Christian Schwinne 74156b7ed8
Support white addressable LED strips (#3073)
* Support white addressable LED strips

* Various white handling tweaks

Allow RGB controls for white-only busses depending on AWM (makes palette-only FX work on non-RGB addressable busses)
Fixed RGB controls hidden if segment contained any non-RGB bus (even though there is also an RGB bus in that segment)
New Max auto white mode
Added hasCCT() bus method
Rename methods to be clearer
WS2811 White getPixelColor fix()

* Fix merge conflict (bus manager cpp)
2023-02-14 01:33:06 +01:00

566 lines
16 KiB

* Class implementation for addressing various light types
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <IPAddress.h>
#include "const.h"
#include "pin_manager.h"
#include "bus_wrapper.h"
#include "bus_manager.h"
uint32_t colorBalanceFromKelvin(uint16_t kelvin, uint32_t rgb);
uint16_t approximateKelvinFromRGB(uint32_t rgb);
void colorRGBtoRGBW(byte* rgb);
uint8_t realtimeBroadcast(uint8_t type, IPAddress client, uint16_t length, byte *buffer, uint8_t bri=255, bool isRGBW=false);
// enable additional debug output
#if defined(WLED_DEBUG_HOST)
#include "net_debug.h"
#define DEBUGOUT NetDebug
#define DEBUGOUT Serial
#ifndef ESP8266
#include <rom/rtc.h>
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) DEBUGOUT.print(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x) DEBUGOUT.println(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(x...) DEBUGOUT.printf(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(x...)
//color mangling macros
#define RGBW32(r,g,b,w) (uint32_t((byte(w) << 24) | (byte(r) << 16) | (byte(g) << 8) | (byte(b))))
#define R(c) (byte((c) >> 16))
#define G(c) (byte((c) >> 8))
#define B(c) (byte(c))
#define W(c) (byte((c) >> 24))
void ColorOrderMap::add(uint16_t start, uint16_t len, uint8_t colorOrder) {
if (len == 0) {
if (colorOrder > COL_ORDER_MAX) {
_mappings[_count].start = start;
_mappings[_count].len = len;
_mappings[_count].colorOrder = colorOrder;
uint8_t IRAM_ATTR ColorOrderMap::getPixelColorOrder(uint16_t pix, uint8_t defaultColorOrder) const {
if (_count == 0) return defaultColorOrder;
// upper nibble containd W swap information
uint8_t swapW = defaultColorOrder >> 4;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _count; i++) {
if (pix >= _mappings[i].start && pix < (_mappings[i].start + _mappings[i].len)) {
return _mappings[i].colorOrder | (swapW << 4);
return defaultColorOrder;
uint32_t Bus::autoWhiteCalc(uint32_t c) {
uint8_t aWM = _autoWhiteMode;
if (_gAWM < 255) aWM = _gAWM;
if (aWM == RGBW_MODE_MANUAL_ONLY) return c;
uint8_t w = W(c);
//ignore auto-white calculation if w>0 and mode DUAL (DUAL behaves as BRIGHTER if w==0)
if (w > 0 && aWM == RGBW_MODE_DUAL) return c;
uint8_t r = R(c);
uint8_t g = G(c);
uint8_t b = B(c);
if (aWM == RGBW_MODE_MAX) return RGBW32(r, g, b, r > g ? (r > b ? r : b) : (g > b ? g : b)); // brightest RGB channel
w = r < g ? (r < b ? r : b) : (g < b ? g : b);
if (aWM == RGBW_MODE_AUTO_ACCURATE) { r -= w; g -= w; b -= w; } //subtract w in ACCURATE mode
return RGBW32(r, g, b, w);
BusDigital::BusDigital(BusConfig &bc, uint8_t nr, const ColorOrderMap &com) : Bus(bc.type, bc.start, bc.autoWhite), _colorOrderMap(com) {
if (!IS_DIGITAL(bc.type) || !bc.count) return;
