/* * Receives client input */ void _setRandomColor(bool _sec,bool fromButton=false) { lastRandomIndex = strip.get_random_wheel_index(lastRandomIndex); if (_sec){ colorHStoRGB(lastRandomIndex*256,255,colSec); } else { colorHStoRGB(lastRandomIndex*256,255,col); } if (fromButton) colorUpdated(2); } void handleSettingsSet(byte subPage) { //0: menu 1: wifi 2: leds 3: ui 4: sync 5: time 6: sec if (subPage <1 || subPage >6) return; //WIFI SETTINGS if (subPage == 1) { if (server.hasArg("CS")) clientSSID = server.arg("CS"); if (server.hasArg("CP")) { if (!server.arg("CP").indexOf('*') == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting pass"); clientPass = server.arg("CP"); } } if (server.hasArg("CM")) cmDNS = server.arg("CM"); if (server.hasArg("AT")) { int i = server.arg("AT").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) apWaitTimeSecs = i; } if (server.hasArg("AS")) apSSID = server.arg("AS"); apHide = server.hasArg("AH"); if (server.hasArg("AP")) { if (!server.arg("AP").indexOf('*') == 0) apPass = server.arg("AP"); } if (server.hasArg("AC")) { int chan = server.arg("AC").toInt(); if (chan > 0 && chan < 14) apChannel = chan; } if (server.hasArg("I0")) { int i = server.arg("I0").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticIP[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("I1")) { int i = server.arg("I1").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticIP[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("I2")) { int i = server.arg("I2").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticIP[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("I3")) { int i = server.arg("I3").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticIP[3] = i; } if (server.hasArg("G0")) { int i = server.arg("G0").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticGateway[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("G1")) { int i = server.arg("G1").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticGateway[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("G2")) { int i = server.arg("G2").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticGateway[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("G3")) { int i = server.arg("G3").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticGateway[3] = i; } if (server.hasArg("S0")) { int i = server.arg("S0").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticSubnet[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("S1")) { int i = server.arg("S1").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticSubnet[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("S2")) { int i = server.arg("S2").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticSubnet[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("S3")) { int i = server.arg("S3").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) staticSubnet[3] = i; } } //LED SETTINGS if (subPage == 2) { if (server.hasArg("LC")) { int i = server.arg("LC").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= LEDCOUNT) ledCount = i; strip.setLedCount(ledCount); } if (server.hasArg("IS")) //ignore settings and save current brightness, colors and fx as default { colS[0] = col[0]; colS[1] = col[1]; colS[2] = col[2]; if (useRGBW) whiteS = white; briS = bri; effectDefault = effectCurrent; effectSpeedDefault = effectSpeed; } else { if (server.hasArg("CR")) { int i = server.arg("CR").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) colS[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CG")) { int i = server.arg("CG").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) colS[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("CB")) { int i = server.arg("CB").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) colS[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("SR")) { int i = server.arg("SR").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) colSecS[0] = i; } if (server.hasArg("SG")) { int i = server.arg("SG").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) colSecS[1] = i; } if (server.hasArg("SB")) { int i = server.arg("SB").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) colSecS[2] = i; } if (server.hasArg("SW")) { int i = server.arg("SW").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) whiteSecS = i; } if (server.hasArg("CW")) { int i = server.arg("CW").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) { useRGBW = true; whiteS = i; } else { useRGBW = false; whiteS = 0; } } if (server.hasArg("CA")) { int i = server.arg("CA").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) briS = i; } if (server.hasArg("FX")) { int i = server.arg("FX").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) effectDefault = i; } if (server.hasArg("SX")) { int i = server.arg("SX").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) effectSpeedDefault = i; } if (server.hasArg("IX")) { int i = server.arg("IX").