# Description That usermod implements support of simple hand gestures with VL53L0X sensor: on/off and brightness correction. It can be useful for kitchen strips to avoid any touches. - on/off - just swipe a hand below your sensor ("shortPressAction" is called and can be customized through WLED macros) - brightness correction - keep your hand below sensor for 1 second to switch to "brightness" mode. Configure brightness by changing distance to the sensor (see parameters below for customization). ## Installation 1. Attach VL53L0X sensor to i2c pins according to default pins for your board. 2. Add `-D USERMOD_VL53L0X_GESTURES` to your build flags at platformio.ini (plaformio_override.ini) for needed environment. In my case, for example: `build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D USERMOD_VL53L0X_GESTURES` 3. Add "pololu/VL53L0X" dependency below to `lib_deps` like this: ```ini lib_deps = ${env.lib_deps} pololu/VL53L0X @ ^1.3.0 ``` My entire `platformio_override.ini` for example (for nodemcu board): ```ini [platformio] default_envs = nodemcuv2 [env:nodemcuv2] build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D USERMOD_VL53L0X_GESTURES lib_deps = ${env.lib_deps} pololu/VL53L0X @ ^1.3.0 ```