FX blending POC

This commit is contained in:
Blaz Kristan 2023-08-05 13:50:08 +02:00
parent 8503aba583
commit 937e3d0b94
3 changed files with 161 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -381,6 +381,28 @@ typedef struct Segment {
byte *data; // effect data pointer
static uint16_t maxWidth, maxHeight; // these define matrix width & height (max. segment dimensions)
typedef struct TemporarySegmentData {
uint32_t _colorT[NUM_COLORS];
//uint8_t _opacityT;
//uint8_t _cctT; // temporary CCT
//uint16_t _optionsT;
uint8_t _speedT;
uint8_t _intensityT;
uint8_t _custom1T, _custom2T; // custom FX parameters/sliders
struct {
uint8_t _custom3T : 5; // reduced range slider (0-31)
bool _check1T : 1; // checkmark 1
bool _check2T : 1; // checkmark 2
bool _check3T : 1; // checkmark 3
uint16_t _aux0T;
uint16_t _aux1T;
uint32_t _stepT;
uint32_t _callT;
uint8_t *_dataT;
uint16_t _dataLenT;
} tmpsegd_t;
union {
uint8_t _capabilities;
@ -399,41 +421,35 @@ typedef struct Segment {
static CRGBPalette16 _randomPalette;
static CRGBPalette16 _newRandomPalette;
static unsigned long _lastPaletteChange;
static uint8_t _noOfBlendsRemaining;
// transition data, valid only if transitional==true, holds values during transition (72 bytes)
struct Transition {
uint32_t _colorT[NUM_COLORS];
tmpsegd_t _tmpSeg;
uint8_t _briT; // temporary brightness
uint8_t _cctT; // temporary CCT
uint8_t _modeT; // previous mode/effect
CRGBPalette16 _palT; // temporary palette
uint8_t _prevPaletteBlends; // number of previous palette blends (there are max 255 belnds possible)
uint8_t _modeP; // previous mode/effect
//uint16_t _aux0, _aux1; // previous mode/effect runtime data
//uint32_t _step, _call; // previous mode/effect runtime data
//byte *_data; // previous mode/effect runtime data
unsigned long _start; // must accommodate millis()
unsigned long _start; // must accommodate millis()
uint16_t _dur;
Transition(uint16_t dur=750)
: _briT(255)
, _cctT(127)
, _palT(CRGBPalette16(CRGB::Black))
: _palT(CRGBPalette16(CRGB::Black))
, _prevPaletteBlends(0)
, _start(millis())
, _dur(dur)
Transition(uint16_t d, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, const uint32_t *o)
: _briT(b)
, _cctT(c)
, _palT(CRGBPalette16(CRGB::Black))
: _palT(CRGBPalette16(CRGB::Black))
, _prevPaletteBlends(0)
, _start(millis())
, _dur(d)
for (size_t i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++) _colorT[i] = o[i];
_tmpSeg._opacityT = b;
_tmpSeg._cctT = c;
for (size_t i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++) _tmpSeg._colorT[i] = o[i];
} *_t;
@ -544,6 +560,8 @@ typedef struct Segment {
// transition functions
void startTransition(uint16_t dur); // transition has to start before actual segment values change
void handleTransition(void);
void saveSegenv(tmpsegd_t *tmpSegD);
void restoreSegenv(tmpsegd_t *tmpSegD);
uint16_t progress(void); //transition progression between 0-65535
uint8_t currentBri(uint8_t briNew, bool useCct = false);
uint8_t currentMode(uint8_t modeNew);

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@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ uint16_t Segment::maxHeight = 1;
CRGBPalette16 Segment::_randomPalette = CRGBPalette16(DEFAULT_COLOR);
CRGBPalette16 Segment::_newRandomPalette = CRGBPalette16(DEFAULT_COLOR);
unsigned long Segment::_lastPaletteChange = 0; // perhaps it should be per segment
uint8_t Segment::_noOfBlendsRemaining = 0;
// copy constructor
Segment::Segment(const Segment &orig) {
@ -180,7 +179,8 @@ void Segment::deallocateData() {
void Segment::resetIfRequired() {
if (!reset) return;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("-- Segment reset."));
