Import('env') import os import shutil import gzip OUTPUT_DIR = "build_output{}".format(os.path.sep) def _get_cpp_define_value(env, define): define_list = [item[-1] for item in env["CPPDEFINES"] if item[0] == define] if define_list: return define_list[0] return None def _create_dirs(dirs=["firmware", "map"]): # check if output directories exist and create if necessary if not os.path.isdir(OUTPUT_DIR): os.mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR) for d in dirs: if not os.path.isdir("{}{}".format(OUTPUT_DIR, d)): os.mkdir("{}{}".format(OUTPUT_DIR, d)) def bin_rename_copy(source, target, env): _create_dirs() variant = env["PIOENV"] # create string with location and file names based on variant map_file = "{}map{}{}.map".format(OUTPUT_DIR, os.path.sep, variant) bin_file = "{}firmware{}{}.bin".format(OUTPUT_DIR, os.path.sep, variant) release_name = _get_cpp_define_value(env, "WLED_RELEASE_NAME") if release_name: _create_dirs(["release"]) version = _get_cpp_define_value(env, "WLED_VERSION") release_file = "{}release{}WLED_{}_{}.bin".format(OUTPUT_DIR, os.path.sep, version, release_name) shutil.copy(str(target[0]), release_file) # check if new target files exist and remove if necessary for f in [map_file, bin_file]: if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) # copy firmware.bin to firmware/.bin shutil.copy(str(target[0]), bin_file) # copy to map/.map if os.path.isfile(""): shutil.move("", map_file) def bin_gzip(source, target, env): _create_dirs() variant = env["PIOENV"] # create string with location and file names based on variant bin_file = "{}firmware{}{}.bin".format(OUTPUT_DIR, os.path.sep, variant) gzip_file = "{}firmware{}{}.bin.gz".format(OUTPUT_DIR, os.path.sep, variant) # check if new target files exist and remove if necessary if os.path.isfile(gzip_file): os.remove(gzip_file) # write gzip firmware file with open(bin_file,"rb") as fp: with, "wb", compresslevel = 9) as f: shutil.copyfileobj(fp, f) env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin", [bin_rename_copy, bin_gzip])