2021-04-28 17:40:10 +02:00

487 lines
17 KiB

* Usermod for detecting people entering/leaving a staircase and switching the
* staircase on/off.
* Edit the Animated_Staircase_config.h file to compile this usermod for your
* specific configuration.
* See the accompanying README.md file for more info.
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
class Animated_Staircase : public Usermod {
/* configuration (available in API and stored in flash) */
bool enabled = false; // Enable this usermod
unsigned long segment_delay_ms = 150; // Time between switching each segment
unsigned long on_time_ms = 5 * 1000; // The time for the light to stay on
int8_t topPIRorTriggerPin = -1; // disabled
int8_t bottomPIRorTriggerPin = -1; // disabled
int8_t topEchoPin = -1; // disabled
int8_t bottomEchoPin = -1; // disabled
bool useUSSensorTop = false; // using PIR or UltraSound sensor?
bool useUSSensorBottom = false; // using PIR or UltraSound sensor?
unsigned int topMaxTimeUs = 1749; // default echo timout, top
unsigned int bottomMaxTimeUs = 1749; // default echo timout, bottom
/* runtime variables */
bool initDone = false;
// Time between checking of the sensors
const unsigned int scanDelay = 50;
// Lights on or off.
// Flipping this will start a transition.
bool on = false;
// Swipe direction for current transition
#define SWIPE_UP true
#define SWIPE_DOWN false
bool swipe = SWIPE_UP;
// Indicates which Sensor was seen last (to determine
// the direction when swiping off)
#define LOWER false
#define UPPER true
bool lastSensor = LOWER;
// Time of the last transition action
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
// Time of the last sensor check
unsigned long lastScanTime = 0;
// Last time the lights were switched on or off
unsigned long lastSwitchTime = 0;
// segment id between onIndex and offIndex are on.
// controll the swipe by setting/moving these indices around.
// onIndex must be less than or equal to offIndex
byte onIndex = 0;
byte offIndex = 0;
// The maximum number of configured segments.
// Dynamically updated based on user configuration.
byte maxSegmentId = 1;
byte mainSegmentId = 0;
// These values are used by the API to read the
// last sensor state, or trigger a sensor
// through the API
bool topSensorRead = false;
bool topSensorWrite = false;
bool bottomSensorRead = false;
bool bottomSensorWrite = false;
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
static const char _name[];
static const char _enabled[];
static const char _segmentDelay[];
static const char _onTime[];
static const char _useTopUltrasoundSensor[];
static const char _topPIRorTrigger_pin[];
static const char _topEcho_pin[];
static const char _useBottomUltrasoundSensor[];
static const char _bottomPIRorTrigger_pin[];
static const char _bottomEcho_pin[];
static const char _topEchoTime[];
static const char _bottomEchoTime[];
static const char _[];
void updateSegments() {
// mainSegmentId = strip.getMainSegmentId();
// WS2812FX::Segment mainsegment = strip.getSegment(mainSegmentId);
WS2812FX::Segment* segments = strip.getSegments();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_SEGMENTS; i++, segments++) {
if (!segments->isActive()) {
maxSegmentId = i - 1;
if (i >= onIndex && i < offIndex) {
segments->setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 1, 1);
// We may need to copy mode and colors from segment 0 to make sure
// changes are propagated even when the config is changed during a wipe
// segments->mode = mainsegment.mode;
// segments->colors[0] = mainsegment.colors[0];
} else {
segments->setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 0, 1);
// Always mark segments as "transitional", we are animating the staircase
segments->setOption(SEG_OPTION_TRANSITIONAL, 1, 1);
* Detects if an object is within ultrasound range.
* signalPin: The pin where the pulse is sent
* echoPin: The pin where the echo is received
* maxTimeUs: Detection timeout in microseconds. If an echo is
* received within this time, an object is detected
* and the function will return true.
* The speed of sound is 343 meters per second at 20 degress Celcius.
* Since the sound has to travel back and forth, the detection
* distance for the sensor in cm is (0.0343 * maxTimeUs) / 2.
