/* * Setup code */ void wledInit() { EEPROM.begin(EEPSIZE); ledCount = EEPROM.read(229) + ((EEPROM.read(398) << 8) & 0xFF00); if (ledCount > 1200 || ledCount == 0) ledCount = 30; #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #if LEDPIN == 3 if (ledCount > 300) ledCount = 300; //DMA method uses too much ram #endif #endif Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setTimeout(50); DEBUG_PRINTLN(); DEBUG_PRINT("---WLED "); DEBUG_PRINT(versionString); DEBUG_PRINT(" "); DEBUG_PRINT(VERSION); DEBUG_PRINTLN(" INIT---"); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 DEBUG_PRINT("esp32 "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getSdkVersion()); #else DEBUG_PRINT("esp8266 "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getCoreVersion()); #endif int heapPreAlloc = ESP.getFreeHeap(); DEBUG_PRINT("heap "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap()); strip.init(EEPROM.read(372),ledCount,EEPROM.read(2204)); //init LEDs quickly DEBUG_PRINT("LEDs inited. heap usage ~"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(heapPreAlloc - ESP.getFreeHeap()); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_FILESYSTEM #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 SPIFFS.begin(true); #endif SPIFFS.begin(); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN("Load EEPROM"); loadSettingsFromEEPROM(true); beginStrip(); userBeginPreConnection(); if (strcmp(clientSSID,"Your_Network") == 0) showWelcomePage = true; WiFi.persistent(false); if (macroBoot>0) applyMacro(macroBoot); Serial.println("Ada"); if (udpPort > 0 && udpPort != ntpLocalPort) { udpConnected = notifierUdp.begin(udpPort); if (udpConnected && udpRgbPort != udpPort) udpRgbConnected = rgbUdp.begin(udpRgbPort); } if (ntpEnabled && WLED_CONNECTED) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort); //generate module IDs escapedMac = WiFi.macAddress(); escapedMac.replace(":", ""); escapedMac.toLowerCase(); if (strcmp(cmDNS,"x") == 0) //fill in unique mdns default { strcpy(cmDNS, "wled-"); sprintf(cmDNS+5, "%*s", 6, escapedMac.c_str()+6); } if (mqttDeviceTopic[0] == 0) { strcpy(mqttDeviceTopic, "wled/"); sprintf(mqttDeviceTopic+5, "%*s", 6, escapedMac.c_str()+6); } if (mqttClientID[0] == 0) { strcpy(mqttClientID, "WLED-"); sprintf(mqttClientID+5, "%*s", 6, escapedMac.c_str()+6); } strip.service(); //HTTP server page init initServer(); strip.service(); server.begin(); DEBUG_PRINTLN("HTTP server started"); //init ArduinoOTA if (true) { #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (aOtaEnabled) { ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 wifi_set_sleep_type(NONE_SLEEP_T); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN("Start ArduinoOTA"); }); if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) ArduinoOTA.setHostname(cmDNS); ArduinoOTA.begin(); } #endif strip.service(); // Set up mDNS responder: if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0 && WLED_CONNECTED) { MDNS.begin(cmDNS); DEBUG_PRINTLN("mDNS responder started"); // Add service to MDNS MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); MDNS.addService("wled", "tcp", 80); } strip.service(); initBlynk(blynkApiKey); initE131(); reconnectHue(); } else { e131Enabled = false; } initConnection(); userBegin(); } void beginStrip() { // Initialize NeoPixel Strip and button #ifdef BTNPIN pinMode(BTNPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); #endif if (bootPreset>0) applyPreset(bootPreset, turnOnAtBoot, true, true); colorUpdated(0); //init relay pin #if RLYPIN >= 0 pinMode(RLYPIN, OUTPUT); #if RLYMDE digitalWrite(RLYPIN, bri); #else digitalWrite(RLYPIN, !bri); #endif #endif //disable button if it is "pressed" unintentionally #ifdef BTNPIN if(digitalRead(BTNPIN) == LOW) buttonEnabled = false; #else buttonEnabled = false; #endif } void initAP(bool resetAP=false){ if (recoveryAPDisabled) return; bool set = apSSID[0]; if (!set || resetAP) strcpy(apSSID, "WLED-AP"); if (resetAP) strcpy(apPass,"wled1234"); DEBUG_PRINT("Opening access point "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(apSSID); WiFi.softAPConfig(IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1), IPAddress(4, 3, 2, 1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); WiFi.softAP(apSSID, apPass, apChannel, apHide); if (!set) apSSID[0] = 0; if (!apActive) //start captive portal if AP active { dnsServer.setErrorReplyCode(DNSReplyCode::NoError); dnsServer.start(53, "*", WiFi.softAPIP()); } apActive = true; } void initConnection() { WiFi.disconnect(); //close old connections if (staticIP[0] != 0) { WiFi.config(staticIP, staticGateway, staticSubnet, IPAddress(8,8,8,8)); } else { WiFi.config(0U, 0U, 0U); } lastReconnectAttempt = millis(); if (!apActive) { if (apAlwaysOn) { initAP(); } else { DEBUG_PRINTLN("Access point disabled."); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); } } if (!WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { DEBUG_PRINT("No connection configured. "); initAP(); //instantly go to ap mode return; } showWelcomePage = false; DEBUG_PRINT("Connecting to "); DEBUG_PRINT(clientSSID); DEBUG_PRINTLN("..."); #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 WiFi.hostname(serverDescription); #endif WiFi.begin(clientSSID, clientPass); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 WiFi.setHostname(serverDescription); #endif } void initInterfaces() { if (hueIP[0] == 0) { hueIP[0] = WiFi.localIP()[0]; hueIP[1] = WiFi.localIP()[1]; hueIP[2] = WiFi.localIP()[2]; } //init Alexa hue emulation if (alexaEnabled) alexaInit(); initMqtt(); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_OTA if (aOtaEnabled) { ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 wifi_set_sleep_type(NONE_SLEEP_T); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN("Start ArduinoOTA"); }); if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) ArduinoOTA.setHostname(cmDNS); ArduinoOTA.begin(); } #endif strip.service(); // Set up mDNS responder: if (strlen(cmDNS) > 0) { MDNS.begin(cmDNS); DEBUG_PRINTLN("mDNS responder started"); // Add service to MDNS MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); MDNS.addService("wled", "tcp", 80); } strip.service(); initBlynk(blynkApiKey); initE131(); reconnectHue(); interfacesInited = true; } byte stacO = 0; void handleConnection() { byte stac = wifi_softap_get_station_num(); if (stac != stacO) { stacO = stac; DEBUG_PRINT("Connected AP clients: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(stac); if (!WLED_CONNECTED && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) { //trying to connect, but not connected if (stac) WiFi.disconnect(); //disable search so that AP can work else initConnection(); //restart search } } if (forceReconnect) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("Forcing reconnect."); initConnection(); interfacesInited = false; forceReconnect = false; return; } if (!WLED_CONNECTED) { if (interfacesInited) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("Disconnected!"); interfacesInited = false; initConnection(); } if (millis() - lastReconnectAttempt > 300000 && WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED) initConnection(); if (!apActive && millis() - lastReconnectAttempt > apWaitTimeSecs*1000) initAP(); } else if (!interfacesInited) { //newly connected DEBUG_PRINTLN(""); DEBUG_PRINT("Connected! IP address: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.localIP()); initInterfaces(); //shut down AP if (!apAlwaysOn && apActive) { dnsServer.stop(); DEBUG_PRINTLN("Access point disabled."); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); apActive = false; } } } bool checkClientIsMobile(String useragent) { //to save complexity this function is not comprehensive if (useragent.indexOf("Android") >= 0) return true; if (useragent.indexOf("iPhone") >= 0) return true; if (useragent.indexOf("iPod") >= 0) return true; if (useragent.indexOf("iPad") >= 0) return true; return false; }