# ST7789 TFT IPS Color display 240x240pxwith ESP32 boards This usermod allow to use 240x240 display to display following: * current date and time; * Network SSID; * IP address; * WiFi signal strength; * Brightness; * Chosen effect; * Chosen palette; * effect speed and intensity; * Estimated current in mA; ## Hardware *** ![Hardware](images/ST7789_guide.jpg) ## Library used [Bodmer/TFT_eSPI](https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI) ## Setup *** ### Platformio.ini changes In the `platformio.ini` file, uncomment the `TFT_eSPI` line within the [common] section, under `lib_deps`: ```ini # platformio.ini ... [common] ... lib_deps = ... #For use of the TTGO T-Display ESP32 Module with integrated TFT display uncomment the following line #TFT_eSPI ... ``` Also, while in the `platformio.ini` file, you must change the environment setup to build for just the esp32dev platform as follows: Add lines to section: ```ini default_envs = esp32dev build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp32} -D USERMOD_ST7789_DISPLAY -DUSER_SETUP_LOADED=1 -DST7789_DRIVER=1 -DTFT_WIDTH=240 -DTFT_HEIGHT=240 -DCGRAM_OFFSET=1 -DTFT_MOSI=21 -DTFT_SCLK=22 -DTFT_DC=27 -DTFT_RST=26 -DTFT_BL=14 -DLOAD_GLCD=1 ;optional for WROVER ;-DCONFIG_SPIRAM_SUPPORT=1 ``` Save the `platformio.ini` file. Once this is saved, the required library files should be automatically downloaded for modifications in a later step. ### TFT_eSPI Library Adjustments If you are not using PlatformIO you need to modify a file in the `TFT_eSPI` library. If you followed the directions to modify and save the `platformio.ini` file above, the `Setup24_ST7789.h` file can be found in the `/.pio/libdeps/esp32dev/TFT_eSPI/User_Setups/` folder. Edit `Setup_ST7789.h` file and uncomment nad changep GPIO pin numbers in lines containing `TFT_MOSI`, `TFT_SCLK`, `TFT_RST`, `TFT_DC`. Modify the `User_Setup_Select.h` by uncommentig the line containing `#include ` and commenting out line containing `#include `. If your display includes backlight enable pin, #define TFT_BL with backlight enable GPIO number.