#pragma once #include "wled.h" #ifndef USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS #define USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS 3 #endif class PwmOutput { public: PwmOutput() { DEBUG_PRINTLN("pwm_output[-1]: setup disabled output"); } PwmOutput(int8_t pin, uint32_t freq) : pin_(pin), freq_(freq) { DEBUG_PRINTF("pwm_output[%d]: setup to freq %d\n", pin_, freq_); if (pin_ < 0 || !pinManager.allocatePin(pin_, true, PinOwner::UM_PWM_OUTPUTS)) { return; } channel_ = pinManager.allocateLedc(1); if (channel_ == 255) { DEBUG_PRINTF("pwm_output[%d]: failed to quire ledc\n", pin_); pinManager.deallocatePin(pin_, PinOwner::UM_PWM_OUTPUTS); return; } ledcSetup(channel_, freq_, bit_depth_); ledcAttachPin(pin_, channel_); DEBUG_PRINTF("pwm_output[%d]: init successful\n", pin_); enabled_ = true; } void close() { DEBUG_PRINTF("pwm_output[%d]: close\n", pin_); if (!enabled_) return; pinManager.deallocatePin(pin_, PinOwner::UM_PWM_OUTPUTS); if (channel_ != 255) pinManager.deallocateLedc(channel_, 1); channel_ = 255; enabled_ = false; duty_ = -1.0f; } void setDuty(const float duty) { DEBUG_PRINTF("pwm_output[%d]: set duty %f\n", pin_, duty); if (!enabled_) { return; } duty_ = min(1.0f, max(0.0f, duty)); uint32_t value = static_cast((1 << bit_depth_) * duty_); ledcWrite(channel_, value); } bool isEnabled() const { return enabled_; } int8_t getPin() const { return pin_; } uint32_t getFreq() const { return freq_; } float getDuty() const { return duty_; } private: int8_t pin_ {-1}; uint32_t freq_ {50}; uint8_t bit_depth_ = 12; uint8_t channel_ {255}; bool enabled_ {false}; float duty_ {0.0f}; }; class PwmOutputsUsermod : public Usermod { public: static const char USERMOD_NAME[]; void setup() { // By default all PWM outputs are disabled, no setup do be done } void loop() { const unsigned long now = millis(); if (now - lastUpdate_ > 2000) { Serial.println("I'm alive!"); DEBUG_PRINTLN("PWM output beat"); lastUpdate_ = now; } } void addToJsonState(JsonObject& root) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("PwmOutputs: addToJsonState"); for (int i = 0; i < USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS; i++) { const PwmOutput& pwm = pwms_[i]; if (!pwm.isEnabled()) continue; root["pwm_" + String(i)] = pwm.getDuty(); } } void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& root) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("PwmOutputs: readFromJsonState"); for (int i = 0; i < USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS; i++) { PwmOutput& pwm = pwms_[i]; if (!pwm.isEnabled()) continue; float duty = 0.0f; if (getJsonValue(root["pwm_" + String(i)], duty)) { pwm.setDuty(duty); } } } void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("PwmOutputs: addToJsonInfo"); JsonObject user = root["u"]; if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u"); for (int i = 0; i < USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS; i++) { const PwmOutput& pwm = pwms_[i]; if (!pwm.isEnabled()) continue; JsonArray data = user.createNestedArray("PWM pin " + String(pwm.getPin())); data.add(1e2f * pwm.getDuty()); data.add(F("%")); } } void addToConfig(JsonObject& root) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("PwmOutputs: addToConfig"); JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(USERMOD_NAME); for (int i = 0; i < USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS; i++) { const PwmOutput& pwm = pwms_[i]; top["pin_" + String(i)] = pwm.getPin(); top["freq_" + String(i)] = pwm.getFreq(); } } bool readFromConfig(JsonObject& root) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("PwmOutputs: readFromConfig"); JsonObject top = root[USERMOD_NAME]; bool configComplete = !top.isNull(); for (int i = 0; i < USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS; i++) { PwmOutput& pwm = pwms_[i]; int8_t newPin = pwm.getPin(); uint32_t newFreq = pwm.getFreq(); configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["pin_" + String(i)], newPin); configComplete &= getJsonValue(top["freq_" + String(i)], newFreq); // Recreate output if config has changed if (newPin != pwm.getPin() || newFreq != pwm.getFreq()) { pwm.close(); pwm = PwmOutput(newPin, newFreq); } } return configComplete; } uint16_t getId() { return USERMOD_ID_PWM_OUTPUTS; } private: unsigned long lastUpdate_ = 0; PwmOutput pwms_[USERMOD_PWM_OUTPUT_PINS]; }; const char PwmOutputsUsermod::USERMOD_NAME[] PROGMEM = "PwmOutputs";