Mike 068c5851ef
Add fields for customization Blynk host (#1543)
* Add fields for customization Blynk host

Add fields to 'Sync Interfaces' for customization Blynk host.
Now you can set you own Blynk server.
All you needs its set custom host and port to local Blync server.

* Lower blynk host length (memory usage)

Co-authored-by: cschwinne <dev.aircoookie@gmail.com>
2020-12-22 00:44:16 +01:00

729 lines
21 KiB

#include "wled.h"
* Receives client input
void _setRandomColor(bool _sec,bool fromButton)
lastRandomIndex = strip.get_random_wheel_index(lastRandomIndex);
if (_sec){
} else {
if (fromButton) colorUpdated(2);
bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen)
for (byte i = 0; i < maxLen; i++) {
if (str[i] == 0) break;
if (str[i] != '*') return false;
//at this point the password contains asterisks only
return (str[0] != 0); //false on empty string
//called upon POST settings form submit
void handleSettingsSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, byte subPage)
//0: menu 1: wifi 2: leds 3: ui 4: sync 5: time 6: sec 7: DMX
if (subPage <1 || subPage >7) return;
if (subPage == 1)
strlcpy(clientSSID,request->arg(F("CS")).c_str(), 33);
if (!isAsterisksOnly(request->arg(F("CP")).c_str(), 65)) strlcpy(clientPass, request->arg(F("CP")).c_str(), 65);
strlcpy(cmDNS, request->arg(F("CM")).c_str(), 33);
apBehavior = request->arg(F("AB")).toInt();
strlcpy(apSSID, request->arg(F("AS")).c_str(), 33);
apHide = request->hasArg(F("AH"));
int passlen = request->arg(F("AP")).length();
if (passlen == 0 || (passlen > 7 && !isAsterisksOnly(request->arg(F("AP")).c_str(), 65))) strlcpy(apPass, request->arg(F("AP")).c_str(), 65);
int t = request->arg(F("AC")).toInt(); if (t > 0 && t < 14) apChannel = t;
noWifiSleep = request->hasArg(F("WS"));
char k[3]; k[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)
k[1] = i+48;//ascii 0,1,2,3
k[0] = 'I'; //static IP
staticIP[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'G'; //gateway
staticGateway[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'S'; //subnet
staticSubnet[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
if (subPage == 2)
int t = request->arg(F("LC")).toInt();
if (t > 0 && t <= MAX_LEDS) ledCount = t;
#ifdef ESP8266
#if LEDPIN == 3
if (ledCount > MAX_LEDS_DMA) ledCount = MAX_LEDS_DMA; //DMA method uses too much ram
strip.ablMilliampsMax = request->arg(F("MA")).toInt();
strip.milliampsPerLed = request->arg(F("LA")).toInt();
useRGBW = request->hasArg(F("EW"));
strip.rgbwMode = request->arg(F("AW")).toInt();
briS = request->arg(F("CA")).toInt();
saveCurrPresetCycConf = request->hasArg(F("PC"));
turnOnAtBoot = request->hasArg(F("BO"));
t = request->arg(F("BP")).toInt();
if (t <= 25) bootPreset = t;
strip.gammaCorrectBri = request->hasArg(F("GB"));
strip.gammaCorrectCol = request->hasArg(F("GC"));
fadeTransition = request->hasArg(F("TF"));
t = request->arg(F("TD")).toInt();
if (t > 0) transitionDelay = t;
transitionDelayDefault = t;
strip.paletteFade = request->hasArg(F("PF"));
nightlightTargetBri = request->arg(F("TB")).toInt();
t = request->arg(F("TL")).toInt();
if (t > 0) nightlightDelayMinsDefault = t;
nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault;
nightlightMode = request->arg(F("TW")).toInt();
t = request->arg(F("PB")).toInt();
if (t >= 0 && t < 4) strip.paletteBlend = t;
strip.reverseMode = request->hasArg(F("RV"));
skipFirstLed = request->hasArg(F("SL"));
t = request->arg(F("BF")).toInt();
if (t > 0) briMultiplier = t;
if (subPage == 3)
strlcpy(serverDescription, request->arg(F("DS")).c_str(), 33);
syncToggleReceive = request->hasArg(F("ST"));
if (subPage == 4)
buttonEnabled = request->hasArg(F("BT"));
irEnabled = request->arg(F("IR")).toInt();
int t = request->arg(F("UP")).toInt();
if (t > 0) udpPort = t;
t = request->arg(F("U2")).toInt();
if (t > 0) udpPort2 = t;
receiveNotificationBrightness = request->hasArg(F("RB"));
