Sync setup

WLED Broadcast

UDP Port:
2nd Port:
ESP-NOW support is disabled.
Use ESP-NOW sync:
(in AP mode or no WiFi)

Sync groups

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Brightness, Color, and Effects
Segment options, bounds


Enable Sync on start:
Send notifications on direct change:
Send notifications on button press or IR:
Send Alexa notifications:
Send Philips Hue change notifications:
UDP packet retransmissions:

Reboot required to apply changes.

Instance List

Enable instance list:
Make this instance discoverable:


Receive UDP realtime:
Use main segment only:

Network DMX input
Start universe:
Reboot required. Check out LedFx!
Skip out-of-sequence packets:
DMX start address:
DMX segment spacing:
E1.31 port priority:
DMX mode:
E1.31 info
Timeout: ms
Force max brightness:
Disable realtime gamma correction:
Realtime LED offset:

Alexa Voice Assistant

This firmware build does not include Alexa support.

Emulate Alexa device:
Alexa invocation name:
Also emulate devices to call the first presets

MQTT and Hue sync all connect to external hosts!
This may impact the responsiveness of WLED.

For best results, only use one of these services at a time.
(alternatively, connect a second ESP to them and use the UDP sync)


This firmware build does not include MQTT support.
Enable MQTT:
Broker: Port:
The MQTT credentials are sent over an unsecured connection.
Never use the MQTT password for another service!

Client ID:
Device Topic:
Group Topic:
Publish on button press:
Retain brightness & color messages:
Reboot required to apply changes. MQTT info

Philips Hue

This firmware build does not include Philips Hue support.
You can find the bridge IP and the light number in the 'About' section of the hue app.
Poll Hue light every ms:
Then, receive On/Off, Brightness, and Color
Hue Bridge IP:
. . .
Press the pushlink button on the bridge, after that save this page!
(when first connecting)
Hue status: Disabled in this build


Baud rate:
Keep at 115200 to use Improv. Some boards may not support high rates.