Transition</div><div class="h pli">#${i+1}</div><br>

View File

@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=500">
<title>LED Settings</title>
var d=document,laprev=55,maxB=1,maxM=5000,maxPB=4096,bquot=0; //maximum bytes for LED allocation: 5kB for 8266, 32kB for 32
function H()
var d=document,laprev=55,maxB=1,maxM=4000,maxPB=4096,maxL=1333,maxLbquot=0; //maximum bytes for LED allocation: 4kB for 8266, 32kB for 32
var customStarts=false,startsDirty=[];
function H()
function B()
@ -28,35 +29,49 @@ = 'none';
timeout = setTimeout(function(){ x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 2900);
function bLimits(b,p,m) {
maxB = b; maxM = m; maxPB = p;
function bLimits(b,p,m,l) {
maxB = b; maxM = m; maxPB = p; maxL = l;
function pinsOK() {
var LCs = d.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i=0; i<LCs.length; i++) {
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2);
// ignore IP address
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3") {
var n = LCs[i].name.substring(2);
var t = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+n)[0].value, 10); // LED type SELECT
if (t>=80) continue;
//check for pin conflicts
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3" || nm=="L4" || nm=="RL" || nm=="BT" || nm=="IR")
if (LCs[i].value!="" && LCs[i].value!="-1") {
if (d.um_p && d.um_p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) {alert(`Sorry, pins ${JSON.stringify(d.um_p)} can't be used.`);LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
else if (LCs[i].value > 5 && LCs[i].value < 12) {alert("Sorry, pins 6-11 can not be used.");LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
else if (!(nm == "IR" || nm=="BT") && LCs[i].value > 33) {alert("Sorry, pins >33 are input only.");LCs[i].value="";LCs[i].focus();return false;}
for (j=i+1; j<LCs.length; j++)
var n2 = LCs[j].name.substring(0,2);
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR")
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[i].value==LCs[j].value) {alert(`Pin conflict between ${nm}/${n2}!`);LCs[j].value="";LCs[j].focus();return false;}
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR") {
if (n2.substring(0,1)==="L") {
var m = LCs[j].name.substring(2);
var t2 = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+m)[0].value, 10);
if (t2<16) continue;
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[i].value==LCs[j].value) {alert(`Pin conflict between ${LCs[i].name}/${LCs[j].name}!`);LCs[j].value="";LCs[j].focus();return false;}
return true;
function trySubmit(e) { = '';
if (!pinsOK()) {e.stopPropagation();return false;} // Prevent form submission and contact with server
if (bquot > 100) {var msg = "Too many LEDs for me to handle!"; if (maxM < 10000) msg += "\n\rConsider using an ESP32."; alert(msg);}
if (d.Sf.checkValidity()) d.Sf.submit(); //
function S(){GetV();setABL();}
function S(){GetV();checkSi();setABL();}
function enABL()
var en = gId('able').checked;
@ -89,21 +104,21 @@
//returns mem usage
function getMem(type, len, p0) {
if (type < 32) {
function getMem(t, len, p0) {
if (t < 32) {
if (maxM < 10000 && p0==3) { //8266 DMA uses 5x the mem
if (type > 29) return len*20; //RGBW
if (t > 29) return len*20; //RGBW
return len*15;
} else if (maxM >= 10000) //ESP32 RMT uses double buffer?
if (type > 29) return len*8; //RGBW
if (t > 29) return len*8; //RGBW
return len*6;
if (type > 29) return len*4; //RGBW
if (t > 29) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
if (type > 31 && type < 48) return 5;
if (type == 44 || type == 45) return len*4; //RGBW
if (t > 31 && t < 48) return 5;
if (t == 44 || t == 45) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
function UI(change=false)
@ -115,87 +130,125 @@
if (d.Sf.LA.value == 255) laprev = 12;
else if (d.Sf.LA.value > 0) laprev = d.Sf.LA.value;
// enable/disable LED fields
var s = d.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
// is the field a LED type?
if (s[i].name.substring(0,2)=="LT") {
var type = parseInt(s[i].value,10);
gId("p0d"+n).innerHTML = (type > 49) ? "Data:" : (type >41) ? "Pins:" : "Pin:";
gId("p1d"+n).innerHTML = (type > 49) ? "Clk:" : "";
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L1"+n)[0];
var n = s[i].name.substring(2);
var t = parseInt(s[i].value,10);
gId("p0d"+n).innerHTML = (t>=80 && t<96) ? "IP address:" : (t > 49) ? "Data GPIO:" : (t >41) ? "GPIOs:" : "GPIO:";
gId("p1d"+n).innerHTML = (t> 49 && t<64) ? "Clk GPIO:" : "";
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L1"+n)[0]; // clock pin
memu += getMem(type, d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value, d.getElementsByName("L0"+n)[0].value);
memu += getMem(t, d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value, d.getElementsByName("L0"+n)[0].value); // calc memory
// enumerate pins
for (p=1; p<5; p++) {
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L"+p+n)[0];
var LK = d.getElementsByName("L"+p+n)[0]; // secondary pins
if (!LK) continue;
if ((type>49 && p==1) || (type>41 && type < 50 && (p+40 < type))) // TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
if (((t>=80 && t<96) && p<4) || (t>49 && p==1) || (t>41 && t < 50 && (p+40 < t))) // TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
// display pin field = "inline";
LK.required = true;
} else {
// hide pin field = "none";
LK.required = false;
if (type == 30 || type == 31 || (type > 40 && type < 46 && type != 43)) isRGBW = true;
gId("dig"+n+"c").style.display = (type > 40 && type < 48) ? "none":"inline"; // hide count for analog
gId("dig"+n+"s").style.display = (type > 40 && type < 48) ? "none":"inline"; // hide skip 1st for virtual & analog
gId("rev"+n).innerHTML = (type > 40 && type < 48) ? "Inverted":"Reverse (rotated 180°)"; // change reverse text for analog
gId("psd"+n).innerHTML = (type > 31 && type < 48) ? "Index:":"Start:";
if (change) {
if (t > 31 && t < 48) d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0].value = 1; // for sanity change analog count just to 1 LED
isRGBW |= (t == 30 || t == 31 || (t > 40 && t < 46 && t != 43)); // RGBW checkbox, TYPE_xxxx values from const.h
gId("co"+n).style.display = ((t>=80 && t<96) || t == 41 || t == 42) ? "none":"inline"; // hide color order for PWM W & WW/CW
gId("dig"+n+"c").style.display = (t > 40 && t < 48) ? "none":"inline"; // hide count for analog
gId("dig"+n+"r").style.display = (t>=80 && t<96) ? "none":"inline"; // hide reversed for virtual
gId("dig"+n+"s").style.display = ((t>=80 && t<96) || (t > 40 && t < 48)) ? "none":"inline"; // hide skip 1st for virtual & analog
gId("rev"+n).innerHTML = (t > 40 && t < 48) ? "Inverted output":"Reversed (rotated 180°)"; // change reverse text for analog
gId("psd"+n).innerHTML = (t > 40 && t < 48) ? "Index:":"Start:"; // change analog start description
// display white channel calculation method
