# Seven Segment Display Reloaded Uses the overlay feature to create a configurable seven segment display. Optimized for maximum configurability and use with seven segment clocks by parallyze (https://www.instructables.com/member/parallyze/instructables/) Very loosely based on the existing usermod "seven segment display". ## Installation Add the compile-time option `-D USERMOD_SSDR` to your `platformio.ini` (or `platformio_override.ini`) or use `#define USERMOD_SSDR` in `my_config.h`. For the auto brightness option, the usermod SN_Photoresistor has to be installed as well. See SN_Photoresistor/readme.md for instructions. ## Settings All settings can be controlled via the usermod settings page. Part of the settings can be controlled through MQTT with a raw payload or through a json request to /json/state. ### enabled Enables/disables this usermod ### inverted Enables the inverted mode in which the background should be enabled and the digits should be black (LEDs off) ### Colon-blinking Enables the blinking colon(s) if they are defined ### enable-auto-brightness Enables the auto brightness feature. Can be used only when the usermod SN_Photoresistor is installed. ### auto-brightness-min / auto-brightness-max The lux value calculated from usermod SN_Photoresistor will be mapped to the values defined here. The mapping, 0 - 1000 lux, will be mapped to auto-brightness-min and auto-brightness-max WLED current protection will override the calculated value if it is too high. ### Display-Mask Defines the type of the time/date display. For example "H:m" (default) - H - 00-23 hours - h - 01-12 hours - k - 01-24 hours - m - 00-59 minutes - s - 00-59 seconds - d - 01-31 day of month - M - 01-12 month - y - 21 last two positions of year - Y - 2021 year - : for a colon ### LED-Numbers - LED-Numbers-Hours - LED-Numbers-Minutes - LED-Numbers-Seconds - LED-Numbers-Colons - LED-Numbers-Day - LED-Numbers-Month - LED-Numbers-Year See following example for usage. ## Example Example of an LED definition: ``` < A > /\ /\ F B \/ \/ < G > /\ /\ E C \/ \/ < D > ``` LEDs or Range of LEDs are separated by a comma "," Segments are separated by a semicolon ";" and are read as A;B;C;D;E;F;G Digits are separated by colon ":" -> A;B;C;D;E;F;G:A;B;C;D;E;F;G Ranges are defined as lower to higher (lower first) For example, a clock definition for the following clock (https://www.instructables.com/Lazy-7-Quick-Build-Edition/) is - hour "59,46;47-48;50-51;52-53;54-55;57-58;49,56:0,13;1-2;4-5;6-7;8-9;11-12;3,10" - minute "37-38;39-40;42-43;44,31;32-33;35-36;34,41:21-22;23-24;26-27;28,15;16-17;19-20;18,25" or - hour "6,7;8,9;11,12;13,0;1,2;4,5;3,10:52,53;54,55;57,58;59,46;47,48;50,51;49,56" - minute "15,28;16,17;19,20;21,22;23,24;26,27;18,25:31,44;32,33;35,36;37,38;39,40;42,43;34,41" depending on the orientation. # Example details: hour "59,46;47-48;50-51;52-53;54-55;57-58;49,56:0,13;1-2;4-5;6-7;8-9;11-12;3,10" there are two digits separated by ":" - 59,46;47-48;50-51;52-53;54-55;57-58;49,56 - 0,13;1-2;4-5;6-7;8-9;11-12;3,10 In the first digit, the **segment A** consists of the LEDs number **59 and 46**., **segment B** consists of the LEDs number **47, 48** and so on The second digit starts again with **segment A** and LEDs **0 and 13**, **segment B** consists of the LEDs number **1 and 2** and so on ### first digit of the hour - Segment A: 59, 46 - Segment B: 47, 48 - Segment C: 50, 51 - Segment D: 52, 53 - Segment E: 54, 55 - Segment F: 57, 58 - Segment G: 49, 56 ### second digit of the hour - Segment A: 0, 13 - Segment B: 1, 2 - Segment C: 4, 5 - Segment D: 6, 7 - Segment E: 8, 9 - Segment F: 11, 12 - Segment G: 3, 10