#include "wled.h" #define MAX_3_CH_LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE 170 #define MAX_4_CH_LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE 128 #define MAX_CHANNELS_PER_UNIVERSE 512 /* * E1.31 handler */ //DDP protocol support, called by handleE131Packet //handles RGB data only void handleDDPPacket(e131_packet_t* p) { int lastPushSeq = e131LastSequenceNumber[0]; //reject late packets belonging to previous frame (assuming 4 packets max. before push) if (e131SkipOutOfSequence && lastPushSeq) { int sn = p->sequenceNum & 0xF; if (sn) { if (lastPushSeq > 5) { if (sn > (lastPushSeq -5) && sn < lastPushSeq) return; } else { if (sn > (10 + lastPushSeq) || sn < lastPushSeq) return; } } } uint8_t ddpChannelsPerLed = (p->dataType == DDP_TYPE_RGBW32) ? 4 : 3; // data type 0x1A is RGBW (type 3, 8 bit/channel) uint32_t start = htonl(p->channelOffset) / ddpChannelsPerLed; start += DMXAddress / ddpChannelsPerLed; uint16_t stop = start + htons(p->dataLen) / ddpChannelsPerLed; uint8_t* data = p->data; uint16_t c = 0; if (p->flags & DDP_TIMECODE_FLAG) c = 4; //packet has timecode flag, we do not support it, but data starts 4 bytes later realtimeLock(realtimeTimeoutMs, REALTIME_MODE_DDP); if (!realtimeOverride || (realtimeMode && useMainSegmentOnly)) { for (uint16_t i = start; i < stop; i++) { setRealtimePixel(i, data[c], data[c+1], data[c+2], ddpChannelsPerLed >3 ? data[c+3] : 0); c += ddpChannelsPerLed; } } bool push = p->flags & DDP_PUSH_FLAG; if (push) { e131NewData = true; byte sn = p->sequenceNum & 0xF; if (sn) e131LastSequenceNumber[0] = sn; } } //E1.31 and Art-Net protocol support void handleE131Packet(e131_packet_t* p, IPAddress clientIP, byte protocol){ uint16_t uni = 0, dmxChannels = 0; uint8_t* e131_data = nullptr; uint8_t seq = 0, mde = REALTIME_MODE_E131; if (protocol == P_ARTNET) { if (p->art_opcode == ARTNET_OPCODE_OPPOLL) { handleArtnetPollReply(clientIP); return; } uni = p->art_universe; dmxChannels = htons(p->art_length); e131_data = p->art_data; seq = p->art_sequence_number; mde = REALTIME_MODE_ARTNET; } else if (protocol == P_E131) { uni = htons(p->universe); dmxChannels = htons(p->property_value_count) -1; e131_data = p->property_values; seq = p->sequence_number; } else { //DDP realtimeIP = clientIP; handleDDPPacket(p); return; } #ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX // does not act on out-of-order packets yet if (e131ProxyUniverse > 0 && uni == e131ProxyUniverse) { for (uint16_t i = 1; i <= dmxChannels; i++) dmx.write(i, e131_data[i]); dmx.update(); } #endif // only listen for universes we're handling & allocated memory if (uni < e131Universe || uni >= (e131Universe + E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT)) return; uint8_t previousUniverses = uni - e131Universe; if (e131SkipOutOfSequence) if (seq < e131LastSequenceNumber[previousUniverses] && seq > 20 && e131LastSequenceNumber[previousUniverses] < 250){ DEBUG_PRINT("skipping E1.31 frame (last seq="); DEBUG_PRINT(e131LastSequenceNumber[previousUniverses]); DEBUG_PRINT(", current seq="); DEBUG_PRINT(seq); DEBUG_PRINT(", universe="); DEBUG_PRINT(uni); DEBUG_PRINTLN(")"); return; } e131LastSequenceNumber[previousUniverses] = seq; // update status info realtimeIP = clientIP; byte wChannel = 0; uint16_t totalLen = strip.getLengthTotal(); uint16_t availDMXLen = 0; uint16_t dataOffset = DMXAddress; // For legacy DMX start address 0 the available DMX length offset is 0 const uint16_t dmxLenOffset = (DMXAddress == 0) ? 