var myC = d.querySelectorAll('.wc'),
l = myC.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
myC[i].style.display = (isRGBW) ? 'inline':'none';
if (d.activeElement == d.getElementsByName("LC")[0]) {
var o = d.getElementsByClassName("iST");
var i = o.length;
if (i == 1) d.getElementsByName("LC0")[0].value = d.getElementsByName("LC")[0].value;
// check for pin conflicts
var LCs = d.getElementsByTagName("input");
var sLC = 0, maxLC = 0;
var sLC = 0, sPC = 0, maxLC = 0;
for (i=0; i<LCs.length; i++) {
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2);
if (nm=="LC" && LCs[i].name !== "LC") {
var n=LCs[i].name.substring(2);
var nm = LCs[i].name.substring(0,2); // field name
var n = LCs[i].name.substring(2); // bus number
// do we have a led count field
if (nm=="LC") {
var c=parseInt(LCs[i].value,10);
if(gId("ls"+n).readOnly) gId("ls"+n).value=sLC;
if (!customStarts || !startsDirty[n]) gId("ls"+n).value=sLC;
gId("ls"+n).disabled = !customStarts;
var s = parseInt(gId("ls"+n).value);
if (s+c > sLC) sLC = s+c;
var t = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+n)[0].value); // LED type SELECT
if (t<80) sPC+=c; //virtual out busses do not count towards physical LEDs
} // increase led count
// do we have led pins for digital leds
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1") {
var lc=d.getElementsByName("LC"+LCs[i].name.substring(2))[0];
var lc=d.getElementsByName("LC"+n)[0];
lc.max=maxPB; // update max led count value
// ignore IP address (stored in pins for virtual busses)
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3") {
var t = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+n)[0].value); // LED type SELECT
if (t>=80) {
LCs[i].max = 255;
LCs[i].min = 0;
continue; // do not check conflicts
} else {
LCs[i].max = 33;
LCs[i].min = -1;
// check for pin conflicts
if (nm=="L0" || nm=="L1" || nm=="L2" || nm=="L3" || nm=="L4" || nm=="RL" || nm=="BT" || nm=="IR")
if (LCs[i].value!="" && LCs[i].value!="-1") {
var p = [];
if (d.um_p && Array.isArray(d.um_p)) for (k=0;k<d.um_p.length;k++) p.push(d.um_p[k]);
var p = []; // used pin array
if (d.um_p && Array.isArray(d.um_p)) for (k=0;k<d.um_p.length;k++) p.push(d.um_p[k]); // fill with reservations
for (j=0; j<LCs.length; j++) {
if (i==j) continue;
var n2 = LCs[j].name.substring(0,2);
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR")
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[j].value!="-1") p.push(parseInt(LCs[j].value,10));
if (n2=="L0" || n2=="L1" || n2=="L2" || n2=="L3" || n2=="L4" || n2=="RL" || n2=="BT" || n2=="IR") {
if (n2.substring(0,1)==="L") {
var m = LCs[j].name.substring(2);
var t2 = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+m)[0].value, 10);
if (t2>=80) continue;
if (LCs[j].value!="" && LCs[j].value!="-1") p.push(parseInt(LCs[j].value,10)); // add current pin
if (p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) LCs[i].style.color="red"; else LCs[i].style.color="#fff";
// now check for conflicts
if (p.some((e)=>e==parseInt(LCs[i].value,10))) LCs[i].style.color="red"; else LCs[i].style.color=parseInt(LCs[i].value,10)>33?"orange":"#fff";
// update total led count
gId("lc").textContent = sLC;
gId("pc").textContent = (sLC == sPC) ? "":"(" + sPC + " physical)";
// memory usage and warnings
gId('m0').innerHTML = memu;
bquot = memu / maxM * 100;
gId('dbar').style.background = `linear-gradient(90deg, ${bquot > 60 ? (bquot > 90 ? "red":"orange"):"#ccc"} 0 ${bquot}%%, #444 ${bquot}%% 100%%)`;
gId('ledwarning').style.display = (sLC > maxPB || maxLC > 800 || bquot > 80) ? 'inline':'none';
gId('ledwarning').style.color = (sLC > maxPB || maxLC > maxPB || bquot > 100) ? 'red':'orange';
gId('wreason').innerHTML = (bquot > 80) ? "80% of max. LED memory" +(bquot>100 ? ` (<b>WARNING: Using over ${maxM}B!</b>)` : "") : "800 LEDs per pin";
var val = Math.ceil((100 + sLC * laprev)/500)/2;
gId('wreason').innerHTML = (bquot > 80) ? "80% of max. LED memory" +(bquot>100 ? ` (<b>ERROR: Using over ${maxM}B!</b>)` : "") : "800 LEDs per output";
// calculate power
var val = Math.ceil((100 + sPC * laprev)/500)/2;
val = (val > 5) ? Math.ceil(val) : val;
var s = "";
var is12V = (d.Sf.LAsel.value == 30);
@ -209,7 +262,7 @@
s += val;
s += "A supply connected to LEDs";
var val2 = Math.ceil((100 + sLC * laprev)/1500)/2;
var val2 = Math.ceil((100 + sPC * laprev)/1500)/2;
val2 = (val2 > 5) ? Math.ceil(val2) : val2;
var s2 = "(for most effects, ~";
s2 += val2;
@ -221,15 +274,13 @@
function lastEnd(i) {
if (i<1) return 0;
v = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LS"+(i-1))[0].value) + parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LC"+(i-1))[0].value);
var type = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+(i-1))[0].value);
if (type > 31 && type < 48) v = 1; //PWM busses
var t = parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LT"+(i-1))[0].value);
if (t > 31 && t < 48) v = 1; //PWM busses
if (isNaN(v)) return 0;
return v;
function addLEDs(n)
function addLEDs(n,init=true)
if (n>1) {maxB=n; gId("+").style.display="inline"; return;}
var o = d.getElementsByClassName("iST");
var i = o.length;
@ -239,10 +290,10 @@
if (n==1) {
// npm run build has trouble minimizing spaces inside string
var cn = `<div class="iST">
${i>0?'<hr style="width:260px">':''}
<hr style="width:260px">
<select name="LT${i}" onchange="UI()">
<option value="22">WS281x</option>
<select name="LT${i}" onchange="UI(true)">
<option value="22" selected>WS281x</option>
<option value="30">SK6812 RGBW</option>
<option value="31">TM1814</option>
<option value="24">400kHz</option>
@ -255,8 +306,11 @@ ${i+1}:
<option value="43">PWM RGB</option>
<option value="44">PWM RGBW</option>
<option value="45">PWM RGBWC</option>
<option value="80">DDP RGB (network)</option>
<!--option value="81">E1.31 RGB (network)</option-->
<!--option value="82">ArtNet RGB (network)</option-->
Color Order:
<div id="co${i}" style="display:inline">Color Order:
<select name="CO${i}">
<option value="0">GRB</option>
<option value="1">RGB</option>
@ -264,17 +318,18 @@ Color Order:
<option value="3">RBG</option>
<option value="4">BGR</option>
<option value="5">GBR</option>
<span id="p0d${i}">Pin:</span> <input type="number" class="xs" name="L0${i}" min="0" max="33" required onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p1d${i}">Clock:</span> <input type="number" class="xs" name="L1${i}" min="0" max="33" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p2d${i}"></span><input type="number" class="xs" name="L2${i}" min="0" max="33" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p3d${i}"></span><input type="number" class="xs" name="L3${i}" min="0" max="33" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p4d${i}"></span><input type="number" class="xs" name="L4${i}" min="0" max="33" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="psd${i}">Start:</span> <input type="number" name="LS${i}" id="ls${i}" min="0" max="8191" value="${lastEnd(i)}" required />&nbsp;
