#include "wled.h" #include "fcn_declare.h" #include "const.h" //helper to get int value at a position in string int getNumVal(const String* req, uint16_t pos) { return req->substring(pos+3).toInt(); } //helper to get int value with in/decrementing support via ~ syntax void parseNumber(const char* str, byte* val, byte minv, byte maxv) { if (str == nullptr || str[0] == '\0') return; if (str[0] == 'r') {*val = random8(minv,maxv); return;} if (str[0] == '~') { int out = atoi(str +1); if (out == 0) { if (str[1] == '0') return; if (str[1] == '-') { *val = (int)(*val -1) < (int)minv ? maxv : min((int)maxv,(*val -1)); //-1, wrap around } else { *val = (int)(*val +1) > (int)maxv ? minv : max((int)minv,(*val +1)); //+1, wrap around } } else { out += *val; if (out > maxv) out = maxv; if (out < minv) out = minv; *val = out; } } else { byte p1 = atoi(str); const char* str2 = strchr(str,'~'); //min/max range (for preset cycle, e.g. "1~5~") if (str2) { byte p2 = atoi(str2+1); presetCycMin = p1; presetCycMax = p2; while (isdigit((str2+1)[0])) str2++; parseNumber(str2+1, val, p1, p2); } else { *val = p1; } } } bool getVal(JsonVariant elem, byte* val, byte vmin, byte vmax) { if (elem.is()) { if (elem < 0) return false; //ignore e.g. {"ps":-1} *val = elem; return true; } else if (elem.is()) { const char* str = elem; size_t len = strnlen(str, 12); if (len == 0 || len > 10) return false; parseNumber(str, val, vmin, vmax); return true; } return false; //key does not exist } bool updateVal(const String* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv, byte maxv) { int pos = req->indexOf(key); if (pos < 1) return false; if (req->length() < (unsigned int)(pos + 4)) return false; parseNumber(req->c_str() + pos +3, val, minv, maxv); return true; } //append a numeric setting to string buffer void sappend(char stype, const char* key, int val) { char ds[] = "d.Sf."; switch(stype) { case 'c': //checkbox oappend(ds); oappend(key); oappend(".checked="); oappendi(val); oappend(";"); break; case 'v': //numeric oappend(ds); oappend(key); oappend(".value="); oappendi(val); oappend(";"); break; case 'i': //selectedIndex oappend(ds); oappend(key); oappend(SET_F(".selectedIndex=")); oappendi(val); oappend(";"); break; } } //append a string setting to buffer void sappends(char stype, const char* key, char* val) { switch(stype) { case 's': {//string (we can interpret val as char*) String buf = val; //convert "%" to "%%" to make EspAsyncWebServer happy //buf.replace("%","%%"); oappend("d.Sf."); oappend(key); oappend(".value=\""); oappend(buf.c_str()); oappend("\";"); break;} case 'm': //message oappend(SET_F("d.getElementsByClassName")); oappend(key); oappend(SET_F(".innerHTML=\"")); oappend(val); oappend("\";"); break; } } bool oappendi(int i) { char s[11]; sprintf(s, "%d", i); return oappend(s); } bool oappend(const char* txt) { uint16_t len = strlen(txt); if (olen + len >= SETTINGS_STACK_BUF_SIZE) return false; // buffer full strcpy(obuf + olen, txt); olen += len; return true; } void prepareHostname(char* hostname) { const char *pC = serverDescription; uint8_t pos = 5; while (*pC && pos < 24) { // while !null and not over length if (isalnum(*pC)) { // if the current char is alpha-numeric append it to the hostname hostname[pos] = *pC; pos++; } else if (*pC == ' ' || *pC == '_' || *pC == '-' || *pC == '+' || *pC == '!' || *pC == '?' || *pC == '*') { hostname[pos] = '-'; pos++; } // else do nothing - no leading hyphens and do not include hyphens for all other characters. pC++; } // if the hostname is left blank, use the mac address/default mdns name if (pos < 6) { sprintf(hostname + 5, "%*s", 6, escapedMac.c_str() + 6); } else { //last character must not be hyphen while (pos > 0 && hostname[pos -1] == '-') { hostname[pos -1] = 0; pos--; } } } void _setRandomColor(bool _sec, bool fromButton) { lastRandomIndex = strip.get_random_wheel_index(lastRandomIndex); if (_sec){ colorHStoRGB(lastRandomIndex*256,255,colSec); } else { colorHStoRGB(lastRandomIndex*256,255,col); } if (fromButton) colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_BUTTON); } bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen) { for (byte i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) { if (str[i] == 0) break; if (str[i] != '*') return false; } //at this point the password contains asterisks only return (str[0] != 0); //false on empty string } //threading/network callback details: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/pull/2336#discussion_r762276994 bool requestJSONBufferLock(uint8_t module) { unsigned long now = millis(); while (jsonBufferLock && millis()-now < 1000) delay(1); // wait for a second for buffer lock if (millis()-now >= 1000) { DEBUG_PRINT(F("ERROR: Locking JSON buffer failed! (")); DEBUG_PRINT(jsonBufferLock); DEBUG_PRINTLN(")"); return false; // waiting time-outed } jsonBufferLock = module ? module : 255; fileDoc = &doc; // used for applying presets (presets.cpp) doc.clear(); return true; } void releaseJSONBufferLock() { DEBUG_PRINT(F("JSON buffer released. (")); DEBUG_PRINT(jsonBufferLock); DEBUG_PRINTLN(")"); fileDoc = nullptr; jsonBufferLock = 0; }