* For practical reasons, here are some useful distances:
* Distance = maxtime
* 5 cm = 292 uS
* 10 cm = 583 uS
* 20 cm = 1166 uS
* 30 cm = 1749 uS
* 50 cm = 2915 uS
* 100 cm = 5831 uS
bool ultrasoundRead(uint8_t signalPin,
uint8_t echoPin,
unsigned int maxTimeUs) {
digitalWrite(signalPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(signalPin, LOW);
return pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH, maxTimeUs) > 0;
void checkSensors() {
if ((millis() - lastScanTime) > scanDelay) {
lastScanTime = millis();
if (!useUSSensorBottom)
bottomSensorRead = bottomSensorWrite || (digitalRead(bottomPIRorTriggerPin) == HIGH);
bottomSensorRead = bottomSensorWrite || ultrasoundRead(bottomPIRorTriggerPin, bottomEchoPin, bottomMaxTimeUs);
if (!useUSSensorTop)
topSensorRead = topSensorWrite || (digitalRead(topPIRorTriggerPin) == HIGH);
topSensorRead = topSensorWrite || ultrasoundRead(topPIRorTriggerPin, topEchoPin, topMaxTimeUs);
// Values read, reset the flags for next API call
topSensorWrite = false;
bottomSensorWrite = false;
if (topSensorRead != bottomSensorRead) {
lastSwitchTime = millis();
if (on) {
lastSensor = topSensorRead;
} else {
// If the bottom sensor triggered, we need to swipe up, ON
swipe = bottomSensorRead;
if (swipe) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("ON -> Swipe up."));
} else {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("ON -> Swipe down."));
if (onIndex == offIndex) {
// Position the indices for a correct on-swipe
if (swipe == SWIPE_UP) {
onIndex = mainSegmentId;
} else {
onIndex = maxSegmentId+1;
offIndex = onIndex;
on = true;
void autoPowerOff() {
// TODO: add logic to wait until PIR sensor deactivates
if (on && ((millis() - lastSwitchTime) > on_time_ms)) {
// Swipe OFF in the direction of the last sensor detection
swipe = lastSensor;
on = false;
if (swipe) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("OFF -> Swipe up."));
} else {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("OFF -> Swipe down."));
void updateSwipe() {
if ((millis() - lastTime) > segment_delay_ms) {
lastTime = millis();
// byte oldOnIndex = onIndex;
// byte oldOffIndex = offIndex;
if (on) {
// Turn on all segments
onIndex = MAX(mainSegmentId, onIndex - 1);
offIndex = MIN(maxSegmentId + 1, offIndex + 1);
} else {
if (swipe == SWIPE_UP) {
onIndex = MIN(offIndex, onIndex + 1);
} else {
offIndex = MAX(onIndex, offIndex - 1);
// send sesnor values to JSON API
void writeSensorsToJson(JsonObject& staircase) {
staircase[F("top-sensor")] = topSensorRead;
staircase[F("bottom-sensor")] = bottomSensorRead;
// allow overrides from JSON API
void readSensorsFromJson(JsonObject& staircase) {
bottomSensorWrite = bottomSensorRead || (staircase[F("bottom-sensor")].as<bool>());
topSensorWrite = topSensorRead || (staircase[F("top-sensor")].as<bool>());
void enable(bool enable) {
if (enable) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Animated Staircase enabled."));
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Delay between steps: "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" milliseconds.\nStairs switch off after: "));
DEBUG_PRINT(on_time_ms / 1000);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F(" seconds."));
// TODO: attach interrupts
if (!useUSSensorBottom)
pinMode(bottomPIRorTriggerPin, INPUT);
else {
pinMode(bottomPIRorTriggerPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bottomEchoPin, INPUT);
if (!useUSSensorTop)
pinMode(topPIRorTriggerPin, INPUT);
