const express = require("express"); const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware'); const path = require("path"); const nopt = require("nopt"); const app = express(); var knownOpts = { "help": Boolean, "port": Number, "settings": [path], "host": String, "verbose": Boolean }; var shortHands = { "?":["--help"], "p":["--port"], "s":["--settings"], "h":["--host"], "v":["--verbose"] }; nopt.invalidHandler = function(k,v,t) { // TODO: console.log(k,v,t); } var parsedArgs = nopt(knownOpts,shortHands,process.argv,2); if ( { console.log("WLED Dev Server"); console.log("Usage: wled [-v] [-?] [--settings settings.js] [--userDir DIR]"); console.log(" [--port PORT] [--host HOST]"); console.log(""); console.log("Options:"); console.log(" -p, --port PORT port to listen on"); console.log(" -s, --settings FILE use specified settings file"); console.log(" --host HOST WLED instance for dynamic content"); console.log(" -v, --verbose enable verbose output"); console.log(" -?, --help show this help"); console.log(""); process.exit(); } // WLED_HOME - the root directory where the html files are process.env.WLED_HOME = process.env.WLED_HOME || path.resolve(__dirname,'..','wled00','data'); parsedArgs.port = parsedArgs.port || 8080; = || ""; // get the static file reference function static(page) { return express.static(process.env.WLED_HOME, {index: page}); } // add routes for each setting page function useSettingsRoutes() { app.use(`/settings`, static(`settings.htm`)); const settings = ['wifi', 'leds', 'ui', 'sync','time','um', 'sec']; settings.forEach(function(setting) { app.use(`/settings/${setting}`, static(`settings_${setting}.htm`)); }); } // dynamic content that is proxied to real WLED instance function useWebProxyRoutes(host) { const httpProxy = createProxyMiddleware({ target: `http://${host}`, changeOrigin: true, logLevel: 'warn' }); const proxyRoutes = ['json', 'presets.json', 'skins.css', 'liveview']; proxyRoutes.forEach(function(route) { app.use(`/${route}`, httpProxy); }); } // proxy data to a real WLED instance function useWebSocketProxy(host, server) { const wsProxy = createProxyMiddleware(`ws://${host}`, { changeOrigin: true, logLevel: 'warn' }); app.use(wsProxy); server.on('upgrade', wsProxy.upgrade); } // first matching route app.use('/', static("index.htm")); useSettingsRoutes(); // map the setting pages useWebProxyRoutes(; // use static files like style sheets etc app.use(express.static(process.env.WLED_HOME)); const server = app.listen(parsedArgs.port, () => { if (parsedArgs.verbose) { console.log(`WLED UI listening at http://localhost:${parsedArgs.port}`) } }); useWebSocketProxy(, server); var stopping = false; function exitWhenStopped() { if (!stopping) { stopping = true; server.close(function() { console.log('WLED UI closed'); process.exit(); }); } } process.on('uncaughtException',function(err) { util.log('[WLED] Uncaught Exception:'); if (err.stack) { console.log(err.stack); } else { console.log(err); } process.exit(1); }); process.on('SIGINT', exitWhenStopped); process.on('SIGTERM', exitWhenStopped); process.on('SIGHUP', exitWhenStopped); process.on('SIGUSR2', exitWhenStopped); // for nodemon restart process.on('SIGBREAK', exitWhenStopped); // for windows ctrl-break