Sync setup

Button setup

On/Off button enabled:
Infrared receiver enabled:
IR info

WLED Sync UDP Broadcast

UDP Port:
Receive Brightness, Color, and Effects
Send notifications on direct change:
Send notifications on button press:
Send Alexa notifications:
Send Philips Hue change notifications:
Send Macro notifications:
Send notifications twice:


Receive UDP realtime:

E1.31 (sACN)
Skip out-of-sequence packets (freeze instead of flicker):
Multicast mode:
E1.31 start universe:
Reboot required. Check out LedFx!

DMX start address:
DMX mode: disabled
Single RGB (3 Channels for all LEDs: Red Green Blue)
Single DRGB (4 Channels for all LEDs: Dimmer Red Green Blue)
Effect (11 Channels parametrizing Effects: Dimmer Effect Speed Intensity Palette PriRed PriGreen PriBlue SecRed SecGreen SecBlue)
Multiple RGB (3 Channels for each LED: Red Green Blue)
Multiple DRGB (1+3 Channels for each LED: Dimmer Red1 Green1 Blue1 Red2 Green2 Blue2...)
Reboot required. Check out LedFx!

Timeout: ms
Force max brightness:
Disable realtime gamma correction:
Realtime LED offset:

Alexa Voice Assistant

Emulate Alexa device:
Alexa invocation name:


Blynk, MQTT and Hue sync all connect to external hosts!
This may impact the responsiveness of the ESP8266.

For best results, only use one of these services at a time.
(alternatively, connect a second ESP to them and use the UDP sync)

Device Auth token:
Clear the token field to disable. Setup info


Enable MQTT:
The MQTT credentials are sent over an unsecured connection.
Never use the MQTT password for another service!

Client ID:
Device Topic:
Group Topic:
MQTT info

Philips Hue

You can find the bridge IP and the light number in the 'About' section of the hue app.
Poll Hue light every ms:
Then, receive On/Off, Brightness, and Color
Hue Bridge IP:
. . .
Press the pushlink button on the bridge, after that save this page!
(when first connecting)
Hue status: Internal ESP Error!