Mike 068c5851ef
Add fields for customization Blynk host (#1543)
* Add fields for customization Blynk host

Add fields to 'Sync Interfaces' for customization Blynk host.
Now you can set you own Blynk server.
All you needs its set custom host and port to local Blync server.

* Lower blynk host length (memory usage)

Co-authored-by: cschwinne <dev.aircoookie@gmail.com>
2020-12-22 00:44:16 +01:00

268 lines
7.9 KiB

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "src/dependencies/espalexa/EspalexaDevice.h"
#include "src/dependencies/e131/ESPAsyncE131.h"
* All globally accessible functions are declared here
void onAlexaChange(EspalexaDevice* dev);
void alexaInit();
void handleAlexa();
void onAlexaChange(EspalexaDevice* dev);
void initBlynk(const char* auth, const char* host, uint16_t port);
void handleBlynk();
void updateBlynk();
void shortPressAction();
bool isButtonPressed();
void handleButton();
void handleIO();
void deserializeConfig();
bool deserializeConfigSec();
void serializeConfig();
void serializeConfigSec();
void colorFromUint32(uint32_t in, bool secondary = false);
void colorFromUint24(uint32_t in, bool secondary = false);
void relativeChangeWhite(int8_t amount, byte lowerBoundary = 0);
void colorHStoRGB(uint16_t hue, byte sat, byte* rgb); //hue, sat to rgb
void colorKtoRGB(uint16_t kelvin, byte* rgb);
void colorCTtoRGB(uint16_t mired, byte* rgb); //white spectrum to rgb
void colorXYtoRGB(float x, float y, byte* rgb); // only defined if huesync disabled TODO
void colorRGBtoXY(byte* rgb, float* xy); // only defined if huesync disabled TODO
void colorFromDecOrHexString(byte* rgb, char* in);
bool colorFromHexString(byte* rgb, const char* in);
void colorRGBtoRGBW(byte* rgb); //rgb to rgbw (http://codewelt.com/rgbw). (RGBW_MODE_LEGACY)
void initDMX();
void handleDMX();
void handleE131Packet(e131_packet_t* p, IPAddress clientIP, byte protocol);
bool handleFileRead(AsyncWebServerRequest*, String path);
bool writeObjectToFileUsingId(const char* file, uint16_t id, JsonDocument* content);
bool writeObjectToFile(const char* file, const char* key, JsonDocument* content);
bool readObjectFromFileUsingId(const char* file, uint16_t id, JsonDocument* dest);
bool readObjectFromFile(const char* file, const char* key, JsonDocument* dest);
void updateFSInfo();
void closeFile();
void handleHue();
void reconnectHue();
void onHueError(void* arg, AsyncClient* client, int8_t error);
void onHueConnect(void* arg, AsyncClient* client);
void sendHuePoll();
void onHueData(void* arg, AsyncClient* client, void *data, size_t len);
bool decodeIRCustom(uint32_t code);
void applyRepeatActions();
void relativeChange(byte* property, int8_t amount, byte lowerBoundary = 0, byte higherBoundary = 0xFF);
void changeEffectSpeed(int8_t amount);
void changeBrightness(int8_t amount);
void changeEffectIntensity(int8_t amount);
void decodeIR(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR24(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR24OLD(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR24CT(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR40(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR44(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR21(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR6(uint32_t code);
void decodeIR9(uint32_t code);
void initIR();
void handleIR();
#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
#include "src/dependencies/json/ArduinoJson-v6.h"
#include "src/dependencies/json/AsyncJson-v6.h"
#include "FX.h"
void deserializeSegment(JsonObject elem, byte it);
bool deserializeState(JsonObject root);
void serializeSegment(JsonObject& root, WS2812FX::Segment& seg, byte id, bool forPreset = false, bool segmentBounds = true);
void serializeState(JsonObject root, bool forPreset = false, bool includeBri = true, bool segmentBounds = true);
void serializeInfo(JsonObject root);
void serveJson(AsyncWebServerRequest* request);
bool serveLiveLeds(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, uint32_t wsClient = 0);
void setValuesFromMainSeg();
void resetTimebase();
void toggleOnOff();
void setAllLeds();
void setLedsStandard(bool justColors = false);
bool colorChanged();
void colorUpdated(int callMode);
void updateInterfaces(uint8_t callMode);