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 255) effectIntensityDefault = i; } } turnOnAtBoot = server.hasArg("BO"); if (server.hasArg("BP")) { int i = server.arg("BP").toInt(); if (i >= 0 && i <= 25) bootPreset = i; } useGammaCorrectionBri = server.hasArg("GB"); useGammaCorrectionRGB = server.hasArg("GC"); fadeTransition = server.hasArg("TF"); sweepTransition = server.hasArg("TS"); sweepDirection = !server.hasArg("TI"); if (server.hasArg("TD")) { int i = server.arg("TD").toInt(); if (i > 0){ transitionDelay = i; } } if (server.hasArg("TB")) { nightlightTargetBri = server.arg("TB").toInt(); } if (server.hasArg("TL")) { int i = server.arg("TL").toInt(); if (i > 0) nightlightDelayMins = i; } nightlightFade = server.hasArg("TW"); reverseMode = server.hasArg("RV"); initLedsLast = server.hasArg("EI"); strip.setReverseMode(reverseMode); if (server.hasArg("WO")) { int i = server.arg("WO").toInt(); if (i >= -255 && i <= 255) arlsOffset = i; } if (server.hasArg("BF")) { int i = server.arg("BF").toInt(); if (i > 0) briMultiplier = i; } } //UI if (subPage == 3) { if (server.hasArg("DS")) serverDescription = server.arg("DS"); useHSBDefault = server.hasArg("MD"); useHSB = useHSBDefault; if (server.hasArg("TH")) currentTheme = server.arg("TH").toInt(); for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { if (server.hasArg("C"+String(i))) cssCol[i] = server.arg("C"+String(i)); } if (server.hasArg("CF")) cssFont = server.arg("CF"); buildCssColorString(); } //SYNC if (subPage == 4) { buttonEnabled = server.hasArg("BT"); if (server.hasArg("UP")) { udpPort = server.arg("UP").toInt(); } receiveNotificationBrightness = server.hasArg("RB"); receiveNotificationColor = server.hasArg("RC"); receiveNotificationEffects = server.hasArg("RX"); receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects); notifyDirectDefault = server.hasArg("SD"); notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault; notifyButton = server.hasArg("SB"); notifyTwice = server.hasArg("S2"); alexaEnabled = server.hasArg("AL"); if (server.hasArg("AI")) alexaInvocationName = server.arg("AI"); alexaNotify = server.hasArg("SA"); notifyHue = server.hasArg("SH"); for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ String a = "H"+String(i); if (server.hasArg(a)) hueIP[i] = server.arg(a).toInt(); } if (server.hasArg("HL")) { int i = server.arg("HL").toInt(); if (i > 0) huePollLightId = i; } if (server.hasArg("HI")) { int i = server.arg("HI").toInt(); if (i > 50) huePollIntervalMs = i; } hueApplyOnOff = server.hasArg("HO"); hueApplyBri = server.hasArg("HB"); hueApplyColor = server.hasArg("HC"); if (server.hasArg("HP")) { if (!huePollingEnabled) hueAttempt = true; if (!setupHue()) hueAttempt = true; } else { huePollingEnabled = false; hueError = "Inactive"; } } //TIME if (subPage == 5) { ntpEnabled = server.hasArg("NT"); useAMPM = !server.hasArg("CF"); if (server.hasArg("TZ")) currentTimezone = server.arg("TZ").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("UO")) utcOffsetSecs = server.arg("UO").toInt(); if (ntpEnabled && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED && !ntpConnected) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort); //start if not already connected if (server.hasArg("OL")){ overlayDefault = server.arg("OL").toInt(); overlayCurrent = overlayDefault; strip.unlockAll(); } if (server.hasArg("O1")) overlayMin = server.arg("O1").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("O2")) overlayMax = server.arg("O2").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("OM")) analogClock12pixel = server.arg("OM").toInt(); analogClock5MinuteMarks = server.hasArg("O5"); analogClockSecondsTrail = server.hasArg("OS"); if (server.hasArg("CX")) cronixieDisplay = server.arg("CX"); bool cbOld = cronixieBacklight; cronixieBacklight = server.hasArg("CB"); if (cbOld != cronixieBacklight && overlayCurrent == 4) { strip.setCronixieBacklight(cronixieBacklight); overlayRefreshedTime = 0; } countdownMode = server.hasArg("CE"); if (server.hasArg("CY")) countdownYear = server.arg("CY").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("CI")) countdownMonth = server.arg("CI").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("CD")) countdownDay = server.arg("CD").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("CH")) countdownHour = server.arg("CH").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("CM")) countdownMin = server.arg("CM").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("CS")) countdownSec = server.arg("CS").toInt(); for (int i=1;i<17;i++) { String a = "M"+String(i); if (server.hasArg(a)) saveMacro(i,server.arg(a),false); } if (server.hasArg("MB")) macroBoot = server.arg("MB").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("A0")) macroAlexaOn = server.arg("A0").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("A1")) macroAlexaOff = server.arg("A1").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("MP")) macroButton = server.arg("MP").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("ML")) macroLongPress = server.arg("ML").