Added setting to change default boot preset
Changed default NTP server
Removed keywords.txt from dependencies because IDE would consider it as an (invalid) library
Updated readme
Updated binaries to 0.4
(this eases compilation since all libraries are included except the ESP8266 core and NeoPixelBus)
Disabled serial debug output of Alexa library, may be re-enabled in .h-Files ifneedbe
Added &SR= to set random hue
Added &ST= to manually set time without NTP
Secondary color buttons now functional
Shifted effect by 1, range is now 1-25
Effect 0 is now the default boot setting
Fixed preset function not calling GIO() in js, which caused a delayed action
Dynamically lowered refresh rate in standard mode in an attempt to minimize random flashing issue
Added L= and UL= HTTP in vars to lock/unlock pixels and ranges
version bump
minor tweaks
compressed HTMLs
changed SN behavior to control direct notifications
removed nightlight notification due to severe uselessness
removed unnecessary bool2int function
Updated binary
added udpPort = 0 as off
implement all settings setters (notifyNightlight \n udpPort)
De-implement notification fwd and led_amount settings
descriptive text / title (server side + settings)
nightlight function different after brightness than 0