receiveNotificationColor = request->hasArg(F("RC"));
receiveNotificationEffects = request->hasArg(F("RX"));
receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects);
notifyDirectDefault = request->hasArg(F("SD"));
notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault;
notifyButton = request->hasArg(F("SB"));
notifyAlexa = request->hasArg(F("SA"));
notifyHue = request->hasArg(F("SH"));
notifyMacro = request->hasArg(F("SM"));
notifyTwice = request->hasArg(F("S2"));
receiveDirect = request->hasArg(F("RD"));
e131SkipOutOfSequence = request->hasArg(F("ES"));
e131Multicast = request->hasArg(F("EM"));
t = request->arg(F("EP")).toInt();
if (t > 0) e131Port = t;
t = request->arg(F("EU")).toInt();
if (t >= 0 && t <= 63999) e131Universe = t;
t = request->arg(F("DA")).toInt();
if (t >= 0 && t <= 510) DMXAddress = t;
t = request->arg(F("DM")).toInt();
t = request->arg(F("ET")).toInt();
if (t > 99 && t <= 65000) realtimeTimeoutMs = t;
arlsForceMaxBri = request->hasArg(F("FB"));
arlsDisableGammaCorrection = request->hasArg(F("RG"));
t = request->arg(F("WO")).toInt();
if (t >= -255 && t <= 255) arlsOffset = t;
alexaEnabled = request->hasArg(F("AL"));
strlcpy(alexaInvocationName, request->arg(F("AI")).c_str(), 33);
strlcpy(blynkHost, request->arg("BH").c_str(), 33);
t = request->arg(F("BP")).toInt();
if (t > 0) blynkPort = t;
if (request->hasArg("BK") && !request->arg("BK").equals(F("Hidden"))) {
strlcpy(blynkApiKey, request->arg("BK").c_str(), 36); initBlynk(blynkApiKey, blynkHost, blynkPort);
mqttEnabled = request->hasArg(F("MQ"));
strlcpy(mqttServer, request->arg(F("MS")).c_str(), 33);
t = request->arg(F("MQPORT")).toInt();
if (t > 0) mqttPort = t;
strlcpy(mqttUser, request->arg(F("MQUSER")).c_str(), 41);
if (!isAsterisksOnly(request->arg(F("MQPASS")).c_str(), 41)) strlcpy(mqttPass, request->arg(F("MQPASS")).c_str(), 41);
strlcpy(mqttClientID, request->arg(F("MQCID")).c_str(), 41);
strlcpy(mqttDeviceTopic, request->arg(F("MD")).c_str(), 33);
strlcpy(mqttGroupTopic, request->arg(F("MG")).c_str(), 33);
for (int i=0;i<4;i++){
String a = "H"+String(i);
hueIP[i] = request->arg(a).toInt();
t = request->arg(F("HL")).toInt();
if (t > 0) huePollLightId = t;
t = request->arg(F("HI")).toInt();
if (t > 50) huePollIntervalMs = t;
hueApplyOnOff = request->hasArg(F("HO"));
hueApplyBri = request->hasArg(F("HB"));
hueApplyColor = request->hasArg(F("HC"));
huePollingEnabled = request->hasArg(F("HP"));
hueStoreAllowed = true;
if (subPage == 5)
ntpEnabled = request->hasArg(F("NT"));
strlcpy(ntpServerName, request->arg(F("NS")).c_str(), 33);
useAMPM = !request->hasArg(F("CF"));
currentTimezone = request->arg(F("TZ")).toInt();
utcOffsetSecs = request->arg(F("UO")).toInt();
//start ntp if not already connected
if (ntpEnabled && WLED_CONNECTED && !ntpConnected) ntpConnected = ntpUdp.begin(ntpLocalPort);
if (request->hasArg(F("OL"))) {
overlayDefault = request->arg(F("OL")).toInt();
overlayCurrent = overlayDefault;
overlayMin = request->arg(F("O1")).toInt();
overlayMax = request->arg(F("O2")).toInt();
analogClock12pixel = request->arg(F("OM")).toInt();
analogClock5MinuteMarks = request->hasArg(F("O5"));
analogClockSecondsTrail = request->hasArg(F("OS"));
cronixieBacklight = request->hasArg(F("CB"));
countdownMode = request->hasArg(F("CE"));
countdownYear = request->arg(F("CY")).toInt();
countdownMonth = request->arg(F("CI")).toInt();
countdownDay = request->arg(F("CD")).toInt();
countdownHour = request->arg(F("CH")).toInt();
countdownMin = request->arg(F("CM")).toInt();
countdownSec = request->arg(F("CS")).toInt();
macroAlexaOn = request->arg(F("A0")).toInt();
macroAlexaOff = request->arg(F("A1")).toInt();
macroButton = request->arg(F("MP")).toInt();
macroLongPress = request->arg(F("ML")).toInt();
macroCountdown = request->arg(F("MC")).toInt();
macroNl = request->arg(F("MN")).toInt();
macroDoublePress = request->arg(F("MD")).toInt();