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(bc.pins[0], true, PinOwner::BusDigital)) return;
_pins[0] = bc.pins[0];
if (IS_2PIN(bc.type)) {
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(bc.pins[1], true, PinOwner::BusDigital)) {
cleanup(); return;
_pins[1] = bc.pins[1];
reversed = bc.reversed;
_needsRefresh = bc.refreshReq || bc.type == TYPE_TM1814;
_skip = bc.skipAmount; //sacrificial pixels
_len = bc.count + _skip;
_iType = PolyBus::getI(bc.type, _pins, nr);
if (_iType == I_NONE) return;
uint16_t lenToCreate = _len;
if (bc.type == TYPE_WS2812_1CH_X3) lenToCreate = NUM_ICS_WS2812_1CH_3X(_len); // only needs a third of "RGB" LEDs for NeoPixelBus
_busPtr = PolyBus::create(_iType, _pins, lenToCreate, nr);
_valid = (_busPtr != nullptr);
_colorOrder = bc.colorOrder;
DEBUG_PRINTF("%successfully inited strip %u (len %u) with type %u and pins %u,%u (itype %u)\n", _valid?"S":"Uns", nr, _len, bc.type, _pins[0],_pins[1],_iType);
void BusDigital::show() {
PolyBus::show(_busPtr, _iType);
bool BusDigital::canShow() {
return PolyBus::canShow(_busPtr, _iType);
void BusDigital::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
//Fix for turning off onboard LED breaking bus
if (_bri == 0 && b > 0) {
if (_pins[0] == LED_BUILTIN || _pins[1] == LED_BUILTIN) PolyBus::begin(_busPtr, _iType, _pins);
PolyBus::setBrightness(_busPtr, _iType, b);
//If LEDs are skipped, it is possible to use the first as a status LED.
//TODO only show if no new show due in the next 50ms
void BusDigital::setStatusPixel(uint32_t c) {
if (_skip && canShow()) {
PolyBus::setPixelColor(_busPtr, _iType, 0, c, _colorOrderMap.getPixelColorOrder(_start, _colorOrder));
PolyBus::show(_busPtr, _iType);
void IRAM_ATTR BusDigital::setPixelColor(uint16_t pix, uint32_t c) {
if (_type == TYPE_SK6812_RGBW || _type == TYPE_TM1814 || _type == TYPE_WS2812_1CH_X3) c = autoWhiteCalc(c);
if (_cct >= 1900) c = colorBalanceFromKelvin(_cct, c); //color correction from CCT
if (reversed) pix = _len - pix -1;
else pix += _skip;
uint8_t co = _colorOrderMap.getPixelColorOrder(pix+_start, _colorOrder);
if (_type == TYPE_WS2812_1CH_X3) { // map to correct IC, each controls 3 LEDs
uint16_t pOld = pix;
pix = IC_INDEX_WS2812_1CH_3X(pix);
uint32_t cOld = PolyBus::getPixelColor(_busPtr, _iType, pix, co);
switch (pOld % 3) { // change only the single channel (TODO: this can cause loss because of get/set)
case 0: c = RGBW32(R(cOld), W(c) , B(cOld), 0); break;
case 1: c = RGBW32(W(c) , G(cOld), B(cOld), 0); break;
case 2: c = RGBW32(R(cOld), G(cOld), W(c) , 0); break;
PolyBus::setPixelColor(_busPtr, _iType, pix, c, co);
uint32_t BusDigital::getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
if (reversed) pix = _len - pix -1;
else pix += _skip;
uint8_t co = _colorOrderMap.getPixelColorOrder(pix+_start, _colorOrder);
if (_type == TYPE_WS2812_1CH_X3) { // map to correct IC, each controls 3 LEDs
uint16_t pOld = pix;
pix = IC_INDEX_WS2812_1CH_3X(pix);
uint32_t c = PolyBus::getPixelColor(_busPtr, _iType, pix, co);
switch (pOld % 3) { // get only the single channel
case 0: c = RGBW32(G(c), G(c), G(c), G(c)); break;
case 1: c = RGBW32(R(c), R(c), R(c), R(c)); break;
case 2: c = RGBW32(B(c), B(c), B(c), B(c)); break;
return c;
