UDP sound sync: added decoder for legacy packets

support decoding of sound sync data from SR version > 0.13.0
This commit is contained in:
Frank 2022-10-21 12:12:02 +02:00
parent 64441b39ac
commit ba0bc31525

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@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ void FFTcode(void * parameter)
if (fabsf((float)vReal[i]) > maxSample) maxSample = fabsf((float)vReal[i]);
// release highest sample to volume reactive effects early - not strictly necessary here - could also be done at the end of the function
// early release allows the filters (getSample() and agcAvg()) to work with fresh values - we will have matching gain and noise gate values when we want to process the FFT results. micDataReal = maxSample;
// early release allows the filters (getSample() and agcAvg()) to work with fresh values - we will have matching gain and noise gate values when we want to process the FFT results.
micDataReal = maxSample;
#ifdef SR_DEBUG
@ -552,6 +552,7 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
// used to feed "Info" Page
unsigned long last_UDPTime = 0; // time of last valid UDP sound sync datapacket
int receivedFormat = 0; // last received UDP sound sync format - 0=none, 1=v1 (0.13.x), 2=v2 (0.14.x)
float maxSample5sec = 0.0f; // max sample (after AGC) in last 5 seconds
unsigned long sampleMaxTimer = 0; // last time maxSample5sec was reset
#define CYCLE_SAMPLEMAX 3500 // time window for merasuring
@ -887,11 +888,67 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
static bool isValidUdpSyncVersion(const char *header) {
return strncmp_P(header, PSTR(UDP_SYNC_HEADER), 6) == 0;
static bool isValidUdpSyncVersion_v1(const char *header) {
return strncmp_P(header, PSTR(UDP_SYNC_HEADER_v1), 6) == 0;
void decodeAudioData(int packetSize, uint8_t *fftBuff) {
audioSyncPacket *receivedPacket = reinterpret_cast<audioSyncPacket*>(fftBuff);
// update samples for effects
volumeSmth = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleSmth, 0.0f);
volumeRaw = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleRaw, 0.0f);
// update internal samples
sampleRaw = volumeRaw;
sampleAvg = volumeSmth;
rawSampleAgc = volumeRaw;
sampleAgc = volumeSmth;
multAgc = 1.0f;
// Only change samplePeak IF it's currently false.
// If it's true already, then the animation still needs to respond.
if (!samplePeak) {
samplePeak = receivedPacket->samplePeak >0 ? true:false;
if (samplePeak) timeOfPeak = millis();
//userVar1 = samplePeak;
//These values are only available on the ESP32
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GEQ_CHANNELS; i++) fftResult[i] = receivedPacket->fftResult[i];
my_magnitude = fmaxf(receivedPacket->FFT_Magnitude, 0.0f);
FFT_Magnitude = my_magnitude;
FFT_MajorPeak = constrain(receivedPacket->FFT_MajorPeak, 1.0f, 11025.0f); // restrict value to range expected by effects
void decodeAudioData_v1(int packetSize, uint8_t *fftBuff) {
audioSyncPacket_v1 *receivedPacket = reinterpret_cast<audioSyncPacket_v1*>(fftBuff);
// update samples for effects
volumeSmth = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleAgc, 0.0f);
volumeRaw = volumeSmth; // V1 format does not have "raw" AGC sample
// update internal samples
sampleRaw = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleRaw, 0.0f);
sampleAvg = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleAvg, 0.0f);;
sampleAgc = volumeSmth;
rawSampleAgc = volumeRaw;
multAgc = 1.0f;
// Only change samplePeak IF it's currently false.
// If it's true already, then the animation still needs to respond.
if (!samplePeak) {
samplePeak = receivedPacket->samplePeak >0 ? true:false;
if (samplePeak) timeOfPeak = millis();
//userVar1 = samplePeak;
//These values are only available on the ESP32
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GEQ_CHANNELS; i++) fftResult[i] = receivedPacket->fftResult[i];
my_magnitude = fmaxf(receivedPacket->FFT_Magnitude, 0.0);
FFT_Magnitude = my_magnitude;
FFT_MajorPeak = constrain(receivedPacket->FFT_MajorPeak, 1.0, 11025.0); // restrict value to range expected by effects
bool receiveAudioData() // check & process new data. return TRUE in case that new audio data was received.
if (!udpSyncConnected) return false;
bool haveFreshData = false;
size_t packetSize = fftUdp.parsePacket();
if (packetSize > 5) {
//DEBUGSR_PRINTLN("Received UDP Sync Packet");
@ -900,37 +957,17 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
if (packetSize == sizeof(audioSyncPacket) && (isValidUdpSyncVersion((const char *)fftBuff))) {
audioSyncPacket *receivedPacket = reinterpret_cast<audioSyncPacket*>(fftBuff);
// update samples for effects
volumeSmth = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleSmth, 0.0f);
volumeRaw = fmaxf(receivedPacket->sampleRaw, 0.0f);
// update internal samples
sampleRaw = volumeRaw;
sampleAvg = volumeSmth;
rawSampleAgc = volumeRaw;
sampleAgc = volumeSmth;
multAgc = 1.0f;
// Only change samplePeak IF it's currently false.
// If it's true already, then the animation still needs to respond.
if (!samplePeak) {
samplePeak = receivedPacket->samplePeak >0 ? true:false;
if (samplePeak) timeOfPeak = millis();
//userVar1 = samplePeak;
//These values are only available on the ESP32
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GEQ_CHANNELS; i++) fftResult[i] = receivedPacket->fftResult[i];
my_magnitude = fmaxf(receivedPacket->FFT_Magnitude, 0.0f);
FFT_Magnitude = my_magnitude;
FFT_MajorPeak = constrain(receivedPacket->FFT_MajorPeak, 1.0f, 11025.0f); // restrict value to range expected by effects
//DEBUGSR_PRINTLN("Finished parsing UDP Sync Packet");
decodeAudioData(packetSize, fftBuff);
//DEBUGSR_PRINTLN("Finished parsing UDP Sync Packet v2");
haveFreshData = true;
receivedFormat = 2;
} else {
if (packetSize == sizeof(audioSyncPacket_v1) && (isValidUdpSyncVersion_v1((const char *)fftBuff))) {
decodeAudioData_v1(packetSize, fftBuff);
//DEBUGSR_PRINTLN("Finished parsing UDP Sync Packet v1");
haveFreshData = true;
receivedFormat = 1;
} else receivedFormat = 0; // unknown format
return haveFreshData;
@ -1395,12 +1432,17 @@ class AudioReactive : public Usermod {
if (audioSyncEnabled) {
if (audioSyncEnabled & 0x01) {
infoArr.add(F("send mode"));
if ((udpSyncConnected) && (millis() - lastTime < 2500)) infoArr.add(F(" v2"));
} else if (audioSyncEnabled & 0x02) {
infoArr.add(F("receive mode"));
} else
if (audioSyncEnabled && !udpSyncConnected) infoArr.add(" <i>(unconnected)</i>");
if (audioSyncEnabled && udpSyncConnected && (millis() - last_UDPTime < 2500)) {
if (receivedFormat == 1) infoArr.add(F(" v1"));
if (receivedFormat == 2) infoArr.add(F(" v2"));
#if defined(WLED_DEBUG) || defined(SR_DEBUG)
infoArr = user.createNestedArray(F("Sampling time"));