#include "wled.h" #include "wled_ethernet.h" /* * Serializes and parses the cfg.json and wsec.json settings files, stored in internal FS. * The structure of the JSON is not to be considered an official API and may change without notice. */ //simple macro for ArduinoJSON's or syntax #define CJSON(a,b) a = b | a void getStringFromJson(char* dest, const char* src, size_t len) { if (src != nullptr) strlcpy(dest, src, len); } bool deserializeConfig(JsonObject doc, bool fromFS) { bool needsSave = false; //int rev_major = doc["rev"][0]; // 1 //int rev_minor = doc["rev"][1]; // 0 //long vid = doc[F("vid")]; // 2010020 #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET JsonObject ethernet = doc[F("eth")]; CJSON(ethernetType, ethernet["type"]); // NOTE: Ethernet configuration takes priority over other use of pins WLED::instance().initEthernet(); #endif JsonObject id = doc["id"]; getStringFromJson(cmDNS, id[F("mdns")], 33); getStringFromJson(serverDescription, id[F("name")], 33); getStringFromJson(alexaInvocationName, id[F("inv")], 33); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_SIMPLE_UI CJSON(simplifiedUI, id[F("sui")]); #endif JsonObject nw_ins_0 = doc["nw"]["ins"][0]; getStringFromJson(clientSSID, nw_ins_0[F("ssid")], 33); //int nw_ins_0_pskl = nw_ins_0[F("pskl")]; //The WiFi PSK is normally not contained in the regular file for security reasons. //If it is present however, we will use it getStringFromJson(clientPass, nw_ins_0["psk"], 65); JsonArray nw_ins_0_ip = nw_ins_0["ip"]; JsonArray nw_ins_0_gw = nw_ins_0["gw"]; JsonArray nw_ins_0_sn = nw_ins_0["sn"]; for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { CJSON(staticIP[i], nw_ins_0_ip[i]); CJSON(staticGateway[i], nw_ins_0_gw[i]); CJSON(staticSubnet[i], nw_ins_0_sn[i]); } JsonObject ap = doc["ap"]; getStringFromJson(apSSID, ap[F("ssid")], 33); getStringFromJson(apPass, ap["psk"] , 65); //normally not present due to security //int ap_pskl = ap[F("pskl")]; CJSON(apChannel, ap[F("chan")]); if (apChannel > 13 || apChannel < 1) apChannel = 1; CJSON(apHide, ap[F("hide")]); if (apHide > 1) apHide = 1; CJSON(apBehavior, ap[F("behav")]); /* JsonArray ap_ip = ap["ip"]; for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { apIP[i] = ap_ip; } */ noWifiSleep = doc[F("wifi")][F("sleep")] | !noWifiSleep; // inverted noWifiSleep = !noWifiSleep; //int wifi_phy = doc[F("wifi")][F("phy")]; //force phy mode n? JsonObject hw = doc[F("hw")]; // initialize LED pins and lengths prior to other HW (except for ethernet) JsonObject hw_led = hw["led"]; uint8_t autoWhiteMode = RGBW_MODE_MANUAL_ONLY; CJSON(strip.ablMilliampsMax, hw_led[F("maxpwr")]); CJSON(strip.milliampsPerLed, hw_led[F("ledma")]); Bus::setGlobalAWMode(hw_led[F("rgbwm")] | 255); CJSON(correctWB, hw_led["cct"]); CJSON(cctFromRgb, hw_led[F("cr")]); CJSON(strip.cctBlending, hw_led[F("cb")]); Bus::setCCTBlend(strip.cctBlending); strip.setTargetFps(hw_led["fps"]); //NOP if 0, default 42 FPS CJSON(useGlobalLedBuffer, hw_led[F("ld")]); #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_2D // 2D Matrix Settings JsonObject matrix = hw_led[F("matrix")]; if (!matrix.isNull()) { strip.isMatrix = true; CJSON(strip.panels, matrix[F("mpc")]); strip.panel.clear(); JsonArray panels = matrix[F("panels")]; uint8_t s = 0; if (!panels.isNull()) { strip.panel.reserve(max(1U,min((size_t)strip.panels,(size_t)WLED_MAX_PANELS))); // pre-allocate memory for panels for (JsonObject pnl : panels) { WS2812FX::Panel