#pragma once #include "wled.h" #include // USERMOD_DHT_DHTTYPE: // 11 // DHT 11 // 21 // DHT 21 // 22 // DHT 22 (AM2302), AM2321 *** default #ifndef USERMOD_DHT_DHTTYPE #define USERMOD_DHT_DHTTYPE 22 #endif #if USERMOD_DHT_DHTTYPE == 11 #define DHTTYPE DHT_TYPE_11 #elif USERMOD_DHT_DHTTYPE == 21 #define DHTTYPE DHT_TYPE_21 #elif USERMOD_DHT_DHTTYPE == 22 #define DHTTYPE DHT_TYPE_22 #endif // Connect pin 1 (on the left) of the sensor to +5V // NOTE: If using a board with 3.3V logic like an Arduino Due connect pin 1 // to 3.3V instead of 5V! // Connect pin 2 of the sensor to whatever your DHTPIN is // NOTE: Pin defaults below are for QuinLed Dig-Uno's Q2 on the board // Connect pin 4 (on the right) of the sensor to GROUND // NOTE: If using a bare sensor (AM*), Connect a 10K resistor from pin 2 // (data) to pin 1 (power) of the sensor. DHT* boards have the pullup already #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_PIN #define DHTPIN USERMOD_DHT_PIN #else #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #define DHTPIN 21 #else //ESP8266 boards #define DHTPIN 4 #endif #endif // the frequency to check sensor, 1 minute #ifndef USERMOD_DHT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL #define USERMOD_DHT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL 60000 #endif // how many seconds after boot to take first measurement, 90 seconds // 90 gives enough time to OTA update firmware if this crashses #ifndef USERMOD_DHT_FIRST_MEASUREMENT_AT #define USERMOD_DHT_FIRST_MEASUREMENT_AT 90000 #endif // from COOLDOWN_TIME in dht_nonblocking.cpp #define DHT_TIMEOUT_TIME 10000 DHT_nonblocking dht_sensor(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); class UsermodDHT : public Usermod { private: unsigned long nextReadTime = 0; unsigned long lastReadTime = 0; float humidity, temperature = 0; bool initializing = true; bool disabled = false; #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_STATS unsigned long nextResetStatsTime = 0; uint16_t updates = 0; uint16_t clean_updates = 0; uint16_t errors = 0; unsigned long maxDelay = 0; unsigned long currentIteration = 0; unsigned long maxIteration = 0; #endif public: void setup() { nextReadTime = millis() + USERMOD_DHT_FIRST_MEASUREMENT_AT; lastReadTime = millis(); #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_STATS nextResetStatsTime = millis() + 60*60*1000; #endif } void loop() { if (disabled) { return; } if (millis() < nextReadTime) { return; } #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_STATS if (millis() >= nextResetStatsTime) { nextResetStatsTime += 60*60*1000; errors = 0; updates = 0; clean_updates = 0; } unsigned long dcalc = millis(); if (currentIteration == 0) { currentIteration = millis(); } #endif float tempC; if (dht_sensor.measure(&tempC, &humidity)) { #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_CELSIUS temperature = tempC; #else temperature = tempC * 9 / 5 + 32; #endif nextReadTime = millis() + USERMOD_DHT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL; lastReadTime = millis(); initializing = false; #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_STATS unsigned long icalc = millis() - currentIteration; if (icalc > maxIteration) { maxIteration = icalc; } if (icalc > DHT_TIMEOUT_TIME) { errors += icalc/DHT_TIMEOUT_TIME; } else { clean_updates += 1; } updates += 1; currentIteration = 0; #endif } #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_STATS dcalc = millis() - dcalc; if (dcalc > maxDelay) { maxDelay = dcalc; } #endif if (((millis() - lastReadTime) > 10*USERMOD_DHT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL)) { disabled = true; } } void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root) { if (disabled) { return; } JsonObject user = root["u"]; if (user.isNull()) user = root.createNestedObject("u"); JsonArray temp = user.createNestedArray("Temperature"); JsonArray hum = user.createNestedArray("Humidity"); #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_STATS JsonArray next = user.createNestedArray("next"); if (nextReadTime >= millis()) { next.add((nextReadTime - millis()) / 1000); next.add(" sec until read"); } else { next.add((millis() - nextReadTime) / 1000); next.add(" sec active reading"); } JsonArray last = user.createNestedArray("last"); last.add((millis() - lastReadTime) / 60000); last.add(" min since read"); JsonArray err = user.createNestedArray("errors"); err.add(errors); err.add(" Errors"); JsonArray upd = user.createNestedArray("updates"); upd.add(updates); upd.add(" Updates"); JsonArray cupd = user.createNestedArray("cleanUpdates"); cupd.add(clean_updates); cupd.add(" Updates"); JsonArray iter = user.createNestedArray("maxIter"); iter.add(maxIteration); iter.add(" ms"); JsonArray delay = user.createNestedArray("maxDelay"); delay.add(maxDelay); delay.add(" ms"); #endif if (initializing) { // if we haven't read the sensor yet, let the user know // that we are still waiting for the first measurement temp.add((nextReadTime - millis()) / 1000); temp.add(" sec until read"); hum.add((nextReadTime - millis()) / 1000); hum.add(" sec until read"); return; } hum.add(humidity); hum.add("%"); temp.add(temperature); #ifdef USERMOD_DHT_CELSIUS temp.add("°C"); #else temp.add("°F"); #endif } uint16_t getId() { return USERMOD_ID_DHT; } };