Implemented PinManager and rerun setup of usermod after updating pins/
Registered in const.h and pin_manager.h I tried to follow the existing formatting/numbering in these files.
Wrapped any strings I could in F()
Added public variables to the BME280 usermod based on those in the Temperature usermod. Only complication is that this usermod utilises different function calls depending on whether user defines celsius or not. I have handled this for the temperature, but the Dew Point and Heat Index are relative to the temperature.
I've also addressed some areas where I'd previously assumed Celsius for reporting purposes as my test case is using Farenheit.
I added a Usermod interface for key settings. I used a PinArray for the SDA/SCL pins, but you can't name these individually.
I have also made a display to show the temperature/humidity values in the web interface's Info screen.
I had to change the definition of those items in order to allow these new functions to work. I have not noticed any negative side effects to this change.
At the moment, I've not figured out how to make Celsius/Farenheit toggleable due to the way the #define setup works.
Finally, I have added a routine to publish MQTT Discovery Topics for Home Assistant (toggleable in the Usermod screen).
I've been testing this on the only suitable device I have for a few months and haven't noticed any problems.