<div id="dig${i}c" style="display:inline">Count: <input type="number" name="LC${i}" class="l" min="0" max="${maxPB}" value="1" required oninput="UI()" /></div>
<span id="psd${i}">Start:</span> <input type="number" name="LS${i}" id="ls${i}" class="l starts" min="0" max="8191" value="${lastEnd(i)}" oninput="startsDirty[${i}]=true;UI();" required />&nbsp;
<div id="dig${i}c" style="display:inline">Length: <input type="number" name="LC${i}" class="l" min="1" max="${maxPB}" value="1" required oninput="UI()" /></div>
<div id="dig${i}r" style="display:inline"><span id="rev${i}">Reverse</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="CV${i}"></div>&nbsp;
<span id="p0d${i}">GPIO:</span> <input type="number" name="L0${i}" min="0" max="33" required class="xs" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p1d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L1${i}" min="0" max="33" class="xs" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p2d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L2${i}" min="0" max="33" class="xs" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p3d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L3${i}" min="0" max="33" class="xs" onchange="UI()"/>
<span id="p4d${i}"></span><input type="number" name="L4${i}" min="0" max="33" class="xs" onchange="UI()"/>
<div id="dig${i}r" style="display:inline"><span id="rev${i}">Reversed</span>: <input type="checkbox" name="CV${i}">&nbsp;</div>
<div id="dig${i}s" style="display:inline">Skip 1<sup>st</sup> LED: <input id="sl${i}" type="checkbox" name="SL${i}"></div>
f.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", cn);
@ -286,14 +341,14 @@ Color Order:
gId("+").style.display = (i<maxB-1) ? "inline":"none";
gId("-").style.display = (i>0) ? "inline":"none";
if (!init) UI();
function addBtn(i,p,t) {
var c = gId("btns").innerHTML;
var bt = "BT" + i;
var be = "BE" + i;
c += `Button ${i} pin: <input type="number" class="xs" min="-1" max="40" name="${bt}" onchange="UI()" value="${p}">&nbsp;`;
c += `<select name="${be}">`
c += `Button ${i} GPIO: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="${bt}" onchange="UI()" class="xs" value="${p}">`;
c += `&nbsp;<select name="${be}">`
c += `<option value="0" ${t==0?"selected":""}>Disabled</option>`;
c += `<option value="2" ${t==2?"selected":""}>Pushbutton</option>`;
c += `<option value="3" ${t==3?"selected":""}>Push inverted</option>`;
@ -306,6 +361,21 @@ Color Order:
c += `<span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('${bt}')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>`;
gId("btns").innerHTML = c;
function tglSi(cs) {
customStarts = cs;
if (!customStarts) startsDirty = []; //set all starts to clean
function checkSi() { //on load, checks whether there are custom start fields
var cs = false;
for (var i=1; i < d.getElementsByClassName("iST").length; i++) {
var v = parseInt(gId("ls"+(i-1)).value) + parseInt(d.getElementsByName("LC"+(i-1))[0].value);
if (v != parseInt(gId("ls"+i).value)) {cs = true; startsDirty[i] = true;}
if (parseInt(gId("ls0").value) != 0) {cs = true; startsDirty[0] = true;}
gId("si").checked = cs;
function uploadFile(name) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.addEventListener('load', function(){showToast(this.responseText,this.status >= 400)});
@ -320,7 +390,7 @@ Color Order:
function GetV()
//values injected by server while sending HTML
@ -332,7 +402,7 @@ Color Order:
<div class="helpB"><button type="button" onclick="H()">?</button></div>
<button type="button" onclick="B()">Back</button><button type="submit">Save</button><hr>
<h2>LED &amp; Hardware setup</h2>
Total LED count: <input name="LC" id="LC" type="number" min="1" max="8192" oninput="UI()" required><br>
Total LEDs: <span id="lc">?</span> <span id="pc"></span><br>
<i>Recommended power supply for brightest white:</i><br>
<b><span id="psu">?</span></b><br>
<span id="psu2"><br></span>
@ -363,19 +433,22 @@ Color Order:
<h3>Hardware setup</h3>
<div id="mLC">LED outputs:</div>
<button type="button" id="+" onclick="addLEDs(1)" style="display:none;border-radius:20px;height:36px;">+</button>
<button type="button" id="-" onclick="addLEDs(-1)" style="display:none;border-radius:20px;width:36px;height:36px;">-</button><br>
<hr style="width:260px">
<button type="button" id="+" onclick="addLEDs(1,false)" style="display:none;border-radius:20px;height:36px;">+</button>
<button type="button" id="-" onclick="addLEDs(-1,false)" style="display:none;border-radius:20px;width:36px;height:36px;">-</button><br>
LED Memory Usage: <span id="m0">0</span> / <span id="m1">?</span> B<br>
<div id="dbar" style="display:inline-block; width: 100px; height: 10px; border-radius: 20px;"></div><br>
<div id="ledwarning" style="color: orange; display: none;">
&#9888; You might run into stability or lag issues.<br>
Use less than <span id="wreason">800 LEDs per pin</span> for the best experience!<br>
Use less than <span id="wreason">800 LEDs per output</span> for the best experience!<br>
<hr style="width:260px">
Make a segment for each output: <input type="checkbox" name="MS"> <br>
Custom bus start indices: <input type="checkbox" onchange="tglSi(this.checked)" id="si"> <br>
<hr style="width:260px">
<div id="btns"></div>
Touch threshold: <input type="number" class="s" min="0" max="100" name="TT" required><br>
IR pin: <input type="number" class="xs" min="-1" max="40" name="IR" onchange="UI()">&nbsp;<select name="IT" onchange="UI()">
IR GPIO: <input type="number" min="-1" max="40" name="IR" onchange="UI()" class="xs"><select name="IT" onchange="UI()">
<option value=0>Remote disabled</option>
<option value=1>24-key RGB</option>
<option value=2>24-key with CT</option>
@ -388,8 +461,8 @@ Color Order:
</select><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('IR')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<div id="json" style="display:none;">JSON file: <input type="file" name="data" accept=".json"> <input type="button" value="Upload" onclick="uploadFile('/ir.json');"><br></div>
<div id="toast"></div>
<a href="" target="_blank">IR info</a><br>
Relay pin: <input type="number" class="xs" min="-1" max="33" name="RL" onchange="UI()"> Invert <input type="checkbox" name="RM"><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('RL')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<a href="" target="_blank">IR info</a><br>
Relay GPIO: <input type="number" min="-1" max="33" name="RL" onchange="UI()" class="xs"> Invert <input type="checkbox" name="RM"><span style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="off('RL')">&nbsp;&#215;</span><br>
<hr style="width:260px">
Turn LEDs on after power up/reset: <input type="checkbox" name="BO"><br>