return PolyBus::getPixelColor(_busPtr, _iType, pix, co);
uint8_t BusDigital::getPins(uint8_t* pinArray) {
uint8_t numPins = IS_2PIN(_type) ? 2 : 1;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) pinArray[i] = _pins[i];
return numPins;
void BusDigital::setColorOrder(uint8_t colorOrder) {
// upper nibble contains W swap information
if ((colorOrder & 0x0F) > 5) return;
_colorOrder = colorOrder;
void BusDigital::reinit() {
PolyBus::begin(_busPtr, _iType, _pins);
void BusDigital::cleanup() {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Digital Cleanup."));
PolyBus::cleanup(_busPtr, _iType);
_iType = I_NONE;
_valid = false;
_busPtr = nullptr;
pinManager.deallocatePin(_pins[1], PinOwner::BusDigital);
pinManager.deallocatePin(_pins[0], PinOwner::BusDigital);
BusPwm::BusPwm(BusConfig &bc) : Bus(bc.type, bc.start, bc.autoWhite) {
_valid = false;
if (!IS_PWM(bc.type)) return;
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(bc.type);
#ifdef ESP8266
analogWriteRange(255); //same range as one RGB channel
_ledcStart = pinManager.allocateLedc(numPins);
if (_ledcStart == 255) { //no more free LEDC channels
deallocatePins(); return;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
uint8_t currentPin = bc.pins[i];
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(currentPin, true, PinOwner::BusPwm)) {
deallocatePins(); return;
_pins[i] = currentPin; //store only after allocatePin() succeeds
#ifdef ESP8266
pinMode(_pins[i], OUTPUT);
ledcSetup(_ledcStart + i, WLED_PWM_FREQ, 8);
ledcAttachPin(_pins[i], _ledcStart + i);
reversed = bc.reversed;
_valid = true;
void BusPwm::setPixelColor(uint16_t pix, uint32_t c) {
if (pix != 0 || !_valid) return; //only react to first pixel
if (_type != TYPE_ANALOG_3CH) c = autoWhiteCalc(c);
if (_cct >= 1900 && (_type == TYPE_ANALOG_3CH || _type == TYPE_ANALOG_4CH)) {
c = colorBalanceFromKelvin(_cct, c); //color correction from CCT
uint8_t r = R(c);
uint8_t g = G(c);
uint8_t b = B(c);
uint8_t w = W(c);
uint8_t cct = 0; //0 - full warm white, 255 - full cold white
if (_cct > -1) {
if (_cct >= 1900) cct = (_cct - 1900) >> 5;
else if (_cct < 256) cct = _cct;
} else {
cct = (approximateKelvinFromRGB(c) - 1900) >> 5;
uint8_t ww, cw;
ww = w;
cw = cct;
//0 - linear (CCT 127 = 50% warm, 50% cold), 127 - additive CCT blending (CCT 127 = 100% warm, 100% cold)
if (cct < _cctBlend) ww = 255;
else ww = ((255-cct) * 255) / (255 - _cctBlend);
if ((255-cct) < _cctBlend) cw = 255;
else cw = (cct * 255) / (255 - _cctBlend);
ww = (w * ww) / 255; //brightness scaling
cw = (w * cw) / 255;
switch (_type) {
case TYPE_ANALOG_1CH: //one channel (white), relies on auto white calculation
_data[0] = w;
case TYPE_ANALOG_2CH: //warm white + cold white
_data[1] = cw;
_data[0] = ww;
case TYPE_ANALOG_5CH: //RGB + warm white + cold white
_data[4] = cw;
w = ww;
_data[3] = w;
case TYPE_ANALOG_3CH: //standard dumb RGB
_data[0] = r; _data[1] = g; _data[2] = b;
//does no index check
uint32_t BusPwm::getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
if (!_valid) return 0;
return RGBW32(_data[0], _data[1], _data[2], _data[3]);
void BusPwm::show() {
if (!_valid) return;
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(_type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
