Added Easter Egg
Improved ArduinoOTA stability on ESP8266
Added function that starts the AP if you press the button for 7 secs
Added yet unused methods for color conversion
Added setting to change default boot preset
Changed default NTP server
Removed keywords.txt from dependencies because IDE would consider it as an (invalid) library
Updated readme
Updated binaries to 0.4
version bump
minor tweaks
compressed HTMLs
changed SN behavior to control direct notifications
removed nightlight notification due to severe uselessness
removed unnecessary bool2int function
Updated binary
Added timezones library (CET for now, you can easily adapt it to your timezone however)
Added overlays to support both digital and analog clockfaces, basic countdown
Improved serial debug
Included license notes in settings file
Added a bit of guides to readme file
Warning! Using NTP usually results in a complete system crash after 1-48 hours.
Please only enable it if you are willing to experiment with it.
To get a proper WLED experience, make sure the checkbox for NTP is disabled in settings!