View File

@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ Type:
<select name=DI onchange="SP(); adj();">
<option value=5568>E1.31 (sACN)</option>
<option value=6454>Art-Net</option>
<option value=4048>DDP</option>
<option value=0 selected>Custom port</option>
<div id=xp>Port: <input name="EP" type="number" min="1" max="65535" value="5568" class="d5" required><br></div>

View File

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ input {
font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
border: 0.5ch solid #333;
input:disabled {
color: #888;
input[type="number"] {
width: 4em;
margin: 2px;

View File

@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ bool updateVal(const String* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv=0, byte
void notify(byte callMode, bool followUp=false);
uint8_t realtimeBroadcast(uint8_t type, IPAddress client, uint16_t length, byte *buffer, uint8_t bri=255, bool isRGBW=false);
void realtimeLock(uint32_t timeoutMs, byte md = REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC);
void handleNotifications();
void setRealtimePixel(uint16_t i, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte w);
@ -229,11 +230,9 @@ class UsermodManager {
void setup();
void connected();
void addToJsonState(JsonObject& obj);
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& obj);
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& obj);
void addToConfig(JsonObject& obj);
bool readFromConfig(JsonObject& obj);
void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -618,7 +618,8 @@ void decodeIRJson(uint32_t code)
cmdStr = "win&" + cmdStr;
handleSet(nullptr, cmdStr, false);
} else if (!jsonCmdObj.isNull()) {
// command is JSON object
//allow applyPreset() to reuse JSON buffer, or it would alloc. a second buffer and run out of mem.