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("MC")) macroCountdown = server.arg("MC").toInt(); if (server.hasArg("MN")) macroNl = server.arg("MN").toInt(); } //SECURITY if (subPage == 6) { if (server.hasArg("RS")) { clearEEPROM(); serveMessage(200, "All Settings erased.", "Connect to WLED-AP to setup again...",255); reset(); } bool pwdCorrect = !otaLock; //always allow access if ota not locked if (server.hasArg("OP")) { if (otaLock && otaPass.equals(server.arg("OP"))) { pwdCorrect = true; } if (!otaLock && server.arg("OP").length() > 0) { otaPass = server.arg("OP"); } } if (pwdCorrect) //allow changes if correct pwd or no ota active { otaLock = server.hasArg("NO"); wifiLock = server.hasArg("OW"); recoveryAPDisabled = server.hasArg("NA"); aOtaEnabled = server.hasArg("AO"); } } saveSettingsToEEPROM(); } bool handleSet(String req) { bool effectUpdated = false; if (!(req.indexOf("win") >= 0)) { return false; } int pos = 0; DEBUG_PRINT("API req: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(req); //save macro, requires &MS=() format pos = req.indexOf("&MS="); if (pos > 0) { int i = req.substring(pos + 4).toInt(); pos = req.indexOf('(') +1; if (pos > 0) { int en = req.indexOf(')'); String mc = req.substring(pos); if (en > 0) mc = req.substring(pos, en); saveMacro(i, mc); } pos = req.indexOf("IN"); if (pos < 1) XML_response(); return true; //if you save a macro in one request, other commands in that request are ignored due to unwanted behavior otherwise } //set brigthness pos = req.indexOf("&A="); if (pos > 0) { bri = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set hue pos = req.indexOf("HU="); if (pos > 0) { uint16_t temphue = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); byte tempsat = 255; pos = req.indexOf("SA="); if (pos > 0) { tempsat = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } colorHStoRGB(temphue,tempsat,(req.indexOf("H2")>0)? colSec:col); } //set red value pos = req.indexOf("&R="); if (pos > 0) { col[0] = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set green value pos = req.indexOf("&G="); if (pos > 0) { col[1] = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set blue value pos = req.indexOf("&B="); if (pos > 0) { col[2] = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set white value pos = req.indexOf("&W="); if (pos > 0) { white = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set 2nd red value pos = req.indexOf("R2="); if (pos > 0) { colSec[0] = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set 2nd green value pos = req.indexOf("G2="); if (pos > 0) { colSec[1] = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set 2nd blue value pos = req.indexOf("B2="); if (pos > 0) { colSec[2] = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set 2nd white value pos = req.indexOf("W2="); if (pos > 0) { whiteSec = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set 2nd to white pos = req.indexOf("SW"); if (pos > 0) { if(useRGBW) { whiteSec = 255; colSec[0] = 0; colSec[1] = 0; colSec[2] = 0; } else { colSec[0] = 255; colSec[1] = 255; colSec[2] = 255; } } //set 2nd to black pos = req.indexOf("SB"); if (pos > 0) { whiteSec = 0; colSec[0] = 0; colSec[1] = 0; colSec[2] = 0; } //set to random hue SR=0->1st SR=1->2nd pos = req.indexOf("SR"); if (pos > 0) { _setRandomColor(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); } //set 2nd to 1st pos = req.indexOf("SP"); if (pos > 0) { colSec[0] = col[0]; colSec[1] = col[1]; colSec[2] = col[2]; whiteSec = white; } //swap 2nd & 1st pos = req.indexOf("SC"); if (pos > 0) { byte _temp[4]; for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) { _temp[i] = col[i]; col[i] = colSec[i]; colSec[i] = _temp[i]; } _temp[3] = white; white = whiteSec; whiteSec = _temp[3]; } //set current effect index pos = req.indexOf("FX="); if (pos > 0) { if (effectCurrent != req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()) { effectCurrent = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); strip.setMode(effectCurrent); effectUpdated = true; } } //set effect speed pos = req.indexOf("SX="); if (pos > 0) { if (effectSpeed != req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()) { effectSpeed = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); strip.setSpeed(effectSpeed); effectUpdated = true; } } //set effect intensity pos = req.indexOf("IX="); if (pos > 0) { if (effectIntensity != req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()) { effectIntensity = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); strip.setIntensity(effectIntensity); effectUpdated = true; } } //set hue polling light: 0 -off pos = req.indexOf("HP="); if (pos > 0) { int id = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); if (id > 0) { if (id < 100) huePollLightId = id; setupHue(); } else { huePollingEnabled = false; } } //set default control mode (0 - RGB, 1 - HSB) pos = req.indexOf("MD="); if (pos > 0) { useHSB = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); } //set advanced overlay pos = req.indexOf("OL="); if (pos > 0) { overlayCurrent = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); strip.unlockAll(); } //set individual pixel (range) to current color pos = req.indexOf("&I="); if (pos > 0){ int index = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); pos = req.indexOf("I2="); if (pos > 0){ int index2 = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); strip.setRange(index, index2); } else { strip.setIndividual(index); } } //(un)lock pixel (ranges) pos = req.indexOf("&L="); if (pos > 0){ int index = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); pos = req.indexOf("L2="); if (pos > 0){ int index2 = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); if (req.indexOf("UL") > 0) { strip.unlockRange(index, index2); } else { strip.lockRange(index, index2); } } else { if (req.indexOf("UL") > 0) { strip.unlock(index); } else { strip.lock(index); } } } //apply macro pos = req.indexOf("&M="); if (pos > 0) { applyMacro(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); } //toggle send UDP direct notifications if (req.indexOf("SN=") > 0) { notifyDirect = true; if (req.indexOf("SN=0") > 0) { notifyDirect = false; } } //toggle receive UDP direct notifications if (req.indexOf("RN=") > 0) { receiveNotifications = true; if (req.indexOf("RN=0") > 0) { receiveNotifications = false; } } //toggle nightlight mode pos = req.indexOf("NL="); if (pos > 0) { if (req.indexOf("NL=0") > 0) { nightlightActive = false; bri = briT; } else { nightlightActive = true; nightlightDelayMins = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); nightlightStartTime = millis(); } } //set nightlight target brightness pos = req.indexOf("NT="); if (pos > 0) { nightlightTargetBri = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init } //toggle nightlight fade if (req.indexOf("NF=") > 0) { if (req.indexOf("NF=0") > 0) { nightlightFade = false; } else { nightlightFade = true; } nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init } //toggle general purpose output pos = req.indexOf("AX="); if (pos > 0) { auxTime = req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(); auxActive = true; if (auxTime == 0) auxActive = false; } //main toggle on/off pos = req.indexOf("&T="); if (pos > 0) { switch (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()) { case 0: if (bri != 0){briLast = bri; bri = 0;} break; //off case 1: bri = briLast; break; //on default: if (bri == 0) //toggle { bri = briLast; } else { briLast = bri; bri = 0; } } } //set time (unix timestamp) pos = req.indexOf("ST="); if (pos > 0) { setTime(req.substring(pos+3).toInt()); } //set countdown goal (unix timestamp) pos = req.indexOf("CT="); if (pos > 0) { countdownTime = req.substring(pos+3).toInt(); if (countdownTime - now() > 0) countdownOverTriggered = false; } //set custom chase data bool _cc_updated = false; pos = req.indexOf("C0="); if (pos > 0) {ccStart = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("C1="); if (pos > 0) {ccIndex1 = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("C2="); if (pos > 0) {ccIndex2 = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("CP="); if (pos > 0) {ccNumPrimary = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("CS="); if (pos > 0) {ccNumSecondary = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("CM="); if (pos > 0) {ccStep = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("CF="); if (pos > 0) {ccFromStart = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} pos = req.indexOf("CE="); if (pos > 0) {ccFromEnd = (req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); _cc_updated = true;} if (_cc_updated) strip.setCustomChase(ccIndex1, ccIndex2, ccStart, ccNumPrimary, ccNumSecondary, ccStep, ccFromStart, ccFromEnd); //set presets pos = req.indexOf("PS="); //saves current in preset if (pos > 0) { savePreset(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt()); } pos = req.indexOf("PL="); //applies entire preset if (pos > 0) { applyPreset(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(), true, true, true); effectUpdated = true; } pos = req.indexOf("PA="); //applies brightness from preset if (pos > 0) { applyPreset(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(), true, false, false); } pos = req.indexOf("PC="); //applies color from preset if (pos > 0) { applyPreset(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(), false, true, false); } pos = req.indexOf("PX="); //applies effects from preset if (pos > 0) { applyPreset(req.substring(pos + 3).toInt(), false, false, true); effectUpdated = true; } //cronixie pos = req.indexOf("NX="); //sets digits to code if (pos > 0) { cronixieDisplay = req.substring(pos + 3, pos + 9); setCronixie(); } pos = req.indexOf("NM="); //mode, 1 countdown if (pos > 0) { countdownMode = true; if (req.indexOf("NM=0") > 0) { countdownMode = false; } } if (req.indexOf("NB=") > 0) //sets backlight { cronixieBacklight = true; if (req.indexOf("NB=0") > 0) { cronixieBacklight = false; } if (overlayCurrent == 4) strip.setCronixieBacklight(cronixieBacklight); overlayRefreshedTime = 0; } //internal call, does not send XML response pos = req.indexOf("IN"); if (pos < 1) XML_response(); //do not send UDP notifications this time pos = req.indexOf("NN"); if (pos > 0) { colorUpdated(5); return true; } if (effectUpdated) { colorUpdated(6); } else { colorUpdated(1); } return true; }