# Blynk controllable relay This usermod allows controlling a relay state from the user variables. It also allows the user variables to be set over Blynk. Optionally, the servo can have a reset timer to go back to it's default state after an interval. This interval is set through userVar1. ## Instalation Replace the WLED06_usermod.ino file in Aircoookies WLED folder with the one here. ## Customizations Update the following parameters in WLED06_usermod.ino to configure the mod's behavior: ```cpp //Which pin is the relay connected to #define RELAY_PIN 5 //Which pin state should the relay default to #define RELAY_PIN_DEFAULT LOW //If >0 The controller returns to RELAY_PIN_DEFAULT after this time in milliseconds #define RELAY_PIN_TIMER_DEFAULT 3000 //Blynk virtual pin for controlling relay #define BLYNK_USER_VAR0_PIN V9 //Blynk virtual pin for controlling relay timer #define BLYNK_USER_VAR1_PIN V10 //Number of milliseconds between updating blynk #define BLYNK_RELAY_UPDATE_INTERVAL 5000 ```