View File

@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ void serializeState(JsonObject root, bool forPreset, bool includeBri, bool segme
if (!forPreset) {
if (errorFlag) root[F("error")] = errorFlag;
root[F("ps")] = currentPreset;
root[F("ps")] = (currentPreset > 0) ? currentPreset : -1;
root[F("pl")] = currentPlaylist;

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void colorUpdated(int callMode)
effectChanged = false;
if (realtimeTimeout == UINT32_MAX) realtimeTimeout = 0;
currentPreset = -1; //something changed, so we are no longer in the preset
currentPreset = 0; //something changed, so we are no longer in the preset

View File

@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ void handleSettingsSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, byte subPage)
if (busConfigs[s] != nullptr) delete busConfigs[s];
busConfigs[s] = new BusConfig(type, pins, start, length, colorOrder, request->hasArg(cv), skip);
if (!doInitBusses) ledCount = 1;
doInitBusses = true;
uint16_t totalNew = start + length;
if (totalNew > ledCount && totalNew <= MAX_LEDS) ledCount = totalNew; //total is end of last bus (where start + len is max.)
t = request->arg(F("LC")).toInt();
if (t > 0 && t <= MAX_LEDS) ledCount = t;
// upate other pins
int hw_ir_pin = request->arg(F("IR")).toInt();
if (pinManager.allocatePin(hw_ir_pin,false, PinOwner::IR)) {

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void ESPAsyncE131::parsePacket(AsyncUDPPacket _packet) {
bool error = false;
uint8_t protocol = P_E131;
sbuff = reinterpret_cast<e131_packet_t *>(;
e131_packet_t *sbuff = reinterpret_cast<e131_packet_t *>(;
//E1.31 packet identifier ("ACS-E1.17")
if (memcmp(sbuff->acn_id, ESPAsyncE131::ACN_ID, sizeof(sbuff->acn_id)))

View File

@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ class ESPAsyncE131 {
static const uint32_t VECTOR_FRAME = 2;
static const uint8_t VECTOR_DMP = 2;
e131_packet_t *sbuff; // Pointer to scratch packet buffer
AsyncUDP udp; // AsyncUDP
// Internal Initializers

View File

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ void notify(byte callMode, bool followUp)
notificationTwoRequired = (followUp)? false:notifyTwice;
void realtimeLock(uint32_t timeoutMs, byte md)
if (!realtimeMode && !realtimeOverride){
@ -101,6 +100,10 @@ void realtimeLock(uint32_t timeoutMs, byte md)
realtimeTimeout = millis() + timeoutMs;
if (timeoutMs == 255001 || timeoutMs == 65000) realtimeTimeout = UINT32_MAX;
// if strip is off (bri==0) and not already in RTM
if (bri == 0 && !realtimeMode) {
realtimeMode = md;
if (arlsForceMaxBri && !realtimeOverride) strip.setBrightness(scaledBri(255));
@ -514,3 +517,121 @@ void sendSysInfoUDP()
notifier2Udp.write(data, sizeof(data));
* Art-Net, DDP, E131 output - work in progress
#define DDP_HEADER_LEN 10
#define DDP_FLAGS1_VER 0xc0 // version mask
#define DDP_FLAGS1_VER1 0x40 // version=1
#define DDP_FLAGS1_PUSH 0x01
#define DDP_FLAGS1_QUERY 0x02
#define DDP_FLAGS1_REPLY 0x04
#define DDP_FLAGS1_STORAGE 0x08
#define DDP_FLAGS1_TIME 0x10
#define DDP_ID_DISPLAY 1
#define DDP_ID_CONFIG 250
#define DDP_ID_STATUS 251
// 1440 channels per packet
#define DDP_CHANNELS_PER_PACKET 1440 // 480 leds
// Send real time UDP updates to the specified client
// type - protocol type (0=DDP, 1=E1.31, 2=ArtNet)
// client - the IP address to send to
// length - the number of pixels
// buffer - a buffer of at least length*4 bytes long
// isRGBW - true if the buffer contains 4 components per pixel
uint8_t sequenceNumber = 0; // this needs to be shared across all outputs
uint8_t realtimeBroadcast(uint8_t type, IPAddress client, uint16_t length, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t bri, bool isRGBW) {
if (!interfacesInited) return 1; // network not initialised
WiFiUDP ddpUdp;
switch (type) {
case 0: // DDP
// calclate the number of UDP packets we need to send
uint16_t channelCount = length * 3; // 1 channel for every R,G,B value
uint16_t packetCount = channelCount / DDP_CHANNELS_PER_PACKET;
if (channelCount % DDP_CHANNELS_PER_PACKET) {
// there are 3 channels per RGB pixel
uint32_t channel = 0; // TODO: allow specifying the start channel
// the current position in the buffer
uint16_t bufferOffset = 0;
for (uint16_t currentPacket = 0; currentPacket < packetCount; currentPacket++) {
if (sequenceNumber > 15) sequenceNumber = 0;
if (!ddpUdp.beginPacket(client, DDP_DEFAULT_PORT)) { // port defined in ESPAsyncE131.h
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WiFiUDP.beginPacket returned an error"));
return 1; // problem
// the amount of data is AFTER the header in the current packet
uint16_t packetSize = DDP_CHANNELS_PER_PACKET;
uint8_t flags = DDP_FLAGS1_VER1;
if (currentPacket == (packetCount - 1)) {
// last packet, set the push flag
// TODO: determine if we want to send an empty push packet to each destination after sending the pixel data
if (channelCount % DDP_CHANNELS_PER_PACKET) {
packetSize = channelCount % DDP_CHANNELS_PER_PACKET;
// write the header
/*1*/ddpUdp.write(sequenceNumber++ & 0x0F); // sequence may be unnecessary unless we are sending twice (as requested in Sync settings)
// data offset in bytes, 32-bit number, MSB first
/*4*/ddpUdp.write(0xFF & (channel >> 24));
/*5*/ddpUdp.write(0xFF & (channel >> 16));
/*6*/ddpUdp.write(0xFF & (channel >> 8));
/*7*/ddpUdp.write(0xFF & (channel ));
// data length in bytes, 16-bit number, MSB first
/*8*/ddpUdp.write(0xFF & (packetSize >> 8));
/*9*/ddpUdp.write(0xFF & (packetSize ));
// write the colors, the write write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
// function is just a loop internally too
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < packetSize; i += 3) {
ddpUdp.write(scale8(buffer[bufferOffset++], bri)); // R
ddpUdp.write(scale8(buffer[bufferOffset++], bri)); // G
ddpUdp.write(scale8(buffer[bufferOffset++], bri)); // B
if (isRGBW) bufferOffset++;
if (!ddpUdp.endPacket()) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("WiFiUDP.endPacket returned an error"));
return 1; // problem
channel += packetSize;
} break;
case 1: //E1.31
} break;
case 2: //ArtNet
} break;
return 0;