startTransition(0); // stop pending transition
next_time = 0; step = 0; call = 0; aux0 = 0; aux1 = 0;
reset = false;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ CRGBPalette16 &Segment::loadPalette(CRGBPalette16 &targetPalette, uint8_t pal) {
CHSV(random8(), random8(160, 255), random8(128, 255)),
CHSV(random8(), random8(160, 255), random8(128, 255)));
_lastPaletteChange = millis();
_noOfBlendsRemaining = 255;
handleRandomPalette(); // do a 1st pass of blend
targetPalette = _randomPalette;
@ -273,6 +273,10 @@ void Segment::startTransition(uint16_t dur) {
if (!dur) {
transitional = false;
if (_t) {
if (_t->_tmpSeg._dataT && _t->_tmpSeg._dataLenT > 0) {
_t->_tmpSeg._dataT = nullptr;
delete _t;
_t = nullptr;
@ -284,44 +288,111 @@ void Segment::startTransition(uint16_t dur) {
_t = new Transition(dur); // no previous transition running
if (!_t) return; // failed to allocate data
DEBUG_PRINT(F("-- Saving transition environment. "));
DEBUG_PRINTLN(on ? opacity : 0);
CRGBPalette16 _palT = CRGBPalette16(DEFAULT_COLOR); loadPalette(_palT, palette);
_t->_briT = on ? opacity : 0;
_t->_cctT = cct;
_t->_palT = _palT;
_t->_modeP = mode;
for (size_t i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++) _t->_colorT[i] = colors[i];
_t->_palT = _palT;
_t->_modeT = mode;
_t->_briT = on ? opacity : 0;
_t->_cctT = cct;
_t->_tmpSeg._dataLenT = 0;
_t->_tmpSeg._dataT = nullptr;
if (_dataLen > 0 && data) {
_t->_tmpSeg._dataT = (byte *)malloc(_dataLen);
if (_t->_tmpSeg._dataT) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("-- Allocated duplicate data."));
memcpy(_t->_tmpSeg._dataT, data, _dataLen);
_t->_tmpSeg._dataLenT = _dataLen;
transitional = true; // setOption(SEG_OPTION_TRANSITIONAL, true);
// transition progression between 0-65535
uint16_t Segment::progress() {
if (!transitional || !_t) return 0xFFFFU;
unsigned long timeNow = millis();
if (timeNow - _t->_start > _t->_dur || _t->_dur == 0) return 0xFFFFU;
return (timeNow - _t->_start) * 0xFFFFU / _t->_dur;
if (transitional && _t) {
unsigned long timeNow = millis();
if (_t->_dur > 0 && timeNow - _t->_start < _t->_dur) return (timeNow - _t->_start) * 0xFFFFU / _t->_dur;
return 0xFFFFU;
uint8_t Segment::currentBri(uint8_t briNew, bool useCct) {
uint32_t prog = progress();
if (transitional && _t && prog < 0xFFFFU) {
if (prog < 0xFFFFU) {
if (useCct) return ((briNew * prog) + _t->_cctT * (0xFFFFU - prog)) >> 16;
else return ((briNew * prog) + _t->_briT * (0xFFFFU - prog)) >> 16;
} else {
return briNew;
return briNew;
uint8_t Segment::currentMode(uint8_t newMode) {
return (progress()>32767U) ? newMode : _t->_modeP; // change effect in the middle of transition
uint16_t prog = progress();
if (prog < 0xFFFFU) { // implicit check for transitional & _t in progress()
opacity -= (uint32_t)opacity * prog / 0xFFFFU;
return _t->_modeT;
return newMode;
void Segment::saveSegenv(tmpsegd_t *tmpSeg) {
//tmpSeg._opacityT = on ? opacity : 0;
//tmpSeg._optionsT = options;
for (size_t i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++) tmpSeg->_colorT[i] = colors[i];
tmpSeg->_speedT = speed;
tmpSeg->_intensityT = intensity;
tmpSeg->_custom1T = custom1;
tmpSeg->_custom2T = custom2;
tmpSeg->_custom3T = custom3;
tmpSeg->_check1T = check1;
tmpSeg->_check2T = check2;
tmpSeg->_check3T = check3;
tmpSeg->_aux0T = aux0;
tmpSeg->_aux1T = aux1;
tmpSeg->_stepT = step;
tmpSeg->_callT = call;
tmpSeg->_dataT = data;
tmpSeg->_dataLenT = _dataLen;
void Segment::restoreSegenv(tmpsegd_t *tmpSeg) {
if (&(_t->_tmpSeg) != tmpSeg) {
DEBUG_PRINTF("Temp: %p != %p\n", &(_t->_tmpSeg), tmpSeg);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("-- Restoring OLD environment."));