uint8_t scaled = (_data[i] * _bri) / 255;
if (reversed) scaled = 255 - scaled;
#ifdef ESP8266
analogWrite(_pins[i], scaled);
ledcWrite(_ledcStart + i, scaled);
uint8_t BusPwm::getPins(uint8_t* pinArray) {
if (!_valid) return 0;
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(_type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
pinArray[i] = _pins[i];
return numPins;
void BusPwm::deallocatePins() {
uint8_t numPins = NUM_PWM_PINS(_type);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
pinManager.deallocatePin(_pins[i], PinOwner::BusPwm);
if (!pinManager.isPinOk(_pins[i])) continue;
#ifdef ESP8266
digitalWrite(_pins[i], LOW); //turn off PWM interrupt
if (_ledcStart < 16) ledcDetachPin(_pins[i]);
pinManager.deallocateLedc(_ledcStart, numPins);
BusOnOff::BusOnOff(BusConfig &bc) : Bus(bc.type, bc.start, bc.autoWhite) {
_valid = false;
if (bc.type != TYPE_ONOFF) return;
uint8_t currentPin = bc.pins[0];
if (!pinManager.allocatePin(currentPin, true, PinOwner::BusOnOff)) {
_pin = currentPin; //store only after allocatePin() succeeds
pinMode(_pin, OUTPUT);
reversed = bc.reversed;
_valid = true;
void BusOnOff::setPixelColor(uint16_t pix, uint32_t c) {
if (pix != 0 || !_valid) return; //only react to first pixel
c = autoWhiteCalc(c);
uint8_t r = R(c);
uint8_t g = G(c);
uint8_t b = B(c);
uint8_t w = W(c);
_data = bool((r+g+b+w) && _bri) ? 0xFF : 0;
uint32_t BusOnOff::getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
if (!_valid) return 0;
return RGBW32(_data, _data, _data, _data);
void BusOnOff::show() {
if (!_valid) return;
digitalWrite(_pin, reversed ? !(bool)_data : (bool)_data);
uint8_t BusOnOff::getPins(uint8_t* pinArray) {
if (!_valid) return 0;
pinArray[0] = _pin;
return 1;
BusNetwork::BusNetwork(BusConfig &bc) : Bus(bc.type, bc.start, bc.autoWhite) {
_valid = false;
// switch (bc.type) {
// _rgbw = false;
// _UDPtype = 2;
// break;
// case TYPE_NET_E131_RGB:
// _rgbw = false;
// _UDPtype = 1;
// break;
// _rgbw = false;
// _UDPtype = 0;
// break;
_rgbw = bc.type == TYPE_NET_DDP_RGBW;
_UDPtype = 0;
// break;
// }
_UDPchannels = _rgbw ? 4 : 3;
_data = (byte *)malloc(bc.count * _UDPchannels);
if (_data == nullptr) return;
memset(_data, 0, bc.count * _UDPchannels);
_len = bc.count;
_client = IPAddress(bc.pins[0],bc.pins[1],bc.pins[2],bc.pins[3]);
_broadcastLock = false;
_valid = true;
void BusNetwork::setPixelColor(uint16_t pix, uint32_t c) {
if (!_valid || pix >= _len) return;
if (hasWhite()) c = autoWhiteCalc(c);
if (_cct >= 1900) c = colorBalanceFromKelvin(_cct, c); //color correction from CCT
uint16_t offset = pix * _UDPchannels;
_data[offset] = R(c);
_data[offset+1] = G(c);
_data[offset+2] = B(c);
if (_rgbw) _data[offset+3] = W(c);
uint32_t BusNetwork::getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
if (!_valid || pix >= _len) return 0;
uint16_t offset = pix * _UDPchannels;
return RGBW32(_data[offset], _data[offset+1], _data[offset+2], _rgbw ? (_data[offset+3] << 24) : 0);
void BusNetwork::show() {
if (!_valid || !canShow()) return;
_broadcastLock = true;
realtimeBroadcast(_UDPtype, _client, _len, _data, _bri, _rgbw);
_broadcastLock = false;
uint8_t BusNetwork::getPins(uint8_t* pinArray) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinArray[i] = _client[i];
