#include "wled.h" /* * Handles playlists, timed sequences of presets */ typedef struct PlaylistEntry { uint8_t preset; uint16_t dur; uint16_t tr; } ple; bool playlistEndless = false; int8_t playlistRepeat = 1; byte playlistEndPreset = 0; PlaylistEntry *playlistEntries = nullptr; byte playlistLen; int8_t playlistIndex = -1; uint16_t playlistEntryDur = 0; void shufflePlaylist() { int currentIndex = playlistLen; PlaylistEntry temporaryValue; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (currentIndex--) { // Pick a random element... int randomIndex = random(0, currentIndex); // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = playlistEntries[currentIndex]; playlistEntries[currentIndex] = playlistEntries[randomIndex]; playlistEntries[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Playlist shuffle.")); } void unloadPlaylist() { if (playlistEntries != nullptr) { delete[] playlistEntries; playlistEntries = nullptr; } currentPlaylist = playlistIndex = -1; playlistLen = playlistEntryDur = 0; DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Playlist unloaded.")); } void loadPlaylist(JsonObject playlistObj) { unloadPlaylist(); JsonArray presets = playlistObj["ps"]; playlistLen = presets.size(); if (playlistLen == 0) return; if (playlistLen > 100) playlistLen = 100; playlistEntries = new PlaylistEntry[playlistLen]; if (playlistEntries == nullptr) return; byte it = 0; for (int ps : presets) { if (it >= playlistLen) break; playlistEntries[it].preset = ps; it++; } it = 0; JsonArray durations = playlistObj["dur"]; if (durations.isNull()) { playlistEntries[0].dur = playlistObj["dur"] | 100; it = 1; } else { for (int dur : durations) { if (it >= playlistLen) break; playlistEntries[it].dur = dur; it++; } } for (int i = it; i < playlistLen; i++) playlistEntries[i].dur = playlistEntries[it -1].dur; it = 0; JsonArray tr = playlistObj[F("transition")]; if (tr.isNull()) { playlistEntries[0].tr = playlistObj[F("transition")] | (transitionDelay / 100); it = 1; } else { for (int transition : tr) { if (it >= playlistLen) break; playlistEntries[it].tr = transition; it++; } } for (int i = it; i < playlistLen; i++) playlistEntries[i].tr = playlistEntries[it -1].tr; playlistRepeat = playlistObj[F("repeat")] | 0; playlistEndPreset = playlistObj[F("end")] | 0; if (playlistRepeat <= 0) playlistRepeat--; // make it endless (-2 == endless & random) currentPlaylist = 0; //TODO here we need the preset ID where the playlist is saved DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Playlist loaded.")); } void handlePlaylist() { if (currentPlaylist < 0 || playlistEntries == nullptr || presetCyclingEnabled) return; if (millis() - presetCycledTime > (100*playlistEntryDur)) { presetCycledTime = millis(); if (bri == 0 || nightlightActive) return; ++playlistIndex %= playlistLen; // -1 at 1st run (limit to playlistLen) if (!playlistRepeat && !playlistIndex) { //stop if repeat == 0 and restart of playlist unloadPlaylist(); if (playlistEndPreset) applyPreset(playlistEndPreset); return; } // playlist roll-over if (!playlistIndex) { // playlistRepeat < 0 => endless loop if (playlistRepeat > 0) playlistRepeat--; // decrease repeat count on each index reset if not an endless playlist if (playlistRepeat < -1) { // playlistRepeat < -1 => with shuffling presets shufflePlaylist(); // shuffle playlist and start over } } jsonTransitionOnce = true; transitionDelayTemp = playlistEntries[playlistIndex].tr * 100; playlistEntryDur = playlistEntries[playlistIndex].dur; if (playlistEntryDur == 0) playlistEntryDur = 10; applyPreset(playlistEntries[playlistIndex].preset); } }