#include "wled.h" /* * Receives client input */ //called upon POST settings form submit void handleSettingsSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, byte subPage) { if (subPage == SUBPAGE_PINREQ) { checkSettingsPIN(request->arg(F("PIN")).c_str()); return; } //0: menu 1: wifi 2: leds 3: ui 4: sync 5: time 6: sec 7: DMX 8: usermods 9: N/A 10: 2D if (subPage < 1 || subPage > 10 || !correctPIN) return; //WIFI SETTINGS if (subPage == SUBPAGE_WIFI) { strlcpy(clientSSID,request->arg(F("CS")).c_str(), 33); if (!isAsterisksOnly(request->arg(F("CP")).c_str(), 65)) strlcpy(clientPass, request->arg(F("CP")).c_str(), 65); strlcpy(cmDNS, request->arg(F("CM")).c_str(), 33); apBehavior = request->arg(F("AB")).toInt(); strlcpy(apSSID, request->arg(F("AS")).c_str(), 33); apHide = request->hasArg(F("AH")); int passlen = request->arg(F("AP")).length(); if (passlen == 0 || (passlen > 7 && !isAsterisksOnly(request->arg(F("AP")).c_str(), 65))) strlcpy(apPass, request->arg(F("AP")).c_str(), 65); int t = request->arg(F("AC")).toInt(); if (t > 0 && t < 14) apChannel = t; noWifiSleep = request->hasArg(F("WS")); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ESPNOW enable_espnow_remote = request->hasArg(F("RE")); strlcpy(linked_remote,request->arg(F("RMAC")).c_str(), 13); //Normalize MAC format to lowercase strlcpy(linked_remote,strlwr(linked_remote), 13); #endif #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET ethernetType = request->arg(F("ETH")).toInt(); WLED::instance().initEthernet(); #endif char k[3]; k[2] = 0; for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { k[1] = i+48;//ascii 0,1,2,3 k[0] = 'I'; //static IP staticIP[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); k[0] = 'G'; //gateway staticGateway[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); k[0] = 'S'; //subnet staticSubnet[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); } } //LED SETTINGS if (subPage == SUBPAGE_LEDS) { int t = 0; if (rlyPin>=0 && pinManager.isPinAllocated(rlyPin, PinOwner::Relay)) { pinManager.deallocatePin(rlyPin, PinOwner::Relay); } if (irPin>=0 && pinManager.isPinAllocated(irPin, PinOwner::IR)) { pinManager.deallocatePin(irPin, PinOwner::IR); } for (uint8_t s=0; s=0 && pinManager.isPinAllocated(btnPin[s], PinOwner::Button)) { pinManager.deallocatePin(btnPin[s], PinOwner::Button); } } uint8_t colorOrder, type, skip, awmode, channelSwap; uint16_t length, start; uint8_t pins[5] = {255, 255, 255, 255, 255}; autoSegments = request->hasArg(F("MS")); correctWB = request->hasArg(F("CCT")); cctFromRgb = request->hasArg(F("CR")); strip.cctBlending = request->arg(F("CB")).toInt(); Bus::setCCTBlend(strip.cctBlending); Bus::setGlobalAWMode(request->arg(F("AW")).toInt()); strip.setTargetFps(request->arg(F("FR")).toInt()); useGlobalLedBuffer = request->hasArg(F("LD")); bool busesChanged = false; for (uint8_t s = 0; s < WLED_MAX_BUSSES+WLED_MIN_VIRTUAL_BUSSES; s++) { char lp[4] = "L0"; lp[2] = 48+s; lp[3] = 0; //ascii 0-9 //strip data pin char lc[4] = "LC"; lc[2] = 48+s; lc[3] = 0; //strip length char co[4] = "CO"; co[2] = 48+s; co[3] = 0; //strip color order char lt[4] = "LT"; lt[2] = 48+s; lt[3] = 0; //strip type char ls[4] = "LS"; ls[2] = 48+s; ls[3] = 0; //strip start LED char cv[4] = "CV"; cv[2] = 48+s; cv[3] = 0; //strip reverse char sl[4] = "SL"; sl[2] = 48+s; sl[3] = 0; //skip first N LEDs char rf[4] = "RF"; rf[2] = 48+s; rf[3] = 0; //refresh required char aw[4] = "AW"; aw[2] = 48+s; aw[3] = 0; //auto white mode char wo[4] = "WO"; wo[2] = 48+s; wo[3] = 0; //channel swap char sp[4] = "SP"; sp[2] = 48+s; sp[3] = 0; //bus clock speed (DotStar & PWM) if (!request->hasArg(lp)) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("No data for ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(s); break; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { lp[1] = 48+i; if (!request->hasArg(lp)) break; pins[i] = (request->arg(lp).length() > 0) ? request->arg(lp).toInt() : 255; } type = request->arg(lt).toInt(); type |= request->hasArg(rf) << 7; // off refresh override skip = request->arg(sl).toInt(); colorOrder = request->arg(co).toInt(); start = (request->hasArg(ls)) ? request->arg(ls).toInt() : t; if (request->hasArg(lc) && request->arg(lc).toInt() > 0) { t += length = request->arg(lc).toInt(); } else { break; // no parameter } awmode = request->arg(aw).toInt(); uint16_t freqHz = request->arg(sp).toInt(); if (type > TYPE_ONOFF && type < 49) { switch (freqHz) { case 0 : freqHz = WLED_PWM_FREQ/3; break; case 1 : freqHz = WLED_PWM_FREQ/2; break; default: case 2 : freqHz = WLED_PWM_FREQ; break; case 3 : freqHz = WLED_PWM_FREQ*2; break; case 4 : freqHz = WLED_PWM_FREQ*3; break; } } else if (type > 48 && type < 64) { switch (freqHz) { default: case 0 : freqHz = 1000; break; case 1 : freqHz = 2000; break; case 2 : freqHz = 5000; break; case 3 : freqHz = 10000; break; case 4 : freqHz = 20000; break; } } else { freqHz = 0; } channelSwap = (type == TYPE_SK6812_RGBW || type == TYPE_TM1814) ? request->arg(wo).toInt() : 0; // actual finalization is done in WLED::loop() (removing old busses and adding new) // this may happen even before this loop is finished so we do "doInitBusses" after the loop if (busConfigs[s] != nullptr) delete busConfigs[s]; busConfigs[s] = new BusConfig(type, pins, start, length, colorOrder | (channelSwap<<4), request->hasArg(cv), skip, awmode, freqHz, useGlobalLedBuffer); busesChanged = true; } //doInitBusses = busesChanged; // we will do that below to ensure all input data is processed ColorOrderMap com = {}; for (uint8_t s = 0; s < WLED_MAX_COLOR_ORDER_MAPPINGS; s++) { char xs[4] = "XS"; xs[2] = 48+s; xs[3] = 0; //start LED char xc[4] = "XC"; xc[2] = 48+s; xc[3] = 0; //strip length char xo[4] = "XO"; xo[2] = 48+s; xo[3] = 0; //color order if (request->hasArg(xs)) { start = request->arg(xs).toInt(); length = request->arg(xc).toInt(); colorOrder = request->arg(xo).toInt(); com.add(start, length, colorOrder); } } busses.updateColorOrderMap(com); // upate other pins int hw_ir_pin = request->arg(F("IR")).toInt(); if (pinManager.allocatePin(hw_ir_pin,false, PinOwner::IR)) { irPin = hw_ir_pin; } else { irPin = -1; } irEnabled = request->arg(F("IT")).toInt(); irApplyToAllSelected = !request->hasArg(F("MSO")); int hw_rly_pin = request->arg(F("RL")).toInt(); if (pinManager.allocatePin(hw_rly_pin,true, PinOwner::Relay)) { rlyPin = hw_rly_pin; } else { rlyPin = -1; } rlyMde = (bool)request->hasArg(F("RM")); disablePullUp = (bool)request->hasArg(F("IP")); for (uint8_t i=0; i10) char be[4] = "BE"; be[2] = (i<10?48:55)+i; be[3] = 0; // button type (use A,B,C,... if WLED_MAX_BUTTONS>10) int hw_btn_pin = request->arg(bt).toInt(); if (pinManager.allocatePin(hw_btn_pin,false,PinOwner::Button)) { btnPin[i] = hw_btn_pin; buttonType[i] = request->arg(be).toInt(); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 // ESP32 only: check that analog button pin is a valid ADC gpio if (((buttonType[i] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG) || (buttonType[i] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG_INVERTED)) && (digitalPinToAnalogChannel(btnPin[i]) < 0)) { // not an ADC analog pin if (btnPin[i] >= 0) DEBUG_PRINTF("PIN ALLOC error: GPIO%d for analog button #%d is not an analog pin!\n", btnPin[i], i); btnPin[i] = -1; pinManager.deallocatePin(hw_btn_pin,PinOwner::Button); } else #endif { if (disablePullUp) { pinMode(btnPin[i], INPUT); } else { #ifdef ESP32 pinMode(btnPin[i], buttonType[i]==BTN_TYPE_PUSH_ACT_HIGH ? INPUT_PULLDOWN : INPUT_PULLUP); #else pinMode(btnPin[i], INPUT_PULLUP); #endif } } } else { btnPin[i] = -1; buttonType[i] = BTN_TYPE_NONE; } } touchThreshold = request->arg(F("TT")).toInt(); strip.ablMilliampsMax = request->arg(F("MA")).toInt(); strip.milliampsPerLed = request->arg(F("LA")).toInt(); briS = request->arg(F("CA")).toInt(); turnOnAtBoot = request->hasArg(F("BO")); t = request->arg(F("BP")).toInt(); if (t <= 250) bootPreset = t; gammaCorrectBri = request->hasArg(F("GB")); gammaCorrectCol = request->hasArg(F("GC")); gammaCorrectVal = request->arg(F("GV")).toFloat(); if (gammaCorrectVal > 1.0f && gammaCorrectVal <= 3) NeoGammaWLEDMethod::calcGammaTable(gammaCorrectVal); else { gammaCorrectVal = 1.0f; // no gamma correction gammaCorrectBri = false; gammaCorrectCol = false; } fadeTransition = request->hasArg(F("TF")); modeBlending = request->hasArg(F("EB")); t = request->arg(F("TD")).toInt(); if (t >= 0) transitionDelayDefault = t; strip.paletteFade = request->hasArg(F("PF")); t = request->arg(F("TP")).toInt(); randomPaletteChangeTime = MIN(255,MAX(1,t)); nightlightTargetBri = request->arg(F("TB")).toInt(); t = request->arg(F("TL")).toInt(); if (t > 0) nightlightDelayMinsDefault = t; nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault; nightlightMode = request->arg(F("TW")).toInt(); t = request->arg(F("PB")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t < 4) strip.paletteBlend = t; t = request->arg(F("BF")).toInt(); if (t > 0) briMultiplier = t; doInitBusses = busesChanged; } //UI if (subPage == SUBPAGE_UI) { strlcpy(serverDescription, request->arg(F("DS")).c_str(), 33); syncToggleReceive = request->hasArg(F("ST")); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_SIMPLE_UI if (simplifiedUI ^ request->hasArg(F("SU"))) { // UI selection changed, invalidate browser cache cacheInvalidate++; } simplifiedUI = request->hasArg(F("SU")); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Enumerating