#ifndef CHIP_SELECT_H #define CHIP_SELECT_H #include "Hardware.h" /* * `digit`s are as defined in Hardware.h, 0 == seconds ones, 5 == hours tens. */ class ChipSelect { private: uint8_t digits_map; const uint8_t all_on = 0x3F; const uint8_t all_off = 0x00; public: ChipSelect() : digits_map(all_off) {} void update() { // Documented in README.md. Q7 and Q6 are unused. Q5 is Seconds Ones, Q0 is Hours Tens. // Q7 is the first bit written, Q0 is the last. So we push two dummy bits, then start with // Seconds Ones and end with Hours Tens. // CS is Active Low, but digits_map is 1 for enable, 0 for disable. So we bit-wise NOT first. uint8_t to_shift = (~digits_map) << 2; digitalWrite(CSSR_LATCH_PIN, LOW); shiftOut(CSSR_DATA_PIN, CSSR_CLOCK_PIN, LSBFIRST, to_shift); digitalWrite(CSSR_LATCH_PIN, HIGH); } void begin() { pinMode(CSSR_LATCH_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(CSSR_DATA_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(CSSR_CLOCK_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(CSSR_DATA_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(CSSR_CLOCK_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(CSSR_LATCH_PIN, LOW); update(); } // These speak the indexes defined in Hardware.h. // So 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled (even though CS is active low, this gets mapped.) // So bit 0 (LSB), is index 0, is SECONDS_ONES // Translation to what the 74HC595 uses is done in update() void setDigitMap(uint8_t map, bool update_=true) { digits_map = map; if (update_) update(); } uint8_t getDigitMap() { return digits_map; } // Helper functions // Sets just the one digit by digit number void setDigit(uint8_t digit, bool update_=true) { setDigitMap(0x01 << digit, update_); } void setAll(bool update_=true) { setDigitMap(all_on, update_); } void clear(bool update_=true) { setDigitMap(all_off, update_); } void setSecondsOnes() { setDigit(SECONDS_ONES); } void setSecondsTens() { setDigit(SECONDS_TENS); } void setMinutesOnes() { setDigit(MINUTES_ONES); } void setMinutesTens() { setDigit(MINUTES_TENS); } void setHoursOnes() { setDigit(HOURS_ONES); } void setHoursTens() { setDigit(HOURS_TENS); } bool isSecondsOnes() { return (digits_map&SECONDS_ONES_MAP > 0); } bool isSecondsTens() { return (digits_map&SECONDS_TENS_MAP > 0); } bool isMinutesOnes() { return (digits_map&MINUTES_ONES_MAP > 0); } bool isMinutesTens() { return (digits_map&MINUTES_TENS_MAP > 0); } bool isHoursOnes() { return (digits_map&HOURS_ONES_MAP > 0); } bool isHoursTens() { return (digits_map&HOURS_TENS_MAP > 0); } }; #endif // CHIP_SELECT_H