/* WS2812FX.cpp - Library for WS2812 LED effects. Harm Aldick - 2016 www.aldick.org FEATURES * A lot of blinken modes and counting * WS2812FX can be used as drop-in replacement for Adafruit NeoPixel Library NOTES * Uses the Adafruit NeoPixel library. Get it here: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel LICENSE The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Harm Aldick Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Modified heavily for WLED */ #include "WS2812FX.h" #include "palettes.h" #define IBN 5100 #define LED_SKIP_AMOUNT 24 void WS2812FX::init(bool supportWhite, uint16_t countPixels, bool skipFirst) { if (supportWhite == _rgbwMode && countPixels == _length && _locked != NULL) return; RESET_RUNTIME; _rgbwMode = supportWhite; _skipFirstMode = skipFirst; _length = countPixels; uint8_t ty = 1; if (supportWhite) ty =2; uint16_t lengthRaw = _length; if (_skipFirstMode) lengthRaw += LED_SKIP_AMOUNT; bus->Begin((NeoPixelType)ty, lengthRaw); if (_locked != NULL) delete _locked; _locked = new byte[_length]; _segments[0].start = 0; _segments[0].stop = _length -1; unlockAll(); setBrightness(_brightness); _running = true; } void WS2812FX::service() { if(_running || _triggered) { unsigned long now = millis(); // Be aware, millis() rolls over every 49 days bool doShow = false; for(uint8_t i=0; i < _num_segments; i++) { _segment_index = i; if(now > SEGMENT_RUNTIME.next_time || _triggered) { doShow = true; handle_palette(); uint16_t delay = (this->*_mode[SEGMENT.mode])(); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.next_time = now + max(delay, 5); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call++; } } if(doShow) { show(); } _triggered = false; } } bool WS2812FX::modeUsesLock(uint8_t m) { if (m < FX_MODE_FIRE_2012) return false; if (m == FX_MODE_FIRE_2012 || m == FX_MODE_COLORTWINKLE || m == FX_MODE_METEOR || m == FX_MODE_METEOR_SMOOTH || m == FX_MODE_RIPPLE) return true; return false; } void WS2812FX::setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c) { uint8_t w = (c >> 24) & 0xFF; uint8_t r = (c >> 16) & 0xFF; uint8_t g = (c >> 8) & 0xFF; uint8_t b = c & 0xFF; setPixelColor(n, r, g, b, w); } void WS2812FX::setPixelColor(uint16_t i, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte w) { if (_locked[i] && !modeUsesLock(SEGMENT.mode)) return; if (_reverseMode) i = _length - 1 -i; if (IS_REVERSE) i = SEGMENT.stop - (i - SEGMENT.start); //reverse just individual segment byte tmpg = g; switch (colorOrder) //0 = Grb, default { case 0: break; //0 = Grb, default case 1: g = r; r = tmpg; break; //1 = Rgb, common for WS2811 case 2: g = b; b = tmpg; break; //2 = Brg case 3: g = b; b = r; r = tmpg; //3 = Rbg } if (!_cronixieMode) { if (_skipFirstMode) { if (i < LED_SKIP_AMOUNT) bus->SetPixelColor(i, RgbwColor(0,0,0,0)); i += LED_SKIP_AMOUNT; } bus->SetPixelColor(i, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); } else { if(i>6)return; byte o = 10*i; if (_cronixieBacklightEnabled && _cronixieDigits[i] <11) { byte r2 = (_segments[0].colors[1] >>16) & 0xFF; byte g2 = (_segments[0].colors[1] >> 8) & 0xFF; byte b2 = (_segments[0].colors[1] ) & 0xFF; byte w2 = (_segments[0].colors[1] >>24) & 0xFF; for (int j=o; j< o+19; j++) { bus->SetPixelColor(j, RgbwColor(r2,g2,b2,w2)); } } else { for (int j=o; j< o+19; j++) { bus->SetPixelColor(j, RgbwColor(0,0,0,0)); } } if (_skipFirstMode) o += LED_SKIP_AMOUNT; switch(_cronixieDigits[i]) { case 0: bus->SetPixelColor(o+5, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 1: bus->SetPixelColor(o+0, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 2: bus->SetPixelColor(o+6, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 3: bus->SetPixelColor(o+1, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 4: bus->SetPixelColor(o+7, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 5: bus->SetPixelColor(o+2, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 6: bus->SetPixelColor(o+8, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 7: bus->SetPixelColor(o+3, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 8: bus->SetPixelColor(o+9, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; case 9: bus->SetPixelColor(o+4, RgbwColor(r,g,b,w)); break; } } } void WS2812FX::setReverseMode(bool b) { _reverseMode = b; } void WS2812FX::driverModeCronixie(bool b) { _cronixieMode = b; _segments[0].stop = (b) ? 5 : _length-1; } void WS2812FX::setCronixieBacklight(bool b) { _cronixieBacklightEnabled = b; } void WS2812FX::setCronixieDigits(byte d[]) { for (int i = 0; i<6; i++) { _cronixieDigits[i] = d[i]; } } //DISCLAIMER //The following function attemps to calculate the current LED power usage, //and will limit the brightness to stay below a set amperage threshold. //It is NOT a measurement and NOT guaranteed to stay within the ablMilliampsMax margin. //Stay safe with high amperage and have a reasonable safety margin! //I am NOT to be held liable for burned down garages! //fine tune power estimation constants for your setup #define PU_PER_MA 3600 //power units per milliamperere for accurate power estimation //formula: 195075 divided by mA per fully lit LED, here ~54mA) //lowering the value increases the estimated usage and therefore makes the ABL more aggressive #define MA_FOR_ESP 100 //how much mA does the ESP use (Wemos D1 about 80mA, ESP32 about 120mA) //you can set it to 0 if the ESP is powered by USB and the LEDs by external void WS2812FX::show(void) { //power limit calculation //each LED can draw up 195075 "power units" (approx. 53mA) //one PU is the power it takes to have 1 channel 1 step brighter per brightness step //so A=2,R=255,G=0,B=0 would use 510 PU per LED (1mA is about 3700 PU) if (ablMilliampsMax > 149 && ablMilliampsMax < 65000) //lower numbers and 65000 turn off calculation { uint32_t powerBudget = (ablMilliampsMax - MA_FOR_ESP) * PU_PER_MA; //100mA for ESP power if (powerBudget > PU_PER_MA * _length) //each LED uses about 1mA in standby, exclude that from power budget { powerBudget -= PU_PER_MA * _length; } else { powerBudget = 0; } uint32_t powerSum = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < _length; i++) //sum up the usage of each LED { RgbwColor c = bus->GetPixelColorRgbw(i); powerSum += (c.R + c.G + c.B + c.W); } if (_rgbwMode) //RGBW led total output with white LEDs enabled is still 50mA, so each channel uses less { powerSum *= 3; powerSum >> 2; //same as /= 4 } uint32_t powerSum0 = powerSum; powerSum *= _brightness; if (powerSum > powerBudget) //scale brightness down to stay in current limit { float scale = (float)powerBudget / (float)powerSum; uint16_t scaleI = scale * 255; uint8_t scaleB = (scaleI > 255) ? 255 : scaleI; uint8_t newBri = scale8(_brightness, scaleB); bus->SetBrightness(newBri); currentMilliamps = (powerSum0 * newBri) / PU_PER_MA; } else { currentMilliamps = powerSum / PU_PER_MA; bus->SetBrightness(_brightness); } currentMilliamps += MA_FOR_ESP; //add power of ESP back to estimate currentMilliamps += _length; //add standby power back to estimate } else { currentMilliamps = 0; } bus->Show(); } void WS2812FX::trigger() { _triggered = true; } void WS2812FX::setMode(uint8_t m) { RESET_RUNTIME; bool ua = modeUsesLock(_segments[0].mode) && !modeUsesLock(m); if (m > MODE_COUNT - 1) m = MODE_COUNT - 1; _segments[0].mode = m; if (ua) unlockAll(); setBrightness(_brightness); } //TODO transitions void WS2812FX::setSpeed(uint8_t s) { _segments[0].speed = s; } void WS2812FX::setIntensity(uint8_t in) { _segments[0].intensity = in; } void WS2812FX::setPalette(uint8_t p) { _segments[0].palette = p; } bool WS2812FX::setEffectConfig(uint8_t m, uint8_t s, uint8_t i, uint8_t p) { bool changed = false; m = constrain(m, 0, MODE_COUNT - 1); if (m != _segments[0].mode) { setMode(m); changed = true; } if (s != _segments[0].speed) { setSpeed(s); changed = true; } if (i != _segments[0].intensity) { setIntensity(i); changed = true; } if (p != _segments[0].palette) { setPalette(p); changed = true; } return changed; } void WS2812FX::setColor(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w) { setColor(((uint32_t)w << 24) |((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b); } void WS2812FX::setSecondaryColor(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w) { setSecondaryColor(((uint32_t)w << 24) |((uint32_t)r << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | b); } void WS2812FX::setColor(uint32_t c) { _segments[0].colors[0] = c; } void WS2812FX::setSecondaryColor(uint32_t c) { _segments[0].colors[1] = c; } void WS2812FX::setBrightness(uint8_t b) { if (_brightness == b) return; _brightness = b; bus->SetBrightness(_brightness); show(); } uint8_t WS2812FX::getMode(void) { return _segments[0].mode; } uint8_t WS2812FX::getSpeed(void) { return _segments[0].speed; } uint8_t WS2812FX::getBrightness(void) { return _brightness; } uint8_t WS2812FX::getNumSegments(void) { return _num_segments; } void WS2812FX::setNumSegments(uint8_t n) { _num_segments = n; } uint32_t WS2812FX::getColor(void) { return _segments[0].colors[0]; } uint32_t WS2812FX::getPixelColor(uint16_t i) { if (_reverseMode) i = _length- 1 -i; if (_skipFirstMode) i += LED_SKIP_AMOUNT; if (_cronixieMode) { if(i>6)return 0; byte o = 10*i; switch(_cronixieDigits[i]) { case 0: i=o+5; break; case 1: i=o+0; break; case 2: i=o+6; break; case 3: i=o+1; break; case 4: i=o+7; break; case 5: i=o+2; break; case 6: i=o+8; break; case 7: i=o+3; break; case 8: i=o+9; break; case 9: i=o+4; break; default: return 0; } } RgbwColor lColor = bus->GetPixelColorRgbw(i); byte r = lColor.R, g = lColor.G, b = lColor.B; switch (colorOrder) { case 0: break; //0 = Grb case 1: r = lColor.G; g = lColor.R; break; //1 = Rgb, common for WS2811 case 2: g = lColor.B; b = lColor.G; break; //2 = Brg case 3: r = lColor.B; g = lColor.R; b = lColor.G; //3 = Rbg } return ( (lColor.W << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b) ); } WS2812FX::Segment WS2812FX::getSegment(void) { return SEGMENT; } WS2812FX::Segment_runtime WS2812FX::getSegmentRuntime(void) { return SEGMENT_RUNTIME; } WS2812FX::Segment* WS2812FX::getSegments(void) { return _segments; } void WS2812FX::setSegment(uint8_t n, uint16_t start, uint16_t stop, uint8_t mode, uint32_t color, uint8_t speed, uint8_t intensity, bool reverse) { uint32_t colors[] = {color, 0, 0}; setSegment(n, start, stop, mode, colors, speed, intensity, reverse); } void WS2812FX::setSegment(uint8_t n, uint16_t start, uint16_t stop, uint8_t mode, const uint32_t colors[], uint8_t speed, uint8_t intensity, bool reverse) { setSegment(n, start, stop, mode, colors, speed, intensity, (uint8_t)(reverse ? REVERSE : NO_OPTIONS)); } void WS2812FX::setSegment(uint8_t n, uint16_t start, uint16_t stop, uint8_t mode, const uint32_t colors[], uint8_t speed, uint8_t intensity, uint8_t options) { if(n < (sizeof(_segments) / sizeof(_segments[0]))) { if(n + 1 > _num_segments) _num_segments = n + 1; _segments[n].start = start; _segments[n].stop = stop; _segments[n].mode = mode; _segments[n].speed = speed; _segments[n].intensity = intensity; _segments[n].options = options; for(uint8_t i=0; i= 0 && i < _length) { _locked[i] = false; setPixelColor(i, col); _locked[i] = true; } } void WS2812FX::setRange(uint16_t i, uint16_t i2, uint32_t col) { if (i2 >= i) { for (uint16_t x = i; x <= i2; x++) setIndividual(x,col); } else { for (uint16_t x = i2; x <= i; x++) setIndividual(x,col); } } void WS2812FX::lock(uint16_t i) { if (modeUsesLock(SEGMENT.mode)) return; if (i >= 0 && i < _length) _locked[i] = true; } void WS2812FX::lockRange(uint16_t i, uint16_t i2) { if (modeUsesLock(SEGMENT.mode)) return; for (uint16_t x = i; x <= i2; x++) { if (i >= 0 && i < _length) _locked[i] = true; } } void WS2812FX::unlock(uint16_t i) { if (modeUsesLock(SEGMENT.mode)) return; if (i >= 0 && i < _length) _locked[i] = false; } void WS2812FX::unlockRange(uint16_t i, uint16_t i2) { if (modeUsesLock(SEGMENT.mode)) return; for (uint16_t x = i; x < i2; x++) { if (x >= 0 && x < _length) _locked[x] = false; } } void WS2812FX::unlockAll() { for (int i=0; i < _length; i++) _locked[i] = false; } void WS2812FX::setTransitionMode(bool t) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.trans_act = (t) ? 