0 : 1; // Check if DMX start address fits in available channels if (dmxChannels >= DMXAddress) { availDMXLen = (dmxChannels - DMXAddress) + dmxLenOffset; } // DMX data in Art-Net packet starts at index 0, for E1.31 at index 1 if (protocol == P_ARTNET && dataOffset > 0) { dataOffset--; } switch (DMXMode) { case DMX_MODE_DISABLED: return; // nothing to do break; case DMX_MODE_SINGLE_RGB: // RGB only if (uni != e131Universe) return; if (availDMXLen < 3) return; realtimeLock(realtimeTimeoutMs, mde); if (realtimeOverride && !(realtimeMode && useMainSegmentOnly)) return; wChannel = (availDMXLen > 3) ? e131_data[dataOffset+3] : 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < totalLen; i++) setRealtimePixel(i, e131_data[dataOffset+0], e131_data[dataOffset+1], e131_data[dataOffset+2], wChannel); break; case DMX_MODE_SINGLE_DRGB: // Dimmer + RGB if (uni != e131Universe) return; if (availDMXLen < 4) return; realtimeLock(realtimeTimeoutMs, mde); if (realtimeOverride && !(realtimeMode && useMainSegmentOnly)) return; wChannel = (availDMXLen > 4) ? e131_data[dataOffset+4] : 0; if (bri != e131_data[dataOffset+0]) { bri = e131_data[dataOffset+0]; strip.setBrightness(bri, true); } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < totalLen; i++) setRealtimePixel(i, e131_data[dataOffset+1], e131_data[dataOffset+2], e131_data[dataOffset+3], wChannel); break; case DMX_MODE_EFFECT: // Length 1: Apply Preset ID, length 11-13: apply effect config if (uni != e131Universe) return; if (availDMXLen < 11) { if (availDMXLen > 1) return; applyPreset(e131_data[dataOffset+0], CALL_MODE_NOTIFICATION); return; } if (bri != e131_data[dataOffset+0]) { bri = e131_data[dataOffset+0]; } if (e131_data[dataOffset+1] < strip.getModeCount()) effectCurrent = e131_data[dataOffset+ 1]; effectSpeed = e131_data[dataOffset+ 2]; // flickers effectIntensity = e131_data[dataOffset+ 3]; effectPalette = e131_data[dataOffset+ 4]; col[0] = e131_data[dataOffset+ 5]; col[1] = e131_data[dataOffset+ 6]; col[2] = e131_data[dataOffset+ 7]; colSec[0] = e131_data[dataOffset+ 8]; colSec[1] = e131_data[dataOffset+ 9]; colSec[2] = e131_data[dataOffset+10]; if (availDMXLen > 11) { col[3] = e131_data[dataOffset+11]; //white colSec[3] = e131_data[dataOffset+12]; } transitionDelayTemp = 0; // act fast colorUpdated(CALL_MODE_NOTIFICATION); // don't send UDP return; // don't activate realtime live mode break; case DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB: case DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGB: case DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGBW: { bool is4Chan = (DMXMode == DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGBW); const uint16_t dmxChannelsPerLed = is4Chan ? 4 : 3; const uint16_t ledsPerUniverse = is4Chan ? MAX_4_CH_LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE : MAX_3_CH_LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE; uint8_t stripBrightness = bri; uint16_t previousLeds, dmxOffset, ledsTotal; if (previousUniverses == 0) { if (availDMXLen < 1) return; dmxOffset = dataOffset; previousLeds = 0; // First DMX address is dimmer in DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB mode. if (DMXMode == DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB) { stripBrightness = e131_data[dmxOffset++]; ledsTotal = (availDMXLen - 1) / dmxChannelsPerLed; } else { ledsTotal = availDMXLen / dmxChannelsPerLed; } } else { // All subsequent universes start at the first channel. dmxOffset = (protocol == P_ARTNET) ? 0 : 1; const uint16_t dimmerOffset = (DMXMode == DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB) ? 