Move segment bounds queuing to WS2812FX

This commit is contained in:
cschwinne 2023-07-13 13:08:36 +02:00
parent 72a72dbc88
commit 5e20abd7f1
4 changed files with 50 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -395,9 +395,6 @@ typedef struct Segment {
uint16_t _dataLen;
static uint16_t _usedSegmentData;
static uint16_t _qStart, _qStop, _qStartY, _qStopY;
static uint8_t _queuedChangesSegId;
// transition data, valid only if transitional==true, holds values during transition (72 bytes)
struct Transition {
uint32_t _colorT[NUM_COLORS];
@ -689,7 +686,15 @@ class WS2812FX { // 96 bytes
WS2812FX::instance = this;
_mode.reserve(_modeCount); // allocate memory to prevent initial fragmentation (does not increase size())
@ -745,7 +750,7 @@ class WS2812FX { // 96 bytes
inline void trigger(void) { _triggered = true; } // Forces the next frame to be computed on all active segments.
inline void setShowCallback(show_callback cb) { _callback = cb; }
inline void setTransition(uint16_t t) { _transitionDur = t; }
inline void appendSegment(const Segment &seg = Segment()) { _segments.push_back(seg); }
inline void appendSegment(const Segment &seg = Segment()) { if (_segments.size() < getMaxSegments()) _segments.push_back(seg); }
@ -899,9 +904,16 @@ class WS2812FX { // 96 bytes
uint8_t _segment_index;
uint8_t _mainSegment;
uint8_t _queuedChangesSegId;
uint16_t _qStart, _qStop, _qStartY, _qStopY;
uint8_t _qGrouping, _qSpacing;
uint16_t _qOffset;
extern const char JSON_mode_names[];