p; CJSON(p.bottomStart, pnl["b"]); CJSON(p.rightStart, pnl["r"]); CJSON(p.vertical, pnl["v"]); CJSON(p.serpentine, pnl["s"]); CJSON(p.xOffset, pnl["x"]); CJSON(p.yOffset, pnl["y"]); CJSON(p.height, pnl["h"]); CJSON(p.width, pnl["w"]); strip.panel.push_back(p); if (++s >= WLED_MAX_PANELS || s >= strip.panels) break; // max panels reached } } else { // fallback WS2812FX::Panel p; strip.panels = 1; p.height = p.width = 8; p.xOffset = p.yOffset = 0; p.options = 0; strip.panel.push_back(p); } // cannot call strip.setUpMatrix() here due to already locked JSON buffer } #endif JsonArray ins = hw_led["ins"]; if (fromFS || !ins.isNull()) { uint8_t s = 0; // bus iterator if (fromFS) busses.removeAll(); // can't safely manipulate busses directly in network callback uint32_t mem = 0, globalBufMem = 0; uint16_t maxlen = 0; bool busesChanged = false; for (JsonObject elm : ins) { if (s >= WLED_MAX_BUSSES+WLED_MIN_VIRTUAL_BUSSES) break; uint8_t pins[5] = {255, 255, 255, 255, 255}; JsonArray pinArr = elm["pin"]; if (pinArr.size() == 0) continue; pins[0] = pinArr[0]; uint8_t i = 0; for (int p : pinArr) { pins[i++] = p; if (i>4) break; } uint16_t length = elm["len"] | 1; uint8_t colorOrder = (int)elm[F("order")]; uint8_t skipFirst = elm[F("skip")]; uint16_t start = elm["start"] | 0; if (length==0 || start + length > MAX_LEDS) continue; // zero length or we reached max. number of LEDs, just stop uint8_t ledType = elm["type"] | TYPE_WS2812_RGB; bool reversed = elm["rev"]; bool refresh = elm["ref"] | false; uint16_t freqkHz = elm[F("freq")] | 0; // will be in kHz for DotStar and Hz for PWM (not yet implemented fully) ledType |= refresh << 7; // hack bit 7 to indicate strip requires off refresh uint8_t AWmode = elm[F("rgbwm")] | autoWhiteMode; if (fromFS) { BusConfig bc = BusConfig(ledType, pins, start, length, colorOrder, reversed, skipFirst, AWmode, freqkHz, useGlobalLedBuffer); mem += BusManager::memUsage(bc); if (useGlobalLedBuffer && start + length > maxlen) { maxlen = start + length; globalBufMem = maxlen * 4; } if (mem + globalBufMem <= MAX_LED_MEMORY) if (busses.add(bc) == -1) break; // finalization will be done in WLED::beginStrip() } else { if (busConfigs[s] != nullptr) delete busConfigs[s]; busConfigs[s] = new BusConfig(ledType, pins, start, length, colorOrder, reversed, skipFirst, AWmode, freqkHz, useGlobalLedBuffer); busesChanged = true; } s++; } doInitBusses = busesChanged; // finalization done in beginStrip() } if (hw_led["rev"]) busses.getBus(0)->setReversed(true); //set 0.11 global reversed setting for first bus // read color order map configuration JsonArray hw_com = hw[F("com")]; if (!hw_com.isNull()) { ColorOrderMap com = {}; uint8_t s = 0; for (JsonObject entry : hw_com) { if (s > WLED_MAX_COLOR_ORDER_MAPPINGS) break; uint16_t start = entry["start"] | 0; uint16_t len = entry["len"] | 0; uint8_t colorOrder = (int)entry[F("order")]; com.add(start, len, colorOrder); s++; } busses.updateColorOrderMap(com); } // read multiple button configuration JsonObject btn_obj = hw["btn"]; bool pull = btn_obj[F("pull")] | (!disablePullUp); // if true, pullup is enabled disablePullUp = !pull; JsonArray hw_btn_ins = btn_obj[F("ins")]; if (!hw_btn_ins.isNull()) { for (uint8_t b = 0; b < WLED_MAX_BUTTONS; b++) { // deallocate existing button pins pinManager.deallocatePin(btnPin[b], PinOwner::Button); // does nothing if trying to deallocate a pin with PinOwner != Button } uint8_t s = 0; for (JsonObject btn : hw_btn_ins) { CJSON(buttonType[s], btn["type"]); int8_t pin = btn["pin"][0] | -1; if (pin > -1 && pinManager.allocatePin(pin, false, PinOwner::Button)) { btnPin[s] = pin; #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 // ESP32 only: check that analog button pin is a valid ADC gpio if (((buttonType[s] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG) || (buttonType[s] == BTN_TYPE_ANALOG_INVERTED)) && (digitalPinToAnalogChannel(btnPin[s]) < 0)) { // not an ADC analog pin DEBUG_PRINTF("PIN ALLOC error: GPIO%d for analog button #%d is not an analog pin!