ChessSpider a6316b40d1
Usermod SensorsToMqtt: Add bmp280+ccs811+si7021 sensors to wled and publish them via MQTT to Home Assistant (#1588)
* Adding SensorsToMqtt usermod, which allows WLED to read bmp280/SI7021/CCS811 sensors and publish it via MQTT to e.g. Home Assistant.

* undo some changes we dont want upstream

* undo some changes we dont want upstream2

Co-authored-by: Machiel Pronk <machiel.pronk89@gmail.com>
2020-12-29 19:35:59 +01:00

285 lines
7.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_BMP280.h>
#include <Adafruit_CCS811.h>
#include <Adafruit_Si7021.h>
Adafruit_BMP280 bmp;
Adafruit_Si7021 si7021;
Adafruit_CCS811 ccs811;
#ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 //ESP32 boards
uint8_t SCL_PIN = 22;
uint8_t SDA_PIN = 21;
#else //ESP8266 boards
uint8_t SCL_PIN = 5;
uint8_t SDA_PIN = 4;
class UserMod_SensorsToMQTT : public Usermod
bool initialized = false;
bool mqttInitialized = false;
float SensorPressure = 0;
float SensorTemperature = 0;
float SensorHumidity = 0;
char *SensorIaq = "Unknown";
String mqttTemperatureTopic = "";
String mqttHumidityTopic = "";
String mqttPressureTopic = "";
String mqttTvocTopic = "";
String mqttEco2Topic = "";
String mqttIaqTopic = "";
unsigned int SensorTvoc = 0;
unsigned int SensorEco2 = 0;
unsigned long nextMeasure = 0;
void _initialize()
initialized = bmp.begin(BMP280_ADDRESS_ALT);
bmp.setSampling(Adafruit_BMP280::MODE_NORMAL, /* Operating Mode. */
Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X16, /* Temp. oversampling */
Adafruit_BMP280::SAMPLING_X16, /* Pressure oversampling */
Adafruit_BMP280::FILTER_X16, /* Filtering. */
Adafruit_BMP280::STANDBY_MS_2000); /* Refresh values every 20 seconds */
initialized &= si7021.begin();
initialized &= ccs811.begin();
ccs811.setDriveMode(CCS811_DRIVE_MODE_10SEC); /* Refresh values every 10s */
void _mqttInitialize()
mqttTemperatureTopic = String(mqttDeviceTopic) + "/temperature";
mqttPressureTopic = String(mqttDeviceTopic) + "/pressure";
mqttHumidityTopic = String(mqttDeviceTopic) + "/humidity";
mqttTvocTopic = String(mqttDeviceTopic) + "/tvoc";
mqttEco2Topic = String(mqttDeviceTopic) + "/eco2";
mqttIaqTopic = String(mqttDeviceTopic) + "/iaq";
String t = String("homeassistant/sensor/") + mqttClientID + "/temperature/config";
_createMqttSensor("temperature", mqttTemperatureTopic, "temperature", "°C");
_createMqttSensor("pressure", mqttPressureTopic, "pressure", "hPa");
_createMqttSensor("humidity", mqttHumidityTopic, "humidity", "%");
_createMqttSensor("tvoc", mqttTvocTopic, "", "ppb");
_createMqttSensor("eco2", mqttEco2Topic, "", "ppm");
_createMqttSensor("iaq", mqttIaqTopic, "", "");
void _createMqttSensor(const String &name, const String &topic, const String &deviceClass, const String &unitOfMeasurement)
String t = String("homeassistant/sensor/") + mqttClientID + "/" + name + "/config";
StaticJsonDocument<300> doc;
doc["name"] = name;
doc["state_topic"] = topic;
doc["unique_id"] = String(mqttClientID) + name;
if (unitOfMeasurement != "")
doc["unit_of_measurement"] = unitOfMeasurement;
if (deviceClass != "")
doc["device_class"] = deviceClass;
doc["expire_after"] = 1800;
JsonObject device = doc.createNestedObject("device"); // attach the sensor to the same device
device["identifiers"] = String("wled-sensor-") + mqttClientID;
device["manufacturer"] = "Aircoookie";
device["model"] = "WLED";
device["sw_version"] = VERSION;
device["name"] = mqttClientID;
