Def3nder ed24f72cf9 Changes for 4CH and 5CH LED stripes
ESP32 fixes for Solid RGBW (...not implemented for ESP32 yet)

Use 5CH solid RGB stripes

adapt the logic to use CW and WW for different CT-values

change from Opt-out to Opt-In for analog LEDs

Added new boards

Alexa color changes to match white values with 4Ch and 5Ch LED stripes
bracket error

Device definitions
2019-12-18 15:35:32 +01:00

584 lines
20 KiB

* Main sketch, global variable declarations
* @title WLED project sketch
* @version 0.8.6
* @author Christian Schwinne
//ESP8266-01 (blue) got too little storage space to work with all features of WLED. To use it, you must use ESP8266 Arduino Core v2.4.2 and the setting 512K(No SPIFFS).
//ESP8266-01 (black) has 1MB flash and can thus fit the whole program. Use 1M(64K SPIFFS).
//Uncomment some of the following lines to disable features to compile for ESP8266-01 (max flash size 434kB):
//You are required to disable over-the-air updates:
//You need to choose 1-2 of these features to disable:
//#define WLED_DISABLE_INFRARED //there is no pin left for this on ESP8266-01
#define WLED_DISABLE_FILESYSTEM //SPIFFS is not used by any WLED feature yet
//#define WLED_ENABLE_FS_SERVING //Enable sending html file from SPIFFS before serving progmem version
//#define WLED_ENABLE_FS_EDITOR //enable /edit page for editing SPIFFS content. Will also be disabled with OTA lock
//to toggle usb serial debug (un)comment the following line
//#define WLED_DEBUG
//to toggle using analog RGB or RGBW led strips (un)comment the following line
//to toggle using 5CH analog RGBWS led strips (un)comment the following line
//#define WLED_USE_5CH_LEDS
//library inclusions
#include <Arduino.h>
#ifdef ESP8266
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <ESPAsyncTCP.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include "esp_wifi.h"
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <AsyncTCP.h>
#include "SPIFFS.h"
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <SPIFFSEditor.h>
#include "src/dependencies/time/Time.h"
#include "src/dependencies/time/TimeLib.h"
#include "src/dependencies/timezone/Timezone.h"
#include "src/dependencies/espalexa/Espalexa.h"
#include "src/dependencies/blynk/BlynkSimpleEsp.h"
#include "src/dependencies/e131/E131.h"
#include "src/dependencies/async-mqtt-client/AsyncMqttClient.h"
#include "src/dependencies/json/AsyncJson-v6.h"
#include "src/dependencies/json/ArduinoJson-v6.h"
#include "html_classic.h"
#include "html_mobile.h"
#include "html_settings.h"
#include "html_other.h"
#include "FX.h"
#include "ir_codes.h"
#if IR_PIN < 0
#undef WLED_USE_ANALOG_LEDS // Solid RGBW not implemented for ESP32 yet
#include <IRremote.h>
#endif*/ //there are issues with ESP32 infrared, so it is disabled for now
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
//version code in format yymmddb (b = daily build)
#define VERSION 1911031
char versionString[] = "0.8.6";
//AP and OTA default passwords (for maximum change them!)
char apPass[65] = "wled1234";
char otaPass[33] = "wledota";
//Hardware CONFIG (only changeble HERE, not at runtime)
//LED strip pin, button pin and IR pin changeable in NpbWrapper.h!
byte auxDefaultState = 0; //0: input 1: high 2: low
byte auxTriggeredState = 0; //0: input 1: high 2: low
char ntpServerName[] = "0.wled.pool.ntp.org"; //NTP server to use
//WiFi CONFIG (all these can be changed via web UI, no need to set them here)
char clientSSID[33] = "Your_Network";
char clientPass[65] = "";
char cmDNS[33] = "x"; //mDNS address (placeholder, will be replaced by wledXXXXXXXXXXXX.local)
char apSSID[33] = ""; //AP off by default (unless setup)
byte apChannel = 1; //2.4GHz WiFi AP channel (1-13)
byte apHide = 0; //hidden AP SSID
//byte apWaitTimeSecs = 32; //time to wait for connection before opening AP
byte apBehavior = 0; //0: Open AP when no connection after boot 1: Open when no connection 2: Always open 3: Only when button pressed for 6 sec
//bool recoveryAPDisabled = false; //never open AP (not recommended)
IPAddress staticIP(0, 0, 0, 0); //static IP of ESP
IPAddress staticGateway(0, 0, 0, 0); //gateway (router) IP
IPAddress staticSubnet(255, 255, 255, 0); //most common subnet in home networks
uint16_t ledCount = 30; //overcurrent prevented by ABL
bool useRGBW = false; //SK6812 strips can contain an extra White channel
bool autoRGBtoRGBW = false; //if RGBW enabled, calculate White channel from RGB
#define ABL_MILLIAMPS_DEFAULT 850; //auto lower brightness to stay close to milliampere limit
