2022-02-01 09:33:57 +01:00

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* That usermod implements support of simple hand gestures with VL53L0X sensor: on/off and brightness correction.
* It can be useful for kitchen strips to avoid any touches.
* - on/off - just swipe a hand below your sensor ("shortPressAction" is called and can be customized through WLED macros)
* - brightness correction - keep your hand below sensor for 1 second to switch to "brightness" mode.
* Configure brightness by changing distance to the sensor (see parameters below for customization).
* "macroLongPress" is also called here.
* Enabling this mod usermod:
* 1. Attach VL53L0X sensor to i2c pins according to default pins for your board.
* 2. Add "-D USERMOD_VL53L0X_GESTURES" to your build flags at platformio.ini (plaformio_override.ini) for needed environment.
* In my case, for example: build_flags = ${common.build_flags_esp8266} -D RLYPIN=12 -D USERMOD_VL53L0X_GESTURES
* 3. Add "pololu/VL53L0X" dependency to lib_deps like this:
* lib_deps = ${env.lib_deps}
* pololu/VL53L0X @ ^1.3.0
#pragma once
#include "wled.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include <VL53L0X.h>
#define HW_PIN_SCL 22
#define HW_PIN_SDA 21
#define HW_PIN_SCL 5
#define HW_PIN_SDA 4
#ifndef VL53L0X_MAX_RANGE_MM
#define VL53L0X_MAX_RANGE_MM 230 // max height in millimiters to react for motions
#define VL53L0X_MIN_RANGE_OFFSET 60 // minimal range in millimiters that sensor can detect. Used in long motions to correct brightnes calculation.
#ifndef VL53L0X_DELAY_MS
#define VL53L0X_DELAY_MS 100 // how often to get data from sensor
#define VL53L0X_LONG_MOTION_DELAY_MS 1000 // how often to get data from sensor
class UsermodVL53L0XGestures : public Usermod {
//Private class members. You can declare variables and functions only accessible to your usermod here
unsigned long lastTime = 0;
VL53L0X sensor;
bool enabled = true;
bool wasMotionBefore = false;
bool isLongMotion = false;
unsigned long motionStartTime = 0;
void setup() {
PinManagerPinType pins[2] = { { HW_PIN_SCL, true }, { HW_PIN_SDA, true } };
if (!pinManager.allocateMultiplePins(pins, 2, PinOwner::HW_I2C)) { enabled = false; return; }
if (!sensor.init())
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Failed to detect and initialize VL53L0X sensor!"));
} else {
sensor.setMeasurementTimingBudget(20000); // set high speed mode
void loop() {
if (!enabled || strip.isUpdating()) return;
if (millis() - lastTime > VL53L0X_DELAY_MS)
lastTime = millis();
int range = sensor.readRangeSingleMillimeters();
DEBUG_PRINTF(F("range: %d, brightness: %d"), range, bri);
if (range < VL53L0X_MAX_RANGE_MM)
if (!wasMotionBefore)
motionStartTime = millis();
DEBUG_PRINTF(F("motionStartTime: %d"), motionStartTime);
wasMotionBefore = true;
if (millis() - motionStartTime > VL53L0X_LONG_MOTION_DELAY_MS) //long motion
DEBUG_PRINTF(F("long motion: %d"), motionStartTime);
if (!isLongMotion)
if (macroLongPress)
isLongMotion = true;
// set brightness according to range
DEBUG_PRINTF(F("new brightness: %d"), bri);
} else if (wasMotionBefore) { //released
long dur = millis() - motionStartTime;
if (!isLongMotion)
{ //short press
wasMotionBefore = false;
isLongMotion = false;
* addToConfig() can be used to add custom persistent settings to the cfg.json file in the "um" (usermod) object.
* It will be called by WLED when settings are actually saved (for example, LED settings are saved)
* I highly recommend checking out the basics of ArduinoJson serialization and deserialization in order to use custom settings!
void addToConfig(JsonObject& root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject("VL53L0x");
JsonArray pins = top.createNestedArray("pin");
* getId() allows you to optionally give your V2 usermod an unique ID (please define it in const.h!).
* This could be used in the future for the system to determine whether your usermod is installed.
uint16_t getId()
return USERMOD_ID_VL53L0X;