/* * MQTT communication protocol for home automation */ //#define WLED_MQTT_PORT 1883 void parseMQTTBriPayload(char* payload) { if (strstr(payload, "ON") || strstr(payload, "on") || strstr(payload, "true")) {bri = briLast; colorUpdated(1);} else if (strstr(payload, "T" ) || strstr(payload, "t" )) {toggleOnOff(); colorUpdated(1);} else { uint8_t in = strtoul(payload, NULL, 10); if (in == 0 && bri > 0) briLast = bri; bri = in; colorUpdated(1); } } void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent) { //(re)subscribe to required topics char subuf[38]; strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic); if (mqttDeviceTopic[0] != 0) { strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic); mqtt->subscribe(subuf, 0); strcat(subuf, "/col"); mqtt->subscribe(subuf, 0); strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic); strcat(subuf, "/api"); mqtt->subscribe(subuf, 0); } if (mqttGroupTopic[0] != 0) { strcpy(subuf, mqttGroupTopic); mqtt->subscribe(subuf, 0); strcat(subuf, "/col"); mqtt->subscribe(subuf, 0); strcpy(subuf, mqttGroupTopic); strcat(subuf, "/api"); mqtt->subscribe(subuf, 0); } sendHADiscoveryMQTT(); publishMqtt(); DEBUG_PRINTLN("MQTT ready"); } void onMqttMessage(char* topic, char* payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties properties, size_t len, size_t index, size_t total) { DEBUG_PRINT("MQTT callb rec: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(topic); DEBUG_PRINTLN(payload); //no need to check the topic because we only get topics we are subscribed to if (strstr(topic, "/col")) { colorFromDecOrHexString(col, (char*)payload); colorUpdated(1); } else if (strstr(topic, "/api")) { String apireq = "win&"; apireq += (char*)payload; handleSet(nullptr, apireq); } else parseMQTTBriPayload(payload); } void publishMqtt() { if (mqtt == NULL) return; if (!mqtt->connected()) return; DEBUG_PRINTLN("Publish MQTT"); char s[10]; char subuf[38]; sprintf(s, "%ld", bri); strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic); strcat(subuf, "/g"); mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, true, s); sprintf(s, "#%06X", col[3]*16777216 + col[0]*65536 + col[1]*256 + col[2]); strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic); strcat(subuf, "/c"); mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, true, s); char apires[1024]; XML_response(nullptr, false, apires); strcpy(subuf, mqttDeviceTopic); strcat(subuf, "/v"); mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, true, apires); } const char HA_static_JSON[] PROGMEM = R"=====(,"bri_val_tpl":"{{value}}","rgb_cmd_tpl":"{{'#%02x%02x%02x' | format(red, green, blue)}}","rgb_val_tpl":"{{value[1:3]|int(base=16)}},{{value[3:5]|int(base=16)}},{{value[5:7]|int(base=16)}}","qos":0,"opt":true,"pl_on":"ON","pl_off":"OFF","fx_val_tpl":"{{value}}","fx_list":[)====="; void sendHADiscoveryMQTT() { #if ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 || LEDPIN != 3 /* YYYY is discovery tipic XXXX is device name Send out HA MQTT Discovery message on MQTT connect (~2.4kB): { "name": "XXXX", "stat_t":"YYYY/c", "cmd_t":"YYYY", "rgb_stat_t":"YYYY/c", "rgb_cmd_t":"YYYY/col", "bri_cmd_t":"YYYY", "bri_stat_t":"YYYY/g", "bri_val_tpl":"{{value}}", "rgb_cmd_tpl":"{{'#%02x%02x%02x' | format(red, green, blue)}}", "rgb_val_tpl":"{{value[1:3]|int(base=16)}},{{value[3:5]|int(base=16)}},{{value[5:7]|int(base=16)}}", "qos": 0, "opt":true, "pl_on": "ON", "pl_off": "OFF", "fx_cmd_t":"YYYY/api", "fx_stat_t":"YYYY/api", "fx_val_tpl":"{{value}}", "fx_list":[ "[FX=00] Solid", "[FX=01] Blink", "[FX=02] ...", "[FX=79] Ripple" ] } */ char bufc[36], bufcol[38], bufg[36], bufapi[38], buffer[2500]; strcpy(bufc, mqttDeviceTopic); strcpy(bufcol, mqttDeviceTopic); strcpy(bufg, mqttDeviceTopic); strcpy(bufapi, mqttDeviceTopic); strcat(bufc, "/c"); strcat(bufcol, "/col"); strcat(bufg, "/g"); strcat(bufapi, "/api"); StaticJsonDocument root; root["name"] = serverDescription; root["stat_t"] = bufc; root["cmd_t"] = mqttDeviceTopic; root["rgb_stat_t"] = bufc; root["rgb_cmd_t"] = bufcol; root["bri_cmd_t"] = mqttDeviceTopic; root["bri_stat_t"] = bufg; root["fx_cmd_t"] = bufapi; root["fx_stat_t"] = bufapi; size_t jlen = measureJson(root); DEBUG_PRINTLN(jlen); serializeJson(root, buffer, jlen); //add values which don't change strcpy_P(buffer + jlen -1, HA_static_JSON); olen = 0; obuf = buffer + jlen -1 + strlen_P(HA_static_JSON); //add fx_list uint16_t jmnlen = strlen_P(JSON_mode_names); uint16_t nameStart = 0, nameEnd = 0; int i = 0; bool isNameStart = true; for (uint16_t j = 0; j < jmnlen; j++) { if (pgm_read_byte(JSON_mode_names + j) == '\"' || j == jmnlen -1) { if (isNameStart) { nameStart = j +1; } else { nameEnd = j; char mdnfx[64], mdn[56]; uint16_t namelen = nameEnd - nameStart; strncpy_P(mdn, JSON_mode_names + nameStart, namelen); mdn[namelen] = 0; snprintf(mdnfx, 64, "\"[FX=%02d] %s\",", i, mdn); oappend(mdnfx); DEBUG_PRINTLN(mdnfx); i++; } isNameStart = !isNameStart; } } olen--; oappend("]}"); DEBUG_PRINT("HA Discovery Sending >>"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(buffer); char pubt[25 + 12 + 8]; strcpy(pubt, "homeassistant/light/WLED_"); strcat(pubt, escapedMac.c_str()); strcat(pubt, "/config"); mqtt->publish(pubt, 0, true, buffer); #endif } bool initMqtt() { if (mqttServer[0] == 0) return false; if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) return false; if (!mqtt) mqtt = new AsyncMqttClient(); if (mqtt->connected()) return true; IPAddress mqttIP; if (mqttIP.fromString(mqttServer)) //see if server is IP or domain { mqtt->setServer(mqttIP, atoi(mqttPort)); } else { mqtt->setServer(mqttServer, atoi(mqttPort)); } mqtt->setClientId(mqttClientID); if (mqttUser[0] && mqttPass[0] != 0) mqtt->setCredentials(mqttUser, mqttPass); mqtt->onMessage(onMqttMessage); mqtt->onConnect(onMqttConnect); mqtt->connect(); return true; }