void handleTransitions();
void handleNightlight();
byte scaledBri(byte in);
bool parseLx(int lxValue, byte* rgbw);
void parseLxJson(int lxValue, byte segId, bool secondary);
bool initMqtt();
void publishMqtt();
void handleNetworkTime();
void sendNTPPacket();
bool checkNTPResponse();
void updateLocalTime();
void getTimeString(char* out);
bool checkCountdown();
void setCountdown();
byte weekdayMondayFirst();
void checkTimers();
void initCronixie();
void handleOverlays();
void handleOverlayDraw();
void _overlayAnalogCountdown();
void _overlayAnalogClock();
byte getSameCodeLength(char code, int index, char const cronixieDisplay[]);
void setCronixie();
void _overlayCronixie();
void _drawOverlayCronixie();
class PinManagerClass {
#ifdef ESP8266
uint8_t pinAlloc[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //24bit, 1 bit per pin, we use first 17bits
uint8_t pinAlloc[5] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //40bit, 1 bit per pin, we use all bits
void deallocatePin(byte gpio);
bool allocatePin(byte gpio, bool output = true);
bool isPinAllocated(byte gpio);
bool isPinOk(byte gpio, bool output = true);
void loadPlaylist(JsonObject playlistObject);
void handlePlaylist();
bool applyPreset(byte index);
void savePreset(byte index, bool persist = true, const char* pname = nullptr, JsonObject saveobj = JsonObject());
void deletePreset(byte index);
void _setRandomColor(bool _sec,bool fromButton=false);
bool isAsterisksOnly(const char* str, byte maxLen);
void handleSettingsSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, byte subPage);
bool handleSet(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String& req, bool apply=true);
int getNumVal(const String* req, uint16_t pos);
bool updateVal(const String* req, const char* key, byte* val, byte minv=0, byte maxv=255);
void notify(byte callMode, bool followUp=false);
void realtimeLock(uint32_t timeoutMs, byte md = REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC);
void handleNotifications();
void setRealtimePixel(uint16_t i, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte w);
class Usermod {
virtual void loop() {}
virtual void setup() {}
virtual void connected() {}
virtual void addToJsonState(JsonObject& obj) {}
virtual void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& obj) {}
virtual void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& obj) {}
virtual void addToConfig(JsonObject& obj) {}
virtual void readFromConfig(JsonObject& obj) {}
virtual uint16_t getId() {return USERMOD_ID_UNSPECIFIED;}
class UsermodManager {
Usermod* ums[WLED_MAX_USERMODS];
byte numMods = 0;
void loop();
void setup();
void connected();
void addToJsonState(JsonObject& obj);
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& obj);
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& obj);
void addToConfig(JsonObject& obj);
void readFromConfig(JsonObject& obj);
bool add(Usermod* um);
byte getModCount();
void registerUsermods();
void userSetup();
void userConnected();
void userLoop();
void applyMacro(byte index);
void deEEP();
void deEEPSettings();
void clearEEPROM();
void handleSerial();
bool isIp(String str);
bool captivePortal(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
void initServer();
void serveIndexOrWelcome(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
void serveIndex(AsyncWebServerRequest* request);
String msgProcessor(const String& var);
void serveMessage(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, uint16_t code, const String& headl, const String& subl="", byte optionT=255);
String settingsProcessor(const String& var);
String dmxProcessor(const String& var);
void serveSettings(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, bool post = false);
void handleWs();
void wsEvent(AsyncWebSocket * server, AsyncWebSocketClient * client, AwsEventType type, void * arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len);
void sendDataWs(AsyncWebSocketClient * client = nullptr);
void XML_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request, char* dest = nullptr);
void URL_response(AsyncWebServerRequest *request);
void sappend(char stype, const char* key, int val);
void sappends(char stype, const char* key, char* val);
void getSettingsJS(byte subPage, char* dest);