String temp;
serializeJson(doc, temp);
mqtt->publish(t.c_str(), 0, true, temp.c_str());
void _updateSensorData()
SensorTemperature = bmp.readTemperature();
SensorHumidity = si7021.readHumidity();
SensorPressure = (bmp.readPressure() / 100.0F);
ccs811.setEnvironmentalData(SensorHumidity, SensorTemperature);
SensorTvoc = ccs811.getTVOC();
SensorEco2 = ccs811.geteCO2();
SensorIaq = _getIaqIndex(SensorHumidity, SensorTvoc, SensorEco2);
Serial.printf("%f c, %f humidity, %f hPA, %u tvoc, %u Eco2, %s iaq\n",
SensorTemperature, SensorHumidity, SensorPressure,
SensorTvoc, SensorEco2, SensorIaq);
* Credits: Bouke_Regnerus @ https://community.home-assistant.io/t/example-indoor-air-quality-text-sensor-using-ccs811-sensor/125854
char *_getIaqIndex(float humidity, int tvoc, int eco2)
int iaq_index = 0;
* Transform indoor humidity values to IAQ points according to Indoor Air Quality UK:
* http://www.iaquk.org.uk/
if (humidity < 10 or humidity > 90)
iaq_index += 1;
else if (humidity < 20 or humidity > 80)
iaq_index += 2;
else if (humidity < 30 or humidity > 70)
iaq_index += 3;
else if (humidity < 40 or humidity > 60)
iaq_index += 4;
else if (humidity >= 40 and humidity <= 60)
iaq_index += 5;
* Transform eCO2 values to IAQ points according to Indoor Air Quality UK:
* http://www.iaquk.org.uk/
if (eco2 <= 600)
iaq_index += 5;
else if (eco2 <= 800)
iaq_index += 4;
else if (eco2 <= 1500)
iaq_index += 3;
else if (eco2 <= 1800)
iaq_index += 2;
else if (eco2 > 1800)
iaq_index += 1;
* Transform TVOC values to IAQ points according to German environmental guidelines:
* https://www.repcomsrl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Environmental_Sensing_VOC_Product_Brochure_EN.pdf
if (tvoc <= 65)
iaq_index += 5;
else if (tvoc <= 220)
iaq_index += 4;
else if (tvoc <= 660)
iaq_index += 3;
else if (tvoc <= 2200)
iaq_index += 2;
else if (tvoc > 2200)
iaq_index += 1;
if (iaq_index <= 6)
return "Unhealty";
else if (iaq_index <= 9)
return "Poor";
else if (iaq_index <= 12)
return "Moderate";
else if (iaq_index <= 14)
return "Good";
else if (iaq_index > 14)
return "Excellent";
void setup()
Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN);
Serial.println("Initializing sensors.. ");
// gets called every time WiFi is (re-)connected.
void connected()
nextMeasure = millis() + 5000; // Schedule next measure in 5 seconds
void loop()
unsigned long tempTimer = millis();
if (tempTimer > nextMeasure)
nextMeasure = tempTimer + 60000; // Schedule next measure in 60 seconds
if (!initialized)
Serial.println("Error! Sensors not initialized in loop()!");
return; // lets try again next loop
if (mqtt != nullptr && mqtt->connected())
if (!mqttInitialized)
mqttInitialized = true;
// Update sensor data
// Create string populated with user defined device topic from the UI,
// and the read temperature, humidity and pressure.
// Then publish to MQTT server.
mqtt->publish(mqttTemperatureTopic.c_str(), 0, true, String(SensorTemperature).c_str());
mqtt->publish(mqttPressureTopic.c_str(), 0, true, String(SensorPressure).c_str());
mqtt->publish(mqttHumidityTopic.c_str(), 0, true, String(SensorHumidity).c_str());
mqtt->publish(mqttTvocTopic.c_str(), 0, true, String(SensorTvoc).c_str());
mqtt->publish(mqttEco2Topic.c_str(), 0, true, String(SensorEco2).c_str());
mqtt->publish(mqttIaqTopic.c_str(), 0, true, String(SensorIaq).c_str());
Serial.println("Missing MQTT connection. Not publishing data");
mqttInitialized = false;