ledmaps")); enumerateLedmaps(); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Loading custom palettes")); strip.loadCustomPalettes(); // (re)load all custom palettes } //SYNC if (subPage == SUBPAGE_SYNC) { int t = request->arg(F("UP")).toInt(); if (t > 0) udpPort = t; t = request->arg(F("U2")).toInt(); if (t > 0) udpPort2 = t; syncGroups = request->arg(F("GS")).toInt(); receiveGroups = request->arg(F("GR")).toInt(); receiveNotificationBrightness = request->hasArg(F("RB")); receiveNotificationColor = request->hasArg(F("RC")); receiveNotificationEffects = request->hasArg(F("RX")); receiveSegmentOptions = request->hasArg(F("SO")); receiveSegmentBounds = request->hasArg(F("SG")); receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects || receiveSegmentOptions); notifyDirectDefault = request->hasArg(F("SD")); notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault; notifyButton = request->hasArg(F("SB")); notifyAlexa = request->hasArg(F("SA")); notifyHue = request->hasArg(F("SH")); notifyMacro = request->hasArg(F("SM")); t = request->arg(F("UR")).toInt(); if ((t>=0) && (t<30)) udpNumRetries = t; nodeListEnabled = request->hasArg(F("NL")); if (!nodeListEnabled) Nodes.clear(); nodeBroadcastEnabled = request->hasArg(F("NB")); receiveDirect = request->hasArg(F("RD")); useMainSegmentOnly = request->hasArg(F("MO")); e131SkipOutOfSequence = request->hasArg(F("ES")); e131Multicast = request->hasArg(F("EM")); t = request->arg(F("EP")).toInt(); if (t > 0) e131Port = t; t = request->arg(F("EU")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t <= 63999) e131Universe = t; t = request->arg(F("DA")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t <= 510) DMXAddress = t; t = request->arg(F("XX")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t <= 150) DMXSegmentSpacing = t; t = request->arg(F("PY")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t <= 200) e131Priority = t; t = request->arg(F("DM")).toInt(); if (t >= DMX_MODE_DISABLED && t <= DMX_MODE_PRESET) DMXMode = t; t = request->arg(F("ET")).toInt(); if (t > 99 && t <= 65000) realtimeTimeoutMs = t; arlsForceMaxBri = request->hasArg(F("FB")); arlsDisableGammaCorrection = request->hasArg(F("RG")); t = request->arg(F("WO")).toInt(); if (t >= -255 && t <= 255) arlsOffset = t; alexaEnabled = request->hasArg(F("AL")); strlcpy(alexaInvocationName, request->arg(F("AI")).c_str(), 33); t = request->arg(F("AP")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t <= 9) alexaNumPresets = t; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_MQTT mqttEnabled = request->hasArg(F("MQ")); strlcpy(mqttServer, request->arg(F("MS")).c_str(), MQTT_MAX_SERVER_LEN+1); t = request->arg(F("MQPORT")).toInt(); if (t > 0) mqttPort = t; strlcpy(mqttUser, request->arg(F("MQUSER")).c_str(), 41); if (!isAsterisksOnly(request->arg(F("MQPASS")).c_str(), 41)) strlcpy(mqttPass, request->arg(F("MQPASS")).c_str(), 65); strlcpy(mqttClientID, request->arg(F("MQCID")).c_str(), 41); strlcpy(mqttDeviceTopic, request->arg(F("MD")).c_str(), MQTT_MAX_TOPIC_LEN+1); strlcpy(mqttGroupTopic, request->arg(F("MG")).c_str(), MQTT_MAX_TOPIC_LEN+1); buttonPublishMqtt = request->hasArg(F("BM")); retainMqttMsg = request->hasArg(F("RT")); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ String a = "H"+String(i); hueIP[i] = request->arg(a).toInt(); } t = request->arg(F("HL")).toInt(); if (t > 0) huePollLightId = t; t = request->arg(F("HI")).toInt(); if (t > 50) huePollIntervalMs = t; hueApplyOnOff = request->hasArg(F("HO")); hueApplyBri = request->hasArg(F("HB")); hueApplyColor = request->hasArg(F("HC")); huePollingEnabled = request->hasArg(F("HP")); hueStoreAllowed = true; reconnectHue(); #endif t = request->arg(F("BD")).toInt(); if (t >= 96 && t <= 15000) serialBaud = t; updateBaudRate(serialBaud *100); } //TIME if (subPage == SUBPAGE_TIME) { ntpEnabled = request->hasArg(F("NT")); strlcpy(ntpServerName, request->arg(F("NS")).c_str(), 33); useAMPM = !request->hasArg(F("CF")); currentTimezone = request->arg(F("TZ")).toInt(); utcOffsetSecs = request->arg(F("UO")).toInt(); //start ntp if not already connected if (ntpEnabled && WLED_CONNECTED && !ntpConnected) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort); ntpLastSyncTime = 0; // force new NTP query longitude = request->arg(F("LN")).toFloat(); latitude = request->arg(F("LT")).toFloat(); // force a sunrise/sunset re-calculation calculateSunriseAndSunset(); overlayCurrent = request->hasArg(F("OL")) ? 