// update possibly changed variables to keep old effect running correctly
_t->_tmpSeg._aux0T = aux0;
_t->_tmpSeg._aux1T = aux1;
_t->_tmpSeg._stepT = step;
_t->_tmpSeg._callT = call;
//opacity = tmpSeg._opacityT;
//options = tmpSeg._optionsT;
for (size_t i=0; i<NUM_COLORS; i++) colors[i] = tmpSeg->_colorT[i];
speed = tmpSeg->_speedT;
intensity = tmpSeg->_intensityT;
custom1 = tmpSeg->_custom1T;
custom2 = tmpSeg->_custom2T;
custom3 = tmpSeg->_custom3T;
check1 = tmpSeg->_check1T;
check2 = tmpSeg->_check2T;
check3 = tmpSeg->_check3T;
aux0 = tmpSeg->_aux0T;
aux1 = tmpSeg->_aux1T;
step = tmpSeg->_stepT;
call = tmpSeg->_callT;
data = tmpSeg->_dataT;
_dataLen = tmpSeg->_dataLenT;
uint32_t Segment::currentColor(uint8_t slot, uint32_t colorNew) {
return transitional && _t ? color_blend(_t->_colorT[slot], colorNew, progress(), true) : colorNew;
return transitional && _t ? color_blend(_t->_tmpSeg._colorT[slot], colorNew, progress(), true) : colorNew;
CRGBPalette16 &Segment::currentPalette(CRGBPalette16 &targetPalette, uint8_t pal) {
loadPalette(targetPalette, pal);
if (transitional && _t && progress() < 0xFFFFU) {
if (progress() < 0xFFFFU) {
// blend palettes
// there are about 255 blend passes of 48 "blends" to completely blend two palettes (in _dur time)
// minimum blend time is 100ms maximum is 65535ms
@ -338,8 +409,13 @@ void Segment::handleTransition() {
uint16_t _progress = progress();
if (_progress == 0xFFFFU) transitional = false; // finish transitioning segment
if (_t) { // thanks to @nXm AKA https://github.com/NMeirer
if (_progress >= 32767U && _t->_modeP != mode) markForReset();
//if (_progress >= 32767U && _t->_modeP != mode) markForReset();
if (_progress == 0xFFFFU) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("-- Stopping transition."));
if (_t->_tmpSeg._dataT && _t->_tmpSeg._dataLenT > 0) {
_t->_tmpSeg._dataT = nullptr;
delete _t;
_t = nullptr;
@ -348,13 +424,9 @@ void Segment::handleTransition() {
// relies on WS2812FX::service() to call it max every 8ms or more (MIN_SHOW_DELAY)
void Segment::handleRandomPalette() {
if (_noOfBlendsRemaining > 0) {
// there needs to be 255 palette blends (48) for full blend
size_t noOfBlends = 3; // blending time ~850ms when MIN_SHOW_DELAY>10
if (noOfBlends > _noOfBlendsRemaining) noOfBlends = _noOfBlendsRemaining;
for (size_t i=0; i<noOfBlends; i++) nblendPaletteTowardPalette(_randomPalette, _newRandomPalette, 48);
_noOfBlendsRemaining -= noOfBlends;
// just do a blend; if the palettes are identical it will just compare 48 bytes (same as _randomPalette == _newRandomPalette)
// this will slowly blend _newRandomPalette into _randomPalette every 15ms or 8ms (depending on MIN_SHOW_DELAY)
nblendPaletteTowardPalette(_randomPalette, _newRandomPalette, 48);
// segId is given when called from network callback, changes are queued if that segment is currently in its effect function
@ -432,6 +504,7 @@ void Segment::setCCT(uint16_t k) {
void Segment::setOpacity(uint8_t o) {
if (opacity == o) return;
if (fadeTransition) startTransition(strip.getTransition()); // start transition prior to change
DEBUG_PRINT(F("-- Setting opacity: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(o);
opacity = o;
stateChanged = true; // send UDP/WS broadcast
@ -448,9 +521,9 @@ void Segment::setMode(uint8_t fx, bool loadDefaults) {
// if we have a valid mode & is not reserved
if (fx < strip.getModeCount() && strncmp_P("RSVD", strip.getModeData(fx), 4)) {
if (fx != mode) {
if (!transitional) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("-- Started mode transition. ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(opacity);}