char k[3]; k[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++)
k[1] = i+48;//ascii 0,1,2,3
k[0] = 'H'; //timer hours
timerHours[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'N'; //minutes
timerMinutes[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'T'; //macros
timerMacro[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
k[0] = 'W'; //weekdays
timerWeekday[i] = request->arg(k).toInt();
if (subPage == 6)
if (request->hasArg(F("RS"))) //complete factory reset
serveMessage(request, 200, F("All Settings erased."), F("Connect to WLED-AP to setup again"),255);
doReboot = true;
bool pwdCorrect = !otaLock; //always allow access if ota not locked
if (request->hasArg(F("OP")))
if (otaLock && strcmp(otaPass,request->arg(F("OP")).c_str()) == 0)
pwdCorrect = true;
if (!otaLock && request->arg(F("OP")).length() > 0)
strlcpy(otaPass,request->arg(F("OP")).c_str(), 33);
if (pwdCorrect) //allow changes if correct pwd or no ota active
otaLock = request->hasArg(F("NO"));
wifiLock = request->hasArg(F("OW"));
aOtaEnabled = request->hasArg(F("AO"));
#ifdef WLED_ENABLE_DMX // include only if DMX is enabled
if (subPage == 7)
int t = request->arg(F("PU")).toInt();
if (t >= 0 && t <= 63999) e131ProxyUniverse = t;
t = request->arg(F("CN")).toInt();
if (t>0 && t<16) {
DMXChannels = t;
t = request->arg(F("CS")).toInt();
if (t>0 && t<513) {
DMXStart = t;
t = request->arg(F("CG")).toInt();
if (t>0 && t<513) {
DMXGap = t;
t = request->arg(F("SL")).toInt();
if (t>=0 && t < MAX_LEDS) {
DMXStartLED = t;
for (int i=0; i<15; i++) {
String argname = "CH" + String((i+1));
t = request->arg(argname).toInt();
DMXFixtureMap[i] = t;
if (subPage != 6 || !doReboot) serializeConfig(); //do not save if factory reset
if (subPage == 2) {
if (subPage == 4) alexaInit();
//helper to get int value at a position in string
int getNumVal(const String* req, uint16_t pos)
return req->substring(pos+3).toInt();
//helper to get int value at a position in string
bool updateVal(const String* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv, byte maxv)
int pos = req->indexOf(key);
if (pos < 1) return false;
if (req->charAt(pos+3) == '~') {
int out = getNumVal(req, pos+1);
if (out == 0)
if (req->charAt(pos+4) == '-')
*val = (*val <= minv)? maxv : *val -1;
} else {
*val = (*val >= maxv)? minv : *val +1;
} else {
out += *val;
if (out > maxv) out = maxv;
if (out < minv) out = minv;
*val = out;
} else
*val = getNumVal(req, pos);
return true;
//HTTP API request parser
bool handleSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& req, bool apply)
if (!(req.indexOf("win") >= 0)) return false;
int pos = 0;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("API req: "));
strip.applyToAllSelected = true;
//segment select (sets main segment)
byte prevMain = strip.getMainSegmentId();
pos = req.indexOf(F("SM="));
if (pos > 0) {
strip.mainSegment = getNumVal(&req, pos);
byte main = strip.getMainSegmentId();
if (main != prevMain) setValuesFromMainSeg();
pos = req.indexOf(F("SS="));
if (pos > 0) {
byte t = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (t < strip.getMaxSegments()) main = t;
WS2812FX::Segment& mainseg = strip.getSegment(main);
pos = req.indexOf(F("SV=")); //segment selected
if (pos > 0) {
byte t = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (t == 2) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < strip.getMaxSegments(); i++)
strip.getSegment(i).setOption(SEG_OPTION_SELECTED, 0);
mainseg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_SELECTED, t);
uint16_t startI = mainseg.start;
uint16_t stopI = mainseg.stop;
uint8_t grpI = mainseg.grouping;
uint16_t spcI = mainseg.spacing;
pos = req.indexOf(F("&S=")); //segment start
if (pos > 0) {
startI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf(F("S2=")); //segment stop
if (pos > 0) {
stopI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf(F("GP=")); //segment grouping