return 4;
void BusNetwork::cleanup() {
_type = I_NONE;
_valid = false;
if (_data != nullptr) free(_data);
_data = nullptr;
//utility to get the approx. memory usage of a given BusConfig
uint32_t BusManager::memUsage(BusConfig &bc) {
uint8_t type = bc.type;
uint16_t len = bc.count + bc.skipAmount;
if (type > 15 && type < 32) {
#ifdef ESP8266
if (bc.pins[0] == 3) { //8266 DMA uses 5x the mem
if (type > 29) return len*20; //RGBW
return len*15;
if (type > 29) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3;
#else //ESP32 RMT uses double buffer?
if (type > 29) return len*8; //RGBW
return len*6;
if (type > 31 && type < 48) return 5;
if (type == 44 || type == 45) return len*4; //RGBW
return len*3; //RGB
int BusManager::add(BusConfig &bc) {
if (getNumBusses() - getNumVirtualBusses() >= WLED_MAX_BUSSES) return -1;
if (bc.type >= TYPE_NET_DDP_RGB && bc.type < 96) {
busses[numBusses] = new BusNetwork(bc);
} else if (IS_DIGITAL(bc.type)) {
busses[numBusses] = new BusDigital(bc, numBusses, colorOrderMap);
} else if (bc.type == TYPE_ONOFF) {
busses[numBusses] = new BusOnOff(bc);
} else {
busses[numBusses] = new BusPwm(bc);
return numBusses++;
//do not call this method from system context (network callback)
void BusManager::removeAll() {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Removing all."));
//prevents crashes due to deleting busses while in use.
while (!canAllShow()) yield();
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) delete busses[i];
numBusses = 0;
void BusManager::show() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) {
void BusManager::setStatusPixel(uint32_t c) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) {
void IRAM_ATTR BusManager::setPixelColor(uint16_t pix, uint32_t c, int16_t cct) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) {
Bus* b = busses[i];
uint16_t bstart = b->getStart();
if (pix < bstart || pix >= bstart + b->getLength()) continue;
busses[i]->setPixelColor(pix - bstart, c);
void BusManager::setBrightness(uint8_t b) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) {
void BusManager::setSegmentCCT(int16_t cct, bool allowWBCorrection) {
if (cct > 255) cct = 255;
if (cct >= 0) {
//if white balance correction allowed, save as kelvin value instead of 0-255
if (allowWBCorrection) cct = 1900 + (cct << 5);
} else cct = -1;
uint32_t BusManager::getPixelColor(uint16_t pix) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) {
Bus* b = busses[i];
uint16_t bstart = b->getStart();
if (pix < bstart || pix >= bstart + b->getLength()) continue;
return b->getPixelColor(pix - bstart);
return 0;
bool BusManager::canAllShow() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBusses; i++) {
if (!busses[i]->canShow()) return false;
return true;
Bus* BusManager::getBus(uint8_t busNr) {
if (busNr >= numBusses) return nullptr;
return busses[busNr];
//semi-duplicate of strip.getLengthTotal() (though that just returns strip._length, calculated in finalizeInit())
uint16_t BusManager::getTotalLength() {
uint16_t len = 0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<numBusses; i++) len += busses[i]->getLength();
return len;
// Bus static member definition
int16_t Bus::_cct = -1;
uint8_t Bus::_cctBlend = 0;
uint8_t Bus::_gAWM = 255;