if (fadeTransition) startTransition(strip.getTransition()); // set effect transitions
mode = fx;
// load default values from effect string
if (loadDefaults) {
int16_t sOpt;
@ -1079,13 +1152,15 @@ void WS2812FX::service() {
_segment_index = 0;
Segment::handleRandomPalette(); // move it into for loop when each segment has individual random palette
for (segment &seg : _segments) {
if (!seg.isActive()) continue;
// process transition (mode changes in the middle of transition)
// reset the segment runtime data if needed
// last condition ensures all solid segments are updated at the same time
if (seg.isActive() && (nowUp > seg.next_time || _triggered || (doShow && seg.mode == FX_MODE_STATIC)))
if (nowUp > seg.next_time || _triggered || (doShow && seg.mode == FX_MODE_STATIC))
doShow = true;
uint16_t delay = FRAMETIME;
@ -1100,10 +1175,26 @@ void WS2812FX::service() {
if (!cctFromRgb || correctWB) busses.setSegmentCCT(seg.currentBri(seg.cct, true), correctWB);
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < NUM_COLORS; c++) _colors_t[c] = gamma32(_colors_t[c]);
// effect blending (execute previous effect)
// actual code may be a bit more involved as effects have runtime data including allocated memory
//if (seg.transitional && seg._modeP) (*_mode[seg._modeP])(progress());
delay = (*_mode[seg.currentMode(seg.mode)])();
// Effect blending (execute previous effect then new effect while in transition)
// WARNING: seg.currentMode(mode) (while in transition) will overwrite SEGENV variables!!!
// so they need to be saved first and then restored before running new mode.
// The blending will largely depend on the effect behaviour since actual output (LEDs) may be
// overwritten by later effect. To enable seamless blending for every effect, additional LED buffer
// would need to be allocated for each effect and then blended together for each pixel.
Segment::tmpsegd_t _tmpSegData;
uint8_t newMode = seg.mode;
uint8_t newOpacity = seg.opacity;
uint8_t tmpMode = seg.currentMode(seg.mode);
delay = (*_mode[tmpMode])(); // run old mode
if (newMode != tmpMode) {
if (tmpMode != FX_MODE_HALLOWEEN_EYES) seg.call++;
seg.restoreSegenv(&_tmpSegData); // restore mode state
seg.opacity = (uint32_t)newOpacity * seg.progress() / 0xFFFFU;
delay += (*_mode[seg.mode])(); // run new mode
delay /= 2; // average the delay
seg.opacity = newOpacity;
if (seg.mode != FX_MODE_HALLOWEEN_EYES) seg.call++;
if (seg.transitional && delay > FRAMETIME) delay = FRAMETIME; // force faster updates during transition

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@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ void applyValuesToSelectedSegs()
if (effectSpeed != selsegPrev.speed) {seg.speed = effectSpeed; stateChanged = true;}
if (effectIntensity != selsegPrev.intensity) {seg.intensity = effectIntensity; stateChanged = true;}
if (effectPalette != selsegPrev.palette) {seg.setPalette(effectPalette); stateChanged = true;}
if (effectCurrent != selsegPrev.mode) {seg.setMode(effectCurrent); stateChanged = true;}
if (effectPalette != selsegPrev.palette) {seg.setPalette(effectPalette);}
if (effectCurrent != selsegPrev.mode) {seg.setMode(effectCurrent);}
uint32_t col0 = RGBW32( col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]);
uint32_t col1 = RGBW32(colSec[0], colSec[1], colSec[2], colSec[3]);
if (col0 != selsegPrev.colors[0]) {seg.setColor(0, col0); stateChanged = true;}
if (col1 != selsegPrev.colors[1]) {seg.setColor(1, col1); stateChanged = true;}
if (col0 != selsegPrev.colors[0]) {seg.setColor(0, col0);}
if (col1 != selsegPrev.colors[1]) {seg.setColor(1, col1);}