\n", btnPin[s], s); btnPin[s] = -1; pinManager.deallocatePin(pin,PinOwner::Button); } else #endif { if (disablePullUp) { pinMode(btnPin[s], INPUT); } else { #ifdef ESP32 pinMode(btnPin[s], buttonType[s]==BTN_TYPE_PUSH_ACT_HIGH ? INPUT_PULLDOWN : INPUT_PULLUP); #else pinMode(btnPin[s], INPUT_PULLUP); #endif } } } else { btnPin[s] = -1; } JsonArray hw_btn_ins_0_macros = btn["macros"]; CJSON(macroButton[s], hw_btn_ins_0_macros[0]); CJSON(macroLongPress[s],hw_btn_ins_0_macros[1]); CJSON(macroDoublePress[s], hw_btn_ins_0_macros[2]); if (++s >= WLED_MAX_BUTTONS) break; // max buttons reached } // clear remaining buttons for (; s -2) { pinManager.deallocatePin(irPin, PinOwner::IR); if (pinManager.allocatePin(hw_ir_pin, false, PinOwner::IR)) { irPin = hw_ir_pin; } else { irPin = -1; } } CJSON(irEnabled, hw["ir"]["type"]); CJSON(irApplyToAllSelected, hw["ir"]["sel"]); JsonObject relay = hw[F("relay")]; int hw_relay_pin = relay["pin"] | -2; if (hw_relay_pin > -2) { pinManager.deallocatePin(rlyPin, PinOwner::Relay); if (pinManager.allocatePin(hw_relay_pin,true, PinOwner::Relay)) { rlyPin = hw_relay_pin; pinMode(rlyPin, OUTPUT); } else { rlyPin = -1; } } if (relay.containsKey("rev")) { rlyMde = !relay["rev"]; } CJSON(serialBaud, hw[F("baud")]); if (serialBaud < 96 || serialBaud > 15000) serialBaud = 1152; updateBaudRate(serialBaud *100); JsonArray hw_if_i2c = hw[F("if")][F("i2c-pin")]; CJSON(i2c_sda, hw_if_i2c[0]); CJSON(i2c_scl, hw_if_i2c[1]); PinManagerPinType i2c[2] = { { i2c_sda, true }, { i2c_scl, true } }; if (i2c_scl >= 0 && i2c_sda >= 0 && pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(i2c, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C)) { #ifdef ESP32 if (!Wire.setPins(i2c_sda, i2c_scl)) { i2c_scl = i2c_sda = -1; } // this will fail if Wire is initilised (Wire.begin() called prior) else Wire.begin(); #else Wire.begin(i2c_sda, i2c_scl); #endif } else { i2c_sda = -1; i2c_scl = -1; } JsonArray hw_if_spi = hw[F("if")][F("spi-pin")]; CJSON(spi_mosi, hw_if_spi[0]); CJSON(spi_sclk, hw_if_spi[1]); CJSON(spi_miso, hw_if_spi[2]); PinManagerPinType spi[3] = { { spi_mosi, true }, { spi_miso, true }, { spi_sclk, true } }; if (spi_mosi >= 0 && spi_sclk >= 0 && pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(spi, 3, PinOwner::HW_SPI)) { #ifdef ESP32 SPI.begin(spi_sclk, spi_miso, spi_mosi); // SPI global uses VSPI on ESP32 and FSPI on C3, S3 #else SPI.begin(); #endif } else { spi_mosi = -1; spi_miso = -1; spi_sclk = -1; } //int hw_status_pin = hw[F("status")]["pin"]; // -1 JsonObject light = doc[F("light")]; CJSON(briMultiplier, light[F("scale-bri")]); CJSON(strip.paletteBlend, light[F("pal-mode")]); CJSON(autoSegments, light[F("aseg")]); CJSON(gammaCorrectVal, light["gc"]["val"]); // default 2.8 float light_gc_bri = light["gc"]["bri"]; float light_gc_col = light["gc"]["col"]; if (light_gc_bri > 1.0f) gammaCorrectBri = true; else gammaCorrectBri = false; if (light_gc_col > 1.0f) gammaCorrectCol = true; else gammaCorrectCol = false; if (gammaCorrectVal > 1.0f && gammaCorrectVal <= 3) { if (gammaCorrectVal != 2.8f) NeoGammaWLEDMethod::calcGammaTable(gammaCorrectVal); } else { gammaCorrectVal = 1.0f; // no gamma correction gammaCorrectBri = false; gammaCorrectCol = false; } JsonObject light_tr = light["tr"]; CJSON(fadeTransition, light_tr["mode"]); int tdd = light_tr["dur"] | -1; if (tdd >= 0) transitionDelay = transitionDelayDefault = tdd * 100; CJSON(strip.paletteFade, light_tr["pal"]); CJSON(randomPaletteChangeTime, light_tr[F("rpc")]); JsonObject light_nl = light["nl"]; CJSON(nightlightMode, light_nl["mode"]); byte prev = nightlightDelayMinsDefault; CJSON(nightlightDelayMinsDefault, light_nl["dur"]); if (nightlightDelayMinsDefault != prev) nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault; CJSON(nightlightTargetBri, light_nl[F("tbri")]); CJSON(macroNl, light_nl["macro"]); JsonObject def = doc["def"]; CJSON(bootPreset, def["ps"]); CJSON(turnOnAtBoot, def["on"]); // true CJSON(briS, def["bri"]); // 128 JsonObject interfaces = doc["if"]; JsonObject if_sync = interfaces["sync"]; CJSON(udpPort, if_sync[F("port0")]); // 21324 CJSON(udpPort2, if_sync[F("port1")]); // 65506 JsonObject if_sync_recv = if_sync["recv"]; CJSON(receiveNotificationBrightness, if_sync_recv["bri"]); CJSON(receiveNotificationColor, if_sync_recv["col"]); CJSON(receiveNotificationEffects, if_sync_recv["fx"]); CJSON(receiveGroups, if_sync_recv["grp"]); CJSON(receiveSegmentOptions, if_sync_recv["seg"]); CJSON(receiveSegmentBounds, if_sync_recv["sb"]); //! following line might be a problem if called after boot receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects || receiveSegmentOptions); JsonObject if_sync_send = if_sync["send"]; prev = notifyDirectDefault; CJSON(notifyDirectDefault, if_sync_send[F("dir")]); if (notifyDirectDefault != prev) notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault; CJSON(notifyButton, if_sync_send["btn"]); CJSON(notifyAlexa, if_sync_send["va"]); CJSON(notifyHue, if_sync_send["hue"]); CJSON(notifyMacro, if_sync_send["macro"]); CJSON(syncGroups, if_sync_send["grp"]); if (if_sync_send[F("twice")]) udpNumRetries = 1; // import setting from 0.13 and earlier CJSON(udpNumRetries, if_sync_send["ret"]); JsonObject if_nodes = interfaces["nodes"]; CJSON(nodeListEnabled, if_nodes[F("list")]); CJSON(nodeBroadcastEnabled, if_nodes[F("bcast")]); JsonObject if_live = interfaces["live"]; CJSON(receiveDirect, if_live["en"]); CJSON(useMainSegmentOnly, if_live[F("mso")]); CJSON(e131Port, if_live["port"]); // 5568 if (e131Port == DDP_DEFAULT_PORT) e131Port = E131_DEFAULT_PORT; // prevent double DDP port allocation CJSON(e131Multicast, if_live[F("mc")]); JsonObject if_live_dmx = if_live[F("dmx")]; CJSON(e131Universe, if_live_dmx[F("uni")]); CJSON(e131SkipOutOfSequence, if_live_dmx[F("seqskip")]); CJSON(DMXAddress, if_live_dmx[F("addr")]); if (!DMXAddress || DMXAddress > 510) DMXAddress = 1; CJSON(DMXSegmentSpacing, if_live_dmx[F("dss")]); if (DMXSegmentSpacing > 150) DMXSegmentSpacing = 0; CJSON(e131Priority, if_live_dmx[F("e131prio")]); if (e131Priority > 200) e131Priority = 200; CJSON(DMXMode, if_live_dmx["mode"]); tdd = if_live[F("timeout")] | -1; if (tdd >= 0) realtimeTimeoutMs = tdd * 100; CJSON(arlsForceMaxBri, if_live[F("maxbri")]); CJSON(arlsDisableGammaCorrection, if_live[F("no-gc")]); // false CJSON(arlsOffset, if_live[F("offset")]); // 0 CJSON(alexaEnabled, interfaces["va"][F("alexa")]); // false CJSON(macroAlexaOn, interfaces["va"]["macros"][0]); CJSON(macroAlexaOff, interfaces["va"]["macros"][1]); CJSON(alexaNumPresets, interfaces["va"]["p"]); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_MQTT JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces["mqtt"]; CJSON(mqttEnabled, if_mqtt["en"]); getStringFromJson(mqttServer, if_mqtt[F("broker")], 33); CJSON(mqttPort, if_mqtt["port"]); // 1883 getStringFromJson(mqttUser, if_mqtt[F("user")], 41); getStringFromJson(mqttPass, if_mqtt["psk"], 65); //normally not present due to security getStringFromJson(mqttClientID, if_mqtt[F("cid")], 41); getStringFromJson(mqttDeviceTopic, if_mqtt[F("topics")][F("device")], 33); // "wled/test" getStringFromJson(mqttGroupTopic, if_mqtt[F("topics")][F("group")], 33); // "" CJSON(retainMqttMsg, if_mqtt[F("rtn")]); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_ESPNOW JsonObject remote = doc["remote"]; CJSON(enable_espnow_remote, remote[F("remote_enabled")]); getStringFromJson(linked_remote, remote[F("linked_remote")], 13); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC JsonObject if_hue = interfaces["hue"]; CJSON(huePollingEnabled, if_hue["en"]); CJSON(huePollLightId, if_hue["id"]); tdd = if_hue[F("iv")] | -1; if (tdd >= 2) huePollIntervalMs = tdd * 100; JsonObject if_hue_recv = if_hue["recv"]; CJSON(hueApplyOnOff, if_hue_recv["on"]); CJSON(hueApplyBri, if_hue_recv["bri"]); CJSON(hueApplyColor, if_hue_recv["col"]); JsonArray if_hue_ip = if_hue["ip"]; for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) CJSON(hueIP[i], if_hue_ip[i]); #endif JsonObject if_ntp = interfaces[F("ntp")]; CJSON(ntpEnabled, if_ntp["en"]); getStringFromJson(ntpServerName, if_ntp[F("host")], 33); // "1.wled.pool.ntp.org" CJSON(currentTimezone, if_ntp[F("tz")]); CJSON(utcOffsetSecs, if_ntp[F("offset")]); CJSON(useAMPM, if_ntp[F("ampm")]); CJSON(longitude, if_ntp[F("ln")]); CJSON(latitude, if_ntp[F("lt")]); JsonObject ol = doc[F("ol")]; CJSON(overlayCurrent ,ol[F("clock")]); // 0 CJSON(countdownMode, ol[F("cntdwn")]); CJSON(overlayMin, ol["min"]); CJSON(overlayMax, ol[F("max")]); CJSON(analogClock12pixel, ol[F("o12pix")]); CJSON(analogClock5MinuteMarks, ol[F("o5m")]); CJSON(analogClockSecondsTrail, ol[F("osec")]); //timed macro rules JsonObject tm = doc[F("timers")]; JsonObject cntdwn = tm[F("cntdwn")]; JsonArray cntdwn_goal = cntdwn[F("goal")]; CJSON(countdownYear, cntdwn_goal[0]); CJSON(countdownMonth, cntdwn_goal[1]); CJSON(countdownDay, cntdwn_goal[2]); CJSON(countdownHour, cntdwn_goal[3]); CJSON(countdownMin, cntdwn_goal[4]); CJSON(countdownSec, cntdwn_goal[5]); CJSON(macroCountdown, cntdwn["macro"]); setCountdown(); JsonArray timers = tm["ins"]; uint8_t it = 0; for (JsonObject timer : timers) { if (it > 9) break; if (it<8 && timer[F("hour")]==255) it=8; // hour==255 -> sunrise/sunset CJSON(timerHours[it], timer[F("hour")]); CJSON(timerMinutes[it], timer["min"]); CJSON(timerMacro[it], timer["macro"]); byte dowPrev = timerWeekday[it]; //note: act is currently only 0 or 1. //the reason we are not using bool is that the on-disk type in 0.11.0 was already int int actPrev = timerWeekday[it] & 0x01; CJSON(timerWeekday[it], timer[F("dow")]); if (timerWeekday[it] != dowPrev) { //present in JSON timerWeekday[it] <<= 1; //add active bit int act = timer["en"] | actPrev; if (act) timerWeekday[it]++; } if (it<8) { JsonObject start = timer["start"]; byte startm = start["mon"]; if (startm) timerMonth[it] = (startm << 4); CJSON(timerDay[it], start["day"]); JsonObject end = timer["end"]; CJSON(timerDayEnd[it], end["day"]); byte endm = end["mon"]; if (startm) timerMonth[it] += endm & 0x0F; if (!