View File

@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
#include "../usermods/SN_Photoresistor/usermod_sn_photoresistor.h"
//#include "usermod_v2_empty.h"
#include "../usermods/PWM_fan/usermod_PWM_fan.h"
#include "../usermods/buzzer/usermod_v2_buzzer.h"
@ -44,10 +46,18 @@
#include "../usermods/BME280_v2/usermod_bme280.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_four_line_display/usermod_v2_four_line_display.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_four_line_display_ALT/usermod_v2_four_line_display_ALT.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_four_line_display/usermod_v2_four_line_display.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui/usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui_ALT/usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui_ALT.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui/usermod_v2_rotary_encoder_ui.h"
#include "../usermods/usermod_v2_auto_save/usermod_v2_auto_save.h"
@ -111,7 +121,9 @@ void registerUsermods()
usermods.add(new Usermod_SN_Photoresistor());
//usermods.add(new UsermodRenameMe());
usermods.add(new PWMFanUsermod());
usermods.add(new BuzzerUsermod());

View File

@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event)
void WLED::loop()
static unsigned long maxUsermodMillis = 0;
handleIR(); // 2nd call to function needed for ESP32 to return valid results -- should be good for ESP8266, too
@ -130,7 +134,15 @@ void WLED::loop()
unsigned long usermodMillis = millis();
usermodMillis = millis() - usermodMillis;
if (usermodMillis > maxUsermodMillis) maxUsermodMillis = usermodMillis;
@ -159,7 +171,9 @@ void WLED::loop()
@ -217,14 +231,14 @@ void WLED::loop()
// DEBUG serial logging
// DEBUG serial logging (every 30s)
if (millis() - debugTime > 9999) {
if (millis() - debugTime > 29999) {
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Runtime: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(millis());
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Unix time: ")); toki.printTime(toki.getTime());
@ -236,17 +250,19 @@ void WLED::loop()
} else
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wifi state: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.status());
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wifi state: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.status());
if (WiFi.status() != lastWifiState) {
wifiStateChangedTime = millis();
lastWifiState = WiFi.status();
DEBUG_PRINT(F("State time: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(wifiStateChangedTime);
DEBUG_PRINT(F("NTP last sync: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ntpLastSyncTime);
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Client IP: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(Network.localIP());
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loops/sec: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(loops / 10);
DEBUG_PRINT(F("State time: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(wifiStateChangedTime);
DEBUG_PRINT(F("NTP last sync: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ntpLastSyncTime);
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Client IP: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(Network.localIP());
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loops/sec: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(loops / 30);
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Max UM time[ms]: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(maxUsermodMillis);
loops = 0;
maxUsermodMillis = 0;
debugTime = millis();
@ -277,7 +293,6 @@ void WLED::setup()
DEBUG_PRINT(F("heap "));
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_PSRAM)
if (psramFound()) {
@ -297,6 +312,9 @@ void WLED::setup()
pinManager.allocatePin(2, true, PinOwner::DMX);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Registering usermods ..."));
for (uint8_t i=1; i<WLED_MAX_BUTTONS; i++) btnPin[i] = -1;
bool fsinit = false;
@ -329,6 +347,7 @@ void WLED::setup()
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Usermods setup"));
if (strcmp(clientSSID, DEFAULT_CLIENT_SSID) == 0)
showWelcomePage = true;
@ -396,14 +415,15 @@ void WLED::beginStrip()
if (bootPreset > 0) {
applyPreset(bootPreset, CALL_MODE_INIT);
} else if (turnOnAtBoot) {
if (turnOnAtBoot) {
if (briS > 0) bri = briS;
else if (bri == 0) bri = 128;
} else {
briLast = briS; bri = 0;
if (bootPreset > 0) {
applyPreset(bootPreset, CALL_MODE_INIT);
// init relay pin
@ -439,6 +459,7 @@ void WLED::initAP(bool resetAP)
udp2Connected = notifier2Udp.begin(udpPort2);
e131.begin(false, e131Port, e131Universe, E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT);
ddp.begin(false, DDP_DEFAULT_PORT);
dnsServer.start(53, "*", WiFi.softAPIP());
@ -591,10 +612,10 @@ void WLED::initConnection()
void WLED::initInterfaces()
IPAddress ipAddress = Network.localIP();
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Init STA interfaces"));
IPAddress ipAddress = Network.localIP();
if (hueIP[0] == 0) {
hueIP[0] = ipAddress[0];
hueIP[1] = ipAddress[1];
@ -612,14 +633,13 @@ void WLED::initInterfaces()
// Set up mDNS responder:
if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) {
if (!aOtaEnabled) //ArduinoOTA begins mDNS for us if enabled
// "end" must be called before "begin" is called a 2nd time
// see
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("mDNS started"));
MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80);
@ -642,25 +662,27 @@ void WLED::initInterfaces()
initBlynk(blynkApiKey, blynkHost, blynkPort);
e131.begin(e131Multicast, e131Port, e131Universe, E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT);
ddp.begin(false, DDP_DEFAULT_PORT);
interfacesInited = true;
wasConnected = true;
byte stacO = 0;
uint32_t lastHeap;
unsigned long heapTime = 0;
void WLED::handleConnection()
if (millis() < 2000 && (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS))
static byte stacO = 0;
static uint32_t lastHeap = UINT32_MAX;
static unsigned long heapTime = 0;
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now < 2000 && (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS))
if (lastReconnectAttempt == 0)
// reconnect WiFi to clear stale allocations if heap gets too low
if (millis() - heapTime > 5000) {
if (now - heapTime > 5000) {
uint32_t heap = ESP.getFreeHeap();
if (heap < JSON_BUFFER_SIZE+512 && lastHeap < JSON_BUFFER_SIZE+512) {
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Heap too low! "));
@ -668,7 +690,7 @@ void WLED::handleConnection()
forceReconnect = true;
lastHeap = heap;
heapTime = millis();
heapTime = now;
byte stac = 0;
@ -688,7 +710,7 @@ void WLED::handleConnection()
if (stac)
WiFi.disconnect(); // disable search so that AP can work
initConnection(); // restart search
initConnection(); // restart search
@ -706,9 +728,9 @@ void WLED::handleConnection()
interfacesInited = false;
if (millis() - lastReconnectAttempt > ((stac) ? 300000 : 20000) && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED)
if (now - lastReconnectAttempt > ((stac) ? 300000 : 20000) && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED)
if (!apActive && millis() - lastReconnectAttempt > 12000 && (!wasConnected || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_NO_CONN))
if (!apActive && now - lastReconnectAttempt > 12000 && (!wasConnected || apBehavior == AP_BEHAVIOR_NO_CONN))
} else if (!interfacesInited) { // newly connected