1 : 0; overlayMin = request->arg(F("O1")).toInt(); overlayMax = request->arg(F("O2")).toInt(); analogClock12pixel = request->arg(F("OM")).toInt(); analogClock5MinuteMarks = request->hasArg(F("O5")); analogClockSecondsTrail = request->hasArg(F("OS")); countdownMode = request->hasArg(F("CE")); countdownYear = request->arg(F("CY")).toInt(); countdownMonth = request->arg(F("CI")).toInt(); countdownDay = request->arg(F("CD")).toInt(); countdownHour = request->arg(F("CH")).toInt(); countdownMin = request->arg(F("CM")).toInt(); countdownSec = request->arg(F("CS")).toInt(); setCountdown(); macroAlexaOn = request->arg(F("A0")).toInt(); macroAlexaOff = request->arg(F("A1")).toInt(); macroCountdown = request->arg(F("MC")).toInt(); macroNl = request->arg(F("MN")).toInt(); for (uint8_t i=0; ihasArg(mp)) break; macroButton[i] = request->arg(mp).toInt(); // these will default to 0 if not present macroLongPress[i] = request->arg(ml).toInt(); macroDoublePress[i] = request->arg(md).toInt(); } char k[3]; k[2] = 0; for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) { k[1] = i+48;//ascii 0,1,2,3,... k[0] = 'H'; //timer hours timerHours[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); k[0] = 'N'; //minutes timerMinutes[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); k[0] = 'T'; //macros timerMacro[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); k[0] = 'W'; //weekdays timerWeekday[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); if (i<8) { k[0] = 'M'; //start month timerMonth[i] = request->arg(k).toInt() & 0x0F; timerMonth[i] <<= 4; k[0] = 'P'; //end month timerMonth[i] += (request->arg(k).toInt() & 0x0F); k[0] = 'D'; //start day timerDay[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); k[0] = 'E'; //end day timerDayEnd[i] = request->arg(k).toInt(); } } } //SECURITY if (subPage == SUBPAGE_SEC) { if (request->hasArg(F("RS"))) //complete factory reset { WLED_FS.format(); #ifdef WLED_ADD_EEPROM_SUPPORT clearEEPROM(); #endif serveMessage(request, 200, F("All Settings erased."), F("Connect to WLED-AP to setup again"),255); doReboot = true; // may reboot immediately on dual-core system (race condition) which is desireable in this case } if (request->hasArg(F("PIN"))) { const char *pin = request->arg(F("PIN")).c_str(); uint8_t pinLen = strlen(pin); if (pinLen == 4 || pinLen == 0) { uint8_t numZeros = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pinLen; i++) numZeros += (pin[i] == '0'); if (numZeros < pinLen || pinLen == 0) { // ignore 0000 input (placeholder) strlcpy(settingsPIN, pin, 5); } settingsPIN[4] = 0; } } bool pwdCorrect = !otaLock; //always allow access if ota not locked if (request->hasArg(F("OP"))) { if (otaLock && strcmp(otaPass,request->arg(F("OP")).c_str()) == 0) { // brute force protection: do not unlock even if correct if last save was less than 3 seconds ago if (millis() - lastEditTime > PIN_RETRY_COOLDOWN) pwdCorrect = true; } if (!otaLock && request->arg(F("OP")).length() > 0) { strlcpy(otaPass,request->arg(F("OP")).c_str(), 33); // set new OTA password } } if (pwdCorrect) //allow changes if correct pwd or no ota active { otaLock = request->hasArg(F("NO")); wifiLock = request->hasArg(F("OW")); aOtaEnabled = request->hasArg(F("AO")); //createEditHandler(correctPIN && !otaLock); } } #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX // include only if DMX is enabled if (subPage == SUBPAGE_DMX) { int t = request->arg(F("PU")).toInt(); if (t >= 0 && t <= 63999) e131ProxyUniverse = t; t = request->arg(F("CN")).toInt(); if (t>0 && t<16) { DMXChannels = t; } t = request->arg(F("CS")).toInt(); if (t>0 && t<513) { DMXStart = t; } t = request->arg(F("CG")).toInt(); if (t>0 && t<513) { DMXGap = t; } t = request->arg(F("SL")).toInt(); if (t>=0 && t < MAX_LEDS) { DMXStartLED = t; } for (int i=0; i<15; i++) { String argname = "CH" + String((i+1)); t = request->arg(argname).toInt(); DMXFixtureMap[i] = t; } } #endif //USERMODS if (subPage == SUBPAGE_UM) { if (!requestJSONBufferLock(5)) return; // global I2C & SPI pins int8_t hw_sda_pin = !request->arg(F("SDA")).length() ? -1 : (int)request->arg(F("SDA")).toInt(); int8_t hw_scl_pin = !request->arg(F("SCL")).length() ? -1 : (int)request->arg(F("SCL")).toInt(); if (i2c_sda != hw_sda_pin || i2c_scl != hw_scl_pin) { // only if pins changed uint8_t old_i2c[2] = { static_cast(i2c_scl), static_cast(i2c_sda) }; pinManager.deallocateMultiplePins(old_i2c, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C); // just in case deallocation of old pins PinManagerPinType i2c[2] = { { hw_sda_pin, true }, { hw_scl_pin, true } }; if (hw_sda_pin >= 0 && hw_scl_pin >= 0 && pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(i2c, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C)) { i2c_sda = hw_sda_pin; i2c_scl = hw_scl_pin; // no bus re-initialisation as usermods do not get any notification //Wire.begin(i2c_sda, i2c_scl); } else { // there is no Wire.end() DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Could