(timerMonth[it] & 0x0F)) timerMonth[it] += 12; //default end month to 12 } it++; } JsonObject ota = doc["ota"]; const char* pwd = ota["psk"]; //normally not present due to security bool pwdCorrect = !otaLock; //always allow access if ota not locked if (pwd != nullptr && strncmp(otaPass, pwd, 33) == 0) pwdCorrect = true; if (pwdCorrect) { //only accept these values from cfg.json if ota is unlocked (else from wsec.json) CJSON(otaLock, ota[F("lock")]); CJSON(wifiLock, ota[F("lock-wifi")]); CJSON(aOtaEnabled, ota[F("aota")]); getStringFromJson(otaPass, pwd, 33); //normally not present due to security } #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX JsonObject dmx = doc["dmx"]; CJSON(DMXChannels, dmx[F("chan")]); CJSON(DMXGap,dmx[F("gap")]); CJSON(DMXStart, dmx["start"]); CJSON(DMXStartLED,dmx[F("start-led")]); JsonArray dmx_fixmap = dmx[F("fixmap")]; for (int i = 0; i < dmx_fixmap.size(); i++) { if (i > 14) break; CJSON(DMXFixtureMap[i],dmx_fixmap[i]); } CJSON(e131ProxyUniverse, dmx[F("e131proxy")]); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Starting usermod config.")); JsonObject usermods_settings = doc["um"]; if (!usermods_settings.isNull()) { needsSave = !usermods.readFromConfig(usermods_settings); } if (fromFS) return needsSave; // if from /json/cfg doReboot = doc[F("rb")] | doReboot; if (doInitBusses) return false; // no save needed, will do after bus init in wled.cpp loop return (doc["sv"] | true); } void deserializeConfigFromFS() { bool success = deserializeConfigSec(); if (!success) { //if file does not exist, try reading from EEPROM #ifdef WLED_ADD_EEPROM_SUPPORT deEEPSettings(); return; #endif } if (!requestJSONBufferLock(1)) return; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Reading settings from /cfg.json...")); success = readObjectFromFile("/cfg.json", nullptr, &doc); if (!success) { // if file does not exist, optionally try reading from EEPROM and then save defaults to FS releaseJSONBufferLock(); #ifdef WLED_ADD_EEPROM_SUPPORT deEEPSettings(); #endif // save default values to /cfg.json // call readFromConfig() with an empty object so that usermods can initialize to defaults prior to saving JsonObject empty = JsonObject(); usermods.readFromConfig(empty); serializeConfig(); // init Ethernet (in case default type is set at compile time) #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET WLED::instance().initEthernet(); #endif return; } // NOTE: This routine deserializes *and* applies the configuration // Therefore, must also initialize ethernet from this function bool needsSave = deserializeConfig(doc.as(), true); releaseJSONBufferLock(); if (needsSave) serializeConfig(); // usermods required new parameters } void serializeConfig() { serializeConfigSec(); DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Writing settings to /cfg.json...")); if (!requestJSONBufferLock(2)) return; JsonArray rev = doc.createNestedArray("rev"); rev.add(1); //major settings revision rev.add(0); //minor settings revision doc[F("vid")] = VERSION; JsonObject id = doc.createNestedObject("id"); id[F("mdns")] = cmDNS; id[F("name")] = serverDescription; id[F("inv")] = alexaInvocationName; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_SIMPLE_UI id[F("sui")] = simplifiedUI; #endif JsonObject nw = doc.createNestedObject("nw"); JsonArray nw_ins = nw.createNestedArray("ins"); JsonObject nw_ins_0 = nw_ins.createNestedObject(); nw_ins_0[F("ssid")] = clientSSID; nw_ins_0[F("pskl")] = strlen(clientPass); JsonArray nw_ins_0_ip = nw_ins_0.createNestedArray("ip"); JsonArray nw_ins_0_gw = nw_ins_0.createNestedArray("gw"); JsonArray nw_ins_0_sn = nw_ins_0.createNestedArray("sn"); for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { nw_ins_0_ip.add(staticIP[i]); nw_ins_0_gw.add(staticGateway[i]); nw_ins_0_sn.add(staticSubnet[i]); } JsonObject ap = doc.createNestedObject("ap"); ap[F("ssid")] = apSSID; ap[F("pskl")] = strlen(apPass); ap[F("chan")] = apChannel; ap[F("hide")] = apHide; ap[F("behav")] = apBehavior; JsonArray ap_ip = ap.createNestedArray("ip"); ap_ip.add(4); ap_ip.add(3); ap_ip.add(2); ap_ip.add(1); JsonObject wifi = doc.createNestedObject("wifi"); wifi[F("sleep")] = !noWifiSleep; //wifi[F("phy")] = 1; #ifdef WLED_USE_ETHERNET JsonObject ethernet = doc.createNestedObject("eth"); ethernet["type"] = ethernetType; if (ethernetType != WLED_ETH_NONE && ethernetType < WLED_NUM_ETH_TYPES) { JsonArray pins = ethernet.createNestedArray("pin"); for (uint8_t p=0; p=0) pins.add(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_power); if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdc>=0) pins.add(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdc); if (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdio>=0) pins.add(ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_mdio); switch (ethernetBoards[ethernetType].eth_clk_mode) { case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_IN: case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO0_OUT: pins.add(0); break; case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO16_OUT: pins.add(16); break; case ETH_CLOCK_GPIO17_OUT: pins.add(17); break; } } #endif JsonObject hw = doc.createNestedObject("hw"); JsonObject hw_led = hw.createNestedObject("led"); hw_led[F("total")] = strip.getLengthTotal(); //no longer read, but provided for compatibility on downgrade hw_led[F("maxpwr")] = strip.ablMilliampsMax; hw_led[F("ledma")] = strip.milliampsPerLed; hw_led["cct"] = correctWB; hw_led[F("cr")] = cctFromRgb; hw_led[F("cb")] = strip.cctBlending; hw_led["fps"] = strip.getTargetFps(); hw_led[F("rgbwm")] = Bus::getGlobalAWMode(); // global auto white mode override hw_led[F("ld")] = useGlobalLedBuffer; #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_2D // 2D Matrix Settings if (strip.isMatrix) { JsonObject matrix = hw_led.createNestedObject(F("matrix")); matrix[F("mpc")] = strip.panels; JsonArray panels = matrix.createNestedArray(F("panels")); for (uint8_t i=0; igetLength()==0) break; JsonObject ins = hw_led_ins.createNestedObject(); ins["start"] = bus->getStart(); ins["len"] = bus->getLength(); JsonArray ins_pin = ins.createNestedArray("pin"); uint8_t pins[5]; uint8_t nPins = bus->getPins(pins); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nPins; i++) ins_pin.add(pins[i]); ins[F("order")] = bus->getColorOrder(); ins["rev"] = bus->isReversed(); ins[F("skip")] = bus->skippedLeds(); ins["type"] = bus->getType() & 0x7F; ins["ref"] = bus->isOffRefreshRequired(); ins[F("rgbwm")] = bus->getAutoWhiteMode(); ins[F("freq")] = bus->getFrequency(); } JsonArray hw_com = hw.createNestedArray(F("com")); const ColorOrderMap& com = busses.getColorOrderMap(); for (uint8_t s = 0; s < com.count(); s++) { const ColorOrderMapEntry *entry = com.get(s); if (!entry) break; JsonObject co = hw_com.createNestedObject(); co["start"] = entry->start; co["len"] = entry->len; co[F("order")] = entry->colorOrder; } // button(s) JsonObject hw_btn = hw.createNestedObject("btn"); hw_btn["max"] = WLED_MAX_BUTTONS; // just information about max number