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// version code in format yymmddb (b = daily build)
#define VERSION 2109220
#define VERSION 2110060
//uncomment this if you have a "my_config.h" file you'd like to use
@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
#define WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT // saves 500b only
//#define WLED_ENABLE_DMX // uses 3.5kb (use LEDPIN other than 2)
#define WLED_ENABLE_LOXONE // uses 1.2kb
#define WLED_ENABLE_LOXONE // uses 1.2kb
@ -85,6 +87,7 @@
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#define NO_OTA_PORT
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <SPIFFSEditor.h>
@ -224,11 +227,7 @@ WLED_GLOBAL bool rlyMde _INIT(true);
#ifndef IRPIN
WLED_GLOBAL int8_t irPin _INIT(-1);
WLED_GLOBAL int8_t irPin _INIT(4);
WLED_GLOBAL int8_t irPin _INIT(-1);
@ -565,7 +564,7 @@ WLED_GLOBAL JsonDocument* fileDoc;
WLED_GLOBAL bool doCloseFile _INIT(false);
// presets
WLED_GLOBAL int16_t currentPreset _INIT(-1);
WLED_GLOBAL byte currentPreset _INIT(0);
WLED_GLOBAL byte errorFlag _INIT(0);
@ -587,6 +586,7 @@ WLED_GLOBAL AsyncMqttClient* mqtt _INIT(NULL);
WLED_GLOBAL WiFiUDP notifierUdp, rgbUdp, notifier2Udp;
WLED_GLOBAL ESPAsyncE131 e131 _INIT_N(((handleE131Packet)));
WLED_GLOBAL ESPAsyncE131 ddp _INIT_N(((handleE131Packet)));
WLED_GLOBAL bool e131NewData _INIT(false);
// led fx library object
@ -598,7 +598,6 @@ WLED_GLOBAL bool doInitBusses _INIT(false);
// Usermod manager
WLED_GLOBAL UsermodManager usermods _INIT(UsermodManager());
// enable additional debug output
#ifndef ESP8266
@ -628,7 +627,7 @@ WLED_GLOBAL UsermodManager usermods _INIT(UsermodManager());
WLED_GLOBAL unsigned long debugTime _INIT(0);
WLED_GLOBAL int lastWifiState _INIT(3);
WLED_GLOBAL unsigned long wifiStateChangedTime _INIT(0);
WLED_GLOBAL int loops _INIT(0);
WLED_GLOBAL unsigned long loops _INIT(0);

View File

@ -4,18 +4,6 @@
#include "pin_manager.h"
// The following six pins are neither configurable nor
// can they be re-assigned through IOMUX / GPIO matrix.
// See
const managed_pin_type esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[6] = {
{ 21, true }, // RMII EMAC TX EN == When high, clocks the data on TXD0 and TXD1 to transmitter
{ 19, true }, // RMII EMAC TXD0 == First bit of transmitted data
{ 22, true }, // RMII EMAC TXD1 == Second bit of transmitted data
{ 25, false }, // RMII EMAC RXD0 == First bit of received data
{ 26, false }, // RMII EMAC RXD1 == Second bit of received data
{ 27, true }, // RMII EMAC CRS_DV == Carrier Sense and RX Data Valid
// For ESP32, the remaining five pins are at least somewhat configurable.
// eth_address is in range [0..31], indicates which PHY (MAC?) address should be allocated to the interface
// eth_power is an output GPIO pin used to enable/disable the ethernet port (and/or external oscillator)
@ -37,15 +25,16 @@ typedef struct EthernetSettings {
eth_clock_mode_t eth_clk_mode;
} ethernet_settings;
ethernet_settings ethernetBoards[] = {
const ethernet_settings ethernetBoards[] = {
// None
// WT32-EHT01
// (*) NOTE: silkscreen on board revision v1.2 may be wrong:
// silkscreen on v1.2 says IO35, but appears to be IO5
// silkscreen on v1.2 says RXD, and appears to be IO35
// Please note, from my testing only these pins work for LED outputs:
// IO2, IO4, IO12, IO14, IO15
// These pins do not appear to work from my testing:
// IO35, IO36, IO39
1, // eth_address,
16, // eth_power,
@ -97,14 +86,27 @@ ethernet_settings ethernetBoards[] = {
// ESP3DEUXQuattro
1, // eth_address,
-1, // eth_power,
23, // eth_mdc,
18, // eth_mdio,
ETH_PHY_LAN8720, // eth_type,
ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT // eth_clk_mode
1, // eth_address,
-1, // eth_power,
23, // eth_mdc,
18, // eth_mdio,
ETH_PHY_LAN8720, // eth_type,
ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT // eth_clk_mode
// The following six pins are neither configurable nor
// can they be re-assigned through IOMUX / GPIO matrix.
// See
const managed_pin_type esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[WLED_ETH_RSVD_PINS_COUNT] = {
{ 21, true }, // RMII EMAC TX EN == When high, clocks the data on TXD0 and TXD1 to transmitter
{ 19, true }, // RMII EMAC TXD0 == First bit of transmitted data
{ 22, true }, // RMII EMAC TXD1 == Second bit of transmitted data
{ 25, false }, // RMII EMAC RXD0 == First bit of received data
{ 26, false }, // RMII EMAC RXD1 == Second bit of received data
{ 27, true }, // RMII EMAC CRS_DV == Carrier Sense and RX Data Valid