if (pos > 0) {
grpI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (grpI == 0) grpI = 1;
pos = req.indexOf(F("SP=")); //segment spacing
if (pos > 0) {
spcI = getNumVal(&req, pos);
strip.setSegment(main, startI, stopI, grpI, spcI);
main = strip.getMainSegmentId();
//set presets
pos = req.indexOf(F("P1=")); //sets first preset for cycle
if (pos > 0) presetCycleMin = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf(F("P2=")); //sets last preset for cycle
if (pos > 0) presetCycleMax = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//preset cycle
pos = req.indexOf(F("CY="));
if (pos > 0)
char cmd = req.charAt(pos+3);
if (cmd == '2') presetCyclingEnabled = !presetCyclingEnabled;
else presetCyclingEnabled = (cmd != '0');
presetCycCurr = presetCycleMin;
pos = req.indexOf(F("PT=")); //sets cycle time in ms
if (pos > 0) {
int v = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (v > 100) presetCycleTime = v/100;
pos = req.indexOf(F("PS=")); //saves current in preset
if (pos > 0) savePreset(getNumVal(&req, pos));
//apply preset
if (updateVal(&req, "PL=", &presetCycCurr, presetCycleMin, presetCycleMax)) {
//set brightness
updateVal(&req, "&A=", &bri);
//set colors
updateVal(&req, "&R=", &col[0]);
updateVal(&req, "&G=", &col[1]);
updateVal(&req, "&B=", &col[2]);
updateVal(&req, "&W=", &col[3]);
updateVal(&req, "R2=", &colSec[0]);
updateVal(&req, "G2=", &colSec[1]);
updateVal(&req, "B2=", &colSec[2]);
updateVal(&req, "W2=", &colSec[3]);
//lox parser
pos = req.indexOf(F("LX=")); // Lox primary color
if (pos > 0) {
int lxValue = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (parseLx(lxValue, col)) {
bri = 255;
nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling
pos = req.indexOf(F("LY=")); // Lox secondary color
if (pos > 0) {
int lxValue = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if(parseLx(lxValue, colSec)) {
bri = 255;
nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling
//set hue
pos = req.indexOf(F("HU="));
if (pos > 0) {
uint16_t temphue = getNumVal(&req, pos);
byte tempsat = 255;
pos = req.indexOf(F("SA="));
if (pos > 0) {
tempsat = getNumVal(&req, pos);
colorHStoRGB(temphue,tempsat,(req.indexOf(F("H2"))>0)? colSec:col);
//set white spectrum (kelvin)
pos = req.indexOf(F("&K="));
if (pos > 0) {
colorKtoRGB(getNumVal(&req, pos),(req.indexOf(F("K2"))>0)? colSec:col);
//set color from HEX or 32bit DEC
pos = req.indexOf(F("CL="));
if (pos > 0) {
colorFromDecOrHexString(col, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str());
pos = req.indexOf(F("C2="));
if (pos > 0) {
colorFromDecOrHexString(colSec, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str());
pos = req.indexOf(F("C3="));
if (pos > 0) {
byte t[4];
colorFromDecOrHexString(t, (char*)req.substring(pos + 3).c_str());
strip.setColor(2, t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]);
//set to random hue SR=0->1st SR=1->2nd
pos = req.indexOf(F("SR"));
if (pos > 0) {
_setRandomColor(getNumVal(&req, pos));
//swap 2nd & 1st
pos = req.indexOf(F("SC"));
if (pos > 0) {
byte temp;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++)
temp = col[i];
col[i] = colSec[i];
colSec[i] = temp;
//set effect parameters
if (updateVal(&req, "FX=", &effectCurrent, 0, strip.getModeCount()-1)) presetCyclingEnabled = false;
updateVal(&req, "SX=", &effectSpeed);
updateVal(&req, "IX=", &effectIntensity);
updateVal(&req, "FP=", &effectPalette, 0, strip.getPaletteCount()-1);
//set advanced overlay
pos = req.indexOf(F("OL="));
if (pos > 0) {
overlayCurrent = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//apply macro (deprecated, added for compatibility with pre-0.11 automations)
pos = req.indexOf(F("&M="));
if (pos > 0) {
applyPreset(getNumVal(&req, pos) + 16);
//toggle send UDP direct notifications
pos = req.indexOf(F("SN="));
if (pos > 0) notifyDirect = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//toggle receive UDP direct notifications
