/* * Alexa Voice On/Off/Brightness Control. Emulates a Philips Hue bridge to Alexa. * * This was put together from these two excellent projects: * https://github.com/kakopappa/arduino-esp8266-alexa-wemo-switch * https://github.com/probonopd/ESP8266HueEmulator */ void alexaInit() { if (alexaEnabled && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { prepareIds(); udpConnected = connectUDP(); if (udpConnected) alexaInitPages(); } } void handleAlexa() { if (alexaEnabled && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { if(udpConnected){ // if there’s data available, read a packet int packetSize = UDP.parsePacket(); if(packetSize>0) { IPAddress remote = UDP.remoteIP(); int len = UDP.read(packetBuffer, 255); if (len > 0) { packetBuffer[len] = 0; } String request = packetBuffer; if(request.indexOf("M-SEARCH") >= 0) { if(request.indexOf("upnp:rootdevice") > 0 || request.indexOf("device:basic:1") > 0) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("Responding search req..."); respondToSearch(); } } } } } } void alexaOn() { if (macroAlexaOn == 0) { handleSet((alexaNotify)?"win&T=1&IN":"win&T=1&NN&IN"); } else { applyMacro(macroAlexaOn); } String body = "[{\"success\":{\"/lights/1/state/on\":true}}]"; server.send(200, "text/xml", body.c_str()); DEBUG_PRINT("Sending :"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(body); } void alexaOff() { if (macroAlexaOff == 0) { handleSet((alexaNotify)?"win&T=0&IN":"win&T=0&NN&IN"); } else { applyMacro(macroAlexaOff); } String body = "[{\"success\":{\"/lights/1/state/on\":false}}]"; server.send(200, "application/json", body.c_str()); DEBUG_PRINT("Sending:"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(body); } void alexaDim(uint8_t briL) { String body = "[{\"success\":{\"/lights/1/state/bri\":"+ String(briL) +"}}]"; server.send(200, "application/json", body.c_str()); String ct = (alexaNotify)?"win&IN&A=":"win&NN&IN&A="; if (briL < 255) { ct = ct + (briL+1); } else { ct = ct + (255); } handleSet(ct); } void prepareIds() { escapedMac = WiFi.macAddress(); escapedMac.replace(":", ""); escapedMac.toLowerCase(); } void respondToSearch() { DEBUG_PRINTLN(""); DEBUG_PRINT("Send resp to "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(UDP.remoteIP()); DEBUG_PRINT("Port : "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(UDP.remotePort()); IPAddress localIP = WiFi.localIP(); char s[16]; sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", localIP[0], localIP[1], localIP[2], localIP[3]); String response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "EXT:\r\n" "CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100\r\n" // SSDP_INTERVAL "LOCATION: http://"+ String(s) +":80/description.xml\r\n" "SERVER: FreeRTOS/6.0.5, UPnP/1.0, IpBridge/1.17.0\r\n" // _modelName, _modelNumber "hue-bridgeid: "+ escapedMac +"\r\n" "ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1\r\n" // _deviceType "USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-"+ escapedMac +"::upnp:rootdevice\r\n" // _uuid::_deviceType "\r\n"; UDP.beginPacket(UDP.remoteIP(), UDP.remotePort()); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 UDP.write((uint8_t*)response.c_str(), response.length()); #else UDP.write(response.c_str()); #endif UDP.endPacket(); DEBUG_PRINTLN("Response sent!"); } void alexaInitPages() { server.on("/description.xml", HTTP_GET, [](){ DEBUG_PRINTLN(" # Responding to description.xml ... #\n"); IPAddress localIP = WiFi.localIP(); char s[16]; sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", localIP[0], localIP[1], localIP[2], localIP[3]); String setup_xml = "" "" "10" "http://"+ String(s) +":80/" "" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1" "Philips hue ("+ String(s) +")" "Royal Philips Electronics" "http://www.philips.com" "Philips hue Personal Wireless Lighting" "Philips hue bridge 2012" "929000226503" "http://www.meethue.com" ""+ escapedMac +"" "uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-"+ escapedMac +"" "index.html" "" " " " image/png" " 48" " 48" " 24" " hue_logo_0.png" " " " " " image/png" " 120" " 120" " 24" " hue_logo_3.png" " " "" "" ""; server.send(200, "text/xml", setup_xml.c_str()); DEBUG_PRINT("Sending :"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(setup_xml); }); // openHAB support server.on("/on.html", HTTP_GET, [](){ DEBUG_PRINTLN("on req"); server.send(200, "text/plain", "turned on"); alexaOn(); }); server.on("/off.html", HTTP_GET, [](){ DEBUG_PRINTLN("off req"); server.send(200, "text/plain", "turned off"); alexaOff(); }); server.on("/status.html", HTTP_GET, [](){ DEBUG_PRINTLN("Got status request"); String statrespone = "0"; if (bri > 0) { statrespone = "1"; } server.send(200, "text/plain", statrespone); }); } String boolString(bool st) { return (st)?"true":"false"; } String briForHue(int realBri) { realBri--; if (realBri < 0) realBri = 0; return String(realBri); } boolean handleAlexaApiCall(String req, String body) //basic implementation of Philips hue api functions needed for basic Alexa control { DEBUG_PRINTLN("AlexaApiCall"); if (req.indexOf("api") <0) return false; DEBUG_PRINTLN("ok"); if (body.indexOf("devicetype") > 0) //client wants a hue api username, we dont care and give static { DEBUG_PRINTLN("devType"); server.send(200, "application/json", "[{\"success\":{\"username\": \"2WLEDHardQrI3WHYTHoMcXHgEspsM8ZZRpSKtBQr\"}}]"); return true; } if (req.indexOf("state") > 0) //client wants to control light { DEBUG_PRINTLN("ls"); if (body.indexOf("bri")>0) {alexaDim(body.substring(body.indexOf("bri") +5).toInt()); return true;} if (body.indexOf("false")>0) {alexaOff(); return true;} alexaOn(); return true; } if (req.indexOf("lights/1") > 0) //client wants light info { DEBUG_PRINTLN("l1"); server.send(200, "application/json", "{\"manufacturername\":\"OpenSource\",\"modelid\":\"LST001\",\"name\":\""+ alexaInvocationName +"\",\"state\":{\"on\":"+ boolString(bri) +",\"hue\":0,\"bri\":"+ briForHue(bri) +",\"sat\":0,\"xy\":[0.00000,0.00000],\"ct\":500,\"alert\":\"none\",\"effect\":\"none\",\"colormode\":\"hs\",\"reachable\":true},\"swversion\":\"0.1\",\"type\":\"Extended color light\",\"uniqueid\":\"2\"}"); return true; } if (req.indexOf("lights") > 0) //client wants all lights { DEBUG_PRINTLN("lAll"); server.send(200, "application/json", "{\"1\":{\"type\":\"Extended color light\",\"manufacturername\":\"OpenSource\",\"swversion\":\"0.1\",\"name\":\""+ alexaInvocationName +"\",\"uniqueid\":\""+ WiFi.macAddress() +"-2\",\"modelid\":\"LST001\",\"state\":{\"on\":"+ boolString(bri) +",\"bri\":"+ briForHue(bri) +",\"xy\":[0.00000,0.00000],\"colormode\":\"hs\",\"effect\":\"none\",\"ct\":500,\"hue\":0,\"sat\":0,\"alert\":\"none\",\"reachable\":true}}}"); return true; } //we dont care about other api commands at this time and send empty JSON server.send(200, "application/json", "{}"); return true; } boolean connectUDP(){ boolean state = false; DEBUG_PRINTLN(""); DEBUG_PRINTLN("Con UDP"); #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 if(UDP.beginMulticast(ipMulti, portMulti)) #else if(UDP.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), ipMulti, portMulti)) #endif { DEBUG_PRINTLN("Con success"); state = true; } else{ DEBUG_PRINTLN("Con failed"); } return state; }