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@ -76,9 +76,6 @@
uint16_t Segment::_usedSegmentData = 0U; // amount of RAM all segments use for their data[]
uint16_t Segment::maxWidth = DEFAULT_LED_COUNT;
uint16_t Segment::maxHeight = 1;
uint8_t Segment::_queuedChangesSegId = 255U;
uint16_t Segment::_qStart = 0, Segment::_qStop = 0;
uint16_t Segment::_qStartY = 0, Segment::_qStopY = 0;
// copy constructor
Segment::Segment(const Segment &orig) {
@ -181,10 +178,6 @@ void Segment::resetIfRequired() {
next_time = 0; step = 0; call = 0; aux0 = 0; aux1 = 0;
if (_queuedChangesSegId == strip.getCurrSegmentId()) { // apply queued changes
setUp(_qStart, _qStop, grouping, spacing, offset, _qStartY, _qStopY);
_queuedChangesSegId = 255;
reset = false;
@ -362,8 +355,6 @@ void Segment::handleTransition() {
// segId is given when called from network callback, changes are queued if that segment is currently in its effect function
void Segment::setUp(uint16_t i1, uint16_t i2, uint8_t grp, uint8_t spc, uint16_t ofs, uint16_t i1Y, uint16_t i2Y, uint8_t segId) {
if (_queuedChangesSegId == segId) _queuedChangesSegId = 255; // cancel queued change if already queued for this segment
// return if neither bounds nor grouping have changed
bool boundsUnchanged = (start == i1 && stop == i2);
@ -384,17 +375,7 @@ void Segment::setUp(uint16_t i1, uint16_t i2, uint8_t grp, uint8_t spc, uint16_t
if (ofs < UINT16_MAX) offset = ofs;
if (boundsUnchanged) return; // TODO test if it is save to change grp/spc/ofs without queueing
// queuing a change for a second segment will lead to the loss of the first change if not yet applied
// however this is not a problem as the queued change is applied immediately after the effect function in that segment returns
if (segId < MAX_NUM_SEGMENTS && segId == strip.getCurrSegmentId() && strip.isServicing()) { // queue change to prevent concurrent access
_qStart = i1;
_qStop = i2;
_qStartY = i1Y;
_qStopY = i2Y;
_queuedChangesSegId = segId;
return; // queued changes are applied immediately after effect function returns
if (boundsUnchanged) return;
// apply change immediately
if (i2 <= i1) { //disable segment
@ -1098,10 +1079,8 @@ void WS2812FX::service() {
// reset the segment runtime data if needed
if (!seg.isActive()) { _segment_index++; continue; }
// last condition ensures all solid segments are updated at the same time
if(nowUp > seg.next_time || _triggered || (doShow && seg.mode == FX_MODE_STATIC))
if (seg.isActive() && (nowUp > seg.next_time || _triggered || (doShow && seg.mode == FX_MODE_STATIC)))
doShow = true;
uint16_t delay = FRAMETIME;
@ -1126,7 +1105,7 @@ void WS2812FX::service() {
seg.next_time = nowUp + delay;
seg.resetIfRequired(); // another reset chance, mainly to apply new segment bounds if queued
if (_segment_index == _queuedChangesSegId) setUpSegmentFromQueuedChanges();
_virtualSegmentLength = 0;
@ -1453,10 +1432,32 @@ Segment& WS2812FX::getSegment(uint8_t id) {
return _segments[id >= _segments.size() ? getMainSegmentId() : id]; // vectors
// compatibility method (deprecated)
void WS2812FX::setSegment(uint8_t n, uint16_t i1, uint16_t i2, uint8_t grouping, uint8_t spacing, uint16_t offset, uint16_t startY, uint16_t stopY) {
if (n >= _segments.size()) return;
_segments[n].setUp(i1, i2, grouping, spacing, offset, startY, stopY);
// sets new segment bounds, queues if that segment is currently running
void WS2812FX::setSegment(uint8_t segId, uint16_t i1, uint16_t i2, uint8_t grouping, uint8_t spacing, uint16_t offset, uint16_t startY, uint16_t stopY) {
if (segId >= getSegmentsNum()) {
if (i2 <= i1) return; // do not append empty/inactive segments
appendSegment(Segment(0, strip.getLengthTotal()));
segId = getSegmentsNum()-1; // segments are added at the end of list
if (_queuedChangesSegId == segId) _queuedChangesSegId = 255; // cancel queued change if already queued for this segment
if (segId < getMaxSegments() && segId == getCurrSegmentId() && isServicing()) { // queue change to prevent concurrent access
// queuing a change for a second segment will lead to the loss of the first change if not yet applied
// however this is not a problem as the queued change is applied immediately after the effect function in that segment returns
_qStart = i1; _qStop = i2; _qStartY = startY; _qStopY = stopY;
_qGrouping = grouping; _qSpacing = spacing; _qOffset = offset;
_queuedChangesSegId = segId;
return; // queued changes are applied immediately after effect function returns
_segments[segId].setUp(i1, i2, grouping, spacing, offset, startY, stopY);
void WS2812FX::setUpSegmentFromQueuedChanges() {
if (_queuedChangesSegId >= getSegmentsNum()) return;
getSegment(_queuedChangesSegId).setUp(_qStart, _qStop, _qGrouping, _qSpacing, _qOffset, _qStartY, _qStopY);
_queuedChangesSegId = 255;
void WS2812FX::restartRuntime() {

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@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ bool deserializeSegment(JsonObject elem, byte it, byte presetId)
if (stop > start && of > len -1) of = len -1;
// update segment (delete if necessary)
// we must not change segment dimensions during drawing of effects in that segment as concurrent access may cause a crash
seg.setUp(start, stop, grp, spc, of, startY, stopY, id);
// do not call seg.setUp() here, as it may cause a crash due to concurrent access if the segment is currently drawing effects
// WS2812FX handles queueing of the change
strip.setSegment(id, start, stop, grp, spc, of, startY, stopY);
if (seg.reset && seg.stop == 0) return true; // segment was deleted & is marked for reset, no need to change anything else

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@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ bool handleSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& req, bool apply)
if (pos > 0) {
spcI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
selseg.setUp(startI, stopI, grpI, spcI, UINT16_MAX, startY, stopY);
strip.setSegment(selectedSeg, startI, stopI, grpI, spcI, UINT16_MAX, startY, stopY);
pos = req.indexOf(F("RV=")); //Segment reverse
if (pos > 0) selseg.reverse = req.charAt(pos+3) != '0';