#include "wled.h" #include "wled_ethernet.h" /* * Sending XML status files to client */ //build XML response to HTTP /win API request void XML_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, char* dest) { char sbuf[(dest == nullptr)?1024:1]; //allocate local buffer if none passed obuf = (dest == nullptr)? sbuf:dest; olen = 0; oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi((nightlightActive && nightlightMode > NL_MODE_SET) ? briT : bri); oappend(SET_F("")); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { oappend(""); oappendi(col[i]); oappend(""); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { oappend(""); oappendi(colSec[i]); oappend(""); } oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(notifyDirect); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(receiveNotifications); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(nightlightActive); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(nightlightMode > NL_MODE_SET); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(nightlightDelayMins); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(nightlightTargetBri); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(effectCurrent); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(effectSpeed); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(effectIntensity); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(effectPalette); oappend(SET_F("")); if (strip.isRgbw) { oappendi(col[3]); } else { oappend("-1"); } oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(colSec[3]); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(currentPreset); oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(currentPlaylist >= 0); oappend(SET_F("")); oappend(serverDescription); if (realtimeMode) { oappend(SET_F(" (live)")); } oappend(SET_F("")); oappendi(strip.getMainSegmentId()); oappend(SET_F("")); if (request != nullptr) request->send(200, "text/xml", obuf); } void URL_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) { char sbuf[256]; char s2buf[100]; obuf = s2buf; olen = 0; char s[16]; oappend(SET_F("http://")); IPAddress localIP = Network.localIP(); sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", localIP[0], localIP[1], localIP[2], localIP[3]); oappend(s); oappend(SET_F("/win&A=")); oappendi(bri); oappend(SET_F("&CL=h")); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sprintf(s,"%02X", col[i]); oappend(s); } oappend(SET_F("&C2=h")); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sprintf(s,"%02X", colSec[i]); oappend(s); } oappend(SET_F("&FX=")); oappendi(effectCurrent); oappend(SET_F("&SX=")); oappendi(effectSpeed); oappend(SET_F("&IX=")); oappendi(effectIntensity); oappend(SET_F("&FP=")); oappendi(effectPalette); obuf = sbuf; olen = 0; oappend(SET_F("")); oappend(s2buf); oappend(SET_F("")); if (request != nullptr) request->send(200, "text/html", obuf); } void extractPin(JsonObject &obj, const char *key) { if (obj[key].is()) { JsonArray pins = obj[key].as(); for (JsonVariant pv : pins) { if (pv.as() > -1) { oappend(","); oappendi(pv.as()); } } } else { if (obj[key].as() > -1) { oappend(","); oappendi(obj[key].as()); } } } // oappend used pins by scanning JsonObject (1 level deep) void fillUMPins(JsonObject &mods) { for (JsonPair kv : mods) { // kv.key() is usermod name or subobject key // kv.value() is object itself JsonObject obj = kv.value(); if (!obj.isNull()) { // element is an JsonObject if (!obj["pin"].isNull()) { extractPin(obj, "pin"); } else { // scan keys (just one level deep as is possible with usermods) for (JsonPair so : obj) { const char *key = so.key().c_str(); if (strstr(key, "pin")) { // we found a key containing "pin" substring if (strlen(strstr(key, "pin")) == 3) { // and it is at the end, we found another pin extractPin(obj, key); continue; } } if (!obj[so.key()].is()) continue; JsonObject subObj = obj[so.key()]; if (!subObj["pin"].isNull()) { // get pins from subobject extractPin(subObj, "pin"); } } } } } } //get values for settings form in javascript void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest) { //0: menu 1: wifi 2: leds 3: ui 4: sync 5: time 6: sec DEBUG_PRINT(F("settings resp")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(subPage); obuf = dest; olen = 0; if (subPage <1 || subPage >8) return; if (subPage == 1) { sappends('s',SET_F("CS"),clientSSID); byte l = strlen(clientPass); char fpass[l+1]; //fill password field with *** fpass[l] = 0; memset(fpass,'*',l); sappends('s',SET_F("CP"),fpass); char k[3]; k[2] = 0; //IP addresses for (int i = 0; i<4; i++) { k[1] = 48+i; //ascii 0,1,2,3 k[0] = 'I'; sappend('v',k,staticIP[i]); k[0] = 'G'; sappend('v',k,staticGateway[i]); k[0] = 'S'; sappend('v',k,staticSubnet[i]); } sappends('s',SET_F("CM"),cmDNS); sappend('i',SET_F("AB"),apBehavior); sappends('s',SET_F("AS"),apSSID); sappend('c',SET_F("AH"),apHide); l = strlen(apPass); char fapass[l+1]; //fill password field with *** fapass[l] = 0; memset(fapass,'*',l); sappends('s',SET_F("AP"),fapass); sappend('v',SET_F("AC"),apChannel); sappend('c',SET_F("WS"),noWifiSleep); #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET sappend('v',SET_F("ETH"),ethernetType); #else //hide ethernet setting if not compiled in oappend(SET_F("document.getElementById('ethd').style.display='none';")); #endif if (Network.isConnected()) //is connected { char s[32]; IPAddress localIP = Network.localIP(); sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", localIP[0], localIP[1], localIP[2], localIP[3]); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_ETHERNET) if (Network.isEthernet()) strcat_P(s ,SET_F(" (Ethernet)")); #endif sappends('m',SET_F("(\"sip\")[0]"),s); } else { sappends('m',SET_F("(\"sip\")[0]"),(char*)F("Not connected")); } if (WiFi.softAPIP()[0] != 0) //is active { char s[16]; IPAddress apIP = WiFi.softAPIP(); sprintf(s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", apIP[0], apIP[1], apIP[2], apIP[3]); sappends('m',SET_F("(\"sip\")[1]"),s); } else { sappends('m',SET_F("(\"sip\")[1]"),(char*)F("Not active")); } } if (subPage == 2) { char nS[8]; // Pin reservations will become unnecessary when settings pages will read cfg.json directly // add reserved and usermod pins as d.um_p array oappend(SET_F("d.um_p=[6,7,8,9,10,11")); { // scope so buffer can be released earlier #ifdef WLED_USE_DYNAMIC_JSON DynamicJsonDocument doc(3072); #else if (!requestJSONBufferLock(6)) return; #endif JsonObject mods = doc.createNestedObject(F("um")); usermods.addToConfig(mods); if (!mods.isNull()) fillUMPins(mods); releaseJSONBufferLock(); } #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX oappend(SET_F(",2")); // DMX hardcoded pin #endif #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT // inform settings page that pin 3 is used by ADALights if not aleready used by strip (previous setup) // NOTE: this will prohibit pin 3 use on new installs /* { bool pin3used = false; for (uint8_t s=0; s < busses.getNumBusses(); s++) { Bus* bus = busses.getBus(s); uint8_t pins[5]; uint8_t nPins = bus->getPins(pins); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nPins; i++) { if (pins[i] == 3) { pin3used = true; break; } } if (pin3used) break; } if (!pin3used && pinManager.isPinAllocated(3)) oappend(SET_F(",3")); // ADALight (RX) pin } */ #endif #ifdef WLED_DEBUG oappend(SET_F(",1")); // debug output (TX) pin #endif #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32) && defined(WLED_USE_PSRAM) if (psramFound()) oappend(SET_F(",16,17")); // GPIO16 & GPIO17 reserved for SPI RAM #endif #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET if (ethernetType != WLED_ETH_NONE && ethernetType < WLED_NUM_ETH_TYPES) { for (uint8_t p=0; p=0) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_power,nS,10)); } if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdc>=0) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdc,nS,10)); } if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdio>=0) { oappend(","); oappend(itoa(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdio,nS,10)); } switch (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_clk_mode) { case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_IN: case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_OUT: oappend(SET_F(",0")); break; case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO16_OUT: oappend(SET_F(",16")); break; case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT: oappend(SET_F(",17")); break; } } #endif oappend(SET_F("];")); // set limits oappend(SET_F("bLimits(")); oappend(itoa(WLED_MAX_BUSSES,nS,10)); oappend(","); oappend(itoa(MAX_LEDS_PER_BUS,nS,10)); oappend(","); oappend(itoa(MAX_LED_MEMORY,nS,10)); oappend(","); oappend(itoa(MAX_LEDS,nS,10)); oappend(SET_F(");")); sappend('c',SET_F("MS"),autoSegments); sappend('c',SET_F("CCT"),correctWB); sappend('c',SET_F("CR"),cctFromRgb); sappend('v',SET_F("CB"),strip.cctBlending); sappend('v',SET_F("AW"),Bus::getAutoWhiteMode()); for (uint8_t s=0; s < busses.getNumBusses(); s++) { Bus* bus = busses.getBus(s); if (bus == nullptr) continue; char lp[4] = "L0"; lp[2] = 48+s; lp[3] = 0; //ascii 0-9 //strip data pin char lc[4] = "LC"; lc[2] = 48+s; lc[3] = 0; //strip length char co[4] = "CO"; co[2] = 48+s; co[3] = 0; //strip color order char lt[4] = "LT"; lt[2] = 48+s; lt[3] = 0; //strip type char ls[4] = "LS"; ls[2] = 48+s; ls[3] = 0; //strip start LED char cv[4] = "CV"; cv[2] = 48+s; cv[3] = 0; //strip reverse char sl[4] = "SL"; sl[2] = 48+s; sl[3] = 0; //skip 1st LED char rf[4] = "RF"; rf[2] = 48+s; rf[3] = 0; //off refresh oappend(SET_F("addLEDs(1);")); uint8_t pins[5]; uint8_t nPins = bus->getPins(pins); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nPins; i++) { lp[1] = 48+i; if (pinManager.isPinOk(pins[i]) || bus->getType()>=TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB) sappend('v',lp,pins[i]); } sappend('v',lc,bus->getLength()); sappend('v',lt,bus->getType()); sappend('v',co,bus->getColorOrder()); sappend('v',ls,bus->getStart()); sappend('c',cv,bus->reversed); sappend('c',sl,bus->skippedLeds()); sappend('c',rf,bus->isOffRefreshRequired()); } sappend('v',SET_F("MA"),strip.ablMilliampsMax); sappend('v',SET_F("LA"),strip.milliampsPerLed); if (strip.currentMilliamps) { sappends('m',SET_F("(\"pow\")[0]"),(char*)""); olen -= 2; //delete "; oappendi(strip.currentMilliamps); oappend(SET_F("mA\";")); } sappend('v',SET_F("CA"),briS); sappend('c',SET_F("BO"),turnOnAtBoot); sappend('v',SET_F("BP"),bootPreset); sappend('c',SET_F("GB"),strip.gammaCorrectBri); sappend('c',SET_F("GC"),strip.gammaCorrectCol); sappend('c',SET_F("TF"),fadeTransition); sappend('v',SET_F("TD"),transitionDelayDefault); sappend('c',SET_F("PF"),strip.paletteFade); sappend('v',SET_F("BF"),briMultiplier); sappend('v',SET_F("TB"),nightlightTargetBri); sappend('v',SET_F("TL"),nightlightDelayMinsDefault); sappend('v',SET_F("TW"),nightlightMode); sappend('i',SET_F("PB"),strip.paletteBlend); sappend('v',SET_F("RL"),rlyPin); sappend('c',SET_F("RM"),rlyMde); for (uint8_t i=0; i