# Wemos D1 mini and Wemos32 mini shield - Installation of file: Copy and replace file in wled00 directory - For BME280 sensor use usermod_bme280.cpp. Copy to wled00 and rename to usermod.cpp - Added third choice of controller Heltec WiFi-Kit-8. Totally DIY but with OLED display. ## Project repository - [Original repository](https://github.com/srg74/WLED-wemos-shield) - WLED Wemos shield repository - [Wemos shield project Wiki](https://github.com/srg74/WLED-wemos-shield/wiki) - [Precompiled WLED firmware](https://github.com/srg74/WLED-wemos-shield/tree/master/resources/Firmware) ## Features - SSD1306 128x32 or 128x64 I2C OLED display - On screen IP address, SSID and controller status (e.g. ON or OFF, recent effect) - Auto display shutoff for saving display lifetime - Dallas temperature sensor - Reporting temperature to MQTT broker - Relay for energy saving ## Hardware ![Shield](https://github.com/srg74/WLED-wemos-shield/blob/master/resources/Images/Assembly_8.jpg) ## Functionality checked with - Wemos D1 mini original v3.1 and clones - Wemos32 mini - PlatformIO - SSD1306 128x32 I2C OLED display - DS18B20 (temperature sensor) - BME280 (temperature, humidity and pressure sensor) - Push button (N.O. momentary switch) ### Platformio requirements For Dallas sensor uncomment `U8g2@~2.27.3`,`DallasTemperature@~3.8.0`,`OneWire@~2.3.5 under` `[common]` section in `platformio.ini`: ```ini # platformio.ini ... [platformio] ... ; default_envs = esp07 default_envs = d1_mini ... [common] ... lib_deps_external = ... #For use SSD1306 OLED display uncomment following U8g2@~2.27.3 #For Dallas sensor uncomment following 2 lines DallasTemperature@~3.8.0 OneWire@~2.3.5 ... ``` For BME280 sensor uncomment `U8g2@~2.27.3`,`BME280@~3.0.0 under` `[common]` section in `platformio.ini`: ```ini # platformio.ini ... [platformio] ... ; default_envs = esp07 default_envs = d1_mini ... [common] ... lib_deps_external = ... #For use SSD1306 OLED display uncomment following U8g2@~2.27.3 #For BME280 sensor uncomment following BME280@~3.0.0 ... ```