bool turnOnAtBoot = true; //turn on LEDs at power-up
byte bootPreset = 0; //save preset to load after power-up
byte colS[]{255, 159, 0, 0}; //default RGB(W) color
byte colSecS[]{0, 0, 0, 0}; //default RGB(W) secondary color
byte briS = 127; //default brightness
byte effectDefault = 0;
byte effectSpeedDefault = 75;
byte effectIntensityDefault = 128; //intensity is supported on some effects as an additional parameter (e.g. for blink you can change the duty cycle)
byte effectPaletteDefault = 0; //palette is supported on the FastLED effects, otherwise it has no effect
byte nightlightTargetBri = 0; //brightness after nightlight is over
byte nightlightDelayMins = 60;
bool nightlightFade = true; //if enabled, light will gradually dim towards the target bri. Otherwise, it will instantly set after delay over
bool fadeTransition = true; //enable crossfading color transition
bool enableSecTransition = true; //also enable transition for secondary color
uint16_t transitionDelay = 750; //default crossfade duration in ms
//bool strip.reverseMode = false; //flip entire LED strip (reverses all effect directions) --> edit in WS2812FX.h
bool skipFirstLed = false; //ignore first LED in strip (useful if you need the LED as signal repeater)
byte briMultiplier = 100; //% of brightness to set (to limit power, if you set it to 50 and set bri to 255, actual brightness will be 127)
//User Interface CONFIG
char serverDescription[33] = "WLED"; //Name of module
byte currentTheme = 7; //UI theme index for settings and classic UI
byte uiConfiguration = 2; //0: automatic (depends on user-agent) 1: classic UI 2: mobile UI
bool useHSB = true; //classic UI: use HSB sliders instead of RGB by default
char cssFont[33] = "Verdana"; //font to use in classic UI
bool useHSBDefault = useHSB;
bool buttonEnabled = true;
bool irEnabled = false; //Infrared receiver
uint16_t udpPort = 21324; //WLED notifier default port
uint16_t udpRgbPort = 19446; //Hyperion port
bool receiveNotificationBrightness = true; //apply brightness from incoming notifications
bool receiveNotificationColor = true; //apply color
bool receiveNotificationEffects = true; //apply effects setup
bool notifyDirect = false; //send notification if change via UI or HTTP API
bool notifyButton = false; //send if updated by button or infrared remote
bool notifyAlexa = false; //send notification if updated via Alexa
bool notifyMacro = false; //send notification for macro
bool notifyHue = true; //send notification if Hue light changes
bool notifyTwice = false; //notifications use UDP: enable if devices don't sync reliably
bool alexaEnabled = true; //enable device discovery by Amazon Echo
char alexaInvocationName[33] = "Light"; //speech control name of device. Choose something voice-to-text can understand
char blynkApiKey[36] = ""; //Auth token for Blynk server. If empty, no connection will be made
uint16_t realtimeTimeoutMs = 2500; //ms timeout of realtime mode before returning to normal mode
int arlsOffset = 0; //realtime LED offset
bool receiveDirect = true; //receive UDP realtime
bool arlsDisableGammaCorrection = true; //activate if gamma correction is handled by the source
bool arlsForceMaxBri = false; //enable to force max brightness if source has very dark colors that would be black
bool e131Enabled = true; //settings for E1.31 (sACN) protocol
uint16_t e131Universe = 1;
bool e131Multicast = false;
char mqttDeviceTopic[33] = ""; //main MQTT topic (individual per device, default is wled/mac)
char mqttGroupTopic[33] = "wled/all"; //second MQTT topic (for example to group devices)
char mqttServer[33] = ""; //both domains and IPs should work (no SSL)
char mqttUser[41] = ""; //optional: username for MQTT auth
char mqttPass[41] = ""; //optional: password for MQTT auth
char mqttClientID[41] = ""; //override the client ID
uint16_t mqttPort = 1883;
bool huePollingEnabled = false; //poll hue bridge for light state
uint16_t huePollIntervalMs = 2500; //low values (< 1sec) may cause lag but offer quicker response
char hueApiKey[47] = "api"; //key token will be obtained from bridge
byte huePollLightId = 1; //ID of hue lamp to sync to. Find the ID in the hue app ("about" section)
IPAddress hueIP = (0,0,0,0); //IP address of the bridge
bool hueApplyOnOff = true;
bool hueApplyBri = true;
bool hueApplyColor = true;
bool ntpEnabled = false; //get internet time. Only required if you use clock overlays or time-activated macros
bool useAMPM = false; //12h/24h clock format
byte currentTimezone = 0; //Timezone ID. Refer to timezones array in wled10_ntp.ino
int utcOffsetSecs = 0; //Seconds to offset from UTC before timzone calculation
byte overlayDefault = 0; //0: no overlay 1: analog clock 2: single-digit clocl 3: cronixie
byte overlayMin = 0, overlayMax = ledCount-1; //boundaries of overlay mode
byte analogClock12pixel = 0; //The pixel in your strip where "midnight" would be
bool analogClockSecondsTrail = false; //Display seconds as trail of LEDs instead of a single pixel
bool analogClock5MinuteMarks = false; //Light pixels at every 5-minute position
char cronixieDisplay[7] = "HHMMSS"; //Cronixie Display mask. See wled13_cronixie.ino
bool cronixieBacklight = true; //Allow digits to be back-illuminated
bool countdownMode = false; //Clock will count down towards date
byte countdownYear = 19, countdownMonth = 1; //Countdown target date, year is last two digits
byte countdownDay = 1, countdownHour = 0;
byte countdownMin = 0, countdownSec = 0;
byte macroBoot = 0; //macro loaded after startup
byte macroNl = 0; //after nightlight delay over
byte macroCountdown = 0;
byte macroAlexaOn = 0, macroAlexaOff = 0;
byte macroButton = 0, macroLongPress = 0, macroDoublePress = 0;
//Security CONFIG
bool otaLock = false; //prevents OTA firmware updates without password. ALWAYS enable if system exposed to any public networks
bool wifiLock = false; //prevents access to WiFi settings when OTA lock is enabled
bool aOtaEnabled = true; //ArduinoOTA allows easy updates directly from the IDE. Careful, it does not auto-disable when OTA lock is on
uint16_t userVar0 = 0, userVar1 = 0;
//internal global variable declarations
bool apActive = false;
bool forceReconnect = false;
uint32_t lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
bool interfacesInited = false;
bool wasConnected = false;
byte col[]{255, 159, 0, 0}; //target RGB(W) color
byte colOld[]{0, 0, 0, 0}; //color before transition
byte colT[]{0, 0, 0, 0}; //current color
byte colIT[]{0, 0, 0, 0}; //color that was last sent to LEDs
byte colSec[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
byte colSecT[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
byte colSecOld[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
byte colSecIT[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
byte lastRandomIndex = 0; //used to save last random color so the new one is not the same
bool transitionActive = false;
uint16_t transitionDelayDefault = transitionDelay;
uint16_t transitionDelayTemp = transitionDelay;
unsigned long transitionStartTime;
float tperLast = 0; //crossfade transition progress, 0.0f - 1.0f
bool jsonTransitionOnce = false;
bool nightlightActive = false;
bool nightlightActiveOld = false;
uint32_t nightlightDelayMs = 10;
uint8_t nightlightDelayMinsDefault = nightlightDelayMins;
unsigned long nightlightStartTime;
byte briNlT = 0; //current nightlight brightness
unsigned long lastOnTime = 0;
bool offMode = !turnOnAtBoot;
byte bri = briS;
byte briOld = 0;
byte briT = 0;
byte briIT = 0;
byte briLast = 127; //brightness before turned off. Used for toggle function
bool buttonPressedBefore = false;
bool buttonLongPressed = false;
unsigned long buttonPressedTime = 0;
unsigned long buttonWaitTime = 0;
bool notifyDirectDefault = notifyDirect;
bool receiveNotifications = true;
unsigned long notificationSentTime = 0;
byte notificationSentCallMode = 0;
bool notificationTwoRequired = false;
byte effectCurrent = effectDefault;
byte effectSpeed = effectSpeedDefault;
byte effectIntensity = effectIntensityDefault;
byte effectPalette = effectPaletteDefault;
bool udpConnected = false, udpRgbConnected = false;
//ui style
char cssCol[6][9]={"","","","","",""};
bool showWelcomePage = false;
char hueError[25] = "Inactive";
//uint16_t hueFailCount = 0;
float hueXLast=0, hueYLast=0;
uint16_t hueHueLast=0, hueCtLast=0;
byte hueSatLast=0, hueBriLast=0;
unsigned long hueLastRequestSent = 0;
bool hueAuthRequired = false;
bool hueReceived = false;
bool hueStoreAllowed = false, hueNewKey = false;
byte overlayCurrent = overlayDefault;
byte overlaySpeed = 200;
unsigned long overlayRefreshMs = 200;
unsigned long overlayRefreshedTime;
int overlayArr[6];
uint16_t overlayDur[6];
uint16_t overlayPauseDur[6];
int nixieClockI = -1;
bool nixiePause = false;
byte dP[]{0,0,0,0,0,0};
bool cronixieInit = false;
unsigned long countdownTime = 1514764800L;
bool countdownOverTriggered = true;
byte lastTimerMinute = 0;
byte timerHours[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
byte timerMinutes[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
byte timerMacro[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
byte timerWeekday[] = {255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255}; //weekdays to activate on
//bit pattern of arr elem: 0b11111111: sun,sat,fri,thu,wed,tue,mon,validity
bool blynkEnabled = false;
//preset cycling
bool presetCyclingEnabled = false;
byte presetCycleMin = 1, presetCycleMax = 5;
uint16_t presetCycleTime = 1250;
unsigned long presetCycledTime = 0; byte presetCycCurr = presetCycleMin;
bool presetApplyBri = false, presetApplyCol = true, presetApplyFx = true;
bool saveCurrPresetCycConf = false;
bool realtimeActive = false;
IPAddress realtimeIP = (0,0,0,0);
unsigned long realtimeTimeout = 0;
long lastMqttReconnectAttempt = 0;
long lastInterfaceUpdate = 0;
byte interfaceUpdateCallMode = 0;
#if AUXPIN >= 0
//auxiliary debug pin
byte auxTime = 0;
unsigned long auxStartTime = 0;
bool auxActive = false, auxActiveBefore = false;
//alexa udp
String escapedMac;
Espalexa espalexa;
EspalexaDevice* espalexaDevice;
//dns server
DNSServer dnsServer;
//network time
bool ntpConnected = false;
time_t local = 0;
unsigned long ntpLastSyncTime = 999000000L;
unsigned long ntpPacketSentTime = 999000000L;
IPAddress ntpServerIP;
uint16_t ntpLocalPort = 2390;
#define NTP_PACKET_SIZE 48
#define MAX_LEDS 1500
#define MAX_LEDS_DMA 500
//string temp buffer (now stored in stack locally)
#define OMAX 2048
char* obuf;
uint16_t olen = 0;
String messageHead, messageSub;
byte optionType;
bool doReboot = false; //flag to initiate reboot from async handlers
bool doPublishMqtt = false;
bool doSendHADiscovery = true;
//server library objects
AsyncWebServer server(80);
AsyncClient* hueClient = NULL;
AsyncMqttClient* mqtt = NULL;
//udp interface objects
WiFiUDP notifierUdp, rgbUdp;
WiFiUDP ntpUdp;
E131* e131;
//led fx library object
WS2812FX strip = WS2812FX();
#define WLED_CONNECTED (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
#define WLED_WIFI_CONFIGURED (strlen(clientSSID) >= 1 && strcmp(clientSSID,"Your_Network") != 0)
//debug macros
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) Serial.print (x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x) Serial.println (x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(x) Serial.printf (x)
unsigned long debugTime = 0;
int lastWifiState = 3;
unsigned long wifiStateChangedTime = 0;
int loops = 0;
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(x)
#include <FS.h>
#include "SPIFFS.h"
#include "SPIFFSEditor.h"
//function prototypes
void serveMessage(AsyncWebServerRequest*,uint16_t,String,String,byte);
//turns all LEDs off and restarts ESP
void reset()
briT = 0;
long dly = millis();
while(millis() - dly < 250)
yield(); //enough time to send response to client
//append new c string to temp buffer efficiently
bool oappend(char* txt)
uint16_t len = strlen(txt);
if (olen + len >= OMAX) return false; //buffer full
strcpy(obuf + olen, txt);
olen += len;
return true;
//append new number to temp buffer efficiently
bool oappendi(int i)
char s[11];
sprintf(s,"%ld", i);
return oappend(s);
//boot starts here
void setup() {
//main program loop
void loop() {
if (doSendHADiscovery) sendHADiscoveryMQTT();
if (doReboot) reset();
if (!realtimeActive) //block stuff if WARLS/Adalight is enabled
if (apActive) dnsServer.processNextRequest();
if (WLED_CONNECTED && aOtaEnabled) ArduinoOTA.handle();
if (!offMode) strip.service();
if (millis() - lastMqttReconnectAttempt > 30000) initMqtt();
//DEBUG serial logging
if (millis() - debugTime > 9999)
DEBUG_PRINT("Runtime: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(millis());
DEBUG_PRINT("Unix time: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(now());
DEBUG_PRINT("Free heap: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ESP.getFreeHeap());
DEBUG_PRINT("Wifi state: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.status());
if (WiFi.status() != lastWifiState)
wifiStateChangedTime = millis();
lastWifiState = WiFi.status();
DEBUG_PRINT("State time: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(wifiStateChangedTime);
DEBUG_PRINT("NTP last sync: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(ntpLastSyncTime);
DEBUG_PRINT("Client IP: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(WiFi.localIP());
DEBUG_PRINT("Loops/sec: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(loops/10);
loops = 0;
debugTime = millis();