The existing code was very buggy - a 512 channel ArtNet packet sent data to
171 LEDs, not 170. Also the second ArtNet universe was off-by-one.
The math was very confusing with so many branches. The reduces the
amount of code and amount of branching.
Tested with Resolume + my own ArtNet software + 252 LEDs for ArtNet.
Tested with LedFx for e1.31
- Added realtime override option and `lor` JSON property
- Added `lm` (live mode) and `lip` (live IP) properties to info in JSON API
- Added reset commands to APIs
- Added `json/si`, returning state and info, but no FX or Palette lists
- Added rollover detection to millis(). Can track uptimes longer than 49 days
- Attempted to fix Wifi issues with Unifi brand APs
output a configurable universe (E1.31 or ArtNet) via MAX485 module that connects its DI to D4 on d1_mini.
as this function competes with DMX output for the same hardware, the universe to proxy acts as a switch.
0 = DMX OUTPUT (of configured WLED LEDs, which is the classic behaviour)
1-63999 = DMX PROXY (selected universe, ArtNet is limited up to 32768)