else {
pinMode(topPIRorTriggerPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(topEchoPin, INPUT);
} else {
// Restore segment options
// WS2812FX::Segment mainsegment = strip.getSegment(mainSegmentId);
WS2812FX::Segment* segments = strip.getSegments();
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_SEGMENTS; i++, segments++) {
if (!segments->isActive()) {
maxSegmentId = i - 1;
segments->setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 1, 1);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Animated Staircase disabled."));
enabled = enable;
void setup() {
// allocate pins
if (topPIRorTriggerPin >= 0) {
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(topPIRorTriggerPin,useUSSensorTop))
topPIRorTriggerPin = -1;
if (topEchoPin >= 0) {
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(topEchoPin,false))
topEchoPin = -1;
if (bottomPIRorTriggerPin >= 0) {
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(bottomPIRorTriggerPin,useUSSensorBottom))
bottomPIRorTriggerPin = -1;
if (bottomEchoPin >= 0) {
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(bottomPIRorTriggerPin,false))
bottomEchoPin = -1;
// TODO: attach interrupts in enable()
// validate pins
if ( topPIRorTriggerPin < 0 || bottomPIRorTriggerPin < 0 ||
(useUSSensorTop && topEchoPin < 0) || (useUSSensorBottom && bottomEchoPin < 0) )
enabled = false;
initDone = true;
void loop() {
if (!enabled) return;
uint16_t getId() { return USERMOD_ID_ANIMATED_STAIRCASE; }
void addToJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject staircase = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (staircase.isNull()) {
staircase = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Staircase sensor state exposed in API."));
* Reads configuration settings from the json API.
* See void addToJsonState(JsonObject& root)
void readFromJsonState(JsonObject& root) {
if (!initDone) return; // prevent crash on boot applyPreset()
JsonObject staircase = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (!staircase.isNull()) {
if (staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)].is<bool>()) {
enabled = staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)].as<bool>();
} else {
String str = staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)]; // checkbox -> off or on
enabled = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Staircase sensor state read from API."));
* Writes the configuration to internal flash memory.
void addToConfig(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject staircase = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (staircase.isNull()) {
staircase = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)] = enabled;
staircase[FPSTR(_segmentDelay)] = segment_delay_ms;
staircase[FPSTR(_onTime)] = on_time_ms / 1000;
staircase[FPSTR(_useTopUltrasoundSensor)] = useUSSensorTop;
staircase[FPSTR(_topPIRorTrigger_pin)] = topPIRorTriggerPin;
staircase[FPSTR(_topEcho_pin)] = useUSSensorTop ? topEchoPin : -1;
staircase[FPSTR(_useBottomUltrasoundSensor)] = useUSSensorBottom;
staircase[FPSTR(_bottomPIRorTrigger_pin)] = bottomPIRorTriggerPin;
staircase[FPSTR(_bottomEcho_pin)] = useUSSensorBottom ? bottomEchoPin : -1;
staircase[FPSTR(_topEchoTime)] = topMaxTimeUs;
staircase[FPSTR(_bottomEchoTime)] = bottomMaxTimeUs;
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Staircase config saved."));
* Reads the configuration to internal flash memory before setup() is called.