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "wled.h"
#include "wled_ethernet.h"
* Sending XML status files to client
@ -59,9 +60,9 @@ void XML_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, char* dest)
oappendi((currentPreset < 1) ? 0:currentPreset);
oappendi(currentPlaylist > 0);
oappendi(currentPlaylist >= 0);
if (realtimeMode)
@ -186,6 +187,52 @@ void sappends(char stype, const char* key, char* val)
void extractPin(JsonObject &obj, const char *key) {
if (obj[key].is<JsonArray>()) {
JsonArray pins = obj[key].as<JsonArray>();
for (JsonVariant pv : pins) {
if (<int>() > -1) { oappend(","); oappendi(<int>()); }
} else {
if (obj[key].as<int>() > -1) { oappend(","); oappendi(obj[key].as<int>()); }
// oappend used pins by scanning JsonObject (1 level deep)
void fillUMPins(JsonObject &mods)
for (JsonPair kv : mods) {
// kv.key() is usermod name or subobject key
// kv.value() is object itself
JsonObject obj = kv.value();
if (!obj.isNull()) {
// element is an JsonObject
if (!obj["pin"].isNull()) {
extractPin(obj, "pin");
} else {
// scan keys (just one level deep as is possible with usermods)
for (JsonPair so : obj) {
const char *key = so.key().c_str();
if (strstr(key, "pin")) {
// we found a key containing "pin" substring
if (strlen(strstr(key, "pin")) == 3) {
// and it is at the end, we found another pin
extractPin(obj, key);
if (!obj[so.key()].is<JsonObject>()) continue;
JsonObject subObj = obj[so.key()];
if (!subObj["pin"].isNull()) {
// get pins from subobject
extractPin(subObj, "pin");
//get values for settings form in javascript
void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest)
@ -198,7 +245,8 @@ void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest)
if (subPage <1 || subPage >8) return;
if (subPage == 1) {
if (subPage == 1)
byte l = strlen(clientPass);
@ -264,64 +312,63 @@ void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest)
if (subPage == 2) {
if (subPage == 2)
char nS[8];
// add reserved and usermod pins as d.um_p array
DynamicJsonDocument doc(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE/2);
JsonObject mods = doc.createNestedObject(F("um"));
if (!mods.isNull()) {
uint8_t i=0;
for (JsonPair kv : mods) {
if (!kv.value().isNull()) {
// element is an JsonObject
JsonObject obj = kv.value();
if (obj["pin"] != nullptr) {
if (obj["pin"].is<JsonArray>()) {
JsonArray pins = obj["pin"].as<JsonArray>();
for (JsonVariant pv : pins) {
if (i++) oappend(SET_F(","));
} else {
if (i++) oappend(SET_F(","));
if (!mods.isNull()) fillUMPins(mods);
oappend(SET_F(",2")); // DMX hardcoded pin
//Note: Using pin 3 (RX) disables Adalight / Serial JSON
oappend(SET_F(",1")); // debug output (TX) pin
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_PSRAM)
if (psramFound()) oappend(SET_F(",16,17")); // GPIO16 & GPIO17 reserved for SPI RAM
if (ethernetType != WLED_ETH_NONE && ethernetType < WLED_NUM_ETH_TYPES) {
for (uint8_t p=0; p<WLED_ETH_RSVD_PINS_COUNT; p++) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(esp32_nonconfigurable_ethernet_pins[p].pin,nS,10)); }
if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_power>=0) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_power,nS,10)); }
if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdc>=0) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdc,nS,10)); }
if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdio>=0) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdio,nS,10)); }
switch (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_clk_mode) {
if (i) oappend(SET_F(","));
oappend(SET_F("6,7,8,9,10,11")); // flash memory pins
oappend(SET_F(",2")); // DMX hardcoded pin
//Adalight / Serial in requires pin 3 to be unused. However, Serial input can not be prevented by WLED
oappend(SET_F(",1")); // debug output (TX) pin
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_PSRAM)
if (psramFound()) oappend(SET_F(",16,17")); // GPIO16 & GPIO17 reserved for SPI RAM
//TODO: add reservations for Ethernet shield pins
// set limits
oappend(itoa(WLED_MAX_BUSSES,nS,10)); oappend(",");
oappend(itoa(MAX_LEDS_PER_BUS,nS,10)); oappend(",");
oappend(itoa(MAX_LED_MEMORY,nS,10)); oappend(",");
oappend(SET_F("d.Sf.LC.max=")); //TODO Formula for max LEDs on ESP8266 depending on types. 500 DMA or 1500 UART (about 4kB mem usage)
for (uint8_t s=0; s < busses.getNumBusses(); s++) {
@ -338,9 +385,9 @@ void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest)
uint8_t nPins = bus->getPins(pins);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nPins; i++) {
lp[1] = 48+i;
if (pinManager.isPinOk(pins[i])) sappend('v', lp, pins[i]);
if (pinManager.isPinOk(pins[i]) || bus->getType()>=TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB) sappend('v',lp,pins[i]);
sappend('v', lc, bus->getLength());