changed WLED08_led.ino to fade from current color to the secondary color. This can be used without effecting the current logic with setting "NF=2" in a macro or through the API. If a red color tone is chosen as primary and a yellow/white tone as secondary color, the actual brightness is set to 5 and the target brightness to 255, the duration is set to 10 minutes, this will create a smooth fade from darkest red to a bright warm light (like in a real SunRise)
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* LED methods
void setValuesFromMainSeg()
WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(strip.getMainSegmentId());
colorFromUint32(seg.colors[1], true);
effectCurrent = seg.mode;
effectSpeed = seg.speed;
effectIntensity = seg.intensity;
effectPalette = seg.palette;
void resetTimebase()
strip.timebase = 0 - millis();
void toggleOnOff()
if (bri == 0)
bri = briLast;
} else
briLast = bri;
bri = 0;
void setAllLeds() {
if (!realtimeActive || !arlsForceMaxBri)
double d = briT*briMultiplier;
int val = d/100;
if (val > 255) val = 255;
if (!enableSecTransition)
for (byte i = 0; i<4; i++)
colSecT[i] = colSec[i];
if (useRGBW && autoRGBtoRGBW)
strip.setColor(0, colT[0], colT[1], colT[2], colT[3]);
strip.setColor(1, colSecT[0], colSecT[1], colSecT[2], colSecT[3]);
void setLedsStandard()
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++)
colOld[i] = col[i];
colT[i] = col[i];
colSecOld[i] = colSec[i];
colSecT[i] = colSec[i];
briOld = bri;
briT = bri;
bool colorChanged()
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++)
if (col[i] != colIT[i]) return true;
if (colSec[i] != colSecIT[i]) return true;
if (bri != briIT) return true;
return false;
void colorUpdated(int callMode)
//call for notifier -> 0: init 1: direct change 2: button 3: notification 4: nightlight 5: other (No notification)
// 6: fx changed 7: hue 8: preset cycle 9: blynk 10: alexa
if (callMode != 0 && callMode != 1 && callMode != 5) strip.applyToAllSelected = true; //if not from JSON api, which directly sets segments
bool fxChanged = strip.setEffectConfig(effectCurrent, effectSpeed, effectIntensity, effectPalette);
if (!colorChanged())
if (nightlightActive && !nightlightActiveOld && callMode != 3 && callMode != 5)
notify(4); interfaceUpdateCallMode = 4; return;
else if (fxChanged) {
if (callMode != 8) interfaceUpdateCallMode = 6;
if (realtimeTimeout == UINT32_MAX) realtimeTimeout = 0;
if (isPreset) {isPreset = false;}
else {currentPreset = -1;}
return; //no change
if (realtimeTimeout == UINT32_MAX) realtimeTimeout = 0;
if (isPreset) {isPreset = false;}
else {currentPreset = -1;}
if (callMode != 5 && nightlightActive && nightlightFade)
briNlT = bri;
nightlightDelayMs -= (millis() - nightlightStartTime);
nightlightStartTime = millis();
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++)
colIT[i] = col[i];
colSecIT[i] = colSec[i];
if (briT == 0 && callMode != 3) resetTimebase();
briIT = bri;
if (bri > 0) briLast = bri;
if (fadeTransition)
//set correct delay if not using notification delay
if (callMode != 3 && !jsonTransitionOnce) transitionDelayTemp = transitionDelay;
jsonTransitionOnce = false;
if (transitionDelayTemp == 0) {setLedsStandard(); strip.trigger(); return;}
if (transitionActive)
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++)
colOld[i] = colT[i];
colSecOld[i] = colSecT[i];
briOld = briT;
tperLast = 0;
transitionActive = true;
transitionStartTime = millis();
} else
if (callMode == 8) return;
//set flag to update blynk and mqtt
interfaceUpdateCallMode = callMode;
void updateInterfaces(uint8_t callMode)
if (espalexaDevice != nullptr && callMode != 10) {
espalexaDevice->setColor(col[0], col[1], col[2]);
if (callMode != 9 && callMode != 5) updateBlynk();
doPublishMqtt = true;
lastInterfaceUpdate = millis();
void handleTransitions()
//handle still pending interface update
if (interfaceUpdateCallMode && millis() - lastInterfaceUpdate > 2000)
interfaceUpdateCallMode = 0; //disable
if (doPublishMqtt) publishMqtt();
if (transitionActive && transitionDelayTemp > 0)
float tper = (millis() - transitionStartTime)/(float)transitionDelayTemp;
if (tper >= 1.0)
transitionActive = false;
tperLast = 0;
if (tper - tperLast < 0.004) return;
tperLast = tper;
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++)
colT[i] = colOld[i]+((col[i] - colOld[i])*tper);
colSecT[i] = colSecOld[i]+((colSec[i] - colSecOld[i])*tper);
briT = briOld +((bri - briOld )*tper);
void handleNightlight()
if (nightlightActive)
if (!nightlightActiveOld) //init
nightlightStartTime = millis();
nightlightDelayMs = (int)(nightlightDelayMins*60000);
nightlightActiveOld = true;
briNlT = bri;
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++) colNlT[i] = col[i]; // remember starting color
float nper = (millis() - nightlightStartTime)/((float)nightlightDelayMs);
if (nightlightFade)
bri = briNlT + ((nightlightTargetBri - briNlT)*nper);
if (nightlightColorFade) // color fading only is enabled with "NF=2"
for (byte i=0; i<4; i++) col[i] = colNlT[i]+ ((colSec[i] - colNlT[i])*nper); // fading from actual color to secondary color
if (nper >= 1)
nightlightActive = false;
if (!nightlightFade)
bri = nightlightTargetBri;
if (bri == 0) briLast = briNlT;
} else if (nightlightActiveOld) //early de-init
nightlightActiveOld = false;
//also handle preset cycle here
if (presetCyclingEnabled && (millis() - presetCycledTime > presetCycleTime))
presetCycCurr++; if (presetCycCurr > presetCycleMax) presetCycCurr = presetCycleMin;
if (presetCycCurr > 25) presetCycCurr = 1;
presetCycledTime = millis();