void readFromConfig(JsonObject& root) {
bool oldUseUSSensorTop = useUSSensorTop;
bool oldUseUSSensorBottom = useUSSensorBottom;
int8_t oldTopAPin = topPIRorTriggerPin;
int8_t oldTopBPin = topEchoPin;
int8_t oldBottomAPin = bottomPIRorTriggerPin;
int8_t oldBottomBPin = bottomEchoPin;
JsonObject staircase = root[FPSTR(_name)];
if (!staircase.isNull()) {
if (staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)].is<bool>()) {
enabled = staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)].as<bool>();
} else {
String str = staircase[FPSTR(_enabled)]; // checkbox -> off or on
enabled = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
segment_delay_ms = min(10000,max(10,staircase[FPSTR(_segmentDelay)].as<int>())); // max delay 10s
on_time_ms = min(900,max(10,staircase[FPSTR(_onTime)].as<int>())) * 1000; // min 10s, max 15min
if (staircase[FPSTR(_useTopUltrasoundSensor)].is<bool>()) {
useUSSensorTop = staircase[FPSTR(_useTopUltrasoundSensor)].as<bool>();
} else {
String str = staircase[FPSTR(_useTopUltrasoundSensor)]; // checkbox -> off or on
useUSSensorTop = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
topPIRorTriggerPin = min(39,max(-1,staircase[FPSTR(_topPIRorTrigger_pin)].as<int>()));
topEchoPin = min(39,max(-1,staircase[FPSTR(_topEcho_pin)].as<int>()));
if (staircase[FPSTR(_useBottomUltrasoundSensor)].is<bool>()) {
useUSSensorBottom = staircase[FPSTR(_useBottomUltrasoundSensor)].as<bool>();
} else {
String str = staircase[FPSTR(_useBottomUltrasoundSensor)]; // checkbox -> off or on
useUSSensorBottom = (bool)(str!="off"); // off is guaranteed to be present
bottomPIRorTriggerPin = min(39,max(-1,staircase[FPSTR(_bottomPIRorTrigger_pin)].as<int>()));
bottomEchoPin = min(39,max(-1,staircase[FPSTR(_bottomEcho_pin)].as<int>()));
topMaxTimeUs = min(18000,max(300,staircase[FPSTR(_topEchoTime)].as<int>())); // max distnace ~3m (a noticable lag of 18ms may be expected)
bottomMaxTimeUs = min(18000,max(300,staircase[FPSTR(_bottomEchoTime)].as<int>())); // max distance ~3m (a noticable lag of 18ms may be expected)
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Staircase config (re)loaded."));
} else {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("No config found. (Using defaults.)"));
if (!initDone) {
// first run: reading from cfg.json
} else {
// changing paramters from settings page
bool changed = false;
if ((oldUseUSSensorTop != useUSSensorTop) ||
(oldUseUSSensorBottom != useUSSensorBottom) ||
(oldTopAPin != topPIRorTriggerPin) ||
(oldTopBPin != topEchoPin) ||
(oldBottomAPin != bottomPIRorTriggerPin) ||
(oldBottomBPin != bottomEchoPin)) {
changed = true;
if (changed) setup();
* Shows the delay between steps and power-off time in the "info"
* tab of the web-UI.
void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject& root) {
JsonObject staircase = root["u"];
if (staircase.isNull()) {
staircase = root.createNestedObject("u");
if (enabled) {
JsonArray usermodEnabled = staircase.createNestedArray(F("Staircase enabled")); // name
usermodEnabled.add("yes"); // value
JsonArray segmentDelay = staircase.createNestedArray(F("Delay between stairs")); // name
segmentDelay.add(segment_delay_ms); // value
segmentDelay.add("ms"); // unit
JsonArray onTime = staircase.createNestedArray(F("Power-off stairs after")); // name
onTime.add(on_time_ms / 1000); // value
onTime.add("s"); // unit
} else {
JsonArray usermodEnabled = staircase.createNestedArray(F("Staircase enabled")); // name
usermodEnabled.add("no"); // value
// strings to reduce flash memory usage (used more than twice)
const char Animated_Staircase::_name[] PROGMEM = "staircase";
const char Animated_Staircase::_enabled[] PROGMEM = "enabled";
const char Animated_Staircase::_segmentDelay[] PROGMEM = "segment-delay-ms";
const char Animated_Staircase::_onTime[] PROGMEM = "on-time-s";
const char Animated_Staircase::_useTopUltrasoundSensor[] PROGMEM = "useTopUltrasoundSensor";
const char Animated_Staircase::_topPIRorTrigger_pin[] PROGMEM = "topPIRorTrigger_pin";
const char Animated_Staircase::_topEcho_pin[] PROGMEM = "topEcho_pin";
const char Animated_Staircase::_useBottomUltrasoundSensor[] PROGMEM = "useBottomUltrasoundSensor";
const char Animated_Staircase::_bottomPIRorTrigger_pin[] PROGMEM = "bottomPIRorTrigger_pin";
const char Animated_Staircase::_bottomEcho_pin[] PROGMEM = "bottomEcho_pin";
const char Animated_Staircase::_topEchoTime[] PROGMEM = "top-echo-us";
const char Animated_Staircase::_bottomEchoTime[] PROGMEM = "bottom-echo-us";