LED setup

LED count:
Recommended power supply for brightest white:

Maximum Current: mA
Automatically limits brightness to stay close to the limit.
Keep at under 1A if powering LEDs directly from the ESP 5V pin!
If you are using an external 5V supply, enter its rating.
"65000" completely diasbles the power calculation.
(Current estimated usage: unknown)

LEDs are 4-channel type (RGBW):
Color order:


Turn LEDs on after power up/reset:

Default RGB color:
Default white value:
Auto-calculate white from RGB instead:
Default brightness: (0-255)
Default effect ID:
Default effect speed:
Default effect intensity:
Default effect palette:
Default secondary RGBW:

Ignore and use current color, brightness and effects:

Apply preset at boot (0 uses defaults)
Save current preset cycle configuration as boot default:

Use Gamma correction for color: (strongly recommended)
Use Gamma correction for brightness: (not recommended)

Brightness factor: %


Transition Time: ms
Enable transition for secondary color:
Enable Palette transitions:

Timed light

Default Duration: min
Default Target brightness:
Fade down:


Palette blending:
Reverse LED order (rotate 180):
Init LEDs after WiFi:
Skip first LED: