by choosing a more direct pixel drive technique and disabling effect processor and server while active (server did not work while active before already) Control via button and Alexa works while active
119 lines
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119 lines
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* UDP notifier
void notify(uint8_t callMode)
if (!udpConnected) return;
switch (callMode)
case 1: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case 2: if (!notifyButton) return; break;
case 4: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case 6: if (!notifyDirect) return; break; //fx change
default: return;
byte udpOut[16];
udpOut[0] = 0; //0: wled notifier protocol 1: WARLS protocol
udpOut[1] = callMode;
udpOut[2] = bri;
udpOut[3] = col[0];
udpOut[4] = col[1];
udpOut[5] = col[2];
udpOut[6] = nightlightActive;
udpOut[7] = nightlightDelayMins;
udpOut[8] = effectCurrent;
udpOut[9] = effectSpeed;
udpOut[10] = white;
udpOut[11] = 2; //compatibilityVersionByte: 0: old 1: supports white 2: supports secondary color
udpOut[12] = col_sec[0];
udpOut[13] = col_sec[1];
udpOut[14] = col_sec[2];
udpOut[15] = white_sec;
IPAddress broadcastIp;
broadcastIp = ~WiFi.subnetMask() | WiFi.gatewayIP();
notifierUdp.beginPacket(broadcastIp, udpPort);
notifierUdp.write(udpOut, 16);
void handleNotifications()
if(udpConnected && receiveNotifications){
int packetSize = notifierUdp.parsePacket();
if(packetSize && notifierUdp.remoteIP() != WiFi.localIP())
notifierUdp.read(udpIn, packetSize);
if (udpIn[0] == 0) //wled notifier
col[0] = udpIn[3];
col[1] = udpIn[4];
col[2] = udpIn[5];
if (udpIn[11] > 1)
col_sec[0] = udpIn[12];
col_sec[1] = udpIn[13];
col_sec[2] = udpIn[14];
white_sec = udpIn[15];
if (udpIn[11] > 0) //check if sending modules white val is inteded
white = udpIn[10];
if (udpIn[8] != effectCurrent)
effectCurrent = udpIn[8];
if (udpIn[9] != effectSpeed)
effectSpeed = udpIn[9];
nightlightActive = udpIn[6];
if (!nightlightActive)
bri = udpIn[2];
} else if (udpIn[0] == 1) //warls
if (packetSize > 1) {
if (udpIn[1] == 0)
arlsTimeout = false;
} else {
if (!arlsTimeout){
strip.setRange(0, ledcount-1, 0);
arlsTimeout = true;
arlsTimeoutTime = millis() + 1000*udpIn[1];
for (int i = 2; i < packetSize -3; i += 4)
if (udpIn[i] + arlsOffset < ledcount && udpIn[i] + arlsOffset >= 0)
if (useGammaCorrectionRGB)
strip.setPixelColor(udpIn[i] + arlsOffset, gamma8[udpIn[i+1]], gamma8[udpIn[i+2]], gamma8[udpIn[i+3]]);
} else {
strip.setPixelColor(udpIn[i] + arlsOffset, udpIn[i+1], udpIn[i+2], udpIn[i+3]);
if (arlsTimeout && millis() > arlsTimeoutTime)
arlsTimeout = false;