// Autogenerated from wled00/data/style.css, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settingsCss[] PROGMEM = R"=====()====="; // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings[] PROGMEM = R"=====(WLED Settings
)====="; // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_wifi.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_wifi[] PROGMEM = R"=====( WiFi Settings%CSS%%SCSS%

WiFi setup

Connect to existing network

Network name (SSID, empty to not connect):

Network password:

Static IP (leave at for DHCP):
. . .
Static gateway:
. . .
Static subnet mask:
. . .
mDNS address (leave empty for no mDNS):
http:// .local
Client IP: Not connected

Configure Access Point

AP SSID (leave empty for no AP):

Hide AP name:
AP password (leave empty for open):

Access Point WiFi channel:
AP opens:
AP IP: Not active
)====="; // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_leds.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_leds[] PROGMEM = R"=====(LED Settings%CSS%%SCSS%

LED setup

LED count:
Recommended power supply for brightest white:

Enable automatic brightness limiter:
Maximum Current: mA
Automatically limits brightness to stay close to the limit.
Keep at <1A if powering LEDs directly from the ESP 5V pin!
If you are using an external power supply, enter its rating.
(Current estimated usage: unknown)

LED voltage (Max. current for a single LED):

Keep at default if you are unsure about your type of LEDs.

LEDs are 4-channel type (RGBW):
Auto-calculate white channel from RGB:
Color order:


Turn LEDs on after power up/reset:
Default brightness: (0-255)

Apply preset at boot (0 uses defaults)
- or -
Set current preset cycle setting as boot default:

Use Gamma correction for color: (strongly recommended)
Use Gamma correction for brightness: (not recommended)

Brightness factor: %


Transition Time: ms
Enable Palette transitions:

Timed light

Default Duration: min
Default Target brightness:
Fade down:


Palette blending:
Reverse LED order (rotate 180):
Skip first LED:
)====="; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_dmx.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_dmx[] PROGMEM = R"=====(DMX Settings

Imma firin ma lazer (if it has DMX support)

Proxy Universe from E1.31 to DMX (0=disabled)
This will disable the LED data output to DMX configurable below

Number of fixtures is taken from LED config page
Channels per fixture (15 max):
Start channel:
Spacing between start channels: [ info ]

DMX fixtures start LED:

channel functions

)====="; #else const char PAGE_settings_dmx[] PROGMEM = R"=====()====="; #endif // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_ui.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_ui[] PROGMEM = R"=====( UI Settings%CSS%%SCSS%

Web Setup

Server description:
Sync button toggles both send and receive:

)====="; // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_sync.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_sync[] PROGMEM = R"=====(Sync Settings%CSS%%SCSS%

Sync setup

Button setup

On/Off button enabled:
Infrared remote:
IR info

WLED Broadcast

UDP Port:
Receive Brightness, Color, and Effects
Send notifications on direct change:
Send notifications on button press:
Send Alexa notifications:
Send Philips Hue change notifications:
Send Macro notifications:
Send notifications twice:


Receive UDP realtime:

Network DMX input
Start universe:
Reboot required. Check out LedFx!
Skip out-of-sequence packets:
DMX start address:
DMX mode:
E1.31 info
Timeout: ms
Force max brightness:
Disable realtime gamma correction:
Realtime LED offset:

Alexa Voice Assistant

Emulate Alexa device:
Alexa invocation name:


Blynk, MQTT and Hue sync all connect to external hosts!
This may impact the responsiveness of the ESP8266.

For best results, only use one of these services at a time.
(alternatively, connect a second ESP to them and use the UDP sync)

Device Auth token:
Clear the token field to disable. Setup info


Enable MQTT:
Broker: Port:
The MQTT credentials are sent over an unsecured connection.
Never use the MQTT password for another service!

Client ID:
Device Topic:
Group Topic:
Reboot required to apply changes. MQTT info

Philips Hue

You can find the bridge IP and the light number in the 'About' section of the hue app.
Poll Hue light every ms:
Then, receive On/Off, Brightness, and Color
Hue Bridge IP:
. . .
Press the pushlink button on the bridge, after that save this page!
(when first connecting)
Hue status: Disabled in this build
)====="; // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_time.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_time[] PROGMEM = R"=====( Time Settings%CSS%%SCSS%

Time setup

Get time from NTP server:

Use 24h format:
Time zone:
UTC offset: seconds (max. 18 hours)
Current local time is unknown.


Clock Overlay:
First LED: Last LED:
12h LED:
Show 5min marks:
Seconds (as trail):
Cronixie Display:
Cronixie Backlight:
Countdown Mode:
Countdown Goal:
Year: 20 Month: Day:
Hour: Minute: Second:

Advanced Macros

Define API macros here:

Use 0 for the default action instead of a macro
Boot Macro:
Alexa On/Off Macros:
Button Macro: Long Press:
Countdown-Over Macro:
Timed-Light-Over Macro:
Time-Controlled Macros:

)====="; // Autogenerated from wled00/data/settings_sec.htm, do not edit!! const char PAGE_settings_sec[] PROGMEM = R"=====( Misc Settings%CSS%%SCSS%

Security & Update setup

Lock wireless (OTA) software update:
To enable OTA, for security reasons you need to also enter the correct password!
The password should be changed when OTA is enabled.
Disable OTA when not in use, otherwise an attacker can reflash device software!
Settings on this page are only changable if OTA lock is disabled!
Deny access to WiFi settings if locked:

Factory reset:
All EEPROM content (settings) will be erased.

HTTP traffic is unencrypted. An attacker in the same network can intercept form data!

Software Update

Enable ArduinoOTA:


WLED version 0.10.0

Contributors, dependencies and special thanks
A huge thank you to everyone who helped me create WLED!

(c) 2016-2019 Christian Schwinne
Licensed under the MIT license

Server message: Response error!