1:2; if (!t) return; unsigned long waitMax = millis() + 20; //refresh after 20 ms if transition enabled if (SEGMENT.mode == FX_MODE_STATIC && SEGMENT_RUNTIME.next_time > waitMax) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.next_time = waitMax; } /* * color blend function */ uint32_t WS2812FX::color_blend(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint8_t blend) { if(blend == 0) return color1; if(blend == 255) return color2; int w1 = (color1 >> 24) & 0xff; int r1 = (color1 >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (color1 >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = color1 & 0xff; int w2 = (color2 >> 24) & 0xff; int r2 = (color2 >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (color2 >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = color2 & 0xff; uint32_t w3 = ((w2 * blend) + (w1 * (255 - blend))) >> 8; uint32_t r3 = ((r2 * blend) + (r1 * (255 - blend))) >> 8; uint32_t g3 = ((g2 * blend) + (g1 * (255 - blend))) >> 8; uint32_t b3 = ((b2 * blend) + (b1 * (255 - blend))) >> 8; return ((w3 << 24) | (r3 << 16) | (g3 << 8) | (b3)); } /* * Fills segment with color */ void WS2812FX::fill(uint32_t c) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, c); } } /* ##################################################### # # Color and Blinken Functions # ##################################################### */ /* * Put a value 0 to 255 in to get a color value. * The colours are a transition r -> g -> b -> back to r * Inspired by the Adafruit examples. */ uint32_t WS2812FX::color_wheel(uint8_t pos) { if (SEGMENT.palette) return color_from_palette(pos, false, true, 0); pos = 255 - pos; if(pos < 85) { return ((uint32_t)(255 - pos * 3) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(0) << 8) | (pos * 3); } else if(pos < 170) { pos -= 85; return ((uint32_t)(0) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(pos * 3) << 8) | (255 - pos * 3); } else { pos -= 170; return ((uint32_t)(pos * 3) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(255 - pos * 3) << 8) | (0); } } /* * Returns a new, random wheel index with a minimum distance of 42 from pos. */ uint8_t WS2812FX::get_random_wheel_index(uint8_t pos) { uint8_t r = 0, x = 0, y = 0, d = 0; while(d < 42) { r = random8(); x = abs(pos - r); y = 255 - x; d = min(x, y); } return r; } /* * No blinking. Just plain old static light. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_static(void) { fill(SEGMENT.colors[0]); return (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.trans_act == 1) ? 20 : 500; } #define PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP (paletteBlend == 1 || paletteBlend == 3) /* * Blink/strobe function * Alternate between color1 and color2 * if(strobe == true) then create a strobe effect */ uint16_t WS2812FX::blink(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, bool strobe, bool do_palette) { uint32_t color = ((SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 1) == 0) ? color1 : color2; if (color == color1 && do_palette) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } } else { fill(color); } if((SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 1) == 0) { return strobe ? 20 : (100 + ((1986 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 255))*(float)(SEGMENT.intensity/128.0); } else { return strobe ? 50 + ((1986 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 255) : (100 + ((1986 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 255))*(float)(2.0-(SEGMENT.intensity/128.0)); } } /* * Normal blinking. 50% on/off time. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_blink(void) { return blink(SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1], false, true); } /* * Classic Blink effect. Cycling through the rainbow. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_blink_rainbow(void) { return blink(color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 0xFF), SEGMENT.colors[1], false, false); } /* * Classic Strobe effect. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_strobe(void) { return blink(SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1], true, true); } /* * Classic Strobe effect. Cycling through the rainbow. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_strobe_rainbow(void) { return blink(color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 0xFF), SEGMENT.colors[1], true, false); } /* * Color wipe function * LEDs are turned on (color1) in sequence, then turned off (color2) in sequence. * if (bool rev == true) then LEDs are turned off in reverse order */ uint16_t WS2812FX::color_wipe(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, bool rev, bool dopalette) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < SEGMENT_LENGTH) { uint32_t led_offset = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start + led_offset; setPixelColor(i, dopalette ? color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0) : color1); } else { uint32_t led_offset = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - SEGMENT_LENGTH; if(rev) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.stop - led_offset, color2); } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + led_offset, color2); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % (SEGMENT_LENGTH * 2); return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Lights all LEDs one after another. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_color_wipe(void) { return color_wipe(SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1], false, true); } /* * Lights all LEDs one after another. Turns off opposite */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_color_sweep(void) { return color_wipe(SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1], true, true); } /* * Turns all LEDs after each other to a random color. * Then starts over with another color. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_color_wipe_random(void) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step % SEGMENT_LENGTH == 0) { // aux_param will store our random color wheel index SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = get_random_wheel_index(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); } uint32_t color = color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); return color_wipe(color, color, false, false); } /* * Random color introduced alternating from start and end of strip. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_color_sweep_random(void) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step % SEGMENT_LENGTH == 0) { // aux_param will store our random color wheel index SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = get_random_wheel_index(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); } uint32_t color = color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); return color_wipe(color, color, true, false); } /* * Lights all LEDs in one random color up. Then switches them * to the next random color. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_random_color(void) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = get_random_wheel_index(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); // aux_param will store our random color wheel index uint32_t color = color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color); } return 50 + (20 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); } /* * Lights every LED in a random color. Changes all LED at the same time * to new random colors. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dynamic(void) { if(SEGMENT.intensity > 127 || SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call == 0) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_wheel(random8())); } } setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH), color_wheel(random8())); return 50 + (15 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); } /* * Does the "standby-breathing" of well known i-Devices. Fixed Speed. * Use mode "fade" if you like to have something similar with a different speed. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_breath(void) { int lum = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; if(lum > 255) lum = 511 - lum; // lum = 15 -> 255 -> 15 uint16_t delay; if(lum == 15) delay = 465; // 970 pause before each breath else if(lum <= 25) delay = 19; // 19 else if(lum <= 50) delay = 18; // 18 else if(lum <= 75) delay = 14; // 14 else if(lum <= 100) delay = 10; // 10 else if(lum <= 125) delay = 7; // 7 else if(lum <= 150) delay = 5; // 5 else delay = 4; // 4 if (SEGMENT.palette == 0) { uint32_t color = SEGMENT.colors[0]; uint8_t w = ((color >> 24 & 0xFF) * lum) >> 8; uint8_t r = ((color >> 16 & 0xFF) * lum) >> 8; uint8_t g = ((color >> 8 & 0xFF) * lum) >> 8; uint8_t b = ((color & 0xFF) * lum) >> 8; for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, r, g, b, w); } } else { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0, lum)); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += 2; if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > (512-15)) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 15; return delay * (((256 - SEGMENT.speed)/64) +1); } /* * Fades the LEDs between two colors */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_fade(void) { int lum = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; if(lum > 255) lum = 511 - lum; // lum = 0 -> 255 -> 0 for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_blend(color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0), SEGMENT.colors[1], lum)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += 4; if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > 511) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return 5 + ((15 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 255); } /* * Scan mode parent function */ uint16_t WS2812FX::scan(bool dual) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > (SEGMENT_LENGTH * 2) - 3) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } fill(SEGMENT.colors[1]); int led_offset = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - (SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1); led_offset = abs(led_offset); uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start + led_offset; setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); if (dual) { uint16_t i2 = SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - led_offset - 1; setPixelColor(i2, color_from_palette(i2, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } //TODO add intensity (more than 1 pixel lit) /* * Runs a single pixel back and forth. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_scan(void) { return scan(false); } /* * Runs two pixel back and forth in opposite directions. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dual_scan(void) { return scan(true); } /* * Cycles all LEDs at once through a rainbow. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_rainbow(void) { uint32_t color = color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step); fill(color); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) & 0xFF; return 1 + (((uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 5); } /* * Cycles a rainbow over the entire string of LEDs. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_rainbow_cycle(void) { for(uint16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++) { uint32_t color = color_wheel(((i * 256 / ((uint16_t)(SEGMENT_LENGTH*(float)(SEGMENT.intensity/128.0))+1)) + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step) & 0xFF); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) & 0xFF; return 1 + (((uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 5); } /* * theater chase function */ uint16_t WS2812FX::theater_chase(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, bool dopalette) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call % 3; for(uint16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++) { if((i % 3) == SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call) { if (dopalette) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color_from_palette(SEGMENT.start + i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color1); } } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color2); } } return 50 + (2 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); } /* * Theatre-style crawling lights. * Inspired by the Adafruit examples. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_theater_chase(void) { return theater_chase(SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1], true); } /* * Theatre-style crawling lights with rainbow effect. * Inspired by the Adafruit examples. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_theater_chase_rainbow(void) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) & 0xFF; return theater_chase(color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step), SEGMENT.colors[1], false); } /* * Running lights effect with smooth sine transition. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_running_lights(void) { uint8_t x_scale = (SEGMENT.intensity >> 3) + (SEGMENT.intensity >> 4); for(uint16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++) { uint8_t s = sin8(i*x_scale +(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >> 3)); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color_blend(SEGMENT.colors[1], color_from_palette(SEGMENT.start + i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0), s)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += SEGMENT.speed; return 20; } /* * twinkle function */ uint16_t WS2812FX::twinkle(uint32_t color) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 0) { fill(SEGMENT.colors[1]); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = map(SEGMENT.intensity, 0, 255, 1, SEGMENT_LENGTH); // make sure, at least one LED is on } uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start + random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH); if (color == SEGMENT.colors[0]) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } else { setPixelColor(i, color); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step--; return 20 + (5 * (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); } /* * Blink several LEDs on, reset, repeat. * Inspired by www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/ */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_twinkle(void) { return twinkle(SEGMENT.colors[0]); } /* * Blink several LEDs in random colors on, reset, repeat. * Inspired by www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/ */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_twinkle_random(void) { return twinkle(color_wheel(random8())); } /* * fade out function * fades out the current segment by dividing each pixel's intensity by 2 */ void WS2812FX::fade_out(uint8_t rate) { static const float rateMap[] = {1.1, 1.20, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 64.0}; if (rate > 7) rate = 7; float mappedRate = rateMap[rate]; uint32_t color = SEGMENT.colors[1]; // target color int w2 = (color >> 24) & 0xff; int r2 = (color >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (color >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = color & 0xff; for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { color = getPixelColor(i); int w1 = (color >> 24) & 0xff; int r1 = (color >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (color >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = color & 0xff; int wdelta = (w2 - w1) / mappedRate; int rdelta = (r2 - r1) / mappedRate; int gdelta = (g2 - g1) / mappedRate; int bdelta = (b2 - b1) / mappedRate; // if fade isn't complete, make sure delta is at least 1 (fixes rounding issues) wdelta += (w2 == w1) ? 0 : (w2 > w1) ? 1 : -1; rdelta += (r2 == r1) ? 0 : (r2 > r1) ? 1 : -1; gdelta += (g2 == g1) ? 0 : (g2 > g1) ? 1 : -1; bdelta += (b2 == b1) ? 0 : (b2 > b1) ? 1 : -1; setPixelColor(i, r1 + rdelta, g1 + gdelta, b1 + bdelta, w1 + wdelta); } } /* * Dissolve function */ uint16_t WS2812FX::dissolve(uint32_t color) { bool wa = (SEGMENT.colors[1] != 0 && _brightness < 255); //workaround, can't compare getPixel to color if not full brightness for (uint16_t j = 0; j <= SEGMENT_LENGTH / 15; j++) { if (random8() <= SEGMENT.intensity) { for (uint8_t times = 0; times < 10; times++) //attempt to spawn a new pixel 5 times { uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start + random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH); if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param) { //dissolve to primary/palette if (getPixelColor(i) == SEGMENT.colors[1] || wa) { if (color == SEGMENT.colors[0]) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } else { setPixelColor(i, color); } break; //only spawn 1 new pixel per frame per 50 LEDs } } else { //dissolve to secondary if (getPixelColor(i) != SEGMENT.colors[1]) { setPixelColor(i, SEGMENT.colors[1]); break; } } } } } if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call > (255 - SEGMENT.speed) + 15) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = !SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call = 0; } return 20; } /* * Blink several LEDs on and then off */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dissolve(void) { return dissolve(SEGMENT.colors[0]); } /* * Blink several LEDs on and then off in random colors */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dissolve_random(void) { return dissolve(color_wheel(random8())); } /* * Blinks one LED at a time. * Inspired by www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/ */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_sparkle(void) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH); // aux_param stores the random led index setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param, SEGMENT.colors[0]); return 10 + (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed); } /* * Lights all LEDs in the color. Flashes single white pixels randomly. * Inspired by www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/ */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_flash_sparkle(void) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call == 0) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } } uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param; setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); if(random8(5) == 0) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH); // aux_param stores the random led index setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param, SEGMENT.colors[1]); return 20; } return 20 + (uint16_t)(255-SEGMENT.speed); } /* * Like flash sparkle. With more flash. * Inspired by www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/ */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_hyper_sparkle(void) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } if(random8(5) < 2) { for(uint16_t i=0; i < max(1, SEGMENT_LENGTH/3); i++) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH), SEGMENT.colors[1]); } return 20; } return 20 + (uint16_t)(255-SEGMENT.speed); } /* * Strobe effect with different strobe count and pause, controlled by speed. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_multi_strobe(void) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1)); } uint16_t delay = 50 + 20*(uint16_t)(255-SEGMENT.speed); uint16_t count = 2 * ((SEGMENT.speed / 10) + 1); if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < count) { if((SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step & 1) == 0) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, SEGMENT.colors[0]); } delay = 20; } else { delay = 50; } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % (count + 1); return delay; } /* * Android loading circle */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_android(void) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call == 0) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = 0; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = SEGMENT.start; } for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1)); } if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 > ((float)SEGMENT.intensity/255.0)*(float)SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = 1; } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 < 2) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = 0; } uint16_t a = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param == 0) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call %3 == 1) {a++;} else {SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2++;} } else { a++; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call %3 != 1) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2--; } if (a > SEGMENT.stop) a = SEGMENT.start; if (a + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 <= SEGMENT.stop) { for(int i = a; i < a+SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2; i++) { setPixelColor(i, SEGMENT.colors[0]); } } else { for(int i = a; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, SEGMENT.colors[0]); } for(int i = SEGMENT.start; i < SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 - (SEGMENT.stop +1 -a); i++) { setPixelColor(i, SEGMENT.colors[0]); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = a; return 3 + ((8 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / SEGMENT_LENGTH); } /* * color chase function. * color1 = background color * color2 and color3 = colors of two adjacent leds */ uint16_t WS2812FX::chase(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint32_t color3, uint8_t dopalette) { uint16_t a = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t b = (a + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; uint16_t c = (b + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; switch (dopalette) { case 0: break; case 1: color1 = color_from_palette(SEGMENT.start + a, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1); break; case 2: color2 = color_from_palette(SEGMENT.start + b, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1); break; case 3: color3 = color_from_palette(SEGMENT.start + c, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1); break; } setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + a, color1); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + b, color2); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + c, color3); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Bicolor chase, more primary color. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_chase_color(void) { return chase(SEGMENT.colors[1], SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[0], 1); } /* * Primary running followed by random color. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_chase_random(void) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 0) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = get_random_wheel_index(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); } return chase(color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param), SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[0], 0); } /* * Primary running on rainbow. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_chase_rainbow_white(void) { uint16_t n = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t m = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; uint32_t color2 = color_wheel(((n * 256 / SEGMENT_LENGTH) + (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 0xFF)) & 0xFF); uint32_t color3 = color_wheel(((m * 256 / SEGMENT_LENGTH) + (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 0xFF)) & 0xFF); return chase(SEGMENT.colors[0], color2, color3, 0); } /* * Red - Amber - Green - Blue lights running */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_colorful(void) { uint32_t cols[]{0x00FF0000,0x00EEBB00,0x0000EE00,0x000077CC,0x00FF0000,0x00EEBB00,0x0000EE00}; if (SEGMENT.intensity < 127) //pastel (easter) colors { cols[0] = 0x00FF8040; cols[1] = 0x00E5D241; cols[2] = 0x0077FF77; cols[3] = 0x0077F0F0; for (uint8_t i = 4; i < 7; i++) cols[i] = cols[i-4]; } int i = SEGMENT.start; for (i; i <= SEGMENT.stop ; i+=4) { setPixelColor(i, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step]); setPixelColor(i+1, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step+1]); setPixelColor(i+2, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step+2]); setPixelColor(i+3, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step+3]); } i+=4; if(i <= SEGMENT.stop) { setPixelColor(i, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step]); if(i+1 <= SEGMENT.stop) { setPixelColor(i+1, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step+1]); if(i+2 <= SEGMENT.stop) { setPixelColor(i+2, cols[SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step+2]); } } } if (SEGMENT.speed > 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; //static if lowest speed if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >3) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return 50 + (15 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); } /* * Emulates a traffic light. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_traffic_light(void) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 1)); uint32_t mdelay = 500; for (int i = SEGMENT.start; i < SEGMENT.stop-1 ; i+=3) { switch (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step) { case 0: setPixelColor(i, 0x00FF0000); mdelay = 150 + (100 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed));break; case 1: setPixelColor(i, 0x00FF0000); mdelay = 150 + (20 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); setPixelColor(i+1, 0x00EECC00); break; case 2: setPixelColor(i+2, 0x0000FF00); mdelay = 150 + (100 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed));break; case 3: setPixelColor(i+1, 0x00EECC00); mdelay = 150 + (20 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed));break; } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >3) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return mdelay; } /* * Primary, secondary running on rainbow. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_chase_rainbow(void) { uint8_t color_sep = 256 / SEGMENT_LENGTH; uint8_t color_index = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call & 0xFF; uint32_t color = color_wheel(((SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step * color_sep) + color_index) & 0xFF); return chase(color, SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1], 0); } /* * Sec flashes running on prim. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_chase_flash(void) { const static uint8_t flash_count = 4; uint8_t flash_step = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call % ((flash_count * 2) + 1); for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } uint16_t delay = 10 + ((30 * (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / SEGMENT_LENGTH); if(flash_step < (flash_count * 2)) { if(flash_step % 2 == 0) { uint16_t n = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t m = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + n, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + m, SEGMENT.colors[1]); delay = 20; } else { delay = 30; } } else { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; } return delay; } /* * Prim flashes running, followed by random color. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_chase_flash_random(void) { const static uint8_t flash_count = 4; uint8_t flash_step = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call % ((flash_count * 2) + 1); for(uint16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; i++) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param)); } uint16_t delay = 1 + ((10 * (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / SEGMENT_LENGTH); if(flash_step < (flash_count * 2)) { uint16_t n = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t m = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; if(flash_step % 2 == 0) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + n, SEGMENT.colors[0]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + m, SEGMENT.colors[0]); delay = 20; } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + n, color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param)); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + m, SEGMENT.colors[1]); delay = 30; } } else { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 0) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = get_random_wheel_index(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); } } return delay; } /* * Alternating pixels running function. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::running(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2) { for(uint16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++) { if((i + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step) % 4 < 2) { if (color1 == SEGMENT.colors[0]) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.stop - i, color_from_palette(SEGMENT.stop - i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.stop - i, color1); } } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.stop - i, color2); } } if (SEGMENT.speed != 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) & 0x3; return 35 + ((350 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 255); } /* * Alternating color/sec pixels running. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_running_color(void) { return running(SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[1]); } /* * Alternating red/blue pixels running. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_running_red_blue(void) { return running(RED, BLUE); } /* * Alternating red/green pixels running. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_merry_christmas(void) { return running(RED, GREEN); } /* * Alternating orange/purple pixels running. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_halloween(void) { return running(PURPLE, ORANGE); } /* * Random colored pixels running. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_running_random(void) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT_LENGTH-1; i > 0; i--) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, getPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i - 1)); } if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 0) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = get_random_wheel_index(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start, color_wheel(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 0) ? 1 : 0; return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * K.I.T.T. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_larson_scanner(void) { fade_out((255-SEGMENT.intensity) / 32); uint16_t index = 0; if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < SEGMENT_LENGTH) { index = SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; } else { index = SEGMENT.start + ((SEGMENT_LENGTH * 2) - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step) - 2; } setPixelColor(index, color_from_palette(index, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % ((SEGMENT_LENGTH * 2) - 2); return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Firing comets from one end. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_comet(void) { fade_out((255-SEGMENT.intensity) / 32); uint16_t index = SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; setPixelColor(index, color_from_palette(index, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % SEGMENT_LENGTH; return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Fireworks function. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::fireworks(uint32_t color) { uint32_t prevLed, thisLed, nextLed; fade_out(3); // set brightness(i) = ((brightness(i-1)/4 + brightness(i+1))/4) + brightness(i) for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start + 1; i > 2) & 0x3F3F3F3F; thisLed = getPixelColor(i); nextLed = (getPixelColor(i+1) >> 2) & 0x3F3F3F3F; setPixelColor(i, prevLed + thisLed + nextLed); } for(uint16_t i=0; i> 24) & 0xFF; byte r = (SEGMENT.colors[0] >> 16) & 0xFF; byte g = (SEGMENT.colors[0] >> 8) & 0xFF; byte b = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0xFF); byte lum = (SEGMENT.palette == 0) ? max(w, max(r, max(g, b))) : 255; lum /= (((256-SEGMENT.intensity)/16)+1); for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { byte flicker = random8(lum); if (SEGMENT.palette == 0) { setPixelColor(i, max(r - flicker, 0), max(g - flicker, 0), max(b - flicker, 0), max(w - flicker, 0)); } else { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0, 255 - flicker)); } } return 10 + (2 * (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)); } /* * Gradient run */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_gradient(void) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call == 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; byte p_w = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0xFF000000) >> 24; byte p_r = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0xFF0000) >> 16; byte p_g = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0xFF00) >> 8; byte p_b = SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0xFF; byte p_w2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0xFF000000) >> 24; byte p_r2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0xFF0000) >> 16; byte p_g2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0xFF00) >> 8; byte p_b2 = SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0xFF; byte nw,nr,ng,nb; float per,val; //0.0 = sec 1.0 = pri float brd = SEGMENT.intensity/2; if (brd <1.0) brd = 1.0; int pp = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; int p1 = pp-SEGMENT_LENGTH; int p2 = pp+SEGMENT_LENGTH; for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { val = min(abs(pp-i),min(abs(p1-i),abs(p2-i))); per = val/brd; if (per >1.0) per = 1.0; nw = p_w+((p_w2 - p_w)*per); nr = p_r+((p_r2 - p_r)*per); ng = p_g+((p_g2 - p_g)*per); nb = p_b+((p_b2 - p_b)*per); setPixelColor(i,nr,ng,nb,nw); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > SEGMENT.stop) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = SEGMENT.start; if (SEGMENT.speed == 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = SEGMENT.start + (SEGMENT_LENGTH >> 1); return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Gradient run with hard transition */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_loading(void) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call == 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; byte p_w = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0xFF000000) >> 24; byte p_r = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; byte p_g = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; byte p_b = (SEGMENT.colors[0] & 0x000000FF) >> 0; byte p_w2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0xFF000000) >> 24; byte p_r2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; byte p_g2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; byte p_b2 = (SEGMENT.colors[1] & 0x000000FF) >> 0; byte nw,nr,ng,nb; float per,val; //0.0 = sec 1.0 = pri float brd = SEGMENT.intensity; if (brd <1.0) brd = 1.0; int pp = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; int p1 = pp+SEGMENT_LENGTH; for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { pp = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; if (i > pp) pp+=SEGMENT_LENGTH; val = abs(pp-i); per = val/brd; if (per >1.0) per = 1.0; nw = p_w+((p_w2 - p_w)*per); nr = p_r+((p_r2 - p_r)*per); ng = p_g+((p_g2 - p_g)*per); nb = p_b+((p_b2 - p_b)*per); setPixelColor(i,nr,ng,nb,nw); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > SEGMENT.stop) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = SEGMENT.start; if (SEGMENT.speed == 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = SEGMENT.stop; return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Lights all LEDs after each other up starting from the outer edges and * finishing in the middle. Then turns them in reverse order off. Repeat. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dual_color_wipe_in_out(void) { int end = SEGMENT_LENGTH - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1; bool odd = (SEGMENT_LENGTH % 2) == 1; int mid = odd ? ((SEGMENT_LENGTH / 2) + 1) : (SEGMENT_LENGTH / 2); if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < mid) { byte pindex = map(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, 0, mid -1, 0, 255); uint32_t col = color_from_palette(pindex, false, false, 0); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + end, col); } else { if (odd) { // If odd, we need to 'double count' the center LED (once to turn it on, // once to turn it off). So trail one behind after the middle LED. setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + end + 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + end, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Lights all LEDs after each other up starting from the outer edges and * finishing in the middle. Then turns them in that order off. Repeat. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dual_color_wipe_in_in(void) { bool odd = (SEGMENT_LENGTH % 2) == 1; int mid = SEGMENT_LENGTH / 2; byte pindex = 0; uint32_t col = 0; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= mid) { pindex = map(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, 0, mid, 0, 255); col = color_from_palette(pindex, false, false, 0); } if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= mid) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1, col); } else { int i = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - mid; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i - 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - i, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < mid) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1, col); } else { int i = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - mid; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - i - 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Lights all LEDs after each other up starting from the middle and * finishing at the edges. Then turns them off in that order. Repeat. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dual_color_wipe_out_out(void) { int end = SEGMENT_LENGTH - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1; bool odd = (SEGMENT_LENGTH % 2) == 1; int mid = SEGMENT_LENGTH / 2; byte pindex = 0; uint32_t col = 0; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= mid) { pindex = map(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, 0, mid, 255, 0); col = color_from_palette(pindex, false, false, 0); } if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= mid) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + end + 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < mid) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); } else { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + end, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Lights all LEDs after each other up starting from the middle and * finishing at the edges. Then turns them off in reverse order. Repeat. */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dual_color_wipe_out_in(void) { bool odd = (SEGMENT_LENGTH % 2) == 1; int mid = SEGMENT_LENGTH / 2; byte pindex = 0; uint32_t col = 0; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= mid) { pindex = map(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, 0, mid, 255, 0); col = color_from_palette(pindex, false, false, 0); } if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= mid) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); } else { int i = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - mid; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i - 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - i, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < mid) { setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - 1, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + mid + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step, col); } else { int i = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - mid; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_LENGTH - i - 1, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (odd) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } else { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= SEGMENT_LENGTH) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; } } return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Tricolor chase function */ uint16_t WS2812FX::tricolor_chase(uint32_t color1, uint32_t color2, uint32_t color3) { uint16_t index = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step % 6; for(uint16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++, index++) { if(index > 5) index = 0; uint32_t color = color1; if(index > 3) color = color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 2); else if(index > 1) color = color2; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.stop - i, color); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; return 35 + ((350 * (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)) / 255); } /* * Alternating white/red/black pixels running. PLACEHOLDER */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_circus_combustus(void) { return tricolor_chase(RED, WHITE, BLACK); } /* * Tricolor chase mode */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_tricolor_chase(void) { return tricolor_chase(SEGMENT.colors[1], SEGMENT.colors[0], SEGMENT.colors[2]); } /* * ICU mode */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_icu(void) { uint16_t dest = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step & 0xFFFF; fill(SEGMENT.colors[1]); byte pindex = map(dest, 0, SEGMENT_LENGTH/2, 0, 255); uint32_t col = color_from_palette(pindex, false, false, 0); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + dest, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + dest + SEGMENT_LENGTH/2, col); if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param == dest) { // pause between eye movements if(random8(6) == 0) { // blink once in a while setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + dest, SEGMENT.colors[1]); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + dest + SEGMENT_LENGTH/2, SEGMENT.colors[1]); return 200; } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH/2); return 1000 + random16(2000); } if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param > SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; dest++; } else if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param < SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step--; dest--; } setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + dest, col); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + dest + SEGMENT_LENGTH/2, col); return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Custom mode by Aircoookie. Color Wipe, but with 3 colors */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_tricolor_wipe(void) { if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < SEGMENT_LENGTH) { uint32_t led_offset = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + led_offset, SEGMENT.colors[0]); } else if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < SEGMENT_LENGTH*2) { uint32_t led_offset = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - SEGMENT_LENGTH; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + led_offset, SEGMENT.colors[1]); } else { uint32_t led_offset = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step - SEGMENT_LENGTH*2; setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + led_offset, color_from_palette(SEGMENT.start + led_offset, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 2)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % (SEGMENT_LENGTH * 3); return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Fades between 3 colors * Custom mode by Keith Lord: https://github.com/kitesurfer1404/WS2812FX/blob/master/src/custom/TriFade.h * Modified by Aircoookie */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_tricolor_fade(void) { uint32_t color1 = 0, color2 = 0; byte stage = 0; if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < 256) { color1 = SEGMENT.colors[0]; color2 = SEGMENT.colors[1]; stage = 0; } else if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step < 512) { color1 = SEGMENT.colors[1]; color2 = SEGMENT.colors[2]; stage = 1; } else { color1 = SEGMENT.colors[2]; color2 = SEGMENT.colors[0]; stage = 2; } byte stp = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step % 256; uint32_t color = 0; for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { if (stage == 2) { color = color_blend(color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 2), color2, stp); } else if (stage == 1) { color = color_blend(color1, color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 2), stp); } else { color = color_blend(color1, color2, stp); } setPixelColor(i, color); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += 4; if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= 768) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return 5 + ((uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed) / 10); } /* * Creates random comets * Custom mode by Keith Lord: https://github.com/kitesurfer1404/WS2812FX/blob/master/src/custom/MultiComet.h */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_multi_comet(void) { fade_out((255-SEGMENT.intensity) / 32); static uint16_t comets[] = {UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX, UINT16_MAX}; for(uint8_t i=0; i < 6; i++) { if(comets[i] < SEGMENT_LENGTH) { uint16_t index = SEGMENT.start + comets[i]; if (SEGMENT.colors[2] != 0) { setPixelColor(index, i % 2 ? color_from_palette(index, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0) : SEGMENT.colors[2]); } else { setPixelColor(index, color_from_palette(index, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } comets[i]++; } else { if(!random(SEGMENT_LENGTH)) { comets[i] = 0; } } } return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Creates two Larson scanners moving in opposite directions * Custom mode by Keith Lord: https://github.com/kitesurfer1404/WS2812FX/blob/master/src/custom/DualLarson.h */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_dual_larson_scanner(void){ if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step--; } else { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; } fade_out((255-SEGMENT.intensity) / 32); uint16_t index = SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; setPixelColor(index, color_from_palette(index, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); index = SEGMENT.stop - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; if (SEGMENT.colors[2] != 0) { setPixelColor(index, SEGMENT.colors[2]); } else { setPixelColor(index, color_from_palette(index, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0)); } if(SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= (SEGMENT.stop - SEGMENT.start) || SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = !SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param; return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } /* * Running random pixels * Custom mode by Keith Lord: https://github.com/kitesurfer1404/WS2812FX/blob/master/src/custom/RandomChase.h */ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_random_chase(void) { for(uint16_t i=SEGMENT.stop; i>SEGMENT.start; i--) { setPixelColor(i, getPixelColor(i-1)); } uint32_t color = getPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + 1); int r = random8(6) != 0 ? (color >> 16 & 0xFF) : random8(); int g = random8(6) != 0 ? (color >> 8 & 0xFF) : random8(); int b = random8(6) != 0 ? (color & 0xFF) : random8(); setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start, r, g, b); return 10 + (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed); } typedef struct Oscillator { int16_t pos; int8_t size; int8_t dir; int8_t speed; } oscillator; uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_oscillate(void) { static oscillator oscillators[2] = { {SEGMENT_LENGTH/4, SEGMENT_LENGTH/8, 1, 1}, {SEGMENT_LENGTH/4*2, SEGMENT_LENGTH/8, -1, 1} //{SEGMENT_LENGTH/4*3, SEGMENT_LENGTH/8, 1, 2} }; for(int8_t i=0; i < sizeof(oscillators)/sizeof(oscillators[0]); i++) { oscillators[i].pos += oscillators[i].dir * oscillators[i].speed; if((oscillators[i].dir == -1) && (oscillators[i].pos <= 0)) { oscillators[i].pos = 0; oscillators[i].dir = 1; oscillators[i].speed = random8(1, 3); } if((oscillators[i].dir == 1) && (oscillators[i].pos >= (SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1))) { oscillators[i].pos = SEGMENT_LENGTH - 1; oscillators[i].dir = -1; oscillators[i].speed = random8(1, 3); } } for(int16_t i=0; i < SEGMENT_LENGTH; i++) { uint32_t color = BLACK; for(int8_t j=0; j < sizeof(oscillators)/sizeof(oscillators[0]); j++) { if(i >= oscillators[j].pos - oscillators[j].size && i <= oscillators[j].pos + oscillators[j].size) { color = (color == BLACK) ? SEGMENT.colors[j] : color_blend(color, SEGMENT.colors[j], 128); } } setPixelColor(SEGMENT.start + i, color); } return 15 + (uint32_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed); } uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_lightning(void) { uint16_t ledstart = SEGMENT.start + random8(SEGMENT_LENGTH); // Determine starting location of flash uint16_t ledlen = random8(SEGMENT.stop - ledstart); // Determine length of flash (not to go beyond NUM_LEDS-1) uint8_t bri = 255/random8(1, 3); if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 0) { SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = random8(3, 3 + SEGMENT.intensity/20); //number of flashes bri = 52; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 = 1; } fill(SEGMENT.colors[1]); if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2) { for (int i = ledstart; i < ledstart + ledlen; i++) { if (SEGMENT.palette == 0) { setPixelColor(i,bri,bri,bri,bri); } else { setPixelColor(i,color_from_palette(i, true, PALETTE_SOLID_WRAP, 0, bri)); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 = 0; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; return random8(4, 10); // each flash only lasts 4-10 milliseconds } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param2 = 1; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step == 1) return (200); // longer delay until next flash after the leader if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step <= SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param) return (50 + random8(100)); // shorter delay between strokes SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return (random8(255 - SEGMENT.speed) * 100); // delay between strikes } CRGB WS2812FX::fastled_from_col(uint32_t color) { CRGB fastled_col; fastled_col.red = (color >> 16 & 0xFF); fastled_col.green = (color >> 8 & 0xFF); fastled_col.blue = (color & 0xFF); return fastled_col; } // Pride2015 // Animated, ever-changing rainbows. // by Mark Kriegsman: https://gist.github.com/kriegsman/964de772d64c502760e5 uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_pride_2015(void) { uint16_t duration = 10 + SEGMENT.speed; uint16_t sPseudotime = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t sHue16 = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param; uint8_t sat8 = beatsin88( 87, 220, 250); uint8_t brightdepth = beatsin88( 341, 96, 224); uint16_t brightnessthetainc16 = beatsin88( 203, (25 * 256), (40 * 256)); uint8_t msmultiplier = beatsin88(147, 23, 60); uint16_t hue16 = sHue16;//gHue * 256; uint16_t hueinc16 = beatsin88(113, 1, 3000); sPseudotime += duration * msmultiplier; sHue16 += duration * beatsin88( 400, 5,9); uint16_t brightnesstheta16 = sPseudotime; CRGB fastled_col; for( uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start ; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { hue16 += hueinc16; uint8_t hue8 = hue16 >> 8; brightnesstheta16 += brightnessthetainc16; uint16_t b16 = sin16( brightnesstheta16 ) + 32768; uint16_t bri16 = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)b16 * (uint32_t)b16) / 65536; uint8_t bri8 = (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)bri16) * brightdepth) / 65536; bri8 += (255 - brightdepth); CRGB newcolor = CHSV( hue8, sat8, bri8); fastled_col = fastled_from_col(getPixelColor(i)); nblend( fastled_col, newcolor, 64); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = sPseudotime; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = sHue16; return 20; } // eight colored dots, weaving in and out of sync with each other uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_juggle(void){ fade_out((255-SEGMENT.intensity) / 32); CRGB fastled_col; byte dothue = 0; for ( byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) { uint16_t index = SEGMENT.start + beatsin16(i + 7, 0, SEGMENT_LENGTH -1); fastled_col = fastled_from_col(getPixelColor(index)); fastled_col |= CHSV(dothue, 220, 255); setPixelColor(index, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); dothue += 32; } return 10 + (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)/4; } /* * FastLED palette modes helper function. Limitation: Due to memory reasons, multiple active segments with FastLED will disable the Palette transitions */ CRGBPalette16 currentPalette(CRGB::Black); CRGBPalette16 targetPalette(CloudColors_p); void WS2812FX::handle_palette(void) { bool singleSegmentMode = (_segment_index == _segment_index_palette_last); _segment_index_palette_last = _segment_index; byte paletteIndex = SEGMENT.palette; if ((SEGMENT.mode >= FX_MODE_METEOR) && SEGMENT.palette == 0) paletteIndex = 4; switch (paletteIndex) { case 0: {//default palette. Differs depending on effect switch (SEGMENT.mode) { case FX_MODE_FIRE_2012 : targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[22]; break;//heat palette case FX_MODE_COLORWAVES : targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[13]; break;//landscape 33 case FX_MODE_FILLNOISE8 : targetPalette = OceanColors_p; break; case FX_MODE_NOISE16_1 : targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[17]; break;//Drywet case FX_MODE_NOISE16_2 : targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[30]; break;//Blue cyan yellow case FX_MODE_NOISE16_3 : targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[22]; break;//heat palette case FX_MODE_NOISE16_4 : targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[13]; break;//landscape 33 default: targetPalette = PartyColors_p; break;//palette, bpm } break;} case 1: {//periodically replace palette with a random one. Doesn't work with multiple FastLED segments if (!singleSegmentMode) { targetPalette = PartyColors_p; break; //fallback } if (millis() - _lastPaletteChange > 1000 + ((uint32_t)(255-SEGMENT.intensity))*100) { targetPalette = CRGBPalette16( CHSV(random8(), 255, random8(128, 255)), CHSV(random8(), 255, random8(128, 255)), CHSV(random8(), 192, random8(128, 255)), CHSV(random8(), 255, random8(128, 255))); _lastPaletteChange = millis(); } break;} case 2: {//primary color only CRGB prim = fastled_from_col(SEGMENT.colors[0]); targetPalette = CRGBPalette16(prim); break;} case 3: {//based on primary //considering performance implications CRGB prim = fastled_from_col(SEGMENT.colors[0]); CHSV prim_hsv = rgb2hsv_approximate(prim); targetPalette = CRGBPalette16( CHSV(prim_hsv.h, prim_hsv.s, prim_hsv.v), //color itself CHSV(prim_hsv.h, max(prim_hsv.s - 50,0), prim_hsv.v), //less saturated CHSV(prim_hsv.h, prim_hsv.s, max(prim_hsv.v - 50,0)), //darker CHSV(prim_hsv.h, prim_hsv.s, prim_hsv.v)); //color itself break;} case 4: {//primary + secondary CRGB prim = fastled_from_col(SEGMENT.colors[0]); CRGB sec = fastled_from_col(SEGMENT.colors[1]); targetPalette = CRGBPalette16(sec,prim); break;} case 5: {//based on primary + secondary CRGB prim = fastled_from_col(SEGMENT.colors[0]); CRGB sec = fastled_from_col(SEGMENT.colors[1]); targetPalette = CRGBPalette16(sec,prim,CRGB::White); break;} case 6: //Party colors targetPalette = PartyColors_p; break; case 7: //Cloud colors targetPalette = CloudColors_p; break; case 8: //Lava colors targetPalette = LavaColors_p; break; case 9: //Ocean colors targetPalette = OceanColors_p; break; case 10: //Forest colors targetPalette = ForestColors_p; break; case 11: //Rainbow colors targetPalette = RainbowColors_p; break; case 12: //Rainbow stripe colors targetPalette = RainbowStripeColors_p; break; default: //progmem palettes targetPalette = gGradientPalettes[constrain(SEGMENT.palette -13, 0, gGradientPaletteCount -1)]; } if (singleSegmentMode && paletteFade) //only blend if just one segment uses FastLED mode { nblendPaletteTowardPalette(currentPalette, targetPalette, 48); } else { currentPalette = targetPalette; } } uint32_t WS2812FX::color_from_palette(uint16_t i, bool mapping, bool wrap, uint8_t mcol, uint8_t pbri) { if (SEGMENT.palette == 0 && mcol < 3) return SEGMENT.colors[mcol]; //WS2812FX default uint8_t paletteIndex = i; if (mapping) paletteIndex = map(i,SEGMENT.start,SEGMENT.stop,0,255); if (!wrap) paletteIndex = map(paletteIndex, 0, 255, 0, 240); //cut off blend at palette "end" CRGB fastled_col; fastled_col = ColorFromPalette( currentPalette, paletteIndex, pbri, (paletteBlend == 3)? NOBLEND:LINEARBLEND); return fastled_col.r*65536 + fastled_col.g*256 + fastled_col.b; } uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_palette(void) { bool noWrap = (paletteBlend == 2 || (paletteBlend == 0 && SEGMENT.speed == 0)); for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { uint8_t colorIndex = map(i,SEGMENT.start,SEGMENT.stop,0,255) - (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >> 6 & 0xFF); if (noWrap) colorIndex = map(colorIndex, 0, 255, 0, 240); //cut off blend at palette "end" setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(colorIndex, false, true, 255)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += SEGMENT.speed; if (SEGMENT.speed == 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return 20; } // WLED limitation: Analog Clock overlay will NOT work when Fire2012 is active // Fire2012 by Mark Kriegsman, July 2012 // as part of "Five Elements" shown here: http://youtu.be/knWiGsmgycY //// // This basic one-dimensional 'fire' simulation works roughly as follows: // There's a underlying array of 'heat' cells, that model the temperature // at each point along the line. Every cycle through the simulation, // four steps are performed: // 1) All cells cool down a little bit, losing heat to the air // 2) The heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little // 3) Sometimes randomly new 'sparks' of heat are added at the bottom // 4) The heat from each cell is rendered as a color into the leds array // The heat-to-color mapping uses a black-body radiation approximation. // // Temperature is in arbitrary units from 0 (cold black) to 255 (white hot). // // This simulation scales it self a bit depending on NUM_LEDS; it should look // "OK" on anywhere from 20 to 100 LEDs without too much tweaking. // // I recommend running this simulation at anywhere from 30-100 frames per second, // meaning an interframe delay of about 10-35 milliseconds. // // Looks best on a high-density LED setup (60+ pixels/meter). // // // There are two main parameters you can play with to control the look and // feel of your fire: COOLING (used in step 1 above), and SPARKING (used // in step 3 above) (Effect Intensity = Sparking). // // COOLING: How much does the air cool as it rises? // Less cooling = taller flames. More cooling = shorter flames. // Default 50, suggested range 20-100 #define COOLING 75 uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_fire_2012(void) { // Step 1. Cool down every cell a little for( int i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { _locked[i] = qsub8(_locked[i], random8(0, ((COOLING * 10) / SEGMENT_LENGTH) + 2)); } // Step 2. Heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little for( int k= SEGMENT.stop; k >= SEGMENT.start + 2; k--) { _locked[k] = (_locked[k - 1] + _locked[k - 2] + _locked[k - 2] ) / 3; } // Step 3. Randomly ignite new 'sparks' of heat near the bottom if( random8() <= SEGMENT.intensity ) { int y = SEGMENT.start + random8(7); if (y <= SEGMENT.stop) _locked[y] = qadd8(_locked[y], random8(160,255) ); } // Step 4. Map from heat cells to LED colors for( int j = SEGMENT.start; j <= SEGMENT.stop; j++) { CRGB color = ColorFromPalette( currentPalette, min(_locked[j],240), 255, LINEARBLEND); setPixelColor(j, color.red, color.green, color.blue); } return 10 + (uint16_t)(255 - SEGMENT.speed)/6; } // ColorWavesWithPalettes by Mark Kriegsman: https://gist.github.com/kriegsman/8281905786e8b2632aeb // This function draws color waves with an ever-changing, // widely-varying set of parameters, using a color palette. uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_colorwaves(void) { uint16_t duration = 10 + SEGMENT.speed; uint16_t sPseudotime = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; uint16_t sHue16 = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param; uint8_t brightdepth = beatsin88( 341, 96, 224); uint16_t brightnessthetainc16 = beatsin88( 203, (25 * 256), (40 * 256)); uint8_t msmultiplier = beatsin88(147, 23, 60); uint16_t hue16 = sHue16;//gHue * 256; uint16_t hueinc16 = beatsin88(113, 300, 1500); sPseudotime += duration * msmultiplier; sHue16 += duration * beatsin88( 400, 5, 9); uint16_t brightnesstheta16 = sPseudotime; CRGB fastled_col; for ( uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start ; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { hue16 += hueinc16; uint8_t hue8 = hue16 >> 8; uint16_t h16_128 = hue16 >> 7; if ( h16_128 & 0x100) { hue8 = 255 - (h16_128 >> 1); } else { hue8 = h16_128 >> 1; } brightnesstheta16 += brightnessthetainc16; uint16_t b16 = sin16( brightnesstheta16 ) + 32768; uint16_t bri16 = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)b16 * (uint32_t)b16) / 65536; uint8_t bri8 = (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)bri16) * brightdepth) / 65536; bri8 += (255 - brightdepth); uint8_t index = hue8; //index = triwave8( index); index = scale8( index, 240); CRGB newcolor = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, bri8); fastled_col = fastled_from_col(getPixelColor(i)); nblend(fastled_col, newcolor, 128); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = sPseudotime; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = sHue16; return 20; } // colored stripes pulsing at a defined Beats-Per-Minute (BPM) uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_bpm(void) { CRGB fastled_col; uint8_t beat = beatsin8(SEGMENT.speed, 64, 255); for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + (i * 2), beat - SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + (i * 10)); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step++; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >= 255) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; return 20; } uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_fillnoise8(void) { if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_call == 0) SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = random16(12345); CRGB fastled_col; for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { uint8_t index = inoise8(i * SEGMENT_LENGTH, SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + i * SEGMENT_LENGTH) % 255; fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, 255, LINEARBLEND); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += beatsin8(SEGMENT.speed, 1, 6); //10,1,4 return 20; } uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_noise16_1(void) { uint16_t scale = 320; // the "zoom factor" for the noise CRGB fastled_col; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += (1 + SEGMENT.speed/16); for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { uint16_t shift_x = beatsin8(11); // the x position of the noise field swings @ 17 bpm uint16_t shift_y = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step/42; // the y position becomes slowly incremented uint16_t real_x = (i + shift_x) * scale; // the x position of the noise field swings @ 17 bpm uint16_t real_y = (i + shift_y) * scale; // the y position becomes slowly incremented uint32_t real_z = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; // the z position becomes quickly incremented uint8_t noise = inoise16(real_x, real_y, real_z) >> 8; // get the noise data and scale it down uint8_t index = sin8(noise * 3); // map LED color based on noise data fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, 255, LINEARBLEND); // With that value, look up the 8 bit colour palette value and assign it to the current LED. setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } return 20; } uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_noise16_2(void) { uint16_t scale = 1000; // the "zoom factor" for the noise CRGB fastled_col; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += (1 + SEGMENT.speed); for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { uint16_t shift_x = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >> 6; // x as a function of time uint16_t shift_y = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step/42; uint32_t real_x = (i + shift_x) * scale; // calculate the coordinates within the noise field uint8_t noise = inoise16(real_x, 0, 4223) >> 8; // get the noise data and scale it down uint8_t index = sin8(noise * 3); // map led color based on noise data fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, noise, LINEARBLEND); // With that value, look up the 8 bit colour palette value and assign it to the current LED. setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } return 20; } uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_noise16_3(void) { uint16_t scale = 800; // the "zoom factor" for the noise CRGB fastled_col; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += (1 + SEGMENT.speed); for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { uint16_t shift_x = 4223; // no movement along x and y uint16_t shift_y = 1234; uint32_t real_x = (i + shift_x) * scale; // calculate the coordinates within the noise field uint32_t real_y = (i + shift_y) * scale; // based on the precalculated positions uint32_t real_z = SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step*8; uint8_t noise = inoise16(real_x, real_y, real_z) >> 8; // get the noise data and scale it down uint8_t index = sin8(noise * 3); // map led color based on noise data fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, noise, LINEARBLEND); // With that value, look up the 8 bit colour palette value and assign it to the current LED. setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } return 20; } //https://github.com/aykevl/ledstrip-spark/blob/master/ledstrip.ino uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_noise16_4(void) { CRGB fastled_col; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += SEGMENT.speed; for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { int16_t index = inoise16(uint32_t(i - SEGMENT.start) << 12, SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step/8); fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } return 20; } //based on https://gist.github.com/kriegsman/5408ecd397744ba0393e uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_colortwinkle() { CRGB fastled_col, prev; fract8 fadeUpAmount = 8 + (SEGMENT.speed/4), fadeDownAmount = 5 + (SEGMENT.speed/7); for( uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { fastled_col = fastled_from_col(getPixelColor(i)); prev = fastled_col; if(_locked[i]) { CRGB incrementalColor = fastled_col; incrementalColor.nscale8_video( fadeUpAmount); fastled_col += incrementalColor; if( fastled_col.red == 255 || fastled_col.green == 255 || fastled_col.blue == 255) { _locked[i] = false; } setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); if (fastled_from_col(getPixelColor(i)) == prev) //fix "stuck" pixels { fastled_col += fastled_col; setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } } else { fastled_col.nscale8( 255 - fadeDownAmount); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } } for (uint16_t j = 0; j <= SEGMENT_LENGTH / 50; j++) { if ( random8() <= SEGMENT.intensity ) { for (uint8_t times = 0; times < 5; times++) //attempt to spawn a new pixel 5 times { int i = SEGMENT.start + random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH); if(getPixelColor(i) == 0) { fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, random8(), 64, NOBLEND); _locked[i] = true; setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); break; //only spawn 1 new pixel per frame per 50 LEDs } } } } return 20; } //Calm effect, like a lake at night uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_lake() { uint8_t sp = SEGMENT.speed/10; int wave1 = beatsin8(sp +2, -64,64); int wave2 = beatsin8(sp +1, -64,64); uint8_t wave3 = beatsin8(sp +2, 0,80); CRGB fastled_col; for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { int index = cos8((i*15)+ wave1)/2 + cubicwave8((i*23)+ wave2)/2; uint8_t lum = (index > wave3) ? index - wave3 : 0; fastled_col = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, map(index,0,255,0,240), lum, LINEARBLEND); setPixelColor(i, fastled_col.red, fastled_col.green, fastled_col.blue); } return 33; } // meteor effect // send a meteor from begining to to the end of the strip with a trail that randomly decays. // adapted from https://www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/#LEDStripEffectMeteorRain uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_meteor() { byte meteorSize= 1+ SEGMENT_LENGTH / 10; uint16_t in = SEGMENT.start + SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step; // fade all leds to colors[1] in LEDs one step for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { if (random8() <= 255 - SEGMENT.intensity) { byte meteorTrailDecay = 128 + random8(127); _locked[i] = scale8(_locked[i], meteorTrailDecay); setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(_locked[i], false, true, 255)); } } // draw meteor for(int j = 0; j < meteorSize; j++) { uint16_t index = in + j; if(in + j > SEGMENT.stop) { index = SEGMENT.start + (in + j - SEGMENT.stop) -1; } _locked[index] = 240; setPixelColor(index, color_from_palette(_locked[index], false, true, 255)); } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step + 1) % (SEGMENT_LENGTH); return SPEED_FORMULA_L; } // smooth meteor effect // send a meteor from begining to to the end of the strip with a trail that randomly decays. // adapted from https://www.tweaking4all.com/hardware/arduino/adruino-led-strip-effects/#LEDStripEffectMeteorRain uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_meteor_smooth() { byte meteorSize= 1+ SEGMENT_LENGTH / 10; uint16_t in = map((SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step >> 6 & 0xFF), 0, 255, SEGMENT.start, SEGMENT.stop); // fade all leds to colors[1] in LEDs one step for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i++) { if (_locked[i] != 0 && random8() <= 255 - SEGMENT.intensity) { int change = 3 - random8(12); //change each time between -8 and +3 _locked[i] += change; if (_locked[i] > 245) _locked[i] = 0; if (_locked[i] > 240) _locked[i] = 240; setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(_locked[i], false, true, 255)); } } // draw meteor for(int j = 0; j < meteorSize; j++) { uint16_t index = in + j; if(in + j > SEGMENT.stop) { index = SEGMENT.start + (in + j - SEGMENT.stop) -1; } setPixelColor(index, color_blend(getPixelColor(index), color_from_palette(240, false, true, 255), 48)); _locked[index] = 240; } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += SEGMENT.speed +1; return 20; } //Railway Crossing / Christmas Fairy lights uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_railway() { uint16_t dur = 40 + (255 - SEGMENT.speed) * 10; uint16_t rampdur = (dur * SEGMENT.intensity) >> 8; if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step > dur) { //reverse direction SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step = 0; SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param = !SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param; } uint8_t pos = 255; if (rampdur != 0) { uint16_t p0 = (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step * 255) / rampdur; if (p0 < 255) pos = p0; } if (SEGMENT_RUNTIME.aux_param) pos = 255 - pos; for (uint16_t i = SEGMENT.start; i <= SEGMENT.stop; i += 2) { setPixelColor(i, color_from_palette(255 - pos, false, false, 255)); if (i != SEGMENT.stop) { setPixelColor(i + 1, color_from_palette(pos, false, false, 255)); } } SEGMENT_RUNTIME.counter_mode_step += 20; return 20; } //Water ripple //fade duration is random 2-5sec //propagation velocity from speed //drop rate from intensity //? smooth sine instead of shifting +2 uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_ripple() { uint16_t maxripples = SEGMENT_LENGTH / 4; if (maxripples == 0) return mode_static(); fill(SEGMENT.colors[1]); //draw wave for (uint16_t rippleI = 0; rippleI < maxripples; rippleI++) { uint16_t storeI = SEGMENT.start + 4*rippleI; uint16_t ripplestate = _locked[storeI]; if (ripplestate) { uint8_t rippledecay = (SEGMENT.speed >> 4) +1; //faster decay if faster propagation uint16_t rippleorigin = (_locked[storeI+1] << 8) + _locked[storeI+2]; uint32_t col = color_from_palette(_locked[storeI+3], false, false, 255); uint16_t propagation = ((ripplestate/rippledecay -1) * SEGMENT.speed); int16_t propI = propagation >> 8; uint8_t propF = propagation & 0xFF; int16_t left = rippleorigin - propI -1; uint8_t amp = (ripplestate < 17) ? triwave8((ripplestate-1)*8) : map(ripplestate,17,255,255,2); for (int16_t v = left; v < left +4; v++) { uint8_t mag = scale8(cubicwave8((propF>>2)+(v-left)*64), amp); if (v >= SEGMENT.start) { setPixelColor(v, color_blend(getPixelColor(v), col, mag)); } int16_t w = left + propI*2 + 3 -(v-left); if (w <= SEGMENT.stop && w >= SEGMENT.start) { setPixelColor(w, color_blend(getPixelColor(w), col, mag)); } } ripplestate += rippledecay; _locked[storeI] = (ripplestate > 254) ? 0 : ripplestate; } else //randomly create new wave { if (random16(IBN + 10000) <= SEGMENT.intensity) { _locked[storeI] = 1; uint16_t origin = SEGMENT.start + random16(SEGMENT_LENGTH); _locked[storeI+1] = origin >> 8; _locked[storeI+2] = origin & 0xFF; _locked[storeI+3] = random8(); } } } return 20; }