# I2C 4 Line Display Usermod First, thanks to the authors of the ssd11306_i2c_oled_u8g2 mod. This usermod provides a four line display using either 128x32 or 128x64 OLED displays. It's can operate independently, but starts to provide a relatively complete on-device UI when paired with the Rotary Encoder UI usermod. I strongly encourage you to use them together. [See the pair of usermods in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITQY80rIOA) ## Installation Copy and update the example `platformio_override.ini.sample` from the Rotary Encoder UI usermode folder to the root directory of your particular build. This file should be placed in the same directory as `platformio.ini`. ### Define Your Options * `USERMOD_FOUR_LINE_DISPLAY` - define this to have this the Four Line Display mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp - also tells Rotary Encoder usermod, if installed, that the display is available * `FLD_PIN_SCL` - The display SCL pin, defaults to 5 * `FLD_PIN_SDA` - The display SDA pin, defaults to 4 All of the parameters can be configured using Usermods settings page, inluding GPIO pins. ### PlatformIO requirements This usermod requires the `U8g2` and `Wire` libraries. See the `platformio_override.ini.sample` found in the Rotary Encoder UI usermod folder for how to include these using `platformio_override.ini`. ## Configuration * `enabled` - enable/disable usermod * `pin` - GPIO pins used for display; I2C displays use Clk & Data; SPI displays can use SCK, MOSI, CS, DC & RST * `type` - display type in numeric format * 1 = I2C SSD1306 128x32 * 2 = I2C SH1106 128x32 * 3 = I2C SSD1306 128x64 (4 double-height lines) * 4 = I2C SSD1305 128x32 * 5 = I2C SSD1305 128x64 (4 double-height lines) * 6 = SPI SSD1306 128x32 * 7 = SPI SSD1306 128x64 (4 double-height lines) * `contrast` - set display contrast (higher contrast may reduce display lifetime) * `refreshRateSec` - time in seconds for display refresh * `screenTimeOutSec` - screen saver time-out in seconds * `flip` - flip/rotate display 180° * `sleepMode` - enable/disable screen saver * `clockMode` - enable/disable clock display in screen saver mode * `i2c-freq-kHz` - I2C clock frequency in kHz (may help reduce dropped frames, range: 400-3400) ## Change Log 2021-02 * First public release 2021-04 * Adaptation for runtime configuration. 2021-11 * Added configuration option description.