of buttons (not actually used) hw_btn[F("pull")] = !disablePullUp; JsonArray hw_btn_ins = hw_btn.createNestedArray("ins"); // configuration for all buttons for (uint8_t i=0; i> 1; if (i<8) { JsonObject start = timers_ins0.createNestedObject("start"); start["mon"] = (timerMonth[i] >> 4) & 0xF; start["day"] = timerDay[i]; JsonObject end = timers_ins0.createNestedObject("end"); end["mon"] = timerMonth[i] & 0xF; end["day"] = timerDayEnd[i]; } } JsonObject ota = doc.createNestedObject("ota"); ota[F("lock")] = otaLock; ota[F("lock-wifi")] = wifiLock; ota[F("pskl")] = strlen(otaPass); ota[F("aota")] = aOtaEnabled; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX JsonObject dmx = doc.createNestedObject("dmx"); dmx[F("chan")] = DMXChannels; dmx[F("gap")] = DMXGap; dmx["start"] = DMXStart; dmx[F("start-led")] = DMXStartLED; JsonArray dmx_fixmap = dmx.createNestedArray(F("fixmap")); for (byte i = 0; i < 15; i++) { dmx_fixmap.add(DMXFixtureMap[i]); } dmx[F("e131proxy")] = e131ProxyUniverse; #endif JsonObject usermods_settings = doc.createNestedObject("um"); usermods.addToConfig(usermods_settings); File f = WLED_FS.open("/cfg.json", "w"); if (f) serializeJson(doc, f); f.close(); releaseJSONBufferLock(); doSerializeConfig = false; } //settings in /wsec.json, not accessible via webserver, for passwords and tokens bool deserializeConfigSec() { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Reading settings from /wsec.json...")); if (!requestJSONBufferLock(3)) return false; bool success = readObjectFromFile("/wsec.json", nullptr, &doc); if (!success) { releaseJSONBufferLock(); return false; } JsonObject nw_ins_0 = doc["nw"]["ins"][0]; getStringFromJson(clientPass, nw_ins_0["psk"], 65); JsonObject ap = doc["ap"]; getStringFromJson(apPass, ap["psk"] , 65); JsonObject interfaces = doc["if"]; #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_MQTT JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces["mqtt"]; getStringFromJson(mqttPass, if_mqtt["psk"], 65); #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC getStringFromJson(hueApiKey, interfaces["hue"][F("key")], 47); #endif getStringFromJson(settingsPIN, doc["pin"], 5); correctPIN = !strlen(settingsPIN); JsonObject ota = doc["ota"]; getStringFromJson(otaPass, ota[F("pwd")], 33); CJSON(otaLock, ota[F("lock")]); CJSON(wifiLock, ota[F("lock-wifi")]); CJSON(aOtaEnabled, ota[F("aota")]); releaseJSONBufferLock(); return true; } void serializeConfigSec() { DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Writing settings to /wsec.json...")); if (!requestJSONBufferLock(4)) return; JsonObject nw = doc.createNestedObject("nw"); JsonArray nw_ins = nw.createNestedArray("ins"); JsonObject nw_ins_0 = nw_ins.createNestedObject(); nw_ins_0["psk"] = clientPass; JsonObject ap = doc.createNestedObject("ap"); ap["psk"] = apPass; JsonObject interfaces = doc.createNestedObject("if"); #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_MQTT JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces.createNestedObject("mqtt"); if_mqtt["psk"] = mqttPass; #endif #ifndef WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC JsonObject if_hue = interfaces.createNestedObject("hue"); if_hue[F("key")] = hueApiKey; #endif doc["pin"] = settingsPIN; JsonObject ota = doc.createNestedObject("ota"); ota[F("pwd")] = otaPass; ota[F("lock")] = otaLock; ota[F("lock-wifi")] = wifiLock; ota[F("aota")] = aOtaEnabled; File f = WLED_FS.open("/wsec.json", "w"); if (f) serializeJson(doc, f); f.close(); releaseJSONBufferLock(); }