1 : 0; uint16_t ledsInFirstUniverse = (((MAX_CHANNELS_PER_UNIVERSE - DMXAddress) + dmxLenOffset) - dimmerOffset) / dmxChannelsPerLed; previousLeds = ledsInFirstUniverse + (previousUniverses - 1) * ledsPerUniverse; ledsTotal = previousLeds + (dmxChannels / dmxChannelsPerLed); } // All LEDs already have values if (previousLeds >= totalLen) { return; } realtimeLock(realtimeTimeoutMs, mde); if (realtimeOverride && !(realtimeMode && useMainSegmentOnly)) return; if (ledsTotal > totalLen) { ledsTotal = totalLen; } if (DMXMode == DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB && previousUniverses == 0) { if (bri != stripBrightness) { bri = stripBrightness; strip.setBrightness(bri, true); } } if (!is4Chan) { for (uint16_t i = previousLeds; i < ledsTotal; i++) { setRealtimePixel(i, e131_data[dmxOffset], e131_data[dmxOffset+1], e131_data[dmxOffset+2], 0); dmxOffset+=3; } } else { for (uint16_t i = previousLeds; i < ledsTotal; i++) { setRealtimePixel(i, e131_data[dmxOffset], e131_data[dmxOffset+1], e131_data[dmxOffset+2], e131_data[dmxOffset+3]); dmxOffset+=4; } } break; } default: DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("unknown E1.31 DMX mode")); return; // nothing to do break; } e131NewData = true; } void handleArtnetPollReply(IPAddress ipAddress) { ArtPollReply artnetPollReply; prepareArtnetPollReply(&artnetPollReply); uint16_t startUniverse = e131Universe; uint16_t endUniverse = e131Universe; switch (DMXMode) { case DMX_MODE_DISABLED: return; // nothing to do break; case DMX_MODE_SINGLE_RGB: case DMX_MODE_SINGLE_DRGB: case DMX_MODE_EFFECT: break; // 1 universe is enough case DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB: case DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGB: case DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGBW: { bool is4Chan = (DMXMode == DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_RGBW); const uint16_t dmxChannelsPerLed = is4Chan ? 4 : 3; const uint16_t dimmerOffset = (DMXMode == DMX_MODE_MULTIPLE_DRGB) ? 1 : 0; const uint16_t dmxLenOffset = (DMXAddress == 0) ? 0 : 1; // For legacy DMX start address 0 const uint16_t ledsInFirstUniverse = (((MAX_CHANNELS_PER_UNIVERSE - DMXAddress) + dmxLenOffset) - dimmerOffset) / dmxChannelsPerLed; const uint16_t totalLen = strip.getLengthTotal(); if (totalLen > ledsInFirstUniverse) { const uint16_t ledsPerUniverse = is4Chan ? MAX_4_CH_LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE : MAX_3_CH_LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE; const uint16_t remainLED = totalLen - ledsInFirstUniverse; endUniverse += (remainLED / ledsPerUniverse); if ((remainLED % ledsPerUniverse) > 0) { endUniverse++; } if ((endUniverse - startUniverse) > E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT) { endUniverse = startUniverse + E131_MAX_UNIVERSE_COUNT - 1; } } break; } default: DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("unknown E1.31 DMX mode")); return; // nothing to do break; } for (uint16_t i = startUniverse; i <= endUniverse; ++i) { sendArtnetPollReply(&artnetPollReply, ipAddress, i); } } void prepareArtnetPollReply(ArtPollReply *reply) { // Art-Net reply->reply_id[0] = 0x41; reply->reply_id[1] = 0x72; reply->reply_id[2] = 0x74; reply->reply_id[3] = 0x2d; reply->reply_id[4] = 0x4e; reply->reply_id[5] = 0x65; reply->reply_id[6] = 0x74; reply->reply_id[7] = 0x00; reply->reply_opcode = ARTNET_OPCODE_OPPOLLREPLY; IPAddress localIP = Network.localIP(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { reply->reply_ip[i] = localIP[i]; } reply->reply_port = ARTNET_DEFAULT_PORT; char * numberEnd = versionString; reply->reply_version_h = (uint8_t)strtol(numberEnd, &numberEnd, 10); numberEnd++; reply->reply_version_l = (uint8_t)strtol(numberEnd, &numberEnd, 10); // Switch values depend on universe, set before sending reply->reply_net_sw = 0x00; reply->reply_sub_sw = 0x00; reply->reply_oem_h = 0x00; // TODO add assigned oem code reply->reply_oem_l = 0x00; reply->reply_ubea_ver = 0x00; // Indicators in Normal Mode // All or part of Port-Address programmed by network or Web browser reply->reply_status_1 = 0xE0; reply->reply_esta_man = 0x0000; strlcpy((char *)(reply->reply_short_name), serverDescription, 18); strlcpy((char *)(reply->reply_long_name), serverDescription, 64); reply->reply_node_report[0] = '\0'; reply->reply_num_ports_h = 0x00; reply->reply_num_ports_l = 0x01; // One output port reply->reply_port_types[0] = 0x80; // Output DMX data reply->reply_port_types[1] = 0x00; reply->reply_port_types[2] = 0x00; reply->reply_port_types[3] = 0x00; // No inputs reply->reply_good_input[0] = 0x00; reply->reply_good_input[1] = 0x00; reply->reply_good_input[2] = 0x00; reply->reply_good_input[3] = 0x00; // One output reply->reply_good_output_a[0] = 0x80; // Data is being transmitted reply->reply_good_output_a[1] = 0x00; reply->reply_good_output_a[2] = 0x00; reply->reply_good_output_a[3] = 0x00; // Values depend on universe, set before sending reply->reply_sw_in[0] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_in[1] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_in[2] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_in[3] = 0x00; // Values depend on universe, set before sending reply->reply_sw_out[0] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_out[1] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_out[2] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_out[3] = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_video = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_macro = 0x00; reply->reply_sw_remote = 0x00; reply->reply_spare[0] = 0x00; reply->reply_spare[1] = 0x00; reply->reply_spare[2] = 0x00; // A DMX to / from Art-Net device reply->reply_style = 0x00; Network.localMAC(reply->reply_mac); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { reply->reply_bind_ip[i] = localIP[i]; } reply->reply_bind_index = 1; // Product supports web browser configuration // Node’s IP is DHCP or manually configured // Node is DHCP capable // Node supports 15 bit Port-Address (Art-Net 3 or 4) // Node is able to switch between ArtNet and sACN reply->reply_status_2 = (staticIP[0] == 0) ? 0x1F : 0x1D; // RDM is disabled // Output style is continuous reply->reply_good_output_b[0] = 0xC0; reply->reply_good_output_b[1] = 0xC0; reply->reply_good_output_b[2] = 0xC0; reply->reply_good_output_b[3] = 0xC0; // Fail-over state: Hold last state // Node does not support fail-over reply->reply_status_3 = 0x00; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 21; i++) { reply->reply_filler[i] = 0x00; } } void sendArtnetPollReply(ArtPollReply *reply, IPAddress ipAddress, uint16_t portAddress) { reply->reply_net_sw = (uint8_t)((portAddress >> 8) & 0x007F); reply->reply_sub_sw = (uint8_t)((portAddress >> 4) & 0x000F); reply->reply_sw_out[0] = (uint8_t)(portAddress & 0x000F); sprintf((char *)reply->reply_node_report, "#0001 [%04u] OK - WLED v" TOSTRING(WLED_VERSION), pollReplyCount); if (pollReplyCount < 9999) { pollReplyCount++; } else { pollReplyCount = 0; } notifierUdp.beginPacket(ipAddress, ARTNET_DEFAULT_PORT); notifierUdp.write(reply->raw, sizeof(ArtPollReply)); notifierUdp.endPacket(); reply->reply_bind_index++; }