pos = req.indexOf(F("RN="));
if (pos > 0) receiveNotifications = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//receive live data via UDP/Hyperion
pos = req.indexOf(F("RD="));
if (pos > 0) receiveDirect = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//main toggle on/off (parse before nightlight, #1214)
pos = req.indexOf(F("&T="));
if (pos > 0) {
nightlightActive = false; //always disable nightlight when toggling
switch (getNumVal(&req, pos))
case 0: if (bri != 0){briLast = bri; bri = 0;} break; //off, only if it was previously on
case 1: if (bri == 0) bri = briLast; break; //on, only if it was previously off
default: toggleOnOff(); //toggle
//toggle nightlight mode
bool aNlDef = false;
if (req.indexOf(F("&ND")) > 0) aNlDef = true;
pos = req.indexOf(F("NL="));
if (pos > 0)
if (req.charAt(pos+3) == '0')
nightlightActive = false;
} else {
nightlightActive = true;
if (!aNlDef) nightlightDelayMins = getNumVal(&req, pos);
nightlightStartTime = millis();
} else if (aNlDef)
nightlightActive = true;
nightlightStartTime = millis();
//set nightlight target brightness
pos = req.indexOf(F("NT="));
if (pos > 0) {
nightlightTargetBri = getNumVal(&req, pos);
nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init
//toggle nightlight fade
pos = req.indexOf(F("NF="));
if (pos > 0)
nightlightMode = getNumVal(&req, pos);
nightlightActiveOld = false; //re-init
if (nightlightMode > NL_MODE_SUN) nightlightMode = NL_MODE_SUN;
#if AUXPIN >= 0
//toggle general purpose output
pos = req.indexOf(F("AX="));
if (pos > 0) {
auxTime = getNumVal(&req, pos);
auxActive = true;
if (auxTime == 0) auxActive = false;
pos = req.indexOf(F("TT="));
if (pos > 0) transitionDelay = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//Segment reverse
pos = req.indexOf(F("RV="));
if (pos > 0) strip.getSegment(main).setOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED, req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//Segment reverse
pos = req.indexOf(F("MI="));
if (pos > 0) strip.getSegment(main).setOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR, req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
//Segment brightness/opacity
pos = req.indexOf(F("SB="));
if (pos > 0) {
byte segbri = getNumVal(&req, pos);
strip.getSegment(main).setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, segbri);
if (segbri) {
strip.getSegment(main).opacity = segbri;
//set time (unix timestamp)
pos = req.indexOf(F("ST="));
if (pos > 0) {
setTime(getNumVal(&req, pos));
//set countdown goal (unix timestamp)
pos = req.indexOf(F("CT="));
if (pos > 0) {
countdownTime = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (countdownTime - now() > 0) countdownOverTriggered = false;
pos = req.indexOf(F("LO="));
if (pos > 0) {
realtimeOverride = getNumVal(&req, pos);
if (realtimeOverride > 2) realtimeOverride = REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ALWAYS;
pos = req.indexOf(F("RB"));
if (pos > 0) doReboot = true;
//mode, 1 countdown
pos = req.indexOf(F("NM="));
if (pos > 0) countdownMode = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
pos = req.indexOf(F("NX=")); //sets digits to code
if (pos > 0) {
strlcpy(cronixieDisplay, req.substring(pos + 3, pos + 9).c_str(), 6);
pos = req.indexOf(F("NB="));
if (pos > 0) //sets backlight
cronixieBacklight = (req.charAt(pos+3) != '0');
overlayRefreshedTime = 0;
pos = req.indexOf(F("U0=")); //user var 0
if (pos > 0) {
userVar0 = getNumVal(&req, pos);
pos = req.indexOf(F("U1=")); //user var 1
if (pos > 0) {
userVar1 = getNumVal(&req, pos);
//you can add more if you need
if (!apply) return true; //when called by JSON API, do not call colorUpdated() here
//internal call, does not send XML response
pos = req.indexOf(F("IN"));
if (pos < 1) XML_response(request);
pos = req.indexOf(F("&NN")); //do not send UDP notifications this time
return true;