not allocate I2C pins.")); i2c_sda = -1; i2c_scl = -1; } } int8_t hw_mosi_pin = !request->arg(F("MOSI")).length() ? -1 : (int)request->arg(F("MOSI")).toInt(); int8_t hw_miso_pin = !request->arg(F("MISO")).length() ? -1 : (int)request->arg(F("MISO")).toInt(); int8_t hw_sclk_pin = !request->arg(F("SCLK")).length() ? -1 : (int)request->arg(F("SCLK")).toInt(); #ifdef ESP8266 // cannot change pins on ESP8266 if (hw_mosi_pin >= 0 && hw_mosi_pin != HW_PIN_DATASPI) hw_mosi_pin = HW_PIN_DATASPI; if (hw_miso_pin >= 0 && hw_miso_pin != HW_PIN_MISOSPI) hw_mosi_pin = HW_PIN_MISOSPI; if (hw_sclk_pin >= 0 && hw_sclk_pin != HW_PIN_CLOCKSPI) hw_sclk_pin = HW_PIN_CLOCKSPI; #endif if (spi_mosi != hw_mosi_pin || spi_miso != hw_miso_pin || spi_sclk != hw_sclk_pin) { // only if pins changed uint8_t old_spi[3] = { static_cast(spi_mosi), static_cast(spi_miso), static_cast(spi_sclk) }; pinManager.deallocateMultiplePins(old_spi, 3, PinOwner::HW_SPI); // just in case deallocation of old pins PinManagerPinType spi[3] = { { hw_mosi_pin, true }, { hw_miso_pin, true }, { hw_sclk_pin, true } }; if (hw_mosi_pin >= 0 && hw_sclk_pin >= 0 && pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(spi, 3, PinOwner::HW_SPI)) { spi_mosi = hw_mosi_pin; spi_miso = hw_miso_pin; spi_sclk = hw_sclk_pin; // no bus re-initialisation as usermods do not get any notification //SPI.end(); #ifdef ESP32 //SPI.begin(spi_sclk, spi_miso, spi_mosi); #else //SPI.begin(); #endif } else { //SPI.end(); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Could not allocate SPI pins.")); spi_mosi = -1; spi_miso = -1; spi_sclk = -1; } } JsonObject um = doc.createNestedObject("um"); size_t args = request->args(); uint16_t j=0; for (size_t i=0; iargName(i); String value = request->arg(i); // POST request parameters are combined as _ int umNameEnd = name.indexOf(":"); if (umNameEnd<1) continue; // parameter does not contain ":" or on 1st place -> wrong JsonObject mod = um[name.substring(0,umNameEnd)]; // get a usermod JSON object if (mod.isNull()) { mod = um.createNestedObject(name.substring(0,umNameEnd)); // if it does not exist create it } DEBUG_PRINT(name.substring(0,umNameEnd)); DEBUG_PRINT(":"); name = name.substring(umNameEnd+1); // remove mod name from string // if the resulting name still contains ":" this means nested object JsonObject subObj; int umSubObj = name.indexOf(":"); DEBUG_PRINTF("(%d):",umSubObj); if (umSubObj>0) { subObj = mod[name.substring(0,umSubObj)]; if (subObj.isNull()) subObj = mod.createNestedObject(name.substring(0,umSubObj)); name = name.substring(umSubObj+1); // remove nested object name from string } else { subObj = mod; } DEBUG_PRINT(name); // check if parameters represent array if (name.endsWith("[]")) { name.replace("[]",""); value.replace(",","."); // just in case conversion if (!subObj[name].is()) { JsonArray ar = subObj.createNestedArray(name); if (value.indexOf(".") >= 0) ar.add(value.toFloat()); // we do have a float else ar.add(value.toInt()); // we may have an int j=0; } else { if (value.indexOf(".") >= 0) subObj[name].add(value.toFloat()); // we do have a float else subObj[name].add(value.toInt()); // we may have an int j++; } DEBUG_PRINT("["); DEBUG_PRINT(j); DEBUG_PRINT("] = "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(value); } else { // we are using a hidden field with the same name as our parameter (!before the actual parameter!) // to describe the type of parameter (text,float,int), for boolean patameters the first field contains "off" // so checkboxes have one or two fields (first is always "false", existence of second depends on checkmark and may be "true") if (subObj[name].isNull()) { // the first occurence of the field describes the parameter type (used in next loop) if (value == "false") subObj[name] = false; // checkboxes may have only one field else subObj[name] = value; } else { String type = subObj[name].as(); // get previously stored value as a type if (subObj[name].is()) subObj[name] = true; // checkbox/boolean else if (type == "number") { value.replace(",","."); // just in case conversion if (value.indexOf(".") >= 0) subObj[name] = value.toFloat(); // we do have a float else subObj[name] = value.toInt(); // we may have an int } else if (type == "int") subObj[name] = value.toInt(); else subObj[name] = value; // text fields } DEBUG_PRINT(" = "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(value); } } usermods.readFromConfig(um); // force change of usermod parameters DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Done re-init usermods.")); releaseJSONBufferLock(); } #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_2D //2D panels if (subPage == SUBPAGE_2D) { strip.isMatrix = request->arg(F("SOMP")).toInt(); strip.panel.clear(); // release memory if allocated if (strip.isMatrix) { strip.panels = MAX(1,MIN(WLED_MAX_PANELS,request->arg(F("MPC")).toInt())); strip.panel.reserve(strip.panels); // pre-allocate memory for (uint8_t i=0; ihasArg(pO)) break; pO[l] = 'B'; p.bottomStart = request->arg(pO).toInt(); pO[l] = 'R'; p.rightStart = request->arg(pO).toInt(); pO[l] = 'V'; p.vertical = request->arg(pO).toInt(); pO[l] = 'S'; p.serpentine = request->hasArg(pO); pO[l] = 'X'; p.xOffset = request->arg(pO).toInt(); pO[l] = 'Y'; p.yOffset = request->arg(pO).toInt(); pO[l] = 'W'; p.width = request->arg(pO).toInt(); pO[l] = 'H'; p.height = request->arg(pO).toInt(); strip.panel.push_back(p); } strip.setUpMatrix(); // will check limits strip.makeAutoSegments(true); strip.deserializeMap(); } else { Segment::maxWidth = strip.getLengthTotal(); Segment::maxHeight = 1; } } #endif lastEditTime = millis(); // do not save if factory reset or LED settings (which are saved after LED re-init) doSerializeConfig = subPage != SUBPAGE_LEDS && !(subPage == SUBPAGE_SEC && doReboot); if (subPage == SUBPAGE_UM) doReboot = request->hasArg(F("RBT")); // prevent race condition on dual core system (set reboot here, after doSerializeConfig has been set) #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA if (subPage == SUBPAGE_SYNC) alexaInit(); #endif } //HTTP API request parser bool handleSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& req, bool apply) { if (!(req.indexOf("win") >= 0)) return false; int pos = 0; DEBUG_PRINT(F("API req: ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(req); //segment select (sets main segment) pos = req.indexOf(F("SM=")); if (pos > 0 && !realtimeMode) { strip.setMainSegmentId(getNumVal(&req, pos)); } byte selectedSeg = strip.getFirstSelectedSegId(); bool singleSegment = false; pos = req.indexOf(F("SS=")); if (pos > 0) { byte t = getNumVal(&req, pos); if (t < strip.getSegmentsNum()) { selectedSeg = t; singleSegment = true; } } Segment& selseg = strip.getSegment(selectedSeg); pos = req.indexOf(F("SV=")); //segment selected if (pos > 0) { byte t = getNumVal(&req, pos); if (t == 2) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getSegmentsNum(); i++) strip.getSegment(i).selected = false; // unselect other segments selseg.selected = t; } // temporary values, write directly to segments, globals are updated by setValuesFromFirstSelectedSeg() uint32_t col0 = selseg.colors[0]; uint32_t col1 = selseg.colors[1]; byte colIn[4] = {R(col0), G(col0), B(col0), W(col0)}; byte colInSec[4] = {R(col1), G(col1), B(col1), W(col1)}; byte effectIn = selseg.mode; byte speedIn = selseg.speed; byte intensityIn = selseg.intensity; byte paletteIn = selseg.palette; byte custom1In = selseg.custom1; byte custom2In = selseg.custom2; byte custom3In = selseg.custom3; byte check1In = selseg.check1; byte check2In = selseg.check2; byte check3In = selseg.check3; uint16_t startI = selseg.start; uint16_t stopI = selseg.stop; uint16_t startY = selseg.startY; uint16_t stopY = selseg.stopY; uint8_t grpI = selseg.grouping; uint16_t spcI = selseg.spacing; pos = req.indexOf(F("&S=")); //segment start if (pos > 0) { startI = getNumVal(&req, pos); } pos = req.indexOf(F("S2=")); //segment stop if (pos > 0) { stopI = getNumVal(&req, pos); } pos = req.indexOf(F("GP=")); //segment grouping if (pos > 0) { grpI = getNumVal(&req, pos); if (grpI == 0) grpI = 1; } pos = req.indexOf(F("SP=")); //segment spacing if (pos > 0) { spcI = getNumVal(&req, pos); } strip.setSegment(selectedSeg, startI, stopI, grpI, spcI, UINT16_MAX, startY, stopY); pos = req.indexOf(F("RV=")); //Segment reverse if (pos > 0) selseg.reverse = req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'; pos = req.indexOf(F("MI=")); //Segment mirror if (pos > 0) selseg.mirror = req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'; pos = req.indexOf(F("SB=")); //Segment brightness/opacity if (pos > 0) { byte segbri = getNumVal(&req, pos); selseg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, segbri); // use transition if (segbri) { selseg.setOpacity(segbri); } } pos = req.indexOf(F("SW=")); //segment power if (pos > 0) { switch (getNumVal(&req, pos)) { case 0: selseg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, false); break; // use transition case 1: selseg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, true); break; // use transition default: selseg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, !selseg.on); break; // use transition } } pos = req.indexOf(F("PS=")); //saves current in preset if (pos > 0) savePreset(getNumVal(&req, pos)); pos = req.indexOf(F("P1=")); //sets first preset for cycle if (pos > 0) presetCycMin = getNumVal(&req, pos); pos = req.indexOf(F("P2=")); //sets last preset for cycle if (pos > 0) presetCycMax = getNumVal(&req, pos); //apply preset if (updateVal(req.c_str(), "PL=", &presetCycCurr, presetCycMin, presetCycMax)) { unloadPlaylist(); applyPreset(presetCycCurr); } //set brightness updateVal(req.c_str(), "&A=", &bri); bool col0Changed = false, col1Changed = false; //set colors col0Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "&R=", &colIn[0]); col0Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "&G=", &colIn[1]); col0Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "&B=", &colIn[2]); col0Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "&W=", &colIn[3]); col1Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "R2=", &colInSec[0]); col1Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "G2=", &colInSec[1]); col1Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "B2=", &colInSec[2]); col1Changed |= updateVal(req.c_str(), "W2=", &colInSec[3]); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_LOXONE //lox parser pos = req.indexOf(F("LX=")); // Lox primary color if (pos > 0) { int lxValue = getNumVal(&req, pos); if (parseLx(lxValue, colIn)) { bri = 255; nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling col0Changed = true; } } pos = req.indexOf(F("LY=")); // Lox secondary color if (pos > 0) { int lxValue = getNumVal(&req, pos); if(parseLx(lxValue, colInSec)) { bri = 255; nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling col1Changed = true; } } #endif //set hue pos = req.indexOf(F("HU=")); if (pos > 0) { uint16_t temphue = getNumVal(&req, pos); byte tempsat = 255; pos = req.indexOf(F("SA=")); if (pos > 0) { tempsat = getNumVal(&req, pos); } byte sec = req.indexOf(F("H2")); colorHStoRGB(temphue, tempsat, (sec>0) ? colInSec : colIn); col0Changed |= (!sec); col1Changed |= sec; } //set white spectrum (kelvin) pos = req.indexOf(F("&K=")); if (pos > 0) { byte sec = req.indexOf(F("K2")); colorKtoRGB(getNumVal(&req, pos), (sec>0) ? colInSec : colIn); col0Changed |= (!sec); col1Changed |= sec; } //set color from HEX or 32bit DEC byte tmpCol[4]; pos = req.indexOf(F("CL=")); if (pos > 0) { colorFromDecOrHexString(colIn, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str()); col0Changed = true; } pos = req.indexOf(F("C2=")); if (pos > 0) { colorFromDecOrHexString(colInSec, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str()); col1Changed = true; } pos = req.indexOf(F("C3=")); if (pos > 0) { colorFromDecOrHexString(tmpCol, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str()); uint32_t col2 = RGBW32(tmpCol[0], tmpCol[1], tmpCol[2], tmpCol[3]); selseg.setColor(2, col2); // defined above (SS= or main) if (!singleSegment) strip.setColor(2, col2); // will set color to all active & selected segments } //set to random hue SR=0->1st SR=1->2nd pos = req.indexOf(F("SR")); if (pos > 0) { byte sec = getNumVal(&req, pos); setRandomColor(sec? colInSec : colIn); col0Changed |= (!sec); col1Changed |= sec; } //swap 2nd & 1st pos = req.indexOf(F("SC")); if (pos > 0) { byte temp; for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) { temp = colIn[i]; colIn[i] = colInSec[i]; colInSec[i] = temp; } col0Changed = col1Changed = true; } // apply colors to selected segment, and all selected segments if applicable if (col0Changed) { uint32_t colIn0 = RGBW32(colIn[0], colIn[1], colIn[2], colIn[3]); selseg.setColor(0, colIn0); if (!singleSegment) strip.setColor(0, colIn0); // will set color to all active & selected segments } if (col1Changed) { uint32_t colIn1 = RGBW32(colInSec[0], colInSec[1], colInSec[2], colInSec[3]); selseg.setColor(1, colIn1); if (!singleSegment) strip.setColor(1, colIn1); // will set color to all active & selected segments } bool fxModeChanged = false, speedChanged = false, intensityChanged = false, paletteChanged = false; bool custom1Changed = false, custom2Changed = false, custom3Changed = false, check1Changed = false, check2Changed = false, check3Changed = false; // set effect parameters if (updateVal(req.c_str(), "FX=", &effectIn, 0, strip.getModeCount()-1)) { if (request != nullptr) unloadPlaylist(); // unload playlist if changing FX using web request fxModeChanged = true; } speedChanged = updateVal(req.c_str(), "SX=", &speedIn); intensityChanged = updateVal(req.c_str(), "IX=", &intensityIn); paletteChanged = updateVal(req.c_str(), "FP=", &paletteIn, 0, strip.getPaletteCount()-1); custom1Changed = updateVal(req.c_str(), "X1=", &custom1In); custom2Changed = updateVal(req.c_str(), "X2=", &custom2In); custom3Changed = updateVal(req.c_str(), "X3=", &custom3In); check1Changed = updateVal(req.c_str(), "M1=", &check1In); check2Changed = updateVal(req.c_str(), "M2=", &check2In); check3Changed = updateVal(req.c_str(), "M3=", &check3In); stateChanged |= (fxModeChanged || speedChanged || intensityChanged || paletteChanged || custom1Changed || custom2Changed || custom3Changed || check1Changed || check2Changed || check3Changed); // apply to main and all selected segments to prevent #1618. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getSegmentsNum(); i++) { Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(i); if (i != selectedSeg && (singleSegment || !seg.isActive() || !seg.isSelected())) continue; // skip non main segments if not applying to all if (fxModeChanged) seg.setMode(effectIn, req.indexOf(F("FXD="))>0); // apply defaults if FXD= is specified if (speedChanged) seg.speed = speedIn; if (intensityChanged) seg.intensity = intensityIn; if (paletteChanged) seg.setPalette(paletteIn); if (custom1Changed) seg.custom1 = custom1In; if (custom2Changed) seg.custom2 = custom2In; if (custom3Changed) seg.custom3 = custom3In; if (check1Changed) seg.check1 = (bool)check1In; if (check2Changed) seg.check2 = (bool)check2In; if (check3Changed) seg.check3 = (bool)check3In; } //set advanced overlay pos = req.indexOf(F("OL=")); if (pos > 0) { overlayCurrent = getNumVal(&req, pos); } //apply macro (deprecated, added for compatibility with pre-0.11 automations) pos = req.indexOf(F("&M=")); if (pos > 0) { applyPreset(getNumVal(&req, pos) + 16); } //toggle send UDP direct notifications pos = req.indexOf(F("SN=")); if (pos > 0) notifyDirect = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'); //toggle receive UDP direct notifications pos = req.indexOf(F("RN=")); if (pos > 0) receiveNotifications = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'); //receive live data via UDP/Hyperion pos = req.indexOf(F("RD=")); if (pos > 0) receiveDirect = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'); //main toggle on/off (parse before nightlight, #1214) pos = req.indexOf(F("&T=")); if (pos > 0) { nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling switch (getNumVal(&req, pos)) { case 0: if (bri != 0){briLast = bri; bri = 0;} break; //off, only if it was previously on case 1: if (bri == 0) bri = briLast; break; //on, only if it was previously off default: toggleOnOff(); //toggle } } //toggle nightlight mode bool aNlDef = false; if (req.indexOf(F("&ND")) > 0) aNlDef = true; pos = req.indexOf(F("NL=")); if (pos > 0) { if (req.charAt(pos+3) == '0') { nightlightActive = false; } else { nightlightActive = true; if (!aNlDef) nightlightDelayMins = getNumVal(&req, pos); else nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault; nightlightStartTime = millis(); } } else if (aNlDef) { nightlightActive = true; nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault; nightlightStartTime = millis(); } //set nightlight target brightness pos = req.indexOf(F("NT=")); if (pos > 0) { nightlightTargetBri = getNumVal(&req, pos); nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init } //toggle nightlight fade pos = req.indexOf(F("NF=")); if (pos > 0) { nightlightMode = getNumVal(&req, pos); nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init } if (nightlightMode > NL_MODE_SUN) nightlightMode = NL_MODE_SUN; pos = req.indexOf(F("TT=")); if (pos > 0) transitionDelay = getNumVal(&req, pos); //set time (unix timestamp) pos = req.indexOf(F("ST=")); if (pos > 0) { setTimeFromAPI(getNumVal(&req, pos)); } //set countdown goal (unix timestamp) pos = req.indexOf(F("CT=")); if (pos > 0) { countdownTime = getNumVal(&req, pos); if (countdownTime - toki.second() > 0) countdownOverTriggered = false; } pos = req.indexOf(F("LO=")); if (pos > 0) { realtimeOverride = getNumVal(&req, pos); if (realtimeOverride > 2) realtimeOverride = REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ALWAYS; if (realtimeMode && useMainSegmentOnly) { strip.getMainSegment().freeze = !realtimeOverride; } } pos = req.indexOf(F("RB")); if (pos > 0) doReboot = true; // clock mode, 0: normal, 1: countdown pos = req.indexOf(F("NM=")); if (pos > 0) countdownMode = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0'); pos = req.indexOf(F("U0=")); //user var 0 if (pos > 0) { userVar0 = getNumVal(&req, pos); } pos = req.indexOf(F("U1=")); //user var 1 if (pos > 0) { userVar1 = getNumVal(&req, pos); } // you can add more if you need // global col[], effectCurrent, ... are updated in stateChanged() if (!apply) return true; // when called by JSON API, do not call colorUpdated() here pos = req.indexOf(F("&NN")); //do not send UDP notifications this time stateUpdated((pos > 0) ? CALL_MODE_NO_NOTIFY : CALL_MODE_DIRECT_CHANGE); // internal call, does not send XML response pos = req.indexOf(